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do Americans REALLY
Comfy as fuck
there's so much happening in this webm
zoomers really think this wasnt a paradise
It was a better time
god I hate cities so much
I miss those days so badly
Back when you could shoot up heroin and not worry about fent.
when you see this you can understand why most guys had gfs or were at least laid by age 19
No, late 70s/early 80s NYC, especially Time Square, was not "comfy", you flyover retard
You're the only retard here. I would give anything to be 10 years old in 1989 again. Fuck you.
>t. pearl clutcher
>late 70s/early 80s
There's no way that's early 80s. Early 90s maybe.
No wonder this board is obsessed with capeshit, fucking Gen X.
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>I would give anything to be 10 years old in 1989 again.
yeah, you didn't have to deal with:
>paying rent
>looking after kids
>saving up for college
>medical expenses
>afford food worth eating
>most abhorrent state of the subway in history
>daily grind other bullshit
all you had to do is watch cartoons, turn up to school, and nag your parents for new toys.
you had it on easy mode.
meanwhile people doing the adulting were miserable in those places.
You don't notice the cars
Grow up
Even with disgusting hobos and negroes roaming the streets, children were still safe enough to walk about. When was the last time you saw a little kid in the streets of New York?
NYC is more dangerous now than it was before DeBlasio's rampage and retarded southern governors sending their illegals here. IE about 2011
It is objectively still safer than the 70s and 80s.
>children were still safe enough to walk about
In broad daylight and in a crowded street? No shit. Try that in a subway at night.
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I'd fuck all the blondes.
People don't instantly stop using cars from previous decades once a new decade rolls around. Plus look at the fashion. Early 80s fashion was more 70s looking. That video is either from the late 80s or early 90s.
/pol/tards be like
>things are worse now then they have ever been!
HOLY FUCK. The NYC Subway System predicted 9/11!
you know 911 is the emergency number in the us right?
it goes deeper... 911... predicted 911
>it's been 20 years and he still can't find anything to complain about gen x with
very very fitting
NYC is headed right back to this. It comes and goes in cycles. They're on the "hands off" policing, anything goes, homeless people and foreigners flooding in phase of the decline. It only became nice thanks to Giuliani/Bloomberg, tough on crime, stop and frisk, all that shit.
It's actually kind of wild how it goes for literally any city

>be tough on crime, lock all criminals up, clean up streets => people flood in
>be soft on crime, let vagrants and petty criminals go wild, trash and graffiti buildup => people flood out

How do they keep fucking it up?
I assume that it's better now, but what did it take for them to finally clean that shit?
You guys always keep badmouthing your cities, but which ones are actually good?
thats crazy
White guilt and retard liberals will be the end for your country
It's so dense.
So an average city but with square cars and low resolution.
Funny how Republican led states have the highest crime rates.
I live in Seattle and have lived in the PNW my entire life. I try not to be a doomer about it but it's very depressing when all of my childhood childhood stomping grounds have turned into literal mad max hell-on-earth-type shit. The only thing separating us from San Fran at this point is the amount of human feces on the sidewalk, but we will catch up given enough time. Unfortunately cannot turn back time 30 years before the roving bands of bums and day laborers destroyed this once beautiful city.

They got super desperate and elected Rudy G. He enacted a crackdown on crime, as did much of America in the 80's. Basically no tolerance policies, broken windows policing. Inevitably things got safter, rich people started flooding back in. Those rich people caused property values to skyrocket, which priced out the rest of the criminal low class. They have now taken that for granted, and think they can do an about face with hands off policing. They're only half right, in NYC at least as I mentioned, the insane property values price out most degenerates. Other cities aren't as lucky. Crime has immediately returned and the nice white people are going to flee again.
why is this so compelling?

>Republican led

It's niggers and you know it. The funny thing is I'm trying to help you out here. If you don't fix the bare minimum you are going to lose a fuckload of people and get btfo in every election just like Reagan through Bush. We saw the exact same story play out already, urban exodus, mass suburbanization, right wing jolt in politics.
SOVL NYC, little white kids running around hobo negroes while a puerto rican's stolen Lincoln breaks down in the background. . This was peak getting along era.

The lack of sterility is inviting. There's more variety in human condition here, rather than a bunch of rich uptight people in suits. You almost feel like you can relax, ironically, even though it's less safe in some ways. There is a lot to observe and explore as its humanity in a more natural state, rather than formal.
lmao fuck off manchild.

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