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why were boomers like this?
you need to have a wife to understand, and zoomers have no wives and never will
Very original anon. Rodney would have hated you. He'd make fun of you so bad that'd you piss and shit your marvel jammies and then he'd steal your girl.
I'll Tell Ya, My Kid: He Drives Me Nuts. For Three Years Now, He Goes To A Private School. He Won't Tell Me Where It IS
maybe marry a woman you actually like? retard
Maybe women aren’t like able?
he wouldn't do that
It's just a joke. People weren't thinskinned bitches back then and could handle a little banter.
>"fuck my wife, please!"
>this made boomers laugh and shit themselves uncontrollably
Joe Rogan is the only comedian that matters. He makes me howl like a hyena and roar with laughter like a wild mountain lion. He turners the dems so much it’s crazy. Lmao
>he green texts on 4chan
This makes newfags shit and piss and fart like crazy
it's especially funny since he wasn't even married during his peak years.
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Id tell ya but I have to ask my wife first!!!
He was great
A girl phoned me the other day and said... 'Come on over, there's nobody home.' I went over. Nobody was home.
No respect, I tell you.
Because they were married.
fuck you I laughed
Imagine being a cuck, wasting money and time on some dude(s) leftovers
marry a virgin, what's stopping you
Because to normal people this is considered banter or blowing off steam.
A way to vent as everyone implicitely understood you love her.

People on the internet are so self righteous and hyperinsecure they presuppose everyone is as self obsessed as they are so they don't see these jokes as a loving husband trying to lighten up after a stressful day but a chance to portray how they would never allow themselves to be treated like that and get their mob boner jerked off a bit.
Because back then there was nothing to do and people were pressured to get married, so a lot of people rushed into it. Since most boomers are conservative, they end up staying with a partner they hate instead of getting a divorce.
Every man I know who has been married for more than 5 years can’t stand his wife. It’s almost like monogamy is not natural to men..
Actually his jokes were more akin to dude my wife hates me.
kek it do been like that
Boomers: lmao I hate my wife
Gen X: lmao I hate my ex-wife
Millenial: lmao I wish I had a wife
Gen Z: lmao I am the wife now
Because using humor to vent frustrations was a healthy way to deal with relationship issues, now instead of jokes you get into degenerate porn, end up fucking trannies and midgets while your wife fucks teenage niggers and gets addicted to crack. Jews ruined the world.
>thinking western women aren’t complete whores and haven’t been run through
Have you ever had a social interaction with a girl before? Not to mention, they’re 20x worse than how they used to be.

Women have always been selfish but this Gen Z group takes the cake. Yesterday I saw two sorority bitches park in a handicap spot because they didn’t want to walk an extra 2 feet into the Apple Store.
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My psychiatrist told me I was crazy, I told him I want a second opinion. He said okay, you’re ugly too
My kid, let me tell you, my kid gives me no respect. I told her, you know one day you'll have kids of your own. She said yeah, one day so will you.
Social pressure to marry early leads to rushed and bad partnership decisions.
Anon, Rodney Dangerfield was Jewish
>teenaged op asks a troll question about something he made up
>a bunch of other teenagers speculate based on no information
>When I played in the sandbox, the cat kept covering me up
No respect I tell ya
>a woman you actually like
My uncle's dying wish? He wanted me on his lap.
He was in the electric chair.
95% of every millennial I know is either married or in a long term relationship
Respect prognosis: mild with chances of draught
>Think boomer MUH WIFE jokes are ridiculous and drag on
>Finally grow up and get married
>It all makes sense
Boomers, I kneel...
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Well anon, not that long ago a man would occasionally have some cheeky banter at the expense of his woman and everybody understood it was a joke.

Today, you must unequivocally revere Women because they’re so brave, capable and superior (yet also perpetually oppressed and victimized by the patriarchy).
all the jokes itt are great but when i think of this guy i always remember the scene from natural born killers
boomers r the first cuck generation that got bossed around by their wives and normalized being a bitch that just complains about it
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You want to talk about respect kid? When I was kidnapped and they sent a piece of my finger to my father he told them he wanted more proof.
women are our eternal enemy you asshat
Bretty much
Best you're gonna get is a woman that actually cares about you but still annoys the piss out of you on a regular basis and even those are somewhat rare
It’s wild to me this knowledge is getting lost in a single generation. It used to be common knowledge, I assume going back to the beginning of marriage, or at least thousands of years, that you will hate your wife. Some are worse than others, sometimes it takes 5 years, sometimes 20, sometimes 5 days, but you will end up hating her. Men and women are just not compatible for being around each other. Men put up with women because we like to have sex with them. Our dicks brainwash us. Over time this wears off. Generally she fucks you less, she gets less attractive, you’ve already hit that 1k times etc. and one day you look at her and go “holy shit my wife is a cunt”. Hopefully you luck out and marry a good one(meaning she’s less of a bitch then average) and you don’t start to completely hate her till the kids are grown up. Then you try and spend time with your boomer friends and hide in the garage. This is the way of the world, for some reason newer generations increasingly pretend it’s not true. I don’t get it.
>Men get married for sex
No man gets married to fuck the same woman they've already fucked a few thousand times
How did boomers just meet women. Or get relationships in general. I talked to my boomer coworker once about how he was set up on a date by his parents and it sounded so other worldly, like something out of a fictional novel. Meanwhile I will probably be a virgin until the day I die and I don't even think I'm that bad looking, it's just that impossible to meet anyone.
I went to see my doctor, Vinnie Boombatz. He tells me it's time for a colonoscopy, I say okay. He tells me to open my mouth and say AH. No respect, I tell ya.
It’s a literal prison. Thank god ive seen enough married male misery in my life to black pill me on the concept. I will just fuck chubby girls on tinder and save my money. My sister has kids, those will be the only children I care about.
Back then you’d just marry a girl from your small town, and you’d be able to provide for your family on one humble salary. Women weren’t brainfucked by social media and men weren’t brainfucked by porn. Love is dead. Nihilism and hedonism replaced it
Well the good thing about eternal truths is they're eternal and always true. Propaganda can only get you so far and when the latest crop of "if we talk it out and go to therapy and treat each other as equals and..." men get married, the undeniable reality is gonna crop up sooner rather than later.

And look, I love my wife, but holy shit women are like another species and it doesn't even seem to matter who you marry or why. Over time the reality sets in and that's just life, just gotta hope you've still got male friends to hang out with to keep you sane.
Hey, you're all right.
This is going to sound crazy, but there are things you do that annoy your wife
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It’s crazy to me that most 20 year old dudes genuinely think it will be different for them. Yes, their fiancé surely is different. They somehow never think, “I wonder if grandpa thought the same about grandma at this age”. I mean it’s for the best or no one would get married, but the hubris. And so few guys actually seriously reflect on the question “if it wasn’t for sex, and her being hot, would I actually want to spend time with this person?” It’s hard to actually think about this, since the horny burrows very deep into your brain, but you can do it. For me, I just tried to imagine one of my guy friends acting the same as the girl. And you realize “holy shit I’d never be around this person”.
Dude you’d never get married to a woman if you didn’t want to fuck them. In fact the vast majority of women you wouldn’t want to be around at all of you didn’t want to fuck them. I promise one day you will realize this, and you will feel like you woke up from a dream
neither of my grandparents hated their wives.
In my experience and in all my observations, the men are the ones that ultimately have to accommodate the other and when it comes to which is more actively annoying, it's always the women. Women will shamelessly nag you from the moment you wake up till the moment you go to bed and when you finally put your foot down it's "YEAH BUT YOU DON'T STACK THE DISHES THE WAY I TOLD YOU TO SO... WE'RE EVEN!"
Bless your heart
You used to be able to just approach women. Not all guys met women this way but many did. I once just saw a pretty girl sitting in a car and walked up to it, chatted her up. We dated for 2 years. I don’t date much these days so I don’t know for sure, but it feels like women aren’t very open to this anymore. If online dating just added to normal dating I think it would be ok, but it seems to have replaced meeting people in person, which sucks for 95 percent of guys.
Marry an autistic woman and you don't have to deal with any of this shit
Because it's a well known fact that sexual activity increases over the length of a relationship...
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The strongest and longest lasting relationships consist of two people who are unselfish and forgiving. And that’s less than 5% of people on earth. The odds of two people like that finding each other is less than 1%. Good luck!
Well I mean yes, the reality of the situation hasn’t changed. But it used to be everyone knew their wives were cunts, and so was every other guys(to varying degrees). Knowing this, men seemed to for the most part learn to accept it, and found brotherhood among their married friends, in their common struggle. But now? Men are being told and increasingly believe that no, actually they are supposed to be happy with their wife, and if they aren’t there’s something wrong with them. I truly believe this is going to lead to incredible depression as they get older.
How bout don't get fucking married?
You'll learn when you're older
>and treat each other as equals
Women don't want to be equals. They want their man to be dominant always. If you're agreeable and kowtow to their whims, they'll resent you and become disgusted with you.
aww lil guy still doesnt hate women even the ones he gets to fuck

you'll get there
>Dude just be masculine they'll submit
Women have been known to be nagging harpies since the dawn of time with even the most aggressive of men, please stop coping
Women still prefer dudes to approach them, my guy. It shows them that the guy has enough of a spine to do it.
You miss out on a lot in life if you don’t get married(and have kids). I honestly don’t know if it’s worth it or not. But what me and other anons are pushing back against is the idea that the only men who hate their wives or are unhappy with their marriage are the ones that picked “bad ones”. That’s just not true. Men and women just aren’t very compatible, and while picking one of the less crazy women will certainly go a long way, and the level of misery will vary, you aren’t gonna have 50 years of perfect marital bliss. You just aren’t.
Being nice ain't gonna do you any favors, my dude. That shit dries up pussy fast.
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5% gang
>and have kids
You don't need to get married to have kids. Plenty of kids being born out of wedlock out there.
Im married and have sex with my wife almost daily, I'm also very nice to my wife. Please stop roleplaying.
This is a mistake most guys have made at least once(and some never stop making it). You think you will make her happy by giving her her way. Changing to be the person she says she wants. Doing the things she wants. Letting her do the things she wants. But she just wants more and more, and seems to like you less and less. Am I just not changing fast enough? Am I not giving in enough? What the fuck is going wrong? If you are lucky you figure it out after making this mistake with 1 woman. It’s so counterintuitive but you essentially want to ignore what she says she wants. Remember that she fell for you the way you are. And remember that you need to tell her what she wants, and needs. Letting her decide those things for herself will only lead to ruin
That’s true, you can have kids without getting married, that’s a valid option. But that has many downsides as well. It’s quite likely you are barely gonna see your kids, will pay the lions share of their expenses anyway, still have to put up with the mother more often then you’d like, and you don’t even get a bang maid out of the deal. Unless you manage to get custody of the kids, I’d say having them without marrying the woman is worse on average.
>Please stop roleplaying.
You first.
Nigga, I'm 26.
Every time women become the topic of conversation there's always a few retards that feel like they have the solution, like it hasn't been an issue since the very first human beings existed. Poems, stories, histories of men and women not getting along, nagging wives, men being driven mad by women - going back thousands of years...

But nah dude you just gotta like, tell her NO! know what I mean? heh, that simple bro just gotta like... put your foot down and then? Pussy will be like a waterfall, tight and docile, completely complaint... I mean I'm a virgin but I listen to a lot of podcasts that say this so, its true... every single man that has existed before me? Wrong. Me, a virgin that beats off to hentai? Correct.

To the young men reading this thread, make your peace with the way things are. Screaming at the rain isn't gonna keep you dry, you'll just give yourself a headache and still be wet.
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Marriage? I'll tell you something about marriage. I was at the bar the other night to have a few drinks. The bartender asked me, 'What’ll you have?' I said, 'Surprise me.' So he showed me a naked picture of my wife.
>Virgin on 4chan cannot believe a man can have sex with his wife without having to beat her first
I know you'll probably never have sex that doesn't involve violently forcing the other person but that doesn't make it true for the rest of us
How long do you realistically think that’s gonna last? There are very, very few couples who have been together for 40 years who have sex every day for 40 years. Do you think people have been claiming that right after the honeymoon you go straight to 90s sitcom dad? You retards are the worst
>ya bro I’ve been married for 68 days and it’s going great, so I’ve concluded my marriage will be perfect forever and everyone else is stupid
Read the context of the post I was replying to, retard. I didn't say my marriage is perfect and it will remain so, I was responding to some tate worshipper who thinks being nice means you don't get laid.
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>maybe marry a woman you actually like?
You are in for the biggest surprise of your life anon...
I mean you are right for the most part, but there genuinely are better and worse ways to deal with a woman. Marriage is a war of attrition, a war the woman almost always eventually win. Nearly every 80 year old married dude is broken. But you don’t want to break at 35. It’s better to fight as long as you can. But that is just my opinion. I have heard a couple married old guys claim it’s better to give up from the start. I think they were coping personally
There’s degrees to this of course. But generally speaking, the more you give in to her, the less assertive you are, the less attractive you are going to be to her, and the less sex you will have, yes. It’s more complicated than that, and it’s only an average, not a hard rule. And being Andrew Tate is gonna come with a lot of disadvantages too, but again, it’s generally true. It’s important you keep your backbone. Women will never stop testing you, never stop trying to break you down, it’s what they do. If you cuck out you are gonna pay the price in the long run. The happiest old married dudes are the ones that never stopped passing their wives shit tests. And the most miserable are the “yes dear” ones.
>But you don’t want to break at 35. It’s better to fight as long as you can
Unless you're rich, famous, and/or extremely handsome the caliber of women you're gonna find past 30 is grim
Very few people marry a woman they genuinely like, it's possible but rare. The best that most people can hope for is to marry someone who they can tolerate being around for the rest of their life. I've been married for 6 years, we have 2 kids. Some days are great and I'm thankful for the life and wife I have, and some days I look at the previous 6 years and think 'jesus fucking christ do I really have to put up with another 50 years of your bullshit'.

A sign of a good marriage is being able to come home on the very worst days when the whole world seems to be raining shit upon your head and not wanting to immediately murder the woman within 5 minutes of coming through the door. An even better sign is that on some of those bad days she's got enough brains to know not to nag you and actually goes out of her way to try and comfort you. Those are the really good days. They make it worthwhile.
I just think the reasoning is backwards. If it were truly the case that having some backbone would save men from miserable marriages, everyone would do it. Ultimately, it comes down to biology. The "yes dear" men married women that don't respond to any kind of boundaries or "standing up for yourself". It isn't that they didn't do it, it's that the women they're with don't respond to that. And the women that do respond to men sticking up for themselves are also generally not the women that are trying to nag their men down into a little nub with nothing left. It's like attributing the tide to the time of day rather than the pull of the moon, yes there's a correlation and they're happening at the same time, but you're attributing it to the wrong mechanism.

And frankly, there just ISN'T anything you can do about those crazy women that grind their men down into "yes dear" types. If you put your foot down they'll cut your dick off or try killing themselves since they've all got BPD.
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They only reason for marriage was for political and financial alliances to grantee and extend the legacy of a family. But now we lost track of those very real and tangible goals for very fake, gay retarded nebulous concepts like "love" and impossible things like "liking woman".
Real marriage is still very much alive in the upper echelons of society, but for us goyplebs there is absolute no reason or value in marriage in the current year +9.
people here constantly harp about the risks of getting married, but it's overwhelmingly a huge strategic error to not get married. the consolidation of resources gives you an enormous advantage over single people. having kids integrates you into the community and increases your status/opportunities. your wife's family and friends now become yours as well, which greatly increases the resources you have available to address specific problems that come up (i.e. her brother the mechanic can check out your car for free).

it is a huge mistake to not get married. just be very careful about who you pick.
>come into thread expecting funnyman jokes
>it's a bunch of socially maladapted losers crying and sharing their absolutely retarded takes on relationships
Bullshit, dude. You're talking some obsolete nerdy white boy shit. That ain't gonna work nowadays.
>I just think the reasoning is backwards
Then you think wrong. Women respect men that have spines. They ain't ever gonna respect the nice guy. Don't be weak.
top kek
You're all sad. I love my wife. She is my best friend. I would choose spending time with her over anyone else. Sad that you will never experience true happiness like this without hiding your true feelings from your partner. Haha. Lol. Lmao even.
>maybe marry a woman you actually like? retard
Not possible. One of my closest friends married his "dream girl". Hot as hell, cool enough to play games with, with a high sex drive. All the simps on this board would give their left nut to marry a broad like this. It's been 15 years and she looks great for her age and they still have sex almost every day, but every time we hang out he'll tell me that if it wasn't for the kids he would've dropped her years ago. He genuinely dislikes her and will probably leave her once his kids are grown.
lol maybe for scum such as yourself. elites will continue to use marriage this way and it's been working great for them
I told my wife I wanted to be cremated. She made an appointment for Tuesday. No respect, I tell you.
Did their wives act like women, and not men (tattoos, cursing, etc)?
Well I don’t exactly disagree. Even though it’s not as good as it was there’s still many benefits to marriage. You do miss out on a lot if you don’t. And I’m not trying to say guys shouldn’t do it. However, it’s pretty fucked man. In the old days sure the wife was a bitch, and you probably aren’t getting laid much after retirement. But odds were she would stay with you. Now? Being stuck with a harpy is the best case scenario. There’s such a high chance she just decides one day she’s done with you, completely destroys your finances, takes the kids, and now you have to slave away for decades to suport the kids you don’t see, and her vacations to get dicked down in Italy while you live in a studio apartment a broken man. And “picking the right one” is such a meme. Everyone thinks the picked the right one. You just aren’t gonna know, you can’t know, if she’s gonna fuck you over. Being a man these days is fucked
>liking women
You are a retard. You should enjoy and be happy for what you have. But being this deluded about what’s coming, you are gonna get fucking blindsided my man
>dude, you can’t get a divorce, you’re forced to stay together forever simply because you got a girl pregnant at age seventeen lmao

Yeah I wonder why people would be resentful
Crabs in a bucket the whole lot of you. Bunch of miserable sexless fags.
Stop reading the internet.
Women bossing their husbands around has been a staple of history forever.
>Society is incapable of doing anything except “boy do I fucking hate my wife!” jokes for decades
>Dude, I’m just venting anger!
Call me crazy but maybe just don’t be married if you can’t do anything except bitch about being married
at this point I don't understand the point of all of this, to sum it up. 4B movement makes sense. men are from Kazakhstan. what's the point when men don't even like you at all?
Definitely can be reversed.
My father has been a nag of that exact order his entire life.
Just so you know, if you act like this irl no one’s gonna feel sorry for you when the ball drops on you. And not that it matters, but I’m far from sexless. I’m just not deluded. The majority of guys are quite happy at the start, and the majority are a lot less happy by the end. You thinking you are a super special snowflake is not only wrong, its obnoxious
the state of /tv/
she is probably the one hating you lmao
someone have to hate the otherone
Jesus Christ. I just can't.
See that’s what’s fun about 4chan. Sure there’s teenage virgins here that know fuck all about women, and I’m sure some of the “advice” posts itt are from them and worthless. But there’s also married anons, who have perspective and experience on the matter. There’s guys like me who have never been married but have had sex with over 100 women, and had a dozen serious relationships(or maybe I made that up, who knows). You can’t know who is behind the posts. You can only try and judge them based on their merits. If the retard itt who thinks he has the perfect marriage and his wife will wake him up with blow jobs when he’s 80 and still be his best friend and never leave him, if he knew me irl, or knew about my life, or knew the other anons telling him he’s a retard, well he might actually take the posts seriously and do some introspection. But since he doesn’t know, he’d rather assume we are just incels seething at his perfect life which will always be perfect. And that’s way more funny.
NTA but these are honestly some of the saddest responses I've seen on this site in a long, LOOOOONG time.
>hey I'm pretty happy
guys come on, reevaluate yourselves. Hate having to be this real on the faggot internet but geez man, people usually aren't this obviously pathetic online
>sex with over 100 women
if you think this qualifies you as being a good source of advice you have learned nothing from having sex with over 100 women retard. Man whores are just as contemptible as normal whores
>But since he doesn’t know, he’d rather assume we are just incels seething at his perfect life which will always be perfect. And that’s way more funny.
not following your logic here. you've had sex with a lot of women and if a happily married anon knew that, he would no longer be happy?
You can call me jaded if you want, there’s probably some truth to it. But I also have a lot of life experience, and the guys who think their wife is their best friend and perfect, and anyone who hates their wife or got divorced just picked wrong, unlike their perfect angel, those guys get absolutely fucked 100 percent of the time. They are always the ones that get it the worst. It’s probably pointless, because he won’t listen, and maybe it’s just mean to try to bring him down to reality, but I just can’t help it. It’s like seeing a slow motion car crash. I even said I’m glad he’s happy right now and he should enjoy it, but the guy is also deluded and it’s annnoying
No, if the guy knew the people telling him he’s a retard actually had experience with women, he might realize that his experience isn’t unusual, the 50 year old divorced guy who got financially raped, and the 60 year old miserable dude who hates his wife and life, those guys probably had sex all the time with their wives and thought she was great at one point too. He’s not special he’s just early in the process.
Fellas, is it gay to be prepared? Its it gay to not want to be blindsided? Is it gay to not want to end up a divorced, broken mess?

Im gonna go out on a limb here and assume that every single guy whos now a depressed mess after a divorce took everything that ever mattered to him, didnt think it would end up this way. The US LEADS the rest of the world in broken homes and children growing up with two loving parents is a few year from being complete science fiction.

I dont understand what compels you to be this much of a simp. Women can ruin your life and youre a retard if you ignore that, especially now that the internet exposes their mentality and behavior for you to see plainly. At some point the sheer volume of men all basically saying the same thing should at least make you raise your eyebrows a little. But no. Women are absolute little angels and its generally a good idea to just hand over your life to them because you happen to have the hots for her right now. I mean, I know that not everyone on the internet is a super genius like me, but goddamn.
>anon thinks he knows everything about people he has never met and that someone is wrong to be happy in their marriage and actually he, anon that knows literally nothing about these people, is right about their relationship
i think it's you that is deluded and annoying mate
>those guys get absolutely fucked 100 percent of the time. They are always the ones that get it the worst.
How many times did guys think their wife was amazing only for her to fuck him over by cheating or divorcing out of the blue? Most of the time, things ARE too good to be true.
>Never get with the chick who's been passed around in your social circle.
>Never entertain a long-distance relationship because she is most definitely cheating.
>Don't let yourself get friend-zoned IE don't be her fucking friend. If she's not into you like that, give up on her completely.
>If your girl got drunk at a party and got frisky with some other dude, dump her. Even if it was just a kiss, no forgiveness.
>If your girl gets frisky with another chick, dump her. That's still cheating.
>If your girl isn't giving you any for several days in a row, dump her. She's either getting fucked somewhere else or she's playing games.
>You can't fix her. Never be Captain Save-a-Ho.
Was this whole post a coded reference to the Sam Moril interview on Joe Rogan? They talked about hyenas and Rodney Dangerfield and then you post this. This is a coded message.
That's cope for weak men. Never tolerate that shit.
I ain't an elite, geek. And I refuse to subscribe to the beliefs of the upper class. Fuck 'em.
Like what?
you're a rape victim. be quiet.
oh, so you're an unmarried whore that is trying to lecture a happily married guy on the facts of marriage, huh? very interesting, do whores typically offer unsolicited marriage advice as if anyone would care what their thoughts on the subject are?
you too, spic. pipe down.
I’m really not sure if their attitude turns the girl off, or if their naive nature makes them more likely to be blindsided, or what. But when you go to work and your co worker looks on the verge of suicide
>bro she was fucking my best friend for years. She took the kids and locked me out of the house. I think the kids might be his and I’ve been raising them. She laughed in my face man, she said she never loved me
It’s always, always the guys that were just blissfully head over heels. She’s my bestest friend! I don’t need other friends(well she won’t let me have friends but I don’t want them anyway!). Whenever I see those guys I feel sad.
>Just go to a prison you like
Did it ever occur to you, that being with that many women gave me some amount of insight in to them? Do you know that some of those women were married, and some of the guys thought their wife was their best friend and things were going great? Guys like you and the “my wife is my best friend” are the absolute dumbest guys out there. Incels somehow know more about women and how life works than you somehow. You are blinded by pussy and it’s gonna bite you in the ass. It always does
He isn't wrong dude. Start of the relationship people fuck like rabbits because it's new. By 2 years in, you're lucky if its every day of the week. And that's generally a mutual disinterest.
the wise 26 yr old manwhore is here to share his wisdom. he has fucked many whores, everybody listen to what he says, he knows more about your lives than you do, he understands the nature of woman, for he has put his penis in many of them. they are bad! do not enjoy your marriage! be wary!

you are an absolute joke of a person, i hope that married guy shows his wife your posts so they can both laugh at you.
On average men’s sex drives are higher, so the average guy is getting less sex from his wife than he wants. Yes his sex drive goes down over time, but so does hers. The minority of men who get all the sex they want throughout their relationship are so lucky. It should also be taught in schools that most women who give you all the sex you want early on, will at some point stop doing that. I’m jealous of all the men that lived before raping your wife was a thing. Their wives were still cunts I’m sure but at least they got sex when they wanted(because of the implication)
she gave him no respect i tell ya
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My wife and I were happy for 20 years. And then we met
How old are you, and are you a woman? I’m not expecting you to answer honestly but I’m genuinely curious.
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>wife annoys the fuck out of me
>think about divorcing
>realize I probably can't do better + I should stay for the kids
>decide to settle and cope
>go to sleep in relative peace

>wake up
>wife annoys the fuck out of me
And the cycle goes on.
I'm 36 and I'm a man.
>a woman you actually like
lol what a fag.
Jerk off to porn and suffer for the kids. Simple as.
all this marriage bullshit would be solved overnight if we'd normalize prostitution. if you could get married but like twice a month fuck a whore somewhere no one would ever get divorced again. or have a mistress something like the french do.

homos almost never divorce because when married they never stop fucking strangers
Just because you like her now doesn't mean you're going to like her in 20 years. People really do change. The cold bitchy HR dragon was once cute and innocent too.
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>also all the dipshits that got married as teenagers: "UGH THIS SUCKS I HATE MY WIFE"
lol. play normalfag games, win normalfag prizes
Boomer kino.
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I'm living this. Very cool.

Actual conversation:
>Why aren't you upset Sony took Helldivers 2 away from almost 200 countries?
>You have no idea what I've lost. Shooting aliens unimpeded solves a lot of my problems.

Coworker changed desks after.

Kids are happy though.
Not sure how or why you are still this naive at that age, but good luck out there buddy
grow a pair of balls and communicate with her. do something with her like take shrooms together or something. seriously. it's not impossible for you to both get out of your own heads and connect more. she shouldn't be annoying the fuck out of you like that
i've been married for a decade lol. i have no delusions about marriage, my wife annoys the fuck out of me plenty of the time, even though i love her. I just think it's extremely sad and pathetic for you to go around giving relationship advice to a happily married person and because you're a whore you think that gives you some standing on the topic somehow. take a good look at yourself.
This only works when you first start annoying each other. Once a certain level of bitterness is reached, it's impossible. If he has kids then there are surely years' worth of asshurt feelings calcified in both.
When you're around a person enough, they start to get annoying. He can't bring it up with her because he knows he's being irrational. It's not his fault, it's just a thing that happens. Eventually it goes away and then sometime later, it comes back.
>I don’t get it.
Do Americans really?
Just love your vvife dudler. Don't marry a cunt. It's really not a firecracker science jfc
My experience is the opposite. I've met a healthy mix of happy and miserable middle aged men who were married. But every man I know who is still a bachelor into his 60s has an incredibly grim and depressing life.
My grandparents hated each other, just got married so they could afford a house and get sex on the reg. They tried divorce but they were too jealous to let the other one be and stalked each other so got remarried and lived in misery. A lot of their friends were the same. It’s not conservatism, it’s what happens when you marry your first love. You are both too retarded to be mature people and you set up a dynamic at 14 that carries to 75
why does he dislike her?
Most incel shit I've read all day lol
Why do you think guys are always out golfing or doing some other shit with their spare time? Because they've already consensually fucked their wife or girlfriend more times than they can count lol
>just got married so they could afford a house
Makes zero sense
You could afford a house in a decent neighborhood working a factory job with a high school education 50 years ago
I got a mean kid, a MEAN kid. Scotch tapes worms to the sidewalk and watches the birds get hernias.
hahahaha the incels on here did not like this
You have no clue lol
Based take.
Ignore the seething losers.
holy virginity
Good Morning.
>have a multi-million dollar trust fund.
>still marry a woman that looks like a scarecrow.
Buy her goth girl clothes and make her dress up before you fuck her.
>itt: zoomers, the generation with more KHHV in recorded history, try telling married people about marriage
thanks for the keks this early in the morning, better than coffee
So besides being a simp, you can’t follow a conversation or understand English? Did I, or anyone else tell the dude to get a divorce? Whay relationship advice did I give? People were saying most marriages end up being pretty shitty for men, and they end up hating their wives to some extent. That dude chimes in with “well not me my wife is perfect and she’s my best friend haha”. Because he doesn’t understand that most marriages start that way. He’s being naive, period. And either you are naive too, or you failed to follow the conversation but insisted on arguing about it anyway. So pick one
That's Hillary Clinton's used goods to you.
after a while you end up disliking the person so much you don't even want to have sex with her.
But I'm not telling nuffin.
I have seen how my father's marriage went down though. Sometimes loneliness is better...
You don’t think men have a higher sex drive than women, and you are calling me an incel? This fucking place.
Every single person I know who's been married and has kids complains about their wife, their lack of sex and tells me how lucky I am for being single. I've also witnessed firsthand their wives chastising them and treating them like children in public, it's fucked up. And I also knew these girls before they were married and they seemed "normal" and fun, marriage and kids really does something fundamental to women's psyche.
Fair enough fren, at least you're not stupid enough to spout opinions about shit you don't know about. Hopefully you can ride the loneliness to pure wizardhood and save us all from clown world like heckin Gandalf.
For some reason, when an issue arises in a relationship, instead of having a mature discussion about the issue, a lot of people just try to get their own back vindictively, or slowly allow resentment and distance to build.
What a sad state of affairs...
Well, 2 more years.
Lol yeah this. Had an ex once who mentioned 6 months in "wow, we've never had a single argument anon". Que not even a month later we're arguing and the relationship is over in a year. I have since learned my lesson thankfully, just a shame how jaded it makes you.
Clearly you've never dated a woman more than a few years otherwise you'd know
Women will forever be contemptible
what about me is a simp, that i love my wife even though she annoys me? a whore such as yourself wouldn't understand that most people do not anticipate some kind of disney fantasy marriage. it is very difficult to build and maintain a lifelong relationship with someone. you will absolutely hate them at times. but whereas you jump from one hole to the next and never have anything to show for it except maybe a few diseases, some people do manage to build a life together and here you are like a sad little whore trying to tear them down. isn't it time for you to find another new hole to fuck.
That's what she gets for dating a retard
Grass is always greener. Every man I've known that failed to ever get married is an absolutely miserable person once they get into their 50s and 60s.
Sorry anon I'm very sleep deprived, I should have written cue. I hope you can forgive me.
Oh I'm well aware, you really can't win in life. Although there is a slight selection bias of older single men being miserable since their misery and failure to marry could be related to another factor. But I do agree that at the very least not having been married and had kids, even if you get divorced, is a big failure state for the average man.
Oh, not sure why I missed it before. You are seething. Don’t be mad at me about your choices bro.
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Yes there are no divorcees in Japan due to normalised prostitution
wiiiiiiiiiild. so wiiiiiiiiiiiild. craaaaaaaaaaaazyyyyyy
>he thinks women are going to share their resources or in some way solve more problems than what they bring

>beat her first
>then rape her
fucking hell that's genius
I know that feel. I literally wake up every morning mad at the fact my cunt wife didnt die in her sleep.
i'm pretty sure in japan if your wife finds out you've been banging someone else she'd get pretty upset
Christian values brought people together, now everyone believes in something different or nothing at all, so nobody can relate to anything except quick thrills like sex, drugs and other superficial shit.
This post really upset the indians
look at all the seethe from inept cucks kek
My favorite jokes from him:
>With cigarettes, my wife and I, we made a deal. We only smoke after sex.
>I've got the same pack now since 1975.

>With my wife, I got no sex life. She cut me down to once a month.
>I'm lucky—two guys I know she cut out completely.”
this, I don't think the amount of sex I had in my last long term relationship decreased because I got bored of her but because I grew to absolutely despise her. Doesn't really matter how hot a girl is, if she's a psychotic bitch I lose all sexual desire towards her and feel nothing but resentment
No respect man, no respect.
Im not a fucking cuck.
Im the breadwinner so Id rather see her die than pay her alimony to fuck other men.
It’s such a joke when people say men have it easier in current year. As others have said, not getting married can suck and make you depressed getting old. But getting married, especially as the breadwinner(which most women look for in a man) and you are essentially a hostage.
>what’s the problem bro don’t you want to work 70 hours a week but still be poor and go deliver checks to your ex wife’s boyfriend when he answers the door in your bathrobe at your house that you paid for and they use as their fuck nest?
People overuse the term “humiliation ritual” on this site, but I can think of no better example then getting divorced as a guy in current year.
What does approaching have to do with anything, he specifically said his co-worker was introduced to his wife
My fiance wants to be abused and made a slut during sex, whereas I prefer normal sex where you just arouse eachother with your body and touch and fuck like normal people. She always wants me to give her rules and call her a whore and shit, the biting is annoying and it's like you really can't even hit this bitch enough, like what do you want to me actually fuck you up here or what. Plus the twist ties get annoying because her hands are bound, so she's not doing anything, and I'd just really prefer she stay active during sex. It's like, just fucking pay attention and get all on my dick lmfao. We've had good sex before, I'm just asking for some sex therapy for how to square these two opposite 'fetishes'
Give her to me then, I would have fun leashing her.
>work 70 hours a week but still be poor and go deliver checks to your ex wife’s boyfriend when he answers the door in your bathrobe at your house that you paid for and they use as their fuck nest
sounds kinda hot though
Well could be mistaken but I thought visiting prostitutes was semi-accepted there
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>maybe marry a woman you actually like?
>he unironically doesnt know
ah you poor soul
which part of

I T ' S






did you fail to understand?
I can't imagine being as stupid as yo. I seriously can't. Every day must be hell for someone of your limited intellect. It's not surprising you're angry all the time.
Have you seen The Piano Teacher? Sounds like the perfect movie for you kek
the anger, my word
Haha, sounds great based on the plot summary. lmfao
based anon speaking truth to incels
its a truman hates his cunt wife who won't stop fucking arguing with him for no fucking reason except that she wants to spend more time with him except shes insufferable to be around and can't even make him cum during sex, nor do they have any banter, like how useless can his wife be, and truman can't even go have a mistress because his wife is such a jealous miserable cunt she won't let anyone else have him and checks his phone all the time, and he can't divorce her because he has a child with her who he wants to give a stable home to.

How is truman going to resolve this? It's been going on 2 years since he's been married to this bitch?
How did Chris Watts resolve it?
He didn't, wife took those kids and left.
>ctrl+F "episode"
>no results

it's not a difficult meme and yet you've managed to fuck it up
based lol anyone seething at this post is either an incel or got burned
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Can I teach you how to hit on women with 100% success?
Everyone gets tired of anyone. It happens.
>marry a woman you actually like?
Still not going to stop her from freaking out and having meltdowns over the tiniest things once every four to six weeks.
Everyone I know in their 60s is miserable because of health issues. But that also could just be because I'm american
>if you can’t do anything except bitch about being married
you understand that posts saying that this is the extent of boomer humour are exaggerations?
Happened to me too. By the last 2 months of our relationship she was begging for sex everyday. I would just make an excuse and jerk off instead. It's really wild, I remember being an incel HS and thinking I would never turn down pussy, but every man has his breaking point.

Anon you've got your whole married life ahead of you to have plain old vanilla sex. Adapt to her fetish and lean into it. Watch some bdsm porn and jerk off to it to learn to get aroused by it. Try out ideas that catch your eye with her. She'll eventually get bored of it and default back to vanilla sex the same way every girl does, but for now let her have some fun and chances are you'll learn to enjoy it yourself.
>t. guy who did exactly this for his wife until she got bored after a few years and now has plain old vanilla sex every time
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>Since most boomers are conservative
Still the weirdest Millennial meme. The Summer of Love generation isn’t and has never been conservative.
Based plapjack
What are you saying? Even more people are like that now, and to worse degrees.
Turning her down makes her even crazier and want you even more.
I hope you already know this and I’m not the one to tell you, but that woman will 100 percent cheat on you if she hasn’t already. If you don’t mind that fair enough, but if you do I dunno man might want to re think your choices
Yup. It’s a dangerous game but turning down sex with a woman is like using a superpower. Makes them obsessed with you. It’s really playing with fire though and while seemingly easy to do, it’s an advanced technique and inexperienced guys use it at their own peril
No respect I tell ya, none at all, and it's earned
Anti-divorce humor. Can't divorce (for the alimony?) but can't live with them after being sold a bill of goods or just can't grow up
I'd say it's the opposite, the alone ones get hit a lot harder later in life when being alone finally strikes. I think no matter what the middle part of life is bump because it's the middle; you're career building or maintaining what you've got, you're past the early "adventure" of life and in the grind whether you're single or married. But I'd rather do it with someone at my side than do it alone.
>hey guys, how ya doin’? Me? Not so good. Virgins are makin’ fun of me. I get no respect.
Pretty sure if you listen to his routines, it's his wife that hates him
The one where he doesn't get any respect?
wife jokes are as old as comedy itself
>take my wife. please!
It's homosexual for you to obsess over men's dicks the way you do.
>wife is based and a saint for a decade
>suddenly turns into a sociopathic asshole one day
>have a couple of kids so you try like hell to not get divorced
you got to cut out the extra words, those have to hit fast
Wife jokes were always a thing because women are fucking insufferable and annoying, it's part of their nature.
You don't hear them much today because people don't get married anymore, back then most people had sex and married because you had nothing better to do than to socialize, there were no videogames, no streaming, no internet, nothing and nerdy loner hobbies were reading books or comics I guess but that's not enough to keep a man sane. Now you have everything as long as you have an internet connection so young men don't feel the need to do anything anymore
This is basically my parents. They hate each other but don't have the courage to divorce despite constantly threatening each other to break up.
You have no life experience
>gf tells me to squeeze her breast
>squeeze it
>tells me to squeeze it harder
>this keeps going on several times
>am now legitimately worried I might injure her
women are crazy
It’s not “progressive” to marry women in their prime anymore
You’re a coded message
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The Local Bank wasn’t going to give a single woman or a bachelor 6k construction house loan without a co signer and sense of stability in 1950
I tell ya johnny it's tough out there. I went to see my doctor, Doctor Vinny Boombatz. I told him I was feeling sick. He said I make him sick just looking at me.
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never had a gf, never had sex,never even been on a date. i used to be ok with being a loner and spending most of my time alone in my room doing nerd shit but since turning 30 something has happened to me and im horny as all damn fuck. im too scared to talk to girls though. i also began hitting the gym recently for the first time in like 6 years and that also makes me horny as shit because some of the women there wear tight as fuck clothing sports bras, skintight pants etc. someone give me some advice. my main problem is im just literally afraid to talk to girls i dont want them to see me spilling my spaghetti even if they would be ok with it
>my main problem is im just literally afraid to talk to girls i dont want them to see me spilling my spaghetti even if they would be ok with it
Stop being afraid of something that isn't worth being afraid of. This is going to require self-awareness.
Anxiety and adrenaline evolved to protect you from death, not from giggling girls.
What is more likely, that you are doing the something that 99% of men find impossible and hilarious, or that you just haven't experienced and figured it out yet?
told my psychiatrist i was feelin suicidal, he told me to start paying in advance
I asked for a second opinion. He said you're ugly too.
I'm similar. All my friends fucks and I never cared. it literally never bothered me. I always thought about other shit and just straight up didn't care. after turning 23 it really hit me for some reason though and I couldn't even watch porn without feeling like I was going to break down and cry.
I'm 27 now and way more numb to it all but it's still there.
Shits fucking hell. It's one of the worst feelings I've ever had. it's so horrible
>Stop being afraid of something that isn't worth being afraid of.
tell me how
This makes zero sense since Dangerfield didn't even have a wife.
do you guys really have clocks in your room
ive been using the one on my computer since like september 2001
i tell ya life's tough, even my doctor hates me. he gave me sleeping pills, i ask him when i should take one and he says "everytime you wake up"
Boomers are the kings of divorce
no but what you dont undahstand
boomers were the first generation to see wife beating as problematic
had they just kept slapping their wives like their parents and grandparents, we'd be in a whole different world
>since like september 2001
are you trying to be funny?
if so, I laughed
How many women do you know IRL, that you are good friends with, that are also sexually interesting?
Even beyond the Madonna-Whore shit, the reality is that the most interesting and clever women are almost always the least fuckable.
Most men end up with a woman they find fuckable. And then they inevitably grow to hate each other.
Rodney was born in 1920s. He was the Boomer's parents age
why are OPs like this
watch out for her hypergamy tendencies
That is because they settled or were not truly in love. I have met many people like you have described, but there are outliers. Guys who married their school sweethearts and still act like teenagers in the bedroom up into their 40s/50s.
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Based 5%er raise up nigga
I'm gay and black coded
Rather based post.
She will cheat on you, be warned.
>liking women

what are you, a faggot??
maybe you aren't
>and then one day for no reason at all i was presented with divorce papers
have you considered that you and all your friends are douchebags?

hahaha banter imirite! me n the boizz
scrolling down this is the best post thus far
can confirm
my aunt has a confirmed iq of like 140 and she's the most annoying retarded neurotic spoiled person ever and had a horrible body, like rail thin with no tits or ass and cares fuck all about having em
when she asks you to do weird shit, just tell her
>call her a whore and shit,
i want to do this to a girl

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