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What the FUCK was his problem? Makes no sense
which one?
Fat guy was a narcissist nutcase
didnt love his fingers
Redpill me on english bear please.
Do they really enjoy it warm?
Do they really only drink dark ones?
>t. Austrian
He just didn't like his friend no more. Simple as.
What? No to both. Northers and old people like dark ale, that's about it. All of it has to be cold.
ales and stouts should be a bit cooler than room temperature but not chilled.
He was depressed because he lived his whole life on the same little island drinking beer and doing little of anything, with nothing to show for it. He was full of regret. Seeing his friend go down the same path obliviously just reminded him of that reality constantly. Repeating the same activities, the same vapid conversations was no longer possible.
He could not explain clearly to his friend what he was going through. He knew he would not understand so it was a waste of time to explain, so he just created distance instead. He left the friendship and daily routine to try and make something that he could leave behind and be remembered for. He also went a bit mental by the end.

It's not that difficult to understand. A lot of people can relate to feelings of regret over wasted life, a lot of people have had friends they want to distance themselves from.
Can I move to Ireland and just collect rent in America or money from a business? Anyone do this? I want American wages/money but would I just be taxed twice?
The real secret message of the story, colm is unhappy because he's an obese lazy sack of shit that blames others for his unhealthy lifestyle, and padriac was a laid-back bro who was happy chilling with his donkey.
No, the way American abroad taxes work is that if you'd pay less tax in the country you are residing in, then you'd pay the difference on what you'd owe if you stayed in America.

Ex: Ireland tax is 30% whereas in America it is 20% = You pay no additional taxes.

Ireland tax is 10% whereas in America it is 20% = You pay that additional 10% in American taxes.
Yeah, you could see it as Colm resenting that Padraic could live his whole life with the usual routine and die happy some day, without a care.
>move to irish island, population 100
>communist irish government drops 500 people of different ethnicities and languages on the island
Ireland is not doing so well. You'd be better off finding somewhere in America that's low population countryside and building a cheap house.
He had midlife crisis at 70
Are Irish inherently more violent?
He was a midwit, more talented than the people around him but he wouldn't be anything special in a city on the mainland. Comfortable being a big fish in a small pond and also resentful that it was all he could be.
He was looking death in the face, terrified and then looked away from the void at his simple drinking buddy, completely satisfied in his simple stupid life and it drove him mad with resentment/jealousy.
The movie is him acting out on this grudge and goading his friend into being more interesting/conflicted while also trying to create a legacy, the song on its own might not be good enough to earn it but the crazy finger-chopping house-burning story attached to it might. In the end he gets what he wanted, or at least he thinks it will be enough.
Is this the most shallow "deep movie"? Doesn't seem like there's much depth to it
Why do you think it's supposed to be a deep movie? It's a black comedy with some existential themes and it doesn't try to be much else.
>it doesn't try to be much else.
Yes it does and people try and act like it's something else
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>Are ye jokin me?
>I mean are ye feckin jokin me?
He eventually spells out why he doesn't want to talk to him anymore and in no uncertain terms
Are you a vampire?
I don't think it's supposed to be deep. It's a comedy that has a story and characters with motivations a bit more complex than some standard Sandlerslop where someone gets kicked in the nuts while chasing some girl that's out of his league, sure. But that's really not that deep, and i've never heard anyone claim it was.
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This is the best part because it calls out Christians for their rampant pedophilia
You can't just force someone to be your friend.
People interpreting it to feel smarter doesn't make the movie itself as trying to be deep.
What people? Are these people in the room with you right now?
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>Who thinks this is deep?
Apparently 4chan because people bring up this movie constantly. You guys will write paragraphs upon paragraphs about this and not an Adam Sandler movie because you think this is some deep contemplative piece
i did not care for this or seven psychopaths but in bruges is great. havent seen the guard
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>The Moral of the story is be yourself
Who wrote this shit?
Anon if you want to talk about Adam Sandler just bring up Click
Ireland is boring and as brown as the UK
Attention whore
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Are Irelands protests against immigrants getting any traction?
>anons say it's not deep
You just want to argue that it's not deep, but you couldn't find anyone claiming it was ITT so you're making an imaginary person to fight. Attention starved retard.
The amount of posts this movie gets proves my point. You saying
while people constantly discuss this here isn't a defense
>people like to discuss a movies themes because they relate to it since deals with things that a lot of people can easily relate to
>this means people think it's a deep movie
Just because someone discusses something a lot doesn't mean they think it's deep midwit, in fact I've never seen anyone say it's deep
>you and others stating that you don't think it's deep is not evidence that you don't think it's deep
>i know all your thoughts i can read your minds
>also in the past threads about the movie got many replies which means you personally think it's deep
You're a gay retard and quite possibly a schizo.
the movie gets posts because it goes well with generic /tv/ meme phrases, like the alec baldwin watch scene or the louis ck diner scene or the zodiac killer lake scene
>who was in the wrong here
>what would you do in this situation
>how do you respond without sounding mad
all guaranteed replies
You don't understand how banal and blase a boring friendship can be.
Low IQ anon, people are writing paragraphs about this movie constantly trying to dissect it is because they think it's deeper than it is. You think people are just gonna explicitly say "I think this is deep"?
I accept your concession
Yeah all the paragraphs and character analysis above are just
>Meme phrases
This may as well be war and peace to you guys
british ale being warm is a meme
traditional cask ale is stored at cellar temperature, so cool but not chilled.
there's lighter and darker styles just like anywhere else
>schizobabble that has nothing to do with what i said
Mental. You're arguing with imaginary people. You presume to know the thoughts of others, you present no evidence, you just say you KNOW what people really think. This is classic schizophrenia. Take meds and/or talk to someone you trust. Seriously.
You're the first person to say the word deep in this thread autist. You don't have to consider something deep to discuss it. People in here discuss fish tank so that means they think it's deep too?
You're a retard looking for a fight because you're bored. Retard.
>all the paragraphs
it's 2 posts talking about a characters motivations
deeply irony poisoned and so scared of the idea of pretentiousness you get set off by any sincere discussion of a movie
Notice how you guys feel so strongly about this movie that you will type all of that up. It's not that deep
Being fat makes you angry
>What the FUCK was his problem?
the actor playing him wants to flood ireland with immigrants
>What the FUCK was his problem?
betrayed ireland for unwanted brown parasites
It'll increase the GDP tho
>the guard

That was made by the director's brother, still gleesonkino though
Holy mother of normies. Have you never felt the need to cut off yourself from the boring ass normies and coworkers around you talking about their kids and their weekend plans and all that normie shit?
Gleeson is cringe
>mfw I lived and grew up in achill island (the place where it was filmed)
>mfw seeing 4chan technically discuss my home town with a population of like 1k (google says 5k but that ain't true)
>mfw no face
Forgot to add
>mfw the church In the movie is literally around the corner from my old house, like a 5 minute walk
>mfw me and my friends broke into that same church at age 13 at 3am to drink beer we stole and one of the lads started ringing the bell which hasn't been rang in 30 years causing it to wake the entire village
didn't read
I accept your concession
Gonna dump some funny facts about the filming. I have no way to prove any of this but its up to you whether you believe it or not. Most of it is just shit talking barry keoghan anyway
>the director, Colin and gleeson where spotted multiple times in multiple different pubs throughout filming. They would drink with the locals and be very chill. Due to the fact we had a tiny ass population they never got swamped by people asking for autographs or anything, apperently they were total saints to the locals.
>Colin was usually going for runs daily, gleeson was mad for the drink
>they both rented out cottages to live in in the middle of some villages, nothing secret it was all chill
>Barry however was a massive faggot. No one knows why, in my opinion he's probably really up his own hole because he got a role in a marvel and DC movie and he's still young
>Barry rented out a massive mansion on top of a hill and also hired his own private security
>would never be seen in public, just locked himself in the mansion all day.
>one time he went to the local petrol station (teds) to buy fags. Due to an issue ages ago where the place was selling fags to kids and they got in trouble with the law they have to ask EVERYONE for ID
>Barry didn't have any, tried to pull the "do you know who I am?" Deal but they didn't budge. Left really fucking pissy
>Barry constantly showed up on set pissed even for scenes when he was supposed to be sober. Him and Martin were not getting on at all. Constantly showing up late as well despite the island having fuck all traffic
>weird thing is, he was never spotted in any local pubs. However he was in the local off licence (sweeneys) multiple times buying bottles of cheap vodka. This basically implys he was getting fucked up in his house alone

My friend got an extra role, he's the dude carrying the barrell at the start in the pier.
English bears died out about a thousand or more years ago mate
They should have superimposed the states on to Scotland, it would have been funnier
For me it’s either 50 First Dates or Blended. Sandler isn’t very funny normally but I like him in romcoms. Uncut Gems is a shitheap though, you can tell someone is an unironic Jerry Springer fan aka non White someone is by their opinion of Gems.
Forget about the movie, just dump some neato pics. I’m Irish and Scottish but my family has been over in America since the early 1800s so I always get a deep sense of longing looking at the ole Gaelic lands still have our tartan though
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>constantly beaten up by cop father
>implied to be molested by him too
>irish waifu turns you down
>everybody thinks you're a weird annoying retard
I find Adam Sandler movies lame and unfunny. It has nothing to do with "depth".
This was a good comedy, and a good character drama. Adam Sandler is a hack.

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