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Do it
Let a guy fuck your wife
Let two
my rope rotted and it broke
read the book about his last days and his last texts to her, he was such a bitch
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No. I WILL be a burden on society. You WILL pay for my medical bills, food, and overall welfare. I did not choose to be born, nor choose to be born poor. I work and work and get treated as a slave. Kill my self? you wish. you will suffer my existence for as long as it lasts.
>take a fistful of Xanax
>take two
Why does breaking balls always end up with someone dying?
>“Everybody’s been asking me, ‘What on earth are you going to say at Bourdain’s roast? He’s been shit-talking your name everywhere.’ And I’ve been saying, ‘Don’t you worry about me. I won’t touch him with a 10-pole, because smack-talking Bourdain would be like hitting a piñata full of shit.’ Real messy. I want everyone to understand that I’m going to be the bigger man. I’m going to take the high road. I wouldn’t dare come up here and call Anthony Bourdain any of these things that people have called him: No-good, loud mouth, jerkoff, wannabe authority, pseudo rebel, nerd, shit-talking, blow hard, celebrity-seeking, Eric-Ripert coattail, Mario Batali ass-kissing hate monger... Jose Canseco of the food world, snaggle tooth, Lurch-looking motherfucker. No, I’m here to take the high road. Anthony, I gotta ask a question, why do you hate me so much brother? ... Is it because you went to a fancy culinary school and I didn’t? I hear you’re the only one in class who did most of his cooking with a spoon and a Bic lighter."
I'll have what he's having.
>get cucked once
>twice, this time with a 14 year old
>make sure to pay him 400k to fuck off
Let your wife try the negroni cream sauce.
>Get Buck Broke out of flavortown
>enough to make a man google 300 times
>pseudo rebel
that is a really good insult for him
i'll take some snaps but it's worth skimming. this one always makes me laugh, i always think of that meme of the sad wojak saying okay and then hanging himself
old man trying to be poetic in text messages to a woman 20 years younger than him and she's just like omg stfu
kek what a life
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Fieri won.
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A cold pint at 4 o’clock ? Don't mind if I do
>a guy
a kid
>ill show her by killing myself!!
beta behavior
Why didnt he just take his own advice and have a negroni and check in on himself?
burn local
Be a rootless cosmopolitan.
Fuck a 16 year old Thai ladyboy
Fuck 2
Kill yourself
>who has shown that he is all too similar to the other men she has dated

What like that 17 year old she fucked and paid off?
>let your wife get cream sauced by two negronis in an empty bar at 4pm
>kill yourself
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>Heh, look at these guys that I don't even know eating sushi the way they want, I'd totally kill them.
>tiny chink beating up two white jock chads
Bourdains resentment toward the huwhite man was pathologic.
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>he had to make 1000 katanas for 10 years to learn how to slice egg properly he deserves your respect!
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Lmfao. He can blame the bitch all he wants but deep down he knows flavortown tied the fucking noose
There is a lot of fuel for why I post in negroni threads, but this quote is a big factor. Redditors advocating violence really grinds my gears.
>I'm better than you because I make a big deal out of overpriced raw fish and rice and you deserve to die for your inferiority
How are people supposed to NOT seethe at this absolute fucking retard?
>do it twice
Is this a parody on that Tamago webm?
Based, I want you to know anon, you aren't the hero our world needs, but you're the hero our world deserves. They will call you a villain, a loser, the antagonist, but you're the hero of my story
This basically heideggers geworfensein bullshit in a nutshell.
How the fuck else are you supposed to eat sushi?
>I can't take this.
Is this, as holes say, "the ick"?
You need to bow (really bow 90° at the waist not this respectless bullshit) to the chef when you enter, take of your shoes, sit on your knees and order in fluent japanese or else your just insulting the culture of the restaurant owner.
Failing any of that should require you to commit seppuku with the provided chopsticks.
No "I cant take this" is like 2 months after the ick first sets in.
It's the ick no longer caring if it is called out or recognised, just straight up "I dont care about your emotions, go away".
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lyl, where are these from?
Based roastie interpreter.
Did he really think. Could he possibly imagine. Did he truly conceive. That she would be affected. Confounded by it. Humbled.
It's tragic when men learn this lesson too late.
Bourdain is a case in point.
OK I did it. Now what?
However the fuck you want. In the presence of faggots like Bourdain, as obnoxiously as possible.
I bet she was dry as a desert reading this
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Very well, but know this: i'll do the same to you. This is life, a neverending battle between miserable people striving for a measly comeuppance to make their existence more bearable.
Get the cream sauce
Anthony I'd love to kill you but you're already dead.
I was emotional like this when I was in love and drinking a lot of wine. He probably had a few. Bottles.
>Have a negro
This has to be a retelling of that scene in Billions
I wonder what he thinks of his dead son in law, and especially of his tatted drug addled jezebel of a daughter
Always put your cellphone in a box if you plan on drinking and throw away the key.
lmao thought the same thing, but Billions was later
Yeah so have I but that's not the point.
You should learn to not share those emotions in that manner with women in your 20s at the latest.
Glasses filled to the brim. Decanters drained. Petals wasted.
>They put all their wasabi into a cup of onions sauce and dunked the fish

I do this. I do this every time. It's a good flavor combo. If you don't want me to have onions and wasabi with my sushi, don't put onions and wasabi on my plate. Duh.
So do you think him trying to pay off Asia's underage rape victim into silence was the Jew in him or the love thing? Because right when that happened he tried to publicly shame Matt Damon over twitter for ... working in cinema.
I've learned this the hard way.
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Unfortunately many such cases
It's a pity. It would be nicer if you could just be truthful in a relationship. But that never seems to work. It's sad when you are doomed to play games and strategize in a relationship with the person you are supposed to trust the most.
>eating slop from a bucket is actually great as long as its from some person with non-white skin

Wow can't imagine how this heroin junkie got so many terrible TV shows produced so he could fund his addiction.
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>Is there anything I can do?
doubly so because of the pretense
I notice goysloppers call each other legendary much like DJs. And lo and behold, both cultures are filled to the brim with junkies.
You can be. The problem is being the type of guy who has those issues in the first place. If you are honestly a faggot, then honesty isn’t the issue.
So... this is the power of boomer trust fund New York Jew food critic hipsters lmao
This //Dilapidated Third World Country// is going through a rough patch, and you can tell as soon as you step off the plane - the rundown buildings, shorn facades and seemingly foreboding streets. Streets that - you soon find out - are flled to the brim with people unfettered with daily grind, a vibrant community of the Unbroken, a nation whose pride and joy is distilled into the amazing //Butchered Pig on a Burnt Brick// cuisine. As Shinein Thedark, my tour guide eloquently put, the politicians are the same everywhere, but we the people know that with a new tranche from the IMF our country will remortgage our natural resources and enable World Bank investments that will finally gentrify our coastal regions. And who knows? You might even find me in my twilight years, working in the back of a //Butchered Pig on a Burnt Brick// place, learning the ins and outs of this elusive dish. For now, let's just sit here and enjoy the scenery //with directional mic to edit out the sounds of gunshots in the distance//.
Every man has issues with his gf fucking other men.
The issue is developping oneitis over a blatant STDridden whore in your 50s.
Not every man is in a relationship where his girl is fucking other men lol. Like I said, it was over for Bourdain long before he started crying about it.
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>the “have a negroni. Have two” quote isn’t actually a real quote
The real issue is that you can absolutely be open and truthful and emotional with the right woman. But you're supposed to figure this out earlier in life than he did. You have to find a woman that actually respects you before you show her those parts of you. He had what essentially amounted to an ocassional open fuck buddy situation with this sex pest of a woman, and decided to drunkenly simp and beg for her to love him through texts. They didn't have a real relationship, she clearly did not care about or respect him, and he dug himself in deeper by trying to cling even harder to her as she made it clear it was nothing serious.

Been there done that, but I was in my 20's and I got over it. A 50-something year old man should not be falling into that same trap and then killing himself over it. This is the kind of woman, that no matter how much you may like her or even think you love her, you can eventually get over pretty easily when another woman who actually wants you comes around.
what a fag simp cracker, good riddance
Sound advice.
"I can't take this" is what BPDemons say when they abandon all responsibility. It's an attempt to reframe the conversation around their emotional state, as opposed to whatever wrong they did (for which they feel no remorse).
>you can absolutely be open and truthful and emotional with the right woman
To an extent but you should never text a woman shit like
>you were reckless with my heart. my life. I do not own you. you are free. as I said. as I truly meant.
There isnt a woman in the world who wont lose respect and attraction if you allow yourself to be that emotional with her
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>Every man has issues with his gf fucking other men.
im sorry anon
hope you find non-whore sometime
>mmm these nigeronis are delicious btw fuck white people .. ACK
everytime i see this anti white piece of shit, i smile remembering that he is dead and rotting.
>I beat them up in my mind!
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why are you faggots so obsessed with this motherfucker?
This is a Flavortown board, and Bourdain's buffoonery cannot be sanctioned on any level.
How can you read his posts and not be seething with rage at him?
This board has multiple bizarre fixations like this. Don't know why there are daily threads about that retard who killed his wife and kids. It's not even remotely interesting or funny.
>that retard who killed his wife and kids
Chris Benoit?
imo everybody else is bizarre for not being obsessed with the chicken nuggies case
the bit where the ad comes on could literally be used in religion vs. atheism debates
it's funny to laugh at him
>has a few different shows
>tons of epiodes
>guy tries so hard to create this bohemian cool guy air about him but in the end he's just a huge poser
>eats slop directly from an indian man's wiping hand and says fuck white people while doing it
>kill himself over his girlfriend cucking him
I am absolutely dumbfounded how someone would go out this pathetically. You see this all the time. I don't get it.

Actually deciding to go through with suicide would be such a profoundly liberating experience. Truly letting go and able to do anything with literally no consequence. Go on a week long drug and hooker binge. Microwave all your hard drives and any embarrassing shit. Leave a detailed note. Violently rape and murder the bitch that dumped you. Go out with a bang on your own terms.

Instead they just go out quietly, no note, in the most pathetic way possible, with your legacy left behind to get shit on. Is it just the shame they feel before they go?
Every board has its own lockport phil. Does that answer your question?
If this isn't your speed then I suggest reddit
Yeah I don’t know what the motivation is or how it’s considered on topic at all.
>Eat at a local restaurant tonight. Get the cream sauce. Have a cold pint at 4 o’clock in a mostly empty bar. Go somewhere you’ve never been. Listen to someone you think may have nothing in common with you. Order the steak rare. Eat an oyster. Have a negroni. Have two. Be open to a world where you may not understand or agree with the person next to you, but have a drink with them anyways. Eat slowly. Tip your server. Check in on your friends. Check in on yourself. Enjoy the ride.
This is good advice, and you would be much happier if you followed it
>allow yourself to be that emotional
If you are the sort of guy that would ever even be inclined to say that sort of shit, even if you force yourself not to, then you're the problem
Sure. Except he neither said it nor lived it.
I would be obese and an alcoholic and extremely poor if I constantly eate out ordering steaks and pastas in cream sauce, had multiple drinks at restaurant markup prices, and tipped my server
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He won.
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But if you forced yourself to not say it you didnt actually say it.
>Eat at a local restaurant tonight
I don't want to, it's filked with tourists everywhere and i cancook just fine
>Get the cream sauce
That sounds disgusting
>Have a cold pint at 4 o’clock in a mostly empty bar
Neither i nor the barman have the luxury to hang around at 4 fuckin am like a trust funded nepo baby like yourself
>Go somewhere you’ve never been
I do it all the time, much to my chagrin
>Listen to someone you think may have nothing in common with you
I do all the time and i hate it
>Order the steak rare
I cook my own steak, i don't need a sweaty nigger with shit encrusted in his fingernails to do it for 50 bucks
>Eat an oyster
I detest oysters
> Have a negroni. Have two
I don't like the negroni's bitterness. I prefer a fresh moscow mule every now and then
>Be open to a world where you may not understand or agree with the person next to you, but have a drink with them anyways
Fuck no
>Eat slowly
I eat at my own pace
>Tip your server
Wagie can cut himself right in front of me for all i care
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baste and flavor-pilled
Reddit might be more your speed.
This shit is so brutal. I didn't know Guy had it in him.
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>Have a niggeroni. Have two
What did he mean by this?
That kike is lucky he got cremated because I would have shit on his grave.
41. Just a fuckin kid
Have a choco milk. Have two.

Do what? Hang myself on a doorknob?
Why are people giving him shit for this? He was obviously a pacifist leftist his entire life. This is totally true to his character. You may not like it because you're a mega alpha chad on 4chan doing hindsight anonyously in 20/20 vision but not everyone is as perfect every moment like you.
It sounds like he was fed up with the crazy bitch and stayed true to his inner voice. You think if he was more "manly" about it or something she wouldn't have been a crazy bitch? Women are psychotic. lol
you sound like a bitter lonely incel faggot (not that there's anything wrong with that)
Him being a whiny old faggot is probably why she cheated and left him in the first place
Take a trip to Epstein Island.
Take two.
Those are very funny desu. Chris is our based retard
>eat something a white person made
>don't like it
>have no issue saying it's the worst thing you've ever eaten

>eat something a brown person made
>don't like it
>awkwardly struggle to give it praise
Get cucked by a teenager, get cucked again by a frenchman. Stop breaking my balls ok.
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>sex pest of a woman
You can say rapist and pervert here, sex pest is a cutesy newspeak word that takes away from the gravity of sexual abuse. Funny how its bleeding leftyfags who use that faggot ass term.
>le sex pest
Like a little pesky fly or mosquito.
>you would be much happier if you followed it
Yes I would be very happy if I was a protagonist in a Murakami book who goes around doing pretentious things and is always surrounded by attractive young women who all somehow relate to the topics only old men care about in real life. I wish I lived in that fictional world where you go to a bar midday and meet a femme fatale who gets you involved in a mysterious adventure instead of the local alcoholic
Rapist is someone who rapes and pervert is just any man. Pretty sure there's a big gap between those two, big enough for a third term
>instead of the local alcoholic
Have a drink with the local alcoholic. He's a funny guy and he has good stories.
um sir I was telling you to try delicious ethnic food
kicked his ass right outta Flavor Town
I used to live this way in my early 20s and all it ever got me was a DUI

I went to Walmart for the first time in YEARS. I looked at the frozen dinners. Chef Gordon Ramsay has some new goyslop that's next to the HUNGRY MAN goyslop frozen dinners. And guess who else is there? Our mother fucking dude Guy Fieri. Holy shit. He really made it bros. Packaged right next to Gordon. Dude is really doing it.
Nah she's like 40 fucking years old with a long sexual history and no ability to pair with anyone. Bitches like that are a one way ticket to palookaville. Idc who you are.
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Holy shit it's real.
Has anyone tried it?
>being emotional will lose respect.
Only if you get emotional during a crisis anon, or if your begging for it from a partner.

Your partner should want to be the shoulder to cry on, they should empathize with you and let you know they are safe to do so with. That they understand your pain without judgement. Even if they are not your partner, a great friend is someone who will do this, but that is what a good girlfriend should be.

if they do not want to be that than you need to accept your dating a stunted child.
A man should be able to deal with the issue and make sure everyone is ok before letting himself feel what he needs to feel.

A woman who loves you respects this as it shows your not a sociopath that does not care, but that you are also the kind of man who can and will put his own needs aside when it matters.
Good post. Tony was a pretentious faggot in a lot of ways but to shit on him for tryng to reason with a psycho he fell in love with is isn't right. He's actually showing a lot of heart in these messages and she's a black hole. She should be shit on not him.
no he's being a needy pussy, a man with heart would tell her to fuck off and respect himself more
Cope. Simping for a roastie of this magnitude deserves ridicule. Also this >>201773160
>and let you know they are safe to do so with
Classic femoid trap.
Don't fall for it. The second you show vulnerability is the second her pussy dries up like the Sahara.
This thread gets posted every day
Post two.
> a woman 20 years younger than him and she's just like omg stfu
So true. They pulled me out of my slumber in the void for this shit? lol.
>Only if you get emotional during a crisis anon, or if your begging for it from a partner.

so when are you "supposed" to be emotional?

i shed a tear when the dog died, but i dont feel the need to break down and lose all control. pretty sure women are hardwired to filter out men like that for evolutionary purposes
>Listen to someone you think may have nothing in common with you
Not listening to some fag liberal tell me what work is like when they only click buttons on a keyboard

>Check in on yourself.

lmao yeah ok keep hangin' around
Negroniposting and Wattsposting are the only reasons I visit this board. Interesting how these two singular events can elicit such endless discussion.
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>Do it
its actually perfectly seasoned and sauced, you just put it in your mouth
> takes away from the gravity of sexual abuse.
Not very grave at all. I think sex pest is a more accurate vibe.
Reverse it, but make it unironic and with no self awareness.
>>you were reckless with my heart. my life. I do not own you. you are free. as I said. as I truly meant.
That is some gay shit you hear in a romcom, it is not something you tell a woman if you want to keep any semblance of respect.
Sex Pest is Benny Hill-esque, it is whimsical and not really harmful. Perhaps I am ineloquent and cannot explain it well enough but I know I am right.

Why are you trying to conflate "mega alpha chad" with "basic amount of self-respect?" If she's pulling bullshit you lake the L and move on instead of dragging it out being a whiny bitch before offing yourself. You should learn this shit in middle school, not in your 50's.

>so when are you "supposed" to be emotional?

You're supposed to find a woman that doesn't shit on you the split second you let your guard down. It's insane to accept a relationship where you are forced to maintain a 24/7 fake persona.
Why did Bourdain hate and have such a profound disgust for white people when he himself was white?
This guy was like the Jewish sports commentator for food lmao. Zero actual applicable knowledge, 200% waffle bullshit filled to the brim with chutzpah
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Anthony Michael Bourdain was born in Manhattan on June 25, 1956. His father, Pierre (1929–1987), was a classical music recording industry executive. His mother, Gladys (née Sacksman; 1934–2020), was a New York Times editor. Anthony's younger brother, Christopher, was born a few years after him.[10][11] Anthony grew up living with both of his parents and described his childhood in one of his books: "I did not want for love or attention. My parents loved me. Neither of them drank to excess. Nobody beat me. God was never mentioned so I was annoyed by neither church nor any notion of sin or damnation."[12] His father was Catholic of French descent and his mother was Jewish. Bourdain stated that, although he was considered Jewish by halacha's definition, "I've never been in a synagogue. I don't believe in a higher power. But that doesn't make me any less Jewish".
So? Jews are just as white as Europeans there is no difference except for racist morons
you've never been in love loser. prostitutes or texting your mom doesn't count
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Except the Jews openly advocate to exterminate whites.
Being in love is directly counter productive to getting a woman that loves you.

The brutal truth is that the only girls that can love you are those that you yourself profoundly find beneath you.
Any man with an ounce of self respect knows not to give a bitch genuine affection.
It depends, is she pulling bullshit in the first few weeks? Or long after a relationship has been established. At that point he has the right to ask the cunt what the fuck her problem is.
That’s just antisemetic nonsense, Jews are individuals and they don’t work together nor have massive space lasers
His BBQ sauces are garbage, but his hot sauces are good.
nah, this kind of shit is exactly what creates Asia Argentos to begin with.

They are genociding Palestinians right now. Why are you defending Nazis?
Hoes like Asia Argento, or Charlotte Gainsbourg, are made because their dads are kid fucking perverts.
Do what? Tip my server? No thanks.
Sex Pest is just a slur for any man trying to get laid
>At that point he has the right to ask

dude there is nothing to ask at that point. why would you care about a cheaters answers anyway?
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