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Why is Japanese media so preachy over nuclear weapons? In some battle shonen, there is a forbidden technique that is so destructive that it's clearly a stand-in for a nuclear weapon.
gee you got me anon, I can't think of a single reason why Japan as a country might be particularly preoccupied with the dangers of nuclear weapons
OP roasted with nuclear fire
I can’t imagine why the only country to get nuked in a war might be this way.
They aren't. The bottom pic isn't even remotely radiological. And stuff like DBZ characters regularly throw orbs that could detonate an entire planet, there's nothing """forbidden""" about those techniques despite their destructive force. Most of these techniques are seldom used because of collateral damage. There's no additional preachiness beyond not wanting innocents killed.
It isn't any preachier about it than anywhere else. If these modern bombs are as bad as they say, i'd imagine even world leaders in their bunkers don't want them used.
That being said, when the Japanese do make near direct or direct references to them it always comes across as weepy. Like the artist involved was crying when making it. And for that reason it's always lame. Too close to the explosions to say anything meaningful about them. As if the light of those explosions blinded Japan to the reason they were dropped in the first place.
They wuz good boyz they dindu nuffin they had to rape those chinese babies to save asia from white imperialism
Why hasn't the US apologised for ignore Japanese requests to surrender so they could test their nuclear weapons on civilians?
I watch a lot of Anime and I was actually surprised at the LACK of Sci-Fi & Fantasy narrative analouges to Nuclear Weapons, considering Japan's obviously unique history in relation to the concept.
I actually can't even really think of a single example of the Shonen Trope you're talking about, let alone an ubiquitous trend of it.

I see far more preachiness about Nuclear Weapons, both indirectly AND directly, in Western Science-Fiction, as well as more general "War is LE BAD" blunt & overdone moralization, now that I think about it.
Give me the rundown on what titans and whatever this miniature rose are
Titans are so gay
Japan didn't surrender, and there were no "requests to surrender", ESL.
The United States is unironically the one that gave Imperial Japan a chance to surrender WITH a warning of "facing prompt destruction" if refused. The Japanese Government officially issued an order of "Mokusatsu" in response (i.e. the Imperial Japanese equivalent of an official statement of "don't care, not listening"), and as a result they faced that afore mentioned "prompt destruction".

This is all publicly verifiable historical record.
Historically illiterate weeaboo
Americans are pure evil
It boggles my mind that they are the only country that has ever used nukes and we sorta let them get away with that
Who’s ‘we’? The rest of the world? You had already ruined all your own shit at that time
turks are pure evil
it boggles my mind that they were the first country to use weaponized gunpowder and we sorta let them get away with that
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Sensitivity to the topic means they don't talk about it much. Like others have said OP is a faggot who cannot and will not ever stop sucking cock.
Titans are a football team (OP was retarded for thinking they are related to nukes). Miniature Rose is a mini-nuke from Hunter x Hunter. It's used to demonstrate humanty's willingness to destroy itself in the pursuit of greater strength. Something that defies logic but is used to defeat an opponent they would have all jobbed to. Shonen level stuff and ultimately wallpaper for the real arc occuring at the time. It's basically a footnote.
>It boggles my mind that they are the only country that has ever used nukes
They were the only country smart enough to INVENT Nukes.
And you should thank your lucky stars that that's the case, because if any country OTHER than a White Western one among the Allied Powers had invented Nukes, you would have seen SO MUCH worse than an already long & bloody war being swiftly concluded.
I mean, the poor man's rose was a literal nuclear bomb, it wasn't a stand-in it was just an actual nuke and it literally saved the world from the Chimera Ants
>they had to rape those chinese babies
As real as the holohoax.
what's up with tranime spam on /tv/ lately ?
be the change you want to see in the world
Wait, why are Nukes suddenly "special"? Why should inventing them, or using them, be considered any different than doing the same with any other munition, explosive or weapon? Nukes are just much bigger, more powerful versions of the bombs we had been inventing and using for centuries prior to that.
Why is it "better" for the casualties to be caused by countless comparatively much smaller bombs being dropped on a location than for the same casualties to instead be caused by a singular but much bigger bomb dropped by one plane?
>They aren't
Yes they are
>Prese be slly fol us Q.Q
>Nanking massacre? Never happened! Baseless accusation against grorius Nippon and its honorable military!
Have two.
Your grandfathers died for nothing.
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This movie made me hate Americans
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A mentally retarded blind girl from north korea was the reason the world was safe anon, lets not go crazy here. Netero was COOL and all but he didn't do jack. Komugi was the GOAT of that arc hands down no quesiton.
>muh killua
Waiting in the wings like a creep. Bisky was right.
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>let them
Holy shit, you actually made me laugh!
>Why is it "better" for the casualties to be caused by countless comparatively much smaller bombs being dropped on a location than for the same casualties to instead be caused by a singular but much bigger bomb dropped by one plane?
maybe because they got nuked
Skill issue. Sorry your loser ass country can't into a nuclear power
Radiation is a pretty big concern. Weird how "Suddenly" encompasses the last some odd 70 years but you do you.
because everyone knows nukes are fake
>Japan: Those nukes sure are a bad thing
>The world: Hey, remember all that shit you did throughout East Asia in WW2?
>Japan: Yeah, well you know.
Go back to /a/
Nuclear fallout from a single bomb is almost irrelevant, it's a few kg of plutonium dispersed over a wide area. Fallout from accidents has been way worse, Chernobyl for example was spewing out radioactive smoke for days for example
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>Titans are a football team
Please, elaborate.
Maybe because they already got payback and refuse to stop bitching about it? If you suckerpunch somebody why bitch about it when it happens to you?
Made me hate Ghibli for making a purposefully piece of manipulating media that takes a real story and changes it to fit its narrative. Miyazaki said in an interview he made strictly to tell off the "ungrateful teens" of 1980's Japan for how easy they have it despite what the previous generation went through. It was a true story but they changed the ending to have the brother die as an ignored beggar on the streets despite the book being written by the guy who was the brother. The movie was nothing more than an old person saying "you kids don't know how lucky you got it. Back in my day..."
Anon, Meruem died from radiation poisoning, not because Komugi played board games with him
misha getting drafted right now. tick tock untermensch
nukes are a jewish invention my man
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You know remember Unit 731
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We razed every other jap city with napalm.
They were built from wood and thatch and just went up
It destroyed around 50% of their urban areas and killed 6 times as many civs as the nukes

You can say the effects of radiation are scary but so is being burned alive. 4/5 of the nips who died from the A bomb died instantly. No one died instantly from being firebombed. I know which one i'd rather have dropped on me.

The only thing the nukes did worse was mindbreak their collective psyche.
Two bombs wasn’t enough weeb
does this count as racism? asking for a friend.
Shutup Bourdain.
If the nukes were so bad why didn't Japan surrender after the first one?
mutts won't admit it but another major reason for nip surrender was the soviets
they were literally weeks from invading the mainland and Japan would've been split like Germany
honestly in retrospect it might've been ok, the ex-commie countries r the least degenerate
there was only 3 days between the bombs, communication within japan was already in shambles, they were still thinking a munitions plant exploded right until the second bomb dropped
Not the problem of the US military
the soviets had neither the intention nor the ability to invade mainland japan
japan was always gonna be occupied by the americans, not even the other western allies like britain, canada or france had any interest in becoming a permanent occupation force like in germany. the logistics alone of stationing troops in japan was a huge pain in the ass
but the nukes were a powerplay against the soviets
>generation of Japanese and their kids go through losing a world war and having nuclear bombs drop on them and the recovery period after
>not allowed to say that their lives were shit back in the day
Not saying they weren't, but this was done solely for manipulative reasons.
they took manchuria and were island-hopping towards the mainland
japan was completely buck broken and couldn't do anything
>they already got payback
The way they constantly call for nuclear disarmament is retarded and completely unrealistic though. Nothing is going to make nuclear powers give up all of their nukes, especially China and Israel. If anything Japan should make their own nukes. Or maybe not since they seem determined to replace themselves with jeets and Nigerians.
Not that I've really got a dog in the fight, but I do laugh whenever someone tries to shit on Japan for unit 731 as if our countries haven't done exponentially worse shit. As if our countries aren't CURRENTLY doing the same shit. "Yeah but they had a single research unit that was kinda fucked up" man how much blood is on the CIA's hands in just the last 50 years? Remember when they were picking up random college students, force feeding them so much LSD their brains atrophied and then strapped headphones to their heads to play repetitive phrases for months while locking them in dark rooms?
Because they understand the dangerous of nuclear war first hand. Everyone else is larping and just in a dick waving contest. Whenever the treat of nuclear war is up everyone pussies out and never presses the button.
The fuck do you think Pearl Harbour was retard???? Don't respoind if you don't even know basic history.
the only non-retarded piece of Jap media is Vinland Saga

>actual human emotions that make sense
>people losing will to fight, making mistakes, failing
>people changing their minds, growing
>no unecessary sexualization of women
>no retarded jap shit, it's about vikings and europe and christianity
>ultimate lesson is of pacifism and not "power up every episode and kill everyone yahoo!!~~" even though at start you are tricked into it possibly being a battle shounen
>shonenshit about viking
>non retarded
cope harder
>Opening has a battle at sea
>See normal fighting
>Think this is gonna be some interesting realistic take on the voyages of the Norse
>See two guys hopping from ship to ship like fucking grasshopper ninjas
It's all so tiresome
>everyone pussies out and never presses the button.
that's literally the point of having enough nukes to destroy the entire planet.
Vinland Saga is fucking garbage. kys
people forget just how posessed the japs were in ww2.
they should be happy they were not nuked down the entire length of their banana country and the remains left for china to enslave.
>pinkos and Russian retards still think the USSR had the capability to invade the home islands with the Russian Pacific Fleet
You know Nuclear Weapons aren't the only thing that produces "Fallout", right? They're also not the only kind of weapon that produces dangerous secondary effects. Fucking WWI had bombs that exploded AND spread poison gas all over the place.

So no, that's not a workable answer.
>Weird how "Suddenly" encompasses the last some odd 70 years
People weren't squealing about nukes only being evil because Whites invented & used them against people that weren't Whites 70 years ago.
That's a relatively new phenomenon.
If America got back 1 percent of what it deserved they'd be freaking out about it for a thousand years. Look at how they are about 9/11 and that's not even a start on one percent.

Countries don't generally just admit they deserve bad things. Americans think they do because they say sowwy for like slavery and Jim Crow and cleansing the natives but that's just a concession to the fact that they need to live with a sizeable minority of black people, and the natives are both non-threathening(so no need to play offense against them anymore) but also a niggling domestic reminder. Everything outside their borders is at best vastly downplayed tantamount to denialism and more usually ignored entirely, with the facts being reflexively outright denied if they're brought up. They no more appreciate the reality their countries behaviour than Japan did as soon as you're one inch outside their borders.
Nigger, it was a war. They had enough real-time communication to COORFINATE A WAR. It did NOT take "days" for witnesses or even survivors to use a fucking radio or a telegraph.
They didn't surrender because Americans hadn't PROVED how over it was for them yet.
Attacking a military base with the goal of destroying weapons isn't the same as bombing an urban population center you deranged fucking lunatic. Stop analyzing complex historical events like they're a bar fight.
Even if we take this for granted despite the fact that they did in fact take islands from Japan its like, of yeah cool the Soviets will only get all of Korea and basically China's whole East Coast and much of its interior if they let them keep on rolling. No big deal.
>Because they understand the dangerous of nuclear war first hand.
Why would that be exclusive to them?
Everyone else WATCHED what happened at the end of WWII.
Why would a bunch of New York Accountants and Firefighters & Janitors "deserve" to have an airplane suddenly flown into them?
>Look at how they are about 9/11
Well, Thirdy, you have to understand: America is an actual First World, civilized country. For Americans, civilians randomly getting butchered in senseless acts of mass-violence ISN'T a normal thing everyone is used to and numbed to.

I'm sure YOU are used to seeing your countrymen die randomly as a result of terrorism, political-violence or government-approved Cartel activity over there in Carbombistan or wherever you're posting from, but for Americans that kind of thing was and still is both traumatic AND nearly unheard of.
Hiroshima was one of the primary manufacturing bases for munitions and Nagasaki was one of the primary hubs for transport of war-supplies.
Welcome to our world which is temporarily run by Satan.
People don't even realize just how active the US has been in regime change for foreign countries. It's a perpetual force of destabilization for entire regions.

These retards just a priori define the US as morally good even without knowing half the facts. Then why you tell them the facts they awkwardly cope until they find some argument where the US is once again justified.
Literally just look up the word and you get endless sourced articles about how it was misinterpreted for one unfortunate implication out of its many implications.

US military probably could have bombed the water near a popular bit of coast instead of literal cities and gotten the same result of panicked cowedness from japanese
Yes cities are industrial centers and a major part of transportation infrastructure. You're justifying the bombing of a city for... being a city.
and if it didnt (it wouldnt have), the US would not have been able to deploy nukes at the properly staggered window to convince the japs of continued onslaught because of a lack of supply and manufactory speed, it was two nukes that convinced them to eventually surrender, not one
The allies dropped fuckin pamphlets on Hiroshima warning the civvies of the impending nuke. There is evidence. The Japs are just crybabies.
At the end of WW2 the US could have easily used the atomic bomb to crush any opposition and take over the world. They fuckin didn't. If that isn't proof enough they aren't pure evil then what is?
Probably in English. I doubt they had translators back then. Maybe they drew a sketch on the pamphlets.
Actually gon was the reason the world was safe. Pitou could have probably healed Meruem of the rose poisoning had gon not taken them out.
Every historian agrees that Japan would have accepted a conditional surrender and was holding out for that. The US was autistic and insisted on rewriting the entire Japanese political system from the ground up. You would never ever accept that level of defeat from an enemy of your own country so why would the Japs?
Everyone pretends like they were crazy samurai spergs, but resisting your entire culture and people being changed by an occupier is pretty fucking reasonable.
Yes because the allies would never use propaganda or deceit to win
The Naruto running and combat is embarrassing
Well what did random children in Hiroshima and Nagasaki do. To the degree you can cite general passive civilian support or enabling indifference for a nations crimes the US has that too.
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i think this movie ruined ghibli for me, even as a kid i thought it was just 90 minutes of straight misery porn.
to this day i haven't watched any of their other movies.
Nigga the nuke in Hunter Hunter was a display of mankind's strength and evolution against an uppity little fuck like Meruem.
what a load of horse shit. I hate those nip cunts and I think they deserve to die, but the cities were chosen specifically because they were mostly undamaged by the carpet bombing everywhere else.
they chose hiro and naga because they wanted to record the damage of nukes on undamaged targets. that's it. you think 1940s Americans gave two shits about nip casualties after the shitfest of the island hopping campaign? fuck no, nips throw themselves off cliffs and shoot their own civilians out of fear of big dick white men coming to town.
Naruto didn't invent that running. That's been a trope in anime since forever.
>Doubt they had translators

Nigger you're retarded
There is no “we let them get away with that”
What do you mean by let us?
What the fuck are you and your turd world country going to do about it?
The Japs are still making anti nuke propaganda till this day. That's what this thread is about.
The author was a complete piece of shit who all but murdered his sister too.
>we dindu nuffin
>we wuz framed n shieeet
Heard it already.
This is why Shin Godzilla > Minus One. I’m fine with nuke symbolism, but not when a movie / show constantly whacks you over the head about it
Both nukes combined killed fewer than the firebombing of Tokyo. What is evil was us pushing the Japanese to action by embargoing them so they could force the Isolationist American public into war.
access to trade with white people is a human right
Among the titans is the colossal titan, which was capable of producing an immensely destructive explosion utilizing the energy when it transforms. It's meant to be a clear parallel to the use of a nuclear weapon, without the ensuing radiation. Additionally the king of the titan country made a threat to the rest of the world that if anyone ever fucked with his isolated country again, he would send out titans to stomp the world flat, effectively producing an equivalent to the nuclear deterrence.

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