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>The YouTube series is a global phenomenon, and now a TV show and movie are in the works from filmmaker Michael Bay.

>Alexey Gerasimov, the creator behind “Skibidi Toilet,” is working with leading independent Hollywood entertainment studio Invisible Narratives to expand the YouTube Shorts series into myriad product lines and a potential television and movie franchise similar to the Marvel universe or Transformers, executives involved with the project told The Washington Post.

>“I’ve always been a director that believes in taking risks,” filmmaker Michael Bay, who is working on the project with Invisible Narratives as chief creative adviser, told The Post. “Audiences yearn for fresh, new ideas. With ‘Skibidi,’ it’s a new world of what the younger generation is watching, and I’m taking it very seriously.”

Are we ready from the Skibidi Kino, /tv/?

>Muh Fox News
Lol, it's hilarious when it's repeatedly proven itself to somehow be the LEAST retarded of the major networks.
Even funnier when linking to the fucking Washington Post.
Lotta words didn’t read
There is literally nothing wrong with Live Laugh Love
zoomerkino has the most sovl by far
inb4 crying soilennials
whats MLG?
Seriously, imagine someone in 1991 being told that CNN was now known for partisan hackery and schizo conspiracy pandering.
Doesn’t Valve still own all the assets used in Skibidi toilet? That would be like making a movie out of a SpongeBob YouTube poop. You still have to go through the original creators.
>mocking other generations to defend your own
Holy cope bro let it go, your generation was dogshit. Nothing but remakes and capeslop and trans rights dogma
>t. generation x
gen alpha could never

We don't go to the movies
I would've said it's the most devoid of soul but gen alpha is even worse
You just know you're dealing with a brainless woman
my mom has one of these
Corporate news has always been trash
>my mom has one of these
So does mine anon. She’s also a Facebook mom too
the funniest thing ever is seeing how 4chan lingo and black lingo has been stolen by zoomer retards. they have no soul ROFL
My mom is an actual tail-end boomer and hates tacky shit like that. I think she'd fit right in here.
Media and journos should always be impartial. 2016 did a number on this country.
Fox News used to be the worst and most biased network 30 years ago. Today Fox News and Sky News are the most objective and factual reporters even after accounting for the massive right wing bias. They have a right wing bias, but they won't make shit up and lie.
Fox News maintains a bad reputation because millennials still have a stick up their ass from Bill O'Reilly being retarded and Fox News supporting Bush.
Skibidi Toilet directed by Michael Bay just sounds like a joke gone too far.
As an oldfag, I watched some of this and I'm not ashamed to say I didn't hate it.
Ok boomer
yeah women don't appreciate the true meaning of the phrase
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>all generations are… le bad
Nice cry x tard
When I was at school everyone was quoting Burnt Face Man and MC Devvo, at a cursory glance the shit kids are into nowadays is not even that far removed from it.
>not YouTube Poops
OP is a fag
YouTube Poops were a zoomer invention soilennial. Stop taking credit for things when your generation was the one of crybabies
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How do I escape this timeline? Anyone else grow up expecting the world to be at least somewhat meritocratic?
They were all right
I've seen more boomers like my mom do live laugh love "interior design" stuff, it reaches down to millennial as well sure. But in either case it's a strictly female and fags thing and can't really be a generation defining thing.
And MLG was a mainly millennial thing, maybe zoomers had an overlap in it but only as viewers of it as little kids.
skibidi toilet is just the obvious conclusion to monty python
>and I’m taking it very seriously
...this cant be real...
it's a psyop created by valve for half life 3
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Millennial here. I have no idea what that heart is supposed to be.
All of those are zoomers though. Except maybe some of the 2012
>Media and journos should always be impartial.
i disagree. it's okay if you have media outlets who are partisan to both sides. they provide a pro and contra.
what's killing western civilization is the lack of big non-partisan media outlets which weigh the arguments of either side fair and square
all true
do zoomers actually have anything? even alphas have their own culture, but zoomers are just a void of nothing, the covid of generations SO SAD!
I identify more with major league gaming than I do with live laugh love does that mean I'm gen z despite being nearly 30?
Fox news literally got sued with the BIGGEST defamation lawsuit in all of American history(even bigger than Alex Jones at the time) because its newscasters published fake news about the dominion voting machines, then during discovery logs and private messages were disclosed showing Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity saying that they knew everything they were saying was fake and knew Sidney Powell and Rudy Guiliani were lying about election fraud and did it for financial reasons.

Sean Hannity even said that "He didn't believe it for one second".

Fox News also immediately settled the case and admitted that they were just fucking lying instead of going to court and fighting the claims, and they did this literally day ONE of court.

If you still believe fox news even after they were found by a judge to be lying, admitted to lying, had leaked logs showing they were lying for financial reasons, you're hopeless and will never find truth.

Generational labelling has done nothing good.
Valve didn't invent the concept of men with cameras on their heads. Obviously they're not going to use the assets from SFM/Half-Life, they're going to create their own assets.
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>implying that nu-4chan has any sovl left
lol lmao
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fox news has been around for less than 30 years
>wooooow, they lied one time!!!
meanwhile literally everything on other news networks is completely false 24/7
Yeah there is.
FOX news isn't actually news though
I can’t with how bad gas and grocery prices have been
At what? Everything is offensive and problematic now. Laughing is the equivalent of murder
Lies. Fucking lies. Nobody loves you, they moderately tolerate you until you do something they hate.
of course nu-4chan has no soul left. thats because its mainly zoomers here now
it is to some degree but networking is probably more important
The best YouTube poops were made by young Gen X and older Millenials. 2010 was peak ytp and zoomies weren't even in middle school then.
Mentally ill looney troon cope
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>Lying for literally 4 years 24/7 on purpose about election fraud and it gets proven in court and admitted
>N-Not a big deal lol it's just one lie

cope harder
>Le defamation trust the heckin courts
>souring Wikipedia
This is how you know a man sits in the cuck chair
>the toilet shit instead of tiktok
You failed.
Why do people not know that 99% of youtube views are from literal children under the age of 12 and third worlders?
>gas prices
Stop driving retard
Really? Millenials are just Live Laugh Love? Shouldnt it be some YouTube or early internet shit?

Fox News deserves its bad reputation. Trick is that CNN is worse and MSNBC tells CNN to hold its beer.
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>Courts, publicly available leaked logs, and an admission aren't a reliable source
>But you going "uhm everything on tv 24/7 is fake" is true

Ok, retard, cry some more while fox news and tucker carlson literally admit to lying to you and you still gobble them up.
>Fox news literally got sued with the BIGGEST defamation lawsuit in all of American history
Yes, the American Justice System is now a joke and primarily just a tool for corrupt Democrats to use to suppress their opposition. No shit.

When's MSNBC getting sued for "mostly peaceful protests", BTW?
lmao retard
>Say the 2016 Election was hacked, with zero evidence

>Say the 2020 Election was hacked with a ton of evidence of weird, unexplained shady shit going on
>sued for literal billions
There was a time at the height off obummer insanity where this was close to true, but it's easier to do it when the party you suck off is the under dog
Yes they are.
Men aren't "Women", btw.
Rememebr "muh kids in cages"?
It doesn't need to be explained, since the judge felt the case was so open and shut that he granted a summary judgement and Dominion didn't even have to go to court and prove it's case.
Remember that time fox news lied for 4 years about election fraud, admitted to it, and leaked logs showed they knowingly lied for financial reasons?
>Alexey Gerasimov
So it really is a Russian psyop to dumb our children down
>It doesn't need to be explained
Holy SHIT do you even listen to yourself?
Literal shit an NPC in an NPC Meme would say.


Literally not a thought in your fucking head.
all me btw
>Remember the time they said what the judge wanted because they had a gun to their head?

When are MSNBC and CNN getting sued for billions for the "Kids in Cages" thing, BTW?
Or, Hell, for lying for 4 years abour Russia "hacking" the 2016 Election?
If fox had evidence they would've presented it, instead they literally said they didn't have evidence, admitted they were lying, all their logs showed they had no evidence and were just lying, and settled on DAY FUCKING ONE of court because they were about to get assraped by the prosecution.
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No, they're a propaganda arm of the RNC
Many of those cases were thrown out by conservative judges lmao. I think Trump's just a liar bro
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>z- *gets distracted by sexy anime chica while watching a leafy surf video on another monitor*
Wow you totally destroyed him with that wojack image
CNN is currently facing a billion dollar defamation case for lying about some guy's Afghan transport service
>millenial brainrot
>Many of those cases were thrown out by cuckservative anti-Trumpers

Seriously, how much of an NPC do you have to be to be unwilling to even question the 2020 Election? Shit was insane.

You corrupt faggots literally put a cop in jail because the perp he was arresting died after eating a triple-lethal dose of Fentynal.
at least it wasn't the other spin
>It doesn't need to be explained
Unironic unthinking NPC behavior.
Right up there with BLM's literal motto in 2020 of "don't 'think'; 'thinking' doesn't help; just donate".
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I agree, fellow free-thinker! Not like our friends CNN and MSNBC and Slate and The Rolling Stone and Salon and TheMarySue!
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How much of an NPC do you have to be to have your favorite news agency literally tell you that they were just fucking LYING to you about election fraud for four years, settle on day one of the court because they had no evidence, leak logs saying that they were lying to you, and STILL not think for a second that you were just lied to?

You got lied to bro, probably everything you've seen about election fraud was a lie, fox news lied to you, all the losers on the internet just lied to you.
MLG is very obviously superior to everything else
>Live Laugh Love
I'm Millennial, and what the fuck is this
So are they going to have to pay valve for using the likeness of one of their half-life 2 characters?
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I reject your reality and instate my own.
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I for one am looking forward to 2024 being the most fortified election in US history
you're a sopping wet pussy
The Millennial thing is probably just a "feeling image" that a literal thing everyone had. Just this whole participation trophy vibe of just Be Kind and Love Everyone Laugh

If I was going to do Millennial it would be that meme where In This House... We Are Hufflepuff or whatever shit. I couldn't find that version so here is the other version.

If anyone gets mad at this post suck my dick because In This House... Angry People Suck Dick
>green dorito with youtube poop
Here it is anon The Millennial Flag, I am not angry but maybe you are. Get your head down here boi
In 50 years people will look back at kids being given unlimited unsupervised internet access the same way we'd look at letting a kid smoke a pack a day.
>zoomer thinks ytp's are a zoomer invention
I am stronger than you, smarter than you, richer than you, have blonde hair and blue eyes, drive a nicer car, have more guns than you, and you'd have to be a nigger to ignore Fox News' lying.
lol nice
wow what a demented zoomer meme...

2012 has panels from a comic strip i have never seen. no fuckingidea what that is. guarantee 99.9% of any generation doesn't recognize 'em

the bit on the right is at least familiar because zelda cdi was a meme (but way earlier in the '00s) and same goes for luigi

the 2017 images on the left side make absolutely no sense at all. MLG was a big thing in maybe 2013 and then quickly disappeared. was never mainstream at all.

cdi zelda and luigi were 100% gone and forgotten for years. sonic had already been a meme for many years.

the stuff on the right side wasn't that huge at all. pretty irrelevant memes at the time.

2021 seems like the person making it just gave up and started adding random images. no fucking idea what that shit is. 9gag faces came a decade earlier.

2024 likewise

well if people were using normal logic instead of retard logic the question would be "what meme is incredibly popular with mill's but the other generations don't even know about?" and the answers to that are obviously


millions and millions of mill's saw those videos and enjoyed them. way fucking more than anything listed so far ITT
ok george floyd
Trumpfags vote against their own economic interests
I mean yeah, just like we all grew up on believing in Santa Claus.
>no person in japan
Something Awful and Retsupurae.
>everyone hates boomers, millennials, and gen alpha
>the boomers raised the millennials who raised gen alpha

so technically you can blame the boomers for the popularity of skibidi toilet
It's not that I didn't expect unfairness. I just wasn't prepared for the *opposite* of merit being rewarded time and again. See also: the 50 Shades of Grey "author".
Live laugh love is definitely not millennial
mostly gen x and boomers bought that shit at bed bath and beyond
You’re a fucken sad case anon, don’t be such a mopey cunt.
There’s nothing wrong with love dude
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>“I’ve always been a director that believes in taking risks,” filmmaker Michael Bay
major league gaming, when the novelty of just streaming videogames or talking about videogames wore out, people started making montages of exciting scenes with high production values. Then people started mocking that idea with reused memes plastered all over them to directly inject dopamine into the viewer's brains and mass produce low quality OC. It started the trend of short clips and instant jokes/memes that later evolved into things like vine and the tiktok format.






it was the obama administration in 2012 that repealed the laws that prevented the news media from overtly lying to the public. And the only reason you thought the news media was unbiased before that, is because of a steady stream of propaganda designed to make you believe that they were.
why are zoomers always culturally appropriating millennials? you faggots grew up with fred figglehorn and teletubies. you had nothing to do with mlg
im not reading all that. you think your jews are better than my jews? fuck off with your antisemetism.
holy mother of all rot
mlg humour literally came after fred
One must imagine Sisyphus living, laughing, and loving

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