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How does he feel about The Dominion?
Like this?
Deep Space Nine is just boring most of the time.
It's the best Star Trek with the best characters
That's The Next Generation. That was the peak and everyone knows it. Voyager tries hard, but isn't nearly as good.
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>it's another "prophets" episode
TNG characters are great but they're too robotic morally nappy happy good doers (literally for some). DS9 characters have more depth and realism to them. They also are just generally more likeable
I think the problem with Q is they did too much with him. Him just being a dick is more interesting and explainable than him being a trickster that is ultimately trying to help. When Q introduced the Borg to Starfleet it was just written to be him knocking Picard down a peg or two, not some grand plan by Q to prepare the UFP for the Borg which is what people make it retroactively out to be.
He only gives a shit about his personal pets like Picard and Janeway, he couldn't give a rat's shit about the rest of the species. During the Dominion War the Enterprise was on guard duty and Voyager was off fucking around in the Delta Quadrant, so neither of his favorite people were in any danger.
Is he meant to be Jesus from OT type figure? Just appearing in front of Abraham and guiding him then randomly raining down fire from heaven or making visions happen to test people
>muh grit-trek with gays and lesbians
Sisko didn't put up with his shit
He wasn't on Voyager that much. Which is a shame because it seems like the perfect show for him to be a recurring character on. At least more than 3 episodes
Why did he decide to present as camp in his human form?
>black man assaults minor annoyance
hm. benny sure did like punching people.
Q dosen't give a shit about the Dominion. The Founders and their minions are stagnant and closed-minded. Q only shows interest in creatures that grow and better themselves by learning and adapting.
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i don't understand Q as a character, whats the point ? you're like a God to any civilization in the know universe in term of knowledge and technology, so why become a Joker/trickster and fuck with everyone ? i mean if you're 10 dimensions ahead of everyone, kinda pointless to play with ants
>so why become a Joker/trickster and fuck with everyone ? i
he was bored
How would he have felt if The Dominion won the war took over The Federation? How would he have felt if The Dominion eventually went to war with The Borg?
The only lesbian thing I think happened with the characters is Dax kissing that woman. Everyone agrees that was one of DS9 weaker lesser moments
You answered your question yourself

Literally what the fuck is he supposed to do with his free time? Picard makes him seethe occasionally so he keeps hanging around him.
Q episodes were the highlights of TNG.
>b-but they weren't super serious!
>b-but Q doesn't make any sense and just wants to fuck with picard
>so why become a Joker/trickster and fuck with everyone ?
It's a Q fetish thing.
The Q are all so old that most novelty is lost on them, which results in the majority of them becoming miserable joyless cunts that do nothing but seethe all day. The main Q that we know escaped this by deciding he would gain enjoyment by fucking with lesser species, but he also seems to actually like them deep down.
I get real sick real fast of bajorans and their dumb shit every time I try to rewatch DS9. Lieutenant Shaxs is the only good bajoran character that any trek ever put out.
>your favourite Q episode

For me, it’s Q Who.
Q is a gay NL
nothing more
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deja q is the quintessential q episode
Picard got so BTFO here
Do you think he trolls the founders as much as he trolls Picard?
How does time work in Star Trek? The Federation in the future has relatively casual time travel/manipulation/ whatever we want to call it. So during the Dominion War does the future where the Federation won 'exist' or has it yet to come to be? If the Federation was losing the Dominion War could the future Federation interfere or is there some time loop rule(s)? Or is there no real consistency or attempt by the franchise to explain time rules?
>The great prophecy was Sisko pushing Dukat into a volcano
The Changelings like to pretend they're the most evolved and intelligent lifeform in the universe. It would be pretty funny if they got pranked by Q
You are a Q. What do you do?
Time cops arrest anyone who does time travel mischief, except when our heroes do time travel mischief because then it's okay.
kill all geezers
Yeah what was that all about? Was that his test? I think the liberal writers hated Dukat so much they decided after the 5-6th season to completely destroy his character and make him into a cartoon villian that has zero direct impact on the main story. And is off doing his own thing that has zero consequence and is completely pointless. Maybe his prophecy was saving Bajor from The Dominion?? I don't know?
How much interference and fuckery do the Continuum even tolerate? If we take Deja Q at face value, that is is to say Q was not bullshitting about the Continuum removing his powers, then there is seemingly some limit to what they would allow you to get up to.
Fuck with the uppity founders
Shit in Odo's cuck bucket
Troll Sisko
Troll Dukat
See 7 of 9 naked
Force a spinoff with DS9/TNG/Voyager and force them all into the same room together dealing with space shit
>Q removes founder ability to cuddle puddle
>This forces them to speak to each other to communicate
>Disagreements mount
>Factions emerge
>Dominion civil war erupts
>Swelling brass chorus as dominion ships fight each other
>Close up of Q's smirking face
>Zooms out to reveal him wearing a section 31 uniform, listening to Sloan give a report
>Q winks at the camera
>Two founders locked in physical struggle suddenly merge together
Could he beat Goku?
make Garak gay
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Didn't the writers say in the documentary that they were going to or wanted to make Bashir and Garak gay or they said that there was some "hidden gay" tension?
Probably finds them boring. They are just a big empire that use genetically modified slave races in order to dominate other species, nothing that interesting. Q likes humanity because they show potential to be more than they are. Lets be honest, most races in trek are just autists with a hyperfixation (Klingons-honor, Cardassians-family and order, Vulcans-logic, Romulans-conquering, Ferengi-money etc). Humans are the only ones that are actually multifaceted.
Q is the best star trek character and it's not even close.
I like the story with the great plan more for some reason.

Q is something like a trickster god of the Star Trek Universe.
Garak was bi for Dukat's daughter and Bashir, Julian was just effeminate but he was full straight
Hang out with Tucker and eat catfish And be the scarecrow for a few years just to see what it's like
the executives blackmailed the writers to make them not gay
conservatives suck
TNG is my favorite but you're being disingenuous, I do think DS9 falls off after season 5 but there's a lot of interesting episodes and great characters. Great dynamics between characters more importantly, Odo and Quark, Bashir and Garak, etc.
>have reality-warping weapons so advanced other non-Q races can't even perceive them, let alone use them
>humans grab them, imagine they're in the US civil war, and can suddenly use the God weapons
>force the Q to surrender but don't request a ride home

You forget how batshit Voyager was sometimes
Weak plot doesn;t make a season bad. S4 of Buffy is easily the worst in terms of overarching plot and main antagonist/villain, but it has a ton of really memorable great episodes.
>See 7 of 9 naked
This but in a threesome with Jadzia and the other one whatshername
you mean comfy fillers?
>revolting writer refused opportunity to force people to view his disgusting fetish acted out in front of millions
>"conservatives suck"
No, just genuinely great episodes, character driven giving loads of insight to the cast and worldbuilding, but the overarching narrative in which they exist is just lame compared to the other seasons who had both
I can't watch this without hating how much that room of theatre kids would have been loving this campy overacting. Patrick Stewart's gay musical rendition on the bridge makes my skin crawl
fillers in buffy evolved considerably
s1-s3 fillers are disposable, like that one with creature of black lagoon
but in s4 all fillers feel part of long arc because of magic box location
you seem fun
Wait what?
>he doesn’t play with ants
You’re missing out. They’re fascinating little buggers
>The Dominion?
Kind of annoyed his favorite ant colony is being attacked.
autism, that's why
Autism and the fact that they’re astonishingly well adapted to their environment. Eusocial insects are generally pretty neat and are a model for the future of humanity, like it or not
This is an ant colony captured in aluminum. RIP in peace little buddies
So what do the ants do when they run out of room?
They expand and go to war. Sound familiar?
Humans are such soulless monsters. This is beyond sick. Q would never do something this horrible.
You must love nu-trek
nutrek is fun
Okay that is interesting. What if they're part of one colony? So do they just begin to form their own separate colonies and split off?
No I hate it
geezer cunt
I'm pretty sure they made this clear multiple times: our Q was a renegade who just used his powers to cause chaos for personal amusement
I can't stand this mother fucker. Everything about his face is off putting and his voice is even worse. Everything about the ferengi is just awful. Makes DS9 completely unwatchable.
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>why own a cat
>why own fish
>why bird watch
>why have an ant colony
I could watch these little fuckers cut leaves all day.
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>nutrek is fun
geezers are gay confirmed
Cool it with the anti-semitism
filtered HARD

guess what, kiddo? Tendy is shit!!!!!
>I think
No the writers have pretty much confirmed that they hated people liked Dukat and torpedoed his character to spite the audience
what dumb shit? They are an underdeveloped race, just coming out of decades of oppression and slave labor. The fuck are they supposed to do? All out retaliation on the Cardassians? Half the planet still has trouble finding enough food dude.
maked Dukat lame was the tax for making Garak "straight"
Not busying myself with the exploration of ants colonies that's for sure. That's basically what all other races are to Q. You can do anything and go anywhere, why the fuck would I try to get some silly humans mad at me?
I think the fact that they night universally promote Kai Winn who is one of the most unlikable characters in the show might have something to do with it
There are tons of different species so strategies may differ somewhat, but yeah often a new queen will bugger off and start a new colony in response to overcrowding
if you are gay, yes
she is unlikable to the viewer, because you see what a cunt she is. To the average Bajoran she is a steadfast, spiritual leader who only wants what is best for her people.
If Prophets exist why Cardassian occupation happen?
Are you propositioning me? Because I’m not into that sort of thing
Q was an outcast of his own kind. Most of them aren't like him, so he's just an autist nobody likes
He probably would have intervened and prevented that. The Q seem to favor the cause of justice and progress, even when stoopid creatures arrogantly attempt to achieve it. Q put mankind on trail for a reason. To see how they would behave under the threat of severe punishment for being what they were. We get some insight into this when Sisko meets the wormhole bros.
I heard Q created the entire multiverse to flood the catalog because he didn't like one shitposting civilization

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