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this is the kind of movie that makes loads of money but people barely talk about

the only people i've seen talk about this movie are fags on comic book twitter and /tv/
What’s there to talk about?
Oh wow it’s X actor as Y character again! Meta joke! The story is literally just “I wanna be a hero” the single gayest motivation for a character
it's just weird that a movie can potentially make so much money but have zero cultural impact or real discourse around it
you people are all so bitter
Avatar came out 15 years ago.
>this is the kind of movie that makes loads of money but people barely talk about
>no cultural impact (despite that the movie literally just came out last night)
So basically Avatar, or anything James Cameron makes. Kek. Shave your neck, faggot.
Movies are dead as a cultural force. Nobody quotes movies made in the last 15 years.
you’re an old pathetic sack of shit with dementia. you can’t even quote what the nurses in your nursing home said this morning.
avatar had way more impact than this movie. even just in terms vfx. people will barely remember this one after the next marvel movie comes out. people aren't really talking about it right now
why are you this mad over a comic book movie?
>this is the kind of movie that makes load of money BUT *instert cope here*
every time. never change cuck /tv/
> The only thing that matters is movies making money

no one will care about this movie once the next marvel movie comes out. it's purely a product for people to consume and nothing else
The culture has long moved past film. You will never see another movie have any cultural impact because culture revolves around the internet and e-celebs.
So like Barbie then
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it's a great movie
>it was
>it was really
>it was
>freaked out
the average actress' literacy level is reaching new lows
Jeremy Jahns liked it.
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High rise
>> The only thing that matters is movies making money
holy fuck you cracked the code what a genius
it was okay but normies wont get the references
just watched the camrip.
>deadpool saying 'you sick fucks' made me lul
>blade was the best cameo
>electra looked hotter now than in the movie she was in years ago
>there's daphne keen ass shots >:)
>deadpool keeps taking his mask off randomly, didnt do that in the previous flicks
>wolverine doesnt wear the mask until 20 mins before the credits. takes off shoulder pads before he wears it. he puts it on like a hoodie, yet the mask wasnt visible in previous scenes on his suit. it looked cgi almost every shot
>henry cavill reloads fists
>gambit came off as a huge homo, i can see why his movie didnt get made
>ruffalo hulk, ew
>cassandra nova was hot, the actress is shy on jimmy kimmel show for some reason, like kstew but taller
>fights were kinda meh, they needed snyder for this type of thing
>wolverine's whole reason for being in this adventure in the movie is the hope that he can reverse the bad end of his world. but in the end, some fat black woman tells him if they change his world using time hijinks, he wont be the man he is now. he doesnt really react, other than move his eyebrows. for some reason he didnt seem to really mind, but in every other scene he seethes
>most dp jokes dont land
I work with a guy who saw it last night and loved it. I'm sick of bad faith cape-slop, I will not be seeing it, but I'm glad he enjoyed it. We chit chatted about Snipes and Channing.
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>haha wow I'm Deadpool! haha I know riiiiiiight?!
>I'm kinda of a biiiiig deal in the marvel/etc/blabla universe *fart*
>yep that's *comic character* played by *actor #4 to portray the character*
>that's sooooooo cool! (but I preferred actor #2 better lololollllllll)
>So like I like sexxxxxx and all, especially up my butttttt (but only from my laaaaady friend)
>oh its *male crush* omg omg omg quick *normal sidekick* get the camera! oh marvel universe we love you!
>*bambambambam* take that universe hopping BITCHES
>oh.. my.. god! is that *other character from that one spinoff* it is? wowwwww
>*looks directly into camera* remember X-Men origins Deadpool AND Green Lantern? those suuuuuucked!' *bam bam bam*

Kids be like "this.. is our Schindler's list!"
nah man these two old geezers have been doing the press tour of all press tours, 20 talk shows, the hot wings show. They marketed this crap hard. People probably know about it.
>The culture has long moved past film
>culture revolves around the internet and e-celebs
I didn't fully believe the shit people say about the "browning of the internet" by 3rd world countries getting internet access over the past 15 years, but comedians like Gabriel Iglesias have talked about how they started uploading their material to YouTube and suddenly they now have huge fanbases in Africa and India
at this point I assume all low-tier stupid fucking videos shared to social media that use dumb fucking laugh audio like this are actively meant for sub-Saharan niggers or street-shitting pajeets browsing on garbage Android phones
>ruffalo hulk
no it wasn't
It released like 2 days ago so how would you know chud?
It's a movie you go see with your bros and you have some drinks before the movie starts, maybe some tokes too if that's your thing. Maybe sneak a 5th in too. It's a movie not a film, it's supposed to be fun without being too challenging. Just switch your brain off and make a fun night out of it. Go get a lap dance afterwards, treat yourself.
I seem to remember Hulk showing up too (I was drunk) - which Hulk was it?
it was literally ragnarok hulk
>movie literally just came out with most people having not seen it yet.
No it wasn't
Go outside and talk to someone
Bana Hulk
Mind control. The movie could literally insult the audience and tell them that the creators loathe them and want the destruction of their souls and people would laugh thinking it's a meta joke.
Please be patient, she's Mexican
It was boring. Something seemed missing in this flick. Dunno what, but it just felt off. Plus the humor and set pieces (except the blade one) fucking sucked
Movie played it completely safe which was just weird. Also le dog joke???!!111! So many overdone bits.
No one can tell me I'm wrong here. It's not hard to imagine a line like that being in the script and redditor audience laughing at their own expense.
this is a blatant lie. just because you ignore everything surrounding it and tell yourself that what you do see is a paid shill doesn’t mean nobody’s talking about it lmao. it’s literally about to become the biggest r-rated movie ever.
It’s going to make some people seethe that the movie’s trailers completely oversold the impact this film would have on the MCU.
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yeah its insane.
probably action
it was weakest action out of all three and especially out of wolverines
You know can do this while watching a GOOD movie too right? You just settle for slop because you and your bros are retarded
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>Lets have a chimichanga cook off with Gordon Ramsay
They really did try to saturate all the media options.
I know. I don't know why people are so eager to excuse trash. The movie literally has open contempt for the audience.
Won't have any impact on people who don't give a single shit about the X-Men, Wolverine or Marvel movies from the 2000s
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it will make billion and more
shame because its so piss poor movie
it was fun desu
No shit? I wonder why it didn't register in my brain. What did the Hulk do anyway, I feel like it was a 60 second cameo.
>Time for the ceremonial street shitting in their honor
This is a very bad precedent. The message essentially is that it doesn't matter at this point how bad a movie is as long as it has "iconic" characters. I don't see how they could have made this movie much worse than they did and yet it gets rewarded.
>boring. Something seemed missing in this flick.
Agreed. Should have been a lot more fun.
Hard to have "fun" with bare bones nihilism and hedonism and meta abstraction that takes away all meaning form the plot or characters.
I think that's part of why it was "meh". Cameos for the sake of cameos and not building a new X-Force with the Fox characters.

Garner didn't practice the sais for 2 decades just for 3 lines of dialogue.
It was schizo kino
They’ll worship any damn thing, won’t they?
>bland cynical corporate slop
That word has no meaning. It's been debased as much as "based".
The best part was Wesley Snipes. Dude still has the charisma and completely outshone everyone else despite being a cameo.
Everything else ranged from bland to downright awful.
Kino still just means good movie to me. It was completely all over the place though like most modern marvel shit, hence the schizo prefix.
>The best part was Wesley Snipes
Isn't that fucking crazy?! The majority of fans feel the same way. And I agree, he was the best part.

The problem with that is, he has 10 mins of screentime in a 2 hour film. I wonder what "Secret Wars" will look like? Cause I'm all cameo'd out.
You're talking about it.
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It was fairly good, but it was talking for 2 hours
1>2>3 so that's why not many people are talking about i t
The MCU in pop culture came and went
they really set up wolverine as having done something horrible when all he did was get shitfaced one night when something bad happened it wasn't even remotely his fault.

also I'm supposed to believe that a bunch of people somehow managed to kill Storm, Prof X., Beast, Cyclops and Jean Grey and all the other X-Men but somehow Wolverine being there would've made any difference?
she looks so gross now.
i wouldn't go as far as downright awful, but bland is accurate. i got really tired of the 4th wall breaks after a while, and by the third act, i was just waiting for it to end. but it was as good as the other deadpool movies for me. i like the beginning, bored of it by the end. they are all ok.

it's boring. why does all marvel slop have a 2 hour runtime
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edgy faggot teen dream team
Some guy I used to work with is shilling the fuck out of this movie on jewbook saying it's a top 5 all time great movie. He posted the opening sequence saying it's the best opening ever and it was horrifically corny and faggy. He's 40 with a wife and kids
Avatar is fucking based, faggot. Shut up.
Edgelord is the only non-gay archetype personality. Kys faggot.
Replace the white ranger with Batman '89 and you might have something there.
But the white ranger does martial arts and fights evil demons and witches
Yeah, that was an increadibly weak reveal, total nothingburger. At least he should've killed Xavier while mindcontrolled or something. Would still be lame for the supposedly "worst Wolverine," but almost anything would be better than what we got.
The result of the formula being optimized for making money rather than having cultural impact.
Deadpool 1 and 2 sucked. People hae RR voice.
Hahaha I luv Homelander!
Poor Hughie! Oh no he's getting raped again! Hahahaha!
well I'm only going to see it because I saw the other 2 and they made me smile a few times and it's one of those movies you can take your gf to so she will shut up for date night for another month.
>>gambit came off as a huge homo
>southern usa French buff guy who throws purple pixe dust poker cards
>live action goofy costume
He's a onetrick gimmick
>The story is literally just “I wanna be a hero” the single gayest motivation for a character
That sounds better than most capeshit at this point, which is mostly "I like having superpowers and a vagina"
Culture/discourse = require story, character arc/relationships, bigger themes etc to talk about.
>shitty spawn
>shitty ghost rider movie
>faggot rangers
>shitty hellboy 2019 reboot
The skirt?
All better then and absolutely MOG MCU, faggot
I expected to hate this, but it was way better than Deadpool 2 and Channing Tatum as Gambit was dumb fun to watch.
this movie was horribly fucking dumb and none of the funny "haha, it's Henry Cavill as Wolverine!" moments saved it

Wolverine's issue was that he murdered a bunch of humans, Anon.

Still doesn't explain how, if he's so infamous in his world, can he chill at a bar and get a drink.
This. How could random people kill Omega mutants like Storm, Jean or Iceman?
i hate marvel shit but this was fun and kino
and yes the proposal line made me howl
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Yes, it's above her navel and it's not sexy
I skimwatched the bootleg last night and it was just awful. Way way too long, too much exposition, felt like a ca. 2010 superhero movie with how seriously it wants you to take its b-plot of a main plot. All the "this is EPIC am I right audience???" bits felt like they were aimed at 2015 redditors. The audience in the scan barely chuckled a few times.

It felt as cheap and lazy as that Spiderman: All the Spidermen Together cash-in movie, where they all phoned in their performances via green screen and were barely in the same rooms together, but whereas that was skillfully made to dupe retards, this just felt cheap. Felt like it was made in one week in a warehouse on some lot.
a bitchy homosexual in latex? A meaningless cartoon cgi driven plot? again?
This isn't sexy either with the waxed belly and pussy.
That’s what Starship Troopers did lol
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>but people barely talk about
you wanna know why ? There is ZERO woke or controversial shit in it. People only like to talk about that stuff lately, and this movie has none. It's just a pure fun action/comedy movie with everything people have been wanting for like 10 years now
>cultural impact
i don't think memes are that, but there will be a few from this movie.
ok shill
I liked it, it was retarded like marvel-slop but it was fun and interesting enough through the whole runtime to justify the retarded story.
>It's just a pure fun action/comedy movie with everything people have been wanting for like 10 years now
It's literally a movie about nothing though? Nothing happens, no good villains, no good fights, it's just cameos from some X-Men and the rest is basically a ChatGPT "plot" that goes nowhere for 2 hours, there's not even proper locations or anything, it's all in the middle of fucking nowhere.
Classic comeback, this movie doesn't need shilling though.
maybe we watched the wrong movie because the opening sequence alone is pure kino. And most of the fights are great, especially the one in the car between the two protags.
>in the middle of nowhere
ugh yeah, they call it the Void, i swear to God some of you mfs just like to type words and click post.
>>maybe we watched the wrong movie because the opening sequence alone is pure kino.
I watched it 3 hours ago and I had to think really hard to remember how it opens. The generic time cop fight where he stabs them IN THE DICK AYY LMFAO LOL KEKKERINO DICKERINO REDDITORINO?
Whitest theatre I've ever seen. Like I was teleported back to the 90s. Not a single brown or black guy to be seen. No weird fags or blue haired lesbians. Just a bunch of white dudes with the occasional girlfriend
>no good fights
We literally get Wolverine in full costume with mask finally fighting
We got Wolverine running on all fours fighting another guy capable of healing as much as him
wtf are you talking about
>ugh yeah, they call it the Void
Weren't like the last 10 Marvel movies in some kind of a void?
idk what to tell you or what you are even arguing but judging by the way you type it seems that you just want to be mad at the movie and made up some reasons that make sense for you. But that doesn't mean they are true. I mean really ? you watched it 3 hours ago and already forgot how it opens ? wow dude, you must be so above it all. Regardless of how you feel or what you think about the movie, it's a complete success so, sorry.
idk i didn't watch them, except for Guardians 3 and that one wasn't
>idk what to tell you
Ask ChatGPT moron?
yeah you mentioned chatgpt twice, you can let it go now
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You sound like a fag

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