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Maybe not threaten the life of his sister/drogos wife while he had no leverage to follow through.
I mean thats just the most basic thing he did wrong to start with.
It's so obvious that I'm not sure why you bothered to even ask
he should have impregnated dany like every decent targ would have done. if you cant even get your sister pregnant why do you think you deserve the throne? he was no true dragon(tm)
He should have kept it in the family.
Be more mature, eventually marry into Dorne… and wait.
Sold the dragon eggs to buy a mercenary army, IIRC Drogo had no intention of honouring his "agreement" with Viserys
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Either get his sister pregnant and wait until Westeros was chaotic enough to sail over and start gathering an army, or waiting for 10 years when Drogo invaded Westeros, had a baby boy with Danaerys, then kill Drogo and maybe take over by becoming very useful to his nephew, the king/khal, then making him disappear or suffer a serious *accident*. Drogo or his future children wouldn't let him become king of Westeros under any normal circumstances as long as they were alive.
And that's only IF Drogo was retarded enough to keep him around and if Viserys makes himself somehow incredibly useful to Drogo to not just kill him at literally any given moment.
Nothing, he was fucked. He had no connections, no money, and no leverage. He and his sister were orphaned oddities in a foreign land of people who ultimately didnt give a shit about him.

He became a chess piece for some rich jew merchant and then he became a mark for himself and went crazy. This guy played the best hand possible for him and he still got fucked up. People might say "oh he fucked up by being mean to his sister!" but the nomadic horse barbarian tribe clearly never EVER would have respected him at all as a leader figure. In fact they probably would have seen him as a pussy if he wasnt so mean.
Shouldn't have trusted a bunch of savages. Also shouldn't have been an absolute cunt.
He …. Should have….. waited….. for…. The dragon eggs… to hatch…. And….claim………. His dragon……. And work from there…
He never knew the dragon eggs. Those were a gift presented to his sister, and then they were just like fossils and no one knew they could still hatch. Even then they only hatched due to some weird ritual his sister had some magical insight into.
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bro why you talkin like that wheelchair nigga from malcom?
If he bothered to make himself irreplaceable to Drogo by studying strategy, business, and administration, learned some patience, and had become a competent fighter there was a chance he would find himself in an irreplaceable position of general/khal, but even then, the chance that Drogo doesn't just off him at any given moment for being a threat/future threat is pretty small.
He did, it's just the dothraki do things when they want to. So it might've taken a few years but eventually Drogo would've gone through with it. Once Viserys was dead though, Drogo said fuck it, deal's off. It wasn't until Dany almost died to an assassin that he changed his mind and decided to do it anyway.

As for what Viserys should've done? Listen to Illyrio and just chilled in Pentos until the dothraki were ready. That's really the only option available to him that ends well once he's married Dany off.
Bro shoulda just drunk wildfire and turned himself into a dragon.
Why would the Dothraki do anything. The whole deal is bunk
Not underestimated the Dothraki, avoided them at all costs. The second sons with their Targaryen roots would have been a better move
he couldve just up and leave the moment ser mormont disrepected him. it was obvious no one in the dothraki think of him as king
>As for what Viserys should've done? Listen to Illyrio and just chilled in Pentos until the dothraki were ready. That's really the only option available to him that ends well once he's married Dany off.
doubt that. once kings landing eventually finds out hes just hiding out at some rich dudes house, they wouldve just sent people to take him out in hopes of that stopping the deal with the dothraki. the guy was doomed from the start with no path at all to the throne.
kings landing would only find out through varys though.
IMO Viserys had the best acting of the show, in all seasons
Gone back to Valyria to hatch and raise the dragons in secret. Once of serviceable size start raiding slave ships and incorporating the rescued slaves into a pirate army. This would create and maintain the navy he needs. Make a deal with the slavers to cease this activity if they commit forces to fight the Dothraki (under some pretext). If they do then invade their weakened cities and establish a series of forts, walls, and fortifications to progressively reduce the Dothraki's reach, but leave them an easy way out-in the direction of any cities not presently under control, so that they get harassed. And so on.
Ok but what if he’s not a seafaring dragon taming true leader of men pirate knight, and is just some spoiled orphan
imagine being groomed into being a retard. i get that their father was shits his pants insane but i think viserys could have had a kino redemption arc if he wasn't raised to be a distraction for the pedo bros.
>>>>>>>>>>>>Gone back to Valyria
not sell his sister to desert niggers to begin with
Get some molten gold poured on his head or something.

Valyria isn't even bad. That's a myth spread so that certain people can keep all the loot for themselves.
Varys was in cahoots with Illyrio.
With that being said the fat fuck might have had him assasinated once he'd outlived his usefulness.
Spam assasinations on all the baratheons and lannisters to fracture the realm immediately sell off the dragon eggs, spam mercs and rush for kings landing CK style
Marry a Dothraki woman and become a steppe warlord. Why even go back to westeros?
he shouldve fucked all 40,000 dothraki screamers, and their horses too.
he shouldn't have had a cuckold fetish. marry your sister yourself, man. she's hot as fuck in the books.
The only thing he should have done is just live his life. The entire plot is retarded. Guy has no army, no power, no money and he decides he will sail the ocean and take over a continent. It's nonsensical.
The only reason Daenerys succeeded in anything was a magic dragon asspull.
In bettwer universe (where Martin is not a hack) Viserys would a main character. A prince denied his birthrate, traveling to the cursed ruins of Valiria to rediscover the secret of dragon taming once more. Now that would be a proper fantasy instead of the shitshow that we got.
He should have just given up on the throne, and use his wealth together with his sister to keep the Targaryan line alive, perhaps by having children with Dany or them both finding suitable mates each. Then just lived a chill life and told his grandkids stories about his ancestors. Instead of focusing on the throne he should have learned to invest his wealth into simple niche markets and focused on increasing wealth and power slowly. And then perhaps his grandkids or his grandkids grandkids may have had a shot at the throne. Both him and Dany would have been much happier and much better off if they just did that.
I would try to fuck my sister too. I'd end up in the same place. Of course I want to pretend it would end up different but it would not. A crown of gold for me. At least I got to feel my hot sister up.
Didn't Tyrion and the crumb knight go there and all there was was some dudes with bad skin
He wasn't spoiled, just fucking deranged after spending most of his youth and entire adult life dodging assassins and being humiliated.
>I would try to fuck my sister too
Knowing that in books Dany is far more beautiful, temptation would indeed be overwhelming.
No, it is just the show being retarded. It was not real Valiria.
I choose to believe that the Harry Lloyd reading of the Hedge Knight books is Viserys telling stories to Dany as a child before he goes bad
Honestly, his plan was flawless. Westeros is a tiny little shithole and the endless dothraki would've swarmed it like nothing. You see Robert Baratheon shitting his pants at the mere thought.

Should he have done more to ingraciate himself with his hosts? That's rather unbecoming of someone of his status. His sister was a barganing chip, it is expected of her to learn dothraki culture. He obviously can't suck Drogo's cock and still pretend to be in charge.
not being a bitch
>Even then they only hatched due to some weird ritual his sister had some magical insight into.
Is this ever explained?
she took the eggs and walked into the fire naked then walked out with them hatched what is there to explain
>Listen to Illyrio and just chilled in Pentos until the dothraki were ready.
Illyrio would have killed him, he wants f-Aegon on the throne
What would have happened if he didn't die with the "Golden Crown"?
Basically it’s the same thing that Targshits have tried, they read some shitty scroll or have some dream filled with metaphors which makes them think: dragon eggs + targshit blood + fire = dragons.

that got you the summerhall fire for example, and shittier attempts like the targ who drank wildfire

but with dany she basically had blood magic still on high after witching out drogo plus the most important part, the red comet. the comet brought the dragons back with dany’s “sacrifice” (her unborn child) + fire
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I love comfy headcanons like that
Hes born to be one tho
Wait for Bobby to die. Return to Westeros and swear fealty to Joffery, join Nights Watch
how come fire doesnt hurt deanarys but all the targaryans in the sequal show are afraid of getting torched by dragons?
>dragons hatching with Dany was magical miracle event
>original series takes a lot of liberties with Dany being unburnable
>dragon fire is more potent than regular fire
so book dany would have died at the end of season 1?
Shouldn't have banked everything on some mongol savages. Of course they weren't going to hold up their end of the bargain. Also some minimal amount of research would have shown that the leader of their society isn't a hereditary king, but rather whoever is the biggest tyrant at any given time. So marrying his sister to the leader was 100% pointless..
Because she is the Chosen One kinda. She also has visions that relate her to cultures older than Valyria. This thing is bigger than just Valyrian dragon rider genes.
>tell Illirio to fuck off your aren't marrying your sister off to Drogo because that's retarded and they have no navy
>instead try to leverage your dragon eggs with the Golden Company who largely wouldn't give a shit you aren't a blackfyre, just offer them one or two dragons eggs
>marry your sister immediately, get her pregnant so you have a targ baby
>show up on the shores of Westeros with the Golden Company, a preg Targ sister wife and start wrecking shit during the War of Five Kings
He was a retard.
I’d breed my sister and never go back.
>literally a larger continent than Essos if you count the Land of Always Winter that stretches for hundreds of miles
>small shithole
these mongol savages can charge into the night king with 500 guys and then come back with 2000
Bargain for a bigger role.
It was a tax refund.
>Gone back to Valyria to..
Die a horrible death to demon parasites. If Balerion the black fucking dread couldn't cut it there then what chance did Viserys have?
If you mean what he should have done to become king nothing because that would have been impossible for the reasons every anon has already stated

And Targaryen or nothing without dragons the best thing he could have done was change his and his sister's name and live a regular life of course he was too retarded for that but with all the inbreeding you can't really blame him
Dothraki are just unrealiable as allies. All that is needed is the current Khal to die off. His horde either dissolve, or the new Khal Kills everyone in a position of Power aside himself and his blood riders.
Its was a high risk, low reward strategy since the start
He could have stayed with Ilyrio
>go to Golden company
>the same Golden Company that already has a scheme to put a Blackfyre on the throne
Why didn't he sore the Golden Company instead?
They don't scheme until years after the War of Five Kings happens, anon. During the events of AGoT, there was certainly an opening for Viserys to at least try and buy them
Didnt Tywins youngest brother head to Valyria trying to find a sword for their house. But end up dying in the ruins/dissapear without any trace besides having possibly married a woman who then became a whore to support their daughter?
Because OP is an attention whore
>trusting brown people
I think the reason it worked for Danny is that she used dragon eggs that were never touched by maesters: probably the only non-poisonned eggs in the world
Didnt she outright state in the books. That she always just assumed they would end up married?
Illyrio was busy setting up his Blackfyre son with the Golden Company. In the books they invade Westeros before Daeny can, pretending to be pure-blood Targaryens.
Only based response, become a horselord and fuck brown women with all his might.
He should have waited, but there was no possible way to believe that their fortunes would magically turn around 100% with the WOT5K.
Isn't there a lame theory he was actually Daenerys's daddy
She channelled her inner Hillary Clinton.
Illyrio planned to kill him and rape Daenerys in the book
In the book she goes on a racial rant against Drogo and calls him a beast and would rather marry her brother; she calls him attractive at one point or that he used to be.
At that point I put it down because it was getting kind of odd
Vissy tried to buy the GA but he was reject
My favourite part was that they didnt even have the dragon glass weapons. If the Red Witch hadnt shown up out of the blue, then all the savages would have just been sent out to die.
He should have impregnated his sister over and over.
>If he bothered to make himself irreplaceable to Drogo by studying strategy, business, and administration, learned some patience, and had become a competent fighter there was a chance he would find himself in an irreplaceable position of general/khal, but even then, the chance that Drogo doesn't just off him at any given moment for being a threat/future threat is pretty small.
How do you suggest he does that when he was a starving homeless orphan teenager who had to take care of his starving homeless orphan younger sister? He was an exile who had to resort to begging to eat. A long fall from being a royal prince. It was Daenerys' luck that she wasn't old enough to remember the life she'd lost. Viserys did and it just made him extremely angry and bitter.
He should have gone to the golden company and tried to get hem to take him on as a squire the second Willem Darry died. If nothing else it would have beeen kino.
Illyrio tells him, at least in the first book, to stay at his manse and wait until Drogo is ready to go. Viserys, being impatient, says fuck it and decides roughing it with a horde of barbarians whose language he can't speak for what would be months, if not years of waiting even IF Drogo wanted to leave immediately.
If Viserys had waited with Illyrio, eating good food and fucking the best whores money can buy he'd be on his way to the iron throne. He would ultimately still lose, of course, so long as Dany never got dragons, as it seems Illyrios plan was to put Viserys at the head of a mongrel horde of Dothraki, storm and pillage Westeros and wear out both his own army and Robert Baratheons, and then send in fAegon with the golden company to clean up and look like the hero. An amazing plan, honestly. But Viserys fucked up the very first chance he had, honestly he was so stupid I doubt he would even survive the boat ride to Dorne.
>he wants f-Aegon on the throne
We're talking about the show here dipshit
Nothing wrong about talking about both.
>not being a whiney beta
>being an alpha chad
>tell blackheart toyne that he's joining the golden company
>become a great warrior and captain
>big until the 7 kingdoms are in disarray
>marry and impregnate your sexy sister
Show Illyrio wants him penis anything that looks vaguely like Serra. Viserys would have been in dangerous waters indeed.
Illyrio wanted Viserys to go with the dothraki, "the mad king come again" but with a horde of brown savages to boot. Then noble fAegon can come in, "ah just like Rhaegar!", who everyone loves, and stop the nigger horde and put down "mad prince" viserys with the golden company, who would easily beat the dothraki lets be real here
Who cares? The Real King of Westeros is coming
Because Dothrakis are honor bound savages and Viserys did offer him prime 10/10 cunny pussy after all.
Illyrio was also probably paying them a fortune too
Only if the Golden Company brought their elephants.
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A mummer's pisswater prince.
Not a based dragon like Vissy T.
Lol the Golden Complets got owned in 10 seconds by Dany's dragon at Kingslanding.

Nice try, bozo!
Well thats a given. Plus, I am certain the Golden Company has a much better trained cavalry to boot. They'd be in heavy plate, it would be a total loss for the Dothraki who fight in leather skins. Heavy cavalry charge was the most destructive military force in the world until cannons showed up.
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Aegon IV is a true fire and molded to be the ideal king
Viserys couldn't rule over a pond
They forgot their Elephants. So it doesnt count.
Walk out and do what? Wander the wasteland until a group of marauders abducted him and used his holes as currency?
1. Take a loan
2. Adopt a fake identity
3. Use your loan to purchase a mercenary company.
4. Use it. Not just to make a profit, but also to get experience.
5. Hopefully turn out to be a brilliant strategist, skilled administrator and skilled politician capable of playing the factions in Essos against each other.
6. Use your leadership skills and hopefully the skilled officers you have by this point to create a real army, loyal to you alone.
7. Loot until you have a large war chest, use an alliance or your army to build a base on Essos.
8. Try to hire a sorcerer or something to hatch the dragon egg.
9. Invade Westeros or start conquering shit in Essos, while making contacts with agents and loyalists in Westeros
Isn't it a little on the nose to claim to be Targaryen and be supported exclusively by the mercenary band sworn to support a Blackfyre and which recently rejected the cause of Viserys?
>Take a loan
From who and with what collateral? He literally sold his sister into sex slavery to loan out the dothrakis
>Blackfyre and which recently rejected the cause of Viserys?
Like anyone in Westeros would know of that...
>Dany loves him and is into him
>already has 3 dragons, he only has to wait
>hire reliable White dudes (Golden Company) instead of mongol savages

holy shit Viserys won the lottery and didn't even know it
if only he had been more patient he coulda walked right into the Red Keep while the retarded houses of the west were killing eachother over an imp and a scheming lowlife
Then start small and just hire 100 men. He needs to play Mount & Blade and hope he turns out to be a brilliant commander. If everything fails, sell a single dragon egg.
So become budget Euron Greyjoy from the books?
Dress himself as Daeny so she's the one with the molten gold death and he gets to enjoy being Drogo's bitch for a while
Kinda happy they cut out the Viserys herding cows, repeatedly getting knocked out in tourneys and asking small towns if they have any teens to spare, arc of his M&B origin story.
Daenerys only got the dragons due to Drogo and their child dying (plus Mirri Maz)
Assuming a patient Viserys that isn't a sperg, all he has is a dothraki brother in law, one that possibly doesn't respect him but who is definitely afraid of sea water
How DID Euron get all his cool shit? He was exiled and left alone with his ship
So if you're some sort of highly competent individual it is possible to make a living in planetos
It's almost as if Euron is a liar or something? Who's being manipulated by an outer god or a demon?
Why did illyrio convince Him to sell his sister to barbarians? It is pretty obvious they would never make him any sort of king and would instead just rape the shit out of his sister. Seriously, what is the plot/point of it all other than fetish shit? Why not wait for a non-barbarian suitor or something? And if everyone hated the targs too much for that or whatever, just live in hiding.

Its obvious the slavers like targs enough and I bet she could have had an actual husband with money and a castle from slavers bay.
I thought he went straight M&B Pirate, and abducted a bunch of different warlocks and shit, and used their powers to control his crew fully + give him weird powers. With the express purpose of drowning Westeros or something and then use the blood and death to hatch a dragon egg as a Kraken, all while being blessed or guided by some dark god or something like that(Which was hinted to be the treeman Bran hangs out with, accidentally driving him insane with occult knowledge).
Not much he could do. He had nothing to offer anyone.
this is why you don't drink too much milk of the poppy. I'm just going to say it, Westeros was a fentanyl crisis.
Rhaella's crown.
They didn't start out piss poor, they just became it after being robbed and scammed by everyone they met.
Whose loyalty would that have won? With no wealth of his own, daenerys' dowry was really the only thing he could use to finance an invasion of westerns.

This is both true and false. Drogo had every intention of invading Westerns, given enough time. Whether Viserys would have lived to see it is another question, even if he had patiently waited he might have been assassinated by Robert or his successors. The real issue is that even if he and lived to participate in the invasion, Drogo would want the Iron Throne for himself and his queen with their child to inherit.
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Watch it pissy.. You don't want to wake the dragon.
That conversation with Jorah where he's trying to run off with the eggs is great. His desperation and jealousy of daenerys, the shame he feels for not being powerful or respected at all, let alone enough to retake his father's kingdom. Just brutal
But he seems legit
>Who's being manipulated by an outer god or a demon?
Cool theory
I'd love if there was some outer god abomination wearing his skin and working to bring about the end of all things
He had to have started somewhere before all the warlockism
Its hinted that what drove Euron insane and set him on the path, was visions and occult knowledge given to him by treeguy. And he had already begun on the weird magic shit even before he was exiled.
The theory is that Illyrio and Varys were going to use the dothraki invasion to destabilize westeros and weaken Robert so fAegon could arrive as the conquering hero/savior. Presumably Viserys and Dany would be killed during this time, also paving the way for fAegon to be the sole Targaryen claimant.
Power move would have been to kill drogo.
While i get why they didnt go full book Euron in the show, i wish he was more like how he appeared in his first scene of the show, and not the twat we got the rest of the show.
In a duel sure, but the savages would splinter even faster if Drogo just got assassinated.
I would not be a shizo to the point where I have to become a beggar because nobody likes me. I would’ve offered a marriage pact to the Golden Company and marry whatever female Blackfyre descendant is running about.
>seems legit
He has no in universe evidence for fuckall, especially the dragon horn.
Wasnt there one living female Blackfyre left in the books?
He is heavily hinted to show up in Daenerys's dreams, and trying to seduce her through that, despite them having never met or her in any way recognizing him.
For as big of hacks D&D turned out to be, i do really like how they wrote Cersei, where every choice she makes throughout the entire show backfires on her and generally makes everything worse for herself and her family. And despite that she just keeps on having her series long woman moment.
It’s just stated that the male line of House Blackfyre is extinct. Presumably there’s numerous descendants.
Are you kidding me? The horn literally kills people that blow it
And he has a mail of Valyrian steel
>how they wrote Cersei, where every choice she makes throughout the entire show backfires on her and generally makes everything worse for herself and her family.
That's Cersei in the books though
DnD just exempts her of any consequences to herself so they can keep Lena Headey's sharp cheeks in the show
The mail only really proves that he somehow raided deep into Valyria and survived, which iirc was practically unheard of, like with what happened to Tyrions youngest uncle. But that doesnt necessarily prove he has access to magic.
>don't you see, it's a magic horn
>test it you say? Well...uh...everyone dies when they blow it bruh!
he's lying, retard
Should've done something about that haircut yeesh
I thought he was lying about it not killing the one who blows it, so he could trick his brother into blowing it in a suicidal attempt to steal the dragons. But the horn is attuned to Euron so he gets the control, while his brother dies.
Reminds me of a more twinky version of the villain from Hardcore Henry.
>The mail only really proves that he somehow raided deep into Valyria and survived
Which is an unbelievable feat by itself
No one makes it out of Valyria alive
>Well...uh...everyone dies when they blow it bruh!
Are you retarded? Aeron sees the guy that blew it die with blisters on his lips
>you see Euron laced the horn with poisoned pepper to look as if blowing it burns you from inside out!
C'mon now
>we are trusting Aeron now, who's literally retarded by Greyjoy standards
lol anon come on. He doesn't even have object permeance he's so stupid.
To be fair to Euron he was probably Westeros foremost expert when it came to raiding shit. If anyone could do it without magic powers it was probably him. That being said, i do subscribe to him being the end threat for the books.
>nobody makes it out of Valyria alive
Except Jorah, and Tyrion and Euron and Jaqen and Illyrio and...
>Aeron now, who's literally retarded by Greyjoy standards
You're thinking of Victarion
Aeron is Damphair
Oh yes, but Damphair is a schizo zealot. Why would you believe anything he says either?
Nigger what
When have any of these characters gone to Valyria?
He was in a tough spot. Logically he should have gone to the Golden Company with his plans and promises of restored lordships for their army of exiles. But no one could know that they had a secret pact with fAegon. Still, he needed some men of his own, and he should have kept himself in good esteem of the Khal, unlikely as it may have been. Basically be like Jorah and win the war of the Khal. Promise him the gold of Casterly Rock and Highgarden. Remind him where his favorite wines come from. How fat and ripe the land is. And kill that fucking Maegi before anyone listens to her.
Bam, you’re now in Westeros with Dothraki and various houses flocking to your banners, especially after a few victories. Eventually you win the nobility and you can either kill or land the remaining Dothraki somewhere, since Drogo probably wouldn’t survive the invasion and you would become the dominant power.
In Dance, doesn't Jorah take Tyrion through Old Valyria to get to Dany?
Because he has eyes and ears that work?
We see this from his PoV
I thought the distinction was no one makes it out of the Valyria mountain alive, since all the valuable and magical shit was from inside the volcano/mountain, since Valyria's powers largely came from the fire core thing they ancient families build their houses around. I figured people sometimes made it back from Valyria, but never from inside Valyria.
All I'm saying is that it's much more plausible to assume it's just a magic trick or fake then his "trust me bro" story about the one time he found a magic horn.
They sail past the outskirts, but never even get close to the actual mountain which makes up the core of Valyria.
Valyria isn't just the mountain, the ruins of the Doom are accessible by sea. This seems like semantics.
That’s show fanfiction, they all went through The Sorrows on the River Rhoyne. Euron is the only one who has and he was very visibly bothered when Rodrik the Reader very quietly asked Euron “Have you?”
Old Volantis, anon
Old Volantis
Valyria is that ruined peninsula at the bottom
Volantis is significantly west of that, in the region of the Free Cities
You NEED to be racist, huh? Is it like tourettes?
this guy was trying to get killed every time he showed up
very badly written character
I thought Illyrio and Jaqen were descendants of escaped slaves from before Valyria fell. Though you never really know what with Jaqen being who he is, and the theory that Illyrio is actually just one of his personas.
No he’s right. Tyrion and Jorah take a ship, but in order for them to beat everyone else there before they can blockade the city, they attempt to cut through the Smoking Sea while everyone else goes well around.
They sail through the sorrows, it's a cursed city on the Rhoyne the Valyrians burned down and now it's full of super-lepers.
no they don't, and neither does Griffs pole boat
It really isn't considering magic is real and making a comeback and that Euron has a lot of freaky stuff happening around him
I thought it was the Smoking Sea like this anon said >>201769535
>You NEED to be racist, huh?
>Is it like tourettes?
It's called Basedettes
I just don't know why you'd trust anything he says in an entire series about deception and "things are never what they seem". More likely, given how George is, Euron is a drugged up schizo faggot who's lying and being mind poisoned by bloodraven for lolz.
You have an entire other board you know
No, even the inland sea is shunned usually. Even the overland pass to the North is avoided, though I struggle to understand what the danger is there, unless it’s like The Hills Have Eyes with mutant Valyrian descendants. The tertiary Valyrian cities of Tolos, Elyria, and Mantarys are also cursed with deformities.
Which makes it even better when he is the one person to actually be honest.
I thought nobody really knows just what caused Valyria to collapse in a single day, and people just grew more and more superstitious as people went missing over the generations.
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You're all wrong and gay
Tyrion crosses the Narrow Sea and lands in Penthos, then aboard the Shy Maid him and Aegon's crew sail the Rhoyne downwards to Volantis
Then, from Volantis, they sail to Qaarth and get stranded in the Gulf of Grief
They never pass through Valyria or the Smoking Sea
I’ll give you a hint.
There didn’t used to be an inland sea.
No (You) gave /lgbt/ to be gay and faggy in
>poltard is ESL
many such cases, ser.
>thinks grammar and spelling are the same thing
I see, you're gay AND brown
Literally nobody said that. ESL means "English Second Language", you can have both poor grammar and spelling, Ahmed. Try harder.
Probably ask for Ned's help and marry Sansa stark.
>Literally nobody said that
Nobody said anything, dumb moron
Everything here is written
>heh, I'm only retarded about my grammar
oh...ok? Interesting self own?
>still thinks they're the same
Weird bait, are you ok?
>ESLanon is very clearly illiterate
why do you do this to yourself, anon?
And dilute the Valyrian blood? I dont think so.
Also i seriously doubt Ned would have helped him at all. Past advocating for mercy towards him and his sister so long as they stay the hell away from Westeros.
>doubling down
Better than (You)
I really can't tell if you are intentionally being retarded or just doing a bit, because nobody is saying to you that grammar and spelling are the same thing...you very clearly and obviously have bad grammar. ESL implies both.
>nobody is saying to you that grammar and spelling are the same thing
It's too late to walk back homo
Jesus Christ fucking shut up you colossal retard.
It's actually Qarth "by way of New Ghis" but Benarro had seen in his fires that the ship would not reach New Ghis.
I misspoke about the Smoking Sea, but Jorah and Tyrion's ship does skirt closer to Valyria than the others.
>Only the brightest stars were visible, all to the west. A dull red glow lit the sky to the northeast, the color of a blood bruise. Tyrion had never seen a bigger moon. Monstrous, swollen, itl ooked as if it had swallowed the sun and woken with a fever. Its twin, floating on the sea beyond the ship, shimmered red with every wave. "What hour is this?" he asked Moqorro. "That cannot be sunrise unless the east has moved. Why is the sky red?"
>The sky is always red above Valyria, Hugor Hill."
>A cold chill went down his back. "Are we close?"
>"Closer than the crew would like," Moqorro said in his deep voice. "Do you know the stories, in your Sunset Kingdoms?"
further on
>"So those are fires of the Fourteen Flames we're seeing, reflected on the clouds?"
>Fourteen or fourteen thousand. What man dares count them? It is not wise form ortals to look deeply at those fires, my friend. Those are the fires of god's own wrath, and no human flame can match them. We are small creates, men."
Further again
>"Does our captain mean to test the curse?"
>"Our captain would prefer to be fifty leagues farther out to sea, well away from that accursed shore, but I have commanded him to steer the shortest course. Others seek Daenerys too."
I know the biggest factor when it comes to winning wars especially in GOT was having superior numbers(If you dont have access to dragons or war elephants). But how much use would the Frey's 3-4k poorly equipped and trained soldiers actually have? Is there any of the major wars where they would actually be able to make a major differences in a stand up fight?
The Freys are relatively wealthy and have larger armies than is usually implied by others. They can probably raise the single largest army out of any one house in the Riverlands.
They were stated to only field somewhere between 3 and 4k infantry and little else. With their soldiers having little to no experience since Frey goes out of his way to avoid fighting. They were also noted to be poorly equipped despite the houses relative wealth.
Lol no, the only reason they aren't wiped from the earth is because of the Crossing. Fifty men could hold it for years if they wanted, it's a pain in the ass to siege without dragons or magic. So everyone just leaves the Frey's alone. It would also be a pain in the ass to find another noble house to stay there. Nobody wants the headache
seething I see
I thought they made the bridge and the two forts over 300 years or so, and they only recently(relative to the worlds timeline) finished the construction, so they have only been wealthy for a few generations.
Still more than every other house. Plus Frey was holding levies back. Fast forward to the Winds preview chapters and there are Frey armies up in the North supporting Bolton, Frey armies trying to claim "their" new castle at Riverrun, etc.
Yeah so I was right
You're a nut.
Didnt they get BTFO'd by Edmund in the books?
Well they were close enough to see the Fourteen Flames, I was right that they cut a closer path than all the mercenaries and fleets sailing from Volantis. But you're right they didn't go through the Smoking Sea itself.
>say stupid nonsense
>get called stupid
>"seething I see"
why are you newfags always like this?
So long as that nut stays in the family.
Fairly certain there's been a castle there for hundreds and hundreds of years. I'm not saying that they are "wealthy" they just got lucky with building a strategic fortress at the Crossing.
Edmund who? I know Emmon Frey is comically pulling the letter from the Crown awarding him Lordship of Riverrun and waving it in everyone's face. The retard even thinks it makes him Lord Paramount before Jaime tells him that the castle doesn't come with the Lord Paramountcy.
This guy is right >>201770338
The Freys are a powerful House
>The strategic location of the Twins has allowed the house to become quite wealthy,[5] and House Frey rules over wider domains and can call upon more soldiers than their liege lords, House Tully of Riverrun.
They've been at it for some time. The Twins were built 600 years ago and at the time of the Dance they were already formidable castles
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They didn't get lucky, they built the crossing. Then they built two timber forts guarding each side of the crossing and began enacting their tolls. They've been building up ever since and now you have the formidable castles with The Twins (which is also basically impossible to siege)
I meant lucky in the sense they ended up the family that did all that, you are just repeating everything else I just said.
>gets btfo
>seethed more when called out on his seething
>which is also basically impossible to siege
For common rabble maybe
Iirc then they were an utterly insignificant noble house with a castle on the one side of the river, but decided on a long term investment, to build an identical castle on the other side of the river and a massive bridge across. Which they finished after about 300 years of construction. And the investment payed off majorly. And the house now lives off of having the most straight forward way through the River kingdom, which they taxes. But besides that significant passive income, and the highly defensibly castles. They are pretty irrelevant.
>But besides that significant passive income, and the highly defensibly castles. They are pretty irrelevant
They're the wealthiest and most powerful House of the Riverlands
>gets btfo
things that never happened, now hush. It's probably midnight in India, go to bed.
Sorry meant Edmure Tully, who regained ownership of the Riverlands, and has a vendetta against the Freys.
Viserys did try to court the golden company years before. Their leader was already in on the fAegon plot so he was turned away. Also, Illyrio gave Dany the dragon eggs as a wedding present for marrying Drogo, so you wouldn't have them.
You're absolutely disgusting.
Its the only way to keep the Targaryen bloodline pure
>things that never happened
Coping too, I see
> probably midnight in India
I wouldn't know, Raj
I'd have to reread it, I can't recall what exactly Jaime tells Edmure. But his Frey wife is pregnant and he threatens Edmure with their death to get him to cooperate and then acquiesce to a relatively comfortable house arrest at Casterly Rock, promising him a future for his children if he continues to be cooperative.
Shitposter sicko detected
>promising him a future for his children if he continues to be cooperative.
If House Lannister wins the war, reducing the Tullys to landed knights is certainly a positive outcome
Yeah, but the point was about Euron sailing to Valyria and how no one did that, and that by itself is historical
If we go by the shows cannon, then the Frey's leadership got wiped out by Arya, atleast down to the 3 oldest granddaughter of Lord Frey.
In the books, they are currently being fucked over by a trap set by Stannis, and has lost significant parts of their army and its leadership, while being politically and economically shitcanned by other houses, while they are also getting fucked over by the Boltons.
1) Become Dany's stooge and promise her and Drogo the throne.
2) Wait and be patient.
3) Drogo dies and Dani tries to kill herself with fire and the eggs
4) Dragons
5) Tame one
6) Conquer cities with your sister by your side
7) Give her the royal dragon cock
8) Conquer Westeros with your sister/wife and her kids
9) Kill Dani and marry your daughter to keep the bloodline pure.
I dont blame the guy for not thinking of that option at the start of the show.
I unironically don't believe nobody has been there, I think people just say that because it's empty and devoid of anything worth seeing or stealing.
You're reaching disbelief levels of flat earth atheism
If he did in fact do it, which is of some question. Rodrik implies that he doesn't believe him which sees Euron sharply shift his mood. Then you've got the theories that he was only able to do it because he was skinchanging his crew and using them to venture into Valyria and bring things back. I think this is the most likely case but also makes the claim that "he" didn't go to Valyria and return true.
We know Tyrions favourite uncle went missing exploring Valyria. Trying to find a sweet sword for the family.
So thats atleast one group who went there and never returned.
>If we go by the shows cannon, then the Frey's leadership got wiped out by Arya
Yeah, we're not doing that lmao. Freys will be decimated by zombie Catelyn and the BwB
All he had to do was chill and not be a cunt to his sister. That's all he had to do, and he would have gotten a rad dragon.
Should have stayed in pentos and married arianne
Actually it was trying to recover the ancestral Lanniser sword Brightroar, which was lost by a much earlier expedition by the Lannisters which aimed to plunder whatever was left of Valyria with an entire Lannister fleet. there were no survivors
>flat earth atheism
The fuck are you saying?
Im not defending his actions. Im just saying that its kinda hard to plan for your sister having a woman moment and burning herself alive, only to survive and bring back an extinct species.
Whats west of Westeros?
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I didn't believe it, and I think it was later confirmed that he did lie about the horn, but the mail is strong proof
Aegon didn't have that shit
It's a trope, there really was no better way of describing. It's the attitude of being an a skeptic of anything supernatural in a world where fantastical things are a provable fact
Bud..the world really isn't flat and God isn't actually real.
Doesnt looks that unsiegeable to me
Honestly, if half of the characters acted more morally, most of the problems of the Game of Thrones universe disappears.
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>Marry sister
>Pump her full of babies
>get Jorah to kill some Lysean lookalikes and send him back to Westeros with their heads
>Wait for the dragons to grow
>Sell a dragon for a LITERAL fortune
>buy the Golden Company AND some Unsullied
>Sail to Westeros with two dragons, a mighty host and a strong secure line of succession
it was that easy
Its kinda hard to siege a castle, when it keeps getting more resources from the other side of the bridge. You would have to siege both castles at the same time, and have a way to prevent them from getting more food and tools via smuggling.
What are you even talking about?
It's not about the real world, can't you read?
And your siege armies would be isolated, because you can't cross the river.
With any communication between them being either slow and cumbersome, or via carrier bird, which will be flying over open and visible terrain.
>>Wait for the dragons to grow
Not really in the equation
The dragons didn't hatch naturally, Dany basically stumbled into a blood magic spell to resurrect them
I wonder if there are any more dragon eggs around. I know there is the one Euron is using to hatch a kraken, but i dont remember any other eggs.
Euron threw his to the sea, according to him at least
There's allegedly a hoard beneath dragonstone
I thought he threw the egg into the sea as a corner stone of his plan to twist it into a Kraken, and the reason he strapped all those people to his ship is to "chum" the waters with a massive blood sacrifice to finish the ritual.
Krakens aren't really big deal, they're giant squids that can pull a whaling ship, sure, but nothing like a dragon
Sea dragons apparently existed though, so maybe that's Euron's plan
nobody has ever used the term "flat earth atheism" you fucking retard, that's not a trope anyone has ever said in reality. The point I'm making is that a lot of characters obviously lie. What in the living fuck do you even think is IN Valyria anymore? It's just stone men tweakers and nothing. It's obvious if you know how to read this very obvious story that a lot of times the myths people invent are just myths, the surprising supernatural elements are where you don't expect them to be.

"le ancient cursed fallen cities of Valyria" is so banal from a writing standpoint that it's obviously a lie. The actual trope would be if it was unironic.
Probably i just always assumed it was a kraken he tried to summon what with his families banner and all.
That's the whole point of GRRM's deconstructed post-modernist writing. In any other fantasy story, Viserys would be the heroic main character and would've succeeded on his quest. Jorah would have been his Falstaff. In A Song of Ice and Fire, Viserys dies in the first half of the book for being a dumbass
he didnt have *it*. They didnt respect him cause he was weak. Dude shouldve known his place (or just roped)
Dany's kid died in her womb because she agreed to a ritual with some witch bitch wherein the kid would die and drogo would live (life paying for life) the witch intentionally fucked it up so Drogo would still die because she fucked hated all of them and Dany is a moron

Unbeknownst to Dany she was A) fireproof and B) still subject to the blood magic spell, for which she had yet to claim her 'purchase'. So she walks into the fire with the dragon eggs expecting to die as the last Targaryen with the last eggs, instead the spell is made complete, the eggs are revived, and she's fine.
Didnt she stick her hand in boiling water or something and was completely unharmed earlier in the season? So she might have had some inkling she was immune to heat. But i personally wouldnt have tested it with a Salem witch burning like she did.
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>nobody has ever used the term "flat earth atheism
You are retarded
>The point I'm making is that a lot of characters obviously lie.
Yeah, so is Daenerys lying about her dragons? Maybe she's just delusional and everyone is humoring her
>What in the living fuck do you even think is IN Valyria anymore?
Nobody knows you stupid retard, that's the point. No one goes there and investigates because everyone that tried died
What was going through his head as drogo poured molten gold on him ?
Damn you monkey paw!
>thank God I'm fireproof
I don't think you are capable of entertaining that the veracity of a claim regarding "the dragon sitting right there in front of me" is a bit stronger than "this hundreds of miles long chunk of map is too le spooky so nobody goes there because reasons and stuff", in a fucking book series all about subverting obvious tropes. Learn2media literacy. Pedantic fucking faggot.
I assume
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>the Valyrians built the greatest architectural feats known to the ancient world and worked ingenious crafts
>their mages communicated over long distances with magical instruments and created horrible monsters with blood magic
>when the volcanoes erupted all that went up in a cloud of smoke
What in the, are you stupid?
That explains it.
>dragon sitting right there in front of me
How do you know there was a dragon? Maybe everyone who saw it was hallucinating
>this hundreds of miles long chunk of map is too le spooky so nobody goes there because reasons and stuff"
Nobody goes there because everyone eh did died, from Aurion to Gerion Lannister. It's a public and notorious fact commented by characters from every background and geographical location, but you, a stupid faggot says it's not real because of "muh subversions"
That he could finally do a sick Balthasar Gelt cosplay.
>nobody ever went to the Americas, they just kept getting sick and dying to disease and the natives! Nobody lives there you know
go back
You are literally on a blue board.
And you are literally a faggot.
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>entire point of the series is specifically to subvert expectations from typical fantasy stories
>all our POVs are aristocrats and lords from Westeros who have never traveled that far and any other account of Valyria comes from "trust me bro" schizophrenics or literal psychopaths
>still thinking le spooky Valyria isn't just obvious bullshit
>IMO Viserys had the best acting of the show, in all seasons
He’s good, but I wouldn’t go that far.
You reek of summer
Did a bot write this?
>nobody ever went to the Americas
But people did
Who went to Valyria and came back?
>In bettwer universe (where Martin is not a hack) Viserys would a main character. A prince denied his birthrate, traveling to the cursed ruins of Valiria to rediscover the secret of dragon taming once more
That’s been done a million and one times.
He gets the gold crown in my opinion.
>>all our POVs are aristocrats and lords from Westeros who have never traveled that far
Arya travels hundreds of miles and later sails to another continent
You really are retarded
>comes from "trust me bro" schizophrenics
Common sailors talk about.
Pls kys
You are simply to stupid to live
This dude has absolutely 0 leverage nor any real power, not sure what made him think he could get away with being a dick to everyone.
Just because your handful of Westerosi noblemen haven't gone to Valyria, doesn't mean people aren't just fucking around there all the time, anon. Why isn't this obvious to you? It's just a myth that locals in Essos probably actively purport to get you to stay out of their continent or fuck with you. Are you seriously going to argue that in over a thousand years, nobody just walked over there?
>Just because your handful of Westerosi noblemen haven't gone to Valyria
Aurion wasn't from Westeros moron
Nobody from Essos went there either
This thread has become a mummer’s farce.
Arya never came close to the Doom, summer faggot.
>le sailors say spooky stuff is over there bruh
In our real world, sailors said all sorts of shit. How are you this dumb? Please screencap this if this book series ever comes out and Dany gets to the heart of the Doom, and it's pointless nothing. Because that's the only thing thematically satisfying at this point. Unless you are some sort of autismo WoW player and want there to be le epic Vaylarian magic men over there.
book series ever concludes I meant
>nobody went there because these handful of characters said so
oh well that settles it then!
Name one character that went there or any report of people going there
>oh shit, my sister's a complete psychopath, I need to warn Westeros before she-
>nobody reported on the random faggot(s) who went into the ash laden barren wasteland because there's nothing obviously there
>this means nobody went there you know
this is just so fucking dumb to argue.
>Arya never came close to the Doom
But she has traveled very far
Tyrion travels somewhere near
>In our real world, sailors said all sorts of shit
And in our world dragons don't exist and neither does magic
So again, maybe dragons don't exist in Westeros either and everyone is just hallucinating
>literally no evidence of anyone ever going there
>the few that did never returned
>moronic faggot from /tv/ doesn't understand what that means
Holy shit, kys
>this hill
Are you just really not understanding the point I'm trying to make to you or are you baiting me? Because the best example of George subverting what I would expect to happen, would be that Valyria doesn't offer anything worth knowing. That's fucking kino. That's in line with the books, retard.
Tyrion's uncle went there with a whole expedition to try and recover their lost family sword, which was lost during the only other Lannister expedition to Valyria. But nobody from either expeditions were ever seen or heard from again, after they entered Valyria.
You have to be some pathetic fantasyfag who wants ASOIAF to basically turn into WoW power level magic slop for children, or a video game where Valyria is some le heckin epic secret Targ ruins of supa dupa magic relics or something on a WoW quest like a faggot underage, as if you don't understand how these books are written.

It's just a place, anon.
I propose an alternative. Instead of dying Viserys is banished and disappears. Way later in the series Rickon and the wildling lady run into him.

What happens next?
Your point is retarded you stupid faggot
It's a demonstrable fact that the ruins if Valyria is dangerous place that no one has ever returned from, your homosexual obsession with muh subversion don't matter in the slightly
Or you know...people just go there and die of natural causes because expeditions are hard and that adds to the fable and history of the Doom?

Idk, I guess that's too stupid.
You have to be some illiterate subhuman that can't read to fail to understand a simple fact of the setting
Are dragons real anon? Isn't that WoW powerfaggotry? Is the Wall even tall? Maybe it's actually 12 feet tall and looks tal due to an optical illusion
Your obsession with subversions make you eligible to direct a new Star Wars movie.
Regular ass places on earth, are just dangerous without it being spooky voodoo Targ ruins.
>obsession with muh subversion
My brother in Christ, what do you even think ASOIAF is?
>know...people just go there and die of natural causes
>entire expeditions full of men dying of natural causes at the same time
>literally not a single one making out alive
Oh okay
You are a pedantic faggot of the highest degree.
DESU it would be kinda funny if the legendary Bran The Builder, had actually just made a slightly tall snow fort.
>Drogo had every intention of invading Westerns, given enough time
He really didn't until they tried to assassinate Dany, after that it was personal.
>people go to a dangerous environment and die because it's dangerous
yes, correct.
>Regular ass places on earth, are just dangerous without it being spooky voodoo Targ ruins.
And they're all very reachable and have documented cases of people going there
Unlike Valyria
>My brother in Christ, what do you even think ASOIAF is
So are the dragons real? Maybe they're just larger than average lizards seen through a magnifying glass
forget the throne, dye hair, buy a farm, marry his sister and have a simple happy life
Lol hello Preston, how mad are you still?
>angry summerfag truly doesn't understand how ASOIAF is literally written to be the anti-traditional fantasy story
he...he's not even fucking subtle with it. What is wrong with your brain?
The inner parts of Valyria is inside of a volcano, so its not impossible that they accidentally dug into a poisonous gas pocket that killed the original inhabitants of the mountain, and the rest fled in mass hysteria. And then every time people go to explore the lost mountain, they breath in the gas and die, perpetuating a myth of the place being cursed and lethal.
But that is such an asspull that im going with the supernatural explanation.
...and that's hilariously probably going to be the answer. And it will make lorelets seethe.
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Just breed this one and forget everything else.
No, you're just a really obnoxious retard
If Asoiaf was committed to this idea like Pocket Guide 2nd Ed. it really would
>some place having 100% kill rate is normal
I also like how you shifted from "it's just a place with nothing there" to "it's a hyper dangerous place with nothing super natural there"
Lel the plot is so fucking stupid. I hope this guy was supposed to be insane or something
>I'll threaten the life of the mass murderer warlord's wife
>right in front of him
>in his tent with his men all around
Might as well just stab yourself in the neck to be done with it. Oh well.
>martin has subverted dragons by making them big komodos
Yeah I remember that happening
I didn't shift at all, I said it's probably just a volcanic and dangerous place that's been mythologized by people in Essos and not every expedition was recorded because why the fuck would it? This also falls in line with how George writes his books.

You had a complete pissbaby meltdown over this for no reason. I'm convinced you ARE Preston now
>Lol hello Preston
Is that your boyfriend's name?
It's a pretty big ass pull because none of the dragon lords made it out alive? Dragons can't be this vulnerable to toxic gas
I mean, they are....they are big dumb flying dogs.
>This guy played the best hand possible
Except for the part where he made a deal without having any way to enforce that the other side holds it's end. It's a miracle Droggo didn't just kill him on sight and take his fat sister as a rape slave lol
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>he doesn't know who Preston is
>in a GOT thread
wew lad, please stop posting.
>it's probably just a volcanic and dangerous place that's been mythologized by people in Essos and not every expedition was recorded because why the fuck would it?
Because people have gone to other places and recorded it? From Basedthoros to Asshai to Yi Ti, none of them have Valyria's reputation of instant death
>I'm convinced you ARE Preston now
I dunno who this faggot is, but I'm glad I've so thoroughly blown you the fuck out you think I'm your homoerotic Nemesis
He was really gambling on the no blade tradition they had. Though considering it gets circumvented by just beating a person to death with a rock a few seasons later, it wasnt a sound gamble.
They're pretty smart and sorta empathic with their riders
Literally the only move this retard had was to use his influence over his sister to sell her into prostitution and collect the money then live like a little Littlefinger.
The only power play he had. Or just wageslave until retirement otherwise.
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See >>201774721

Imagine, just IMAGINE not knowing the biggest fucking meme about ASOIAF. Holy shit get off this board.
Oh my bad. So he wasn't completely fucking unhinged. Just enough to be 80 IQ.
I fail to see how me not knowing some faggot stalking these threads matters
>beating a person to death with a rock
Wasn't the tradition "no blood"?
Feels like beating someone to death with a rock would leave a lot of blood
>step one: go to archive
>step two: type in "Preston Jacobs"
>step three: pour ranch on your salad
Not that anon, but holy canole batman, you need to leave forever
Don't care how many "years" you've been here fore. Tourists like (You) will never belong
I don't really wanna know about some ASoIaF-related lolcow
I have already learned against my will about that one overzealous janny on the wiki
we've been talking about Preston Jacobs for well over a decade, zoom zoom.
I'll spoon-feed you; he's an autistic theory youtuber who blew up and then made a bunch of hilariously bad predictions, met George, got seething mad about it and then became a bitter shell of a person who turned down the schizo theory babble after the internet, specifically this board and reddit, made fun of him for it.
By beating him to death with a rock, you only risked his clan or tribe hunting you down and then dragging you far away from the no blood zone, before settling the "disagreement". If you use a weapon then everyone in the city is honour bound to hunt you down like a rapid dog, and probably burn you on a pyre or something like that. So its the difference between a death sentence if you get caught by anyone who cares or sees the crime, or 5 stars in GTA and they just called in the tanks.
>reading comprehension
I am aware
But like I said, I don't care, and you need to leave. Tourists don't belong here
There is LITERALLY a tourist itt that doesn't know who Preston is...

Do you know what a tourist means?
Why was he mad at Martin?
Silent assassination of Drogo / whilst also denying his own involvement would have been the only way to remotely bolster his retarded plan.
However, there was a small time frame on doing this that quickly expired the longer he spent with the Dothraki.
It was a "don't meat your heroes" situation where Preston tried to ask him meaningful questions about the books and George apparently wasn't interested and wanted to just talk other shit and eat.
What would killing Drogo even accomplish?
I do. And I was onside until you started making posts like this one >>201774960
Stop with the overcaps. Stop calling things summer outside of /b/. Unironically get your shit together and lurk moar
Tourists refer to board culture as well as redditors
Yeah it’s very obvious young Griff will BTFO Cersei in winds
Pretty sure that would have split the army, and his sister would have been taken to join the other wisewomen.
It's literally July...
Preston is no longer relevant, I don't see why we need to talk about him any more.
Because he still makes videos about HotD now.
A coup most likely as it would have temporarily splintered the Dothraki faction as they vied to establish a new Khal whilst simultaneously trying to honour the deal they were striking
Dothraki are savages but not dishonourable
Of course it's likely they had a Khal in waiting after Drogo and he could have just executed Viserys even quicker
But like I said his plan was retarded from the start. This would have at least given him slightly better odds
But his flaw was that he lacked cunning due to the fact that he was irrational because of his stolen upbringing. So it's doubtful anything could have helped him supersede that in the end
Yeah but there isn't any room for interpretation anymore, he's just parroting the writers talking about x character being y politician. There isn't anything he can add other than faggotry.
>fat man wants to eat
Anyway, poor guy
Can't relate because I met a famous person I liked and was pretty cool
And going back to the original topic, I don't thin it's an apt comparison if this guy's deal is outlandish theories
"The doom still rules Valyria" is taken as in-universe fact
>whilst simultaneously trying to honour the deal they were striking
Buddy, they never even had a deal. Drogo never intended to invade Westeros until an attempt was made on his unborn son's life. He was literally heading to invade Yi'ti before that. They don't even have a concept of trade, they give you gifts, and you give them gifts back.
>simultaneously trying to honour the deal they were striking
What deal? Drogo's marriage to Dany died with him. Viserys can offer his sister to another's Khal but then what would have been the point of killing Drogo in the first place?
This is just simply untrue, or disingenuous at best
Also George obviously isn't going to spoil anything, which is directly what Preston is asking about with his overarching theories about it being postapocalyptic, set in the same universe as some of his other books, etc.
Tell me what part of what I said is untrue.
He cant offer his sister up again though. Since by their laws(Few that they are) She would have to go to the capitol and live as a wise widow.
She only escaped that fate in the first place by seemingly killing herself on the fire, and the few that were still around broke the law by following her.
I don't think that's an obligation, it was more like a privilege
But I'm not sure
How about not picking a fight with a dude twice his size who comes from a culture of warriors where might is right
No, it's an obligation.
Maybe he tought his superior speed would triumph
Make the female audience seethe.
I think my favourite scene from season one, was probably the scene where Robert and Cersei are talking about the potential danger that the Dany/Drogo marriage represents. Since the scene shows that Robert really was a great soldier, despite how shitty of a king he is. And its one of the few scenes where Cersei doesn't feel antagonistic or self serving. Just an all around solid character driven scene.
>they never even had a deal
yeah... depending on what you mean by this it's either completely untrue or disingenuous (i.e focussing on technicalities and ignoring what the intention of the circumstances even are)

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