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Okay, but did he ever get pegged by Ella Hollywood?
The grifters really smelled blood in the water, didn't they
A shame if this was his downfall. I had bet that he was actually the antichrist
Could have sold the brand for a whole billy. Oh well.
Girfters are cockroaches. One little crum to us (internet drama) is a meal to them
>thing happens with big celebrity
>a bunch of nobodies come out of the wood work to get 15 seconds of fame from it
>not my hecking wholesome agape-mouthed cretin
It's a grift eat grift world Ray, and I'm letting the beast off his chain
>say that you'd run for President if you were old enough
>not a month later you're being buried in dirt from all sides
Why the fuck do people make these long ass videos? Just make a 5 or 10 minute video of all the bad shit
One of many but not thee Antichrist.
More video = more places for ads
Isn't youtube just going to push down any anti mr beast video? He makes them a lot of money. Is he actually disposable? almost feels to big to let fail
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At some point, video length became synonymous with quality.
im going to watch something this long at all. its boring and tedious. I just want short video of all the worst shit so I can watch it at 4x or 5x speed and move on quickly to next thing.
Zoomers watch in the background while playing games.
commie bitch or not, this video was background noise kino
not going to watch*
Don't care, I never watch Mr Beast videos anyway.
I have 3 monitors and what I do is I have 1 monitor with a twitch stream and 1 monitor with random youtube video and other monitor with video game and I usually have something else open on my phone at same time like tiktok
when the mrbeast is sus
For every (you) that won't, 5 >>201758585 will. They just cast the wide net, not caring if they miss a few fish.
It began with people like matthewmatosis making genuinely tryhard autismo video game reviews. Then it became a trend ("le 4 hour review of film longer than film itself xD"), then an actual phenomenon as a podcast replacement.
>background noise
This legitimately makes me believe in the npc meme.
Mostly from the hundreds of people who kept making shit 10 minute videos because that was the minimum to get monetized with ads or something
Mr. Beast was the kind of kid that would try to sell you pokemon cards claiming it was a really rare one, or the kind of guy that would start an wata-like enterprise, really a fishy guy

Video assays are kino
but yeah >>201758526 instead of making a series of videos on the topic you make one to keep the viewership high, otherwise the final videos in the series would have low view numbers
>le contrarian opinion
so brave and redpilled. have a (you)
The antichrist
I dont get it. People say zoomers have bad attention span but there is long videos like this clearly targeted at zoomers.
>commie bitch
kek, really? I always thought she was just a trust fund kid disney fangirl.
>OMG just make it a TikTok! MUH ADHD!!!
They can just find another one of these cookie-cutter e-celeb hopefuls. A little nudge with the algorithm and you find yourself another Pewdiepie or Mr Beast.
Do you know what they are doing while they "watch" that long video? 10,000 other things on their phone.
like some zoomer ITT said, they use them as background noise while they jerk off, vape, swipe TikTok and play subway surfer
trust fundies always tend to lean towards commie shit due to their sheltered life and lack of real world experience
Are zoomers solely watching the video or is it on as "background noise" while they mess with their phones, play video games and browse the internet? It's a way to socially say you consoooomed the thing without really consuming the thing.
ITT Hollyweird mad that shitposters on youtube are more popular.

Still though, fuck MrBeast and hisctranny cabal.
Hasan is a trustfund kid as well
zoomers dont actually watch it, they just put it on in the background for the company.
you know like grandma with her soap operas
>while they jerk off
That's next level, though. Watching porn full-volume, and having another video in the background for double the noise
Hasan is a legit grunting neanderthal I don't know why people watch him. he's dumber than the stereotypical American "jock"
>not muting the volume on porn

There's some true degenerates on this board, but that's the worst thing I've ever seen.
Depends on the porn. My main fetish required audio for it to really work.
Yeah I always thought it was suspicious that he did giveaways and contests without approval from the FTC so it's not surprising that the competition videos are fake. My favorite MrBeast videos are the ones where he tries expensive shit though. Glad the tranny will no longer be part of those.
bois what would you do if mr. beast proffer you 1 million of shekels and the only thing you have to do is become a tranny?
Personally i wouldnt
>"illegal lotteries"
Who cares? There is a STAGGERING amount of arbitrary Red Tape regarding anything even vaguely related to "gambling", even benign give-aways and other fun shit.

>Promoting Gambling to children
Again, who cares? What kind of "Gambling"? Was he telling kids to go spend their (non-existent) Paychecks to the local Casino? A ton of benign shit gets technically labeled as "Gambling", even things like betting $5 with your buddy on the outcome of a football-game.

>Fake Videos & Giveaways
Again, who cares? And "fake" in what specific way? I mean that's not GOOD but do you have any idea how many channels on YouTube make """fake videos"""? And a give-away isn't "fake" in any way that matters unless he was, like, I don't know, charging for tickets to a raffle where nobody won any actual prizes.
do you prefer the Brazilian Braphog, the African Shitwhore, the German Poopenschaft, or the Japanese Gigglesqueak?
Actually read the book of revelations retards, the anti-christ doesn't show up until after the rapture.
Every topic needs a 1-2 hour video essay with cringe unnecessary vaporwave/vhs chapter transition and the speaker making ominous pauses
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>white non-jew dude bro who's a successful youtuber thanks entirely to not being jewish
>everything about him seems to make him out to be a nice guy
>he must be the antichrist or evil businessman
>meanwhile everyone here worships a literal pedo kike who fucks trannies and scams his own fans
lol Sam is 100X worse than Mr Beast
Why not? All you have to do is say "I am trans now".
Nobody would know that you're crossing your fingers behind your back.
Funny that you guys mention Hasan in a MrBeast thread.
Friendly reminder that the turk the pedo and the blackcel Kai Cenat had their industry plant youtube careers started by the same manager.
none of these "accusations" are even that negative
I feel like I already know the content of the video without even watching it
if those are the big "gotchas" they have on him, that's clearly not a big deal

I never watched Beast so i dont give a shit to defend him but I hate attentionwhore dramatubers even more
Make no mistake. It absolutely started with RLMs Plinkett reviews.
They might not have been the very first, but they absolutely had the first long-video-essay-about-bullshit take off and explode in popularity.
I mean the guy is worth half a billion dollars. You don't get that rich without fucking over everyone.
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oh yeah you're right, Plinkett was the first successful "big production" (by yt standards) video series. People rarely replicate that level of effort though.
dr d had a deadman switch lol
boomer here. are tiktok videos that long? I thought they were like 30 seconds or something. Never used it.
he's fine. Most of his audience is <10 years old and will never see this shit because youtube kids won't show it to them
I dont like him or his slop videos bit idgaf if hes a bad person or not
Did anyone, ANYONE, seriously think this soulless demon husk of a human and his painted smile wasn't going to turn out to have skeletons and scandals in his closet?
>Plinkett was the first successful "big production" (by yt standards) video series. People rarely replicate that level of effort though.
I don't mean just the big/high production of it.
I mean they were genuinely on Youtube in 2008 posting the massive ass TPM Plinket review split up into 7 or 8 parts, which was YEARS before anyone else really started doing long ass video essays on bullshit entertainment topics.
even some of the oldest gamer essayists like MM started in 2014ish.

people genuinely don't realize how much RLM altered the course of internet discourse.
>Actually read the book of revelations retards, the anti-christ doesn't show up until after the rapture.
The rapture isn't even in the book of Revelation. singular.
Guy who made the video did an ama on reddit and made a little clip saying Mr beast knew everything about the Krys Tyson situation and "she"s been a liability for a while but they couldn't get rid of her because she knew too much. He claims what other people did (either Mr beast or his other buddies) is much worse and when it gets out the brand is over
People thought I was weird for having a fake smile and fake positive attitude all the time in college but I was just depressed. I've never done anything weird.
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Whats supposed to be the problem? Butthurt ex employee making up some shit?
It's "pedophelia" by definition.
If you jerk-off to pictures of dudes, you're gay. It does not matter; to me or anyone else that actually has a functioning brain; whether the pictures of dudes are "photos" OR "drawings". You're gay either way.
Same with jerking-off to pictures of children.
These people are fucking sharks, the second blood is in the water they all descend to get their piece. I hate this freak but I hate the cancel vultures far more.
I watched the "last one to be in the circle wins $500,000" video and the person that came in third won $20k cash, but the person who came in second only won $10k plus a "brand new" 2014 Mustang. I just thought it was funny because the video came out in 2021.

I got the impression throughout the video that they were really rushing it as it went on because he realized they couldn't afford to keep giving away money like that.
>1 hour drama video
fuck off
I'm so glad people are noticing this shit, I see these 4+ hour bullshit vids on YouTuber drama get huge traction and I can't believe people actually watch them
Depends on the context. If you’re masturbating to a tiny/petite anime character sure it’s not pedophilia. But if she has a little girl hair style, is wearing little girl clothes, acts like a little girl, etc., it’s obviously pedophilia.
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Never liked the guy, from "for profit charity" to being blantantly astroturfed by Disney to replace Pewdiepie's place in pop culture after he got off the hook he always felt fake like the smile he makes in every thumbnail.
But knowing he covered a pedophile until people found his messages to a 13 year old makes me inclinced to beleive every dirt on him
>someone post videos of himself hosting unregulated lotteries and promoting gambling to children and gets multiple million views per video doing it
i sleep
>some literal who 'accuses' him of doing those things like it was a big secret
Nope. Its free speech and is imageboard culture :)
>I see these 4+ hour bullshit vids on YouTuber drama get huge traction and I can't believe people actually watch them
Anon, people don't sit there and actively watch 4 hour videos like that.
They put it on in the background while doing other shit, similar to a podcast, or music, or the fucking radio. It's no different.
Its fine when its an actual documentary on a complex topic, but when it is just some guy talking about a single video game or single mediocre film, it just is crazy.
Neither of those things are mutually-exclusive from being pedophelia.
Welcome to Biden's America
i put it on while i browse 4chan all day
unregulated lottery man is only there because of youtube forcing him onto every tablet
Yeah. If its a video on ww2 or something then long video makes sense but when its just some random youtube retard then a 5 minute video of the worst shit hes done should suffice.
>no laptop with a movie on it at the same time
do you even zoom
nasty fuck is always eating on stream. so disrespectful. nobody wants to watch you eat while talking about tiktoks. cant believe people watch him
>hosting unregulated lotteries
There's no need for regulation when there is no money being exchanged for a chance of winning. It's a one way lotto - you pay nothing and you win, or you pay nothing and you lose.
Homosexuality is homosexuality because you're attracted to the same gender. Pedophilia is when you're attracted to pre-pubescent children. Drawings are not pre-pubescent children, it doesn't work like that. Of course there's a grey area if a real child is being represented but 99% of the time lolis represent a completely unrealistic fantastical representation of a child, petite woman, or fantasy race like elf, dragon, yordle, fairy, etc.
>Just make a 5 or 10 minute video of all the bad shit
He literally goes through point by point in rapid succession discussing all the bad shit and it STILL takes an hour. That's just how bad the situation is.
I almost never watch full movies. I just watch those youtube channels that summarise a movie in 10 minutes and I usually watch them at 3 or 4 x speed.
you have to buy merch to enter. He is telling you "buy merch RIGHT NOW and you will get cash prize"
the algorithm demands long videos and the flesh obeys
>There's no need for regulation when there is no money being exchanged for a chance of winning
You clearly didn't watch the video because a large part of the critique was that the majority of MrBeasts giveaways required a purchase of either his merch during livestreams or a feastables bar.
Why does he keep saying minor attracted person instead of pedo?
>Drawings are not pre-pubescent children
They're not "men" either by that logic, dumb shit.

But nobody claimed a drawing was an ACTUAL child, just like nobody claimed a drawing was an ACTUAL man. That's a Strawman-Argument used by pedophiles to muddy the waters.

The claim is that jacking off to pictures of dudes, whether it's a photo or a drawing, makes you gay, and that jacking off to pictures of children, whether it's a photo or a drawing, makes you pedophile.
Which is correct.
The rapture has already happened thoughbeit. As it turns out, JF Gariepy's retarded wife was the only Heaven elect on Earth
You are right, although you sound like a coping pedophile when you say 99% of loli don’t represent a child or try to play it off like it doesn’t represent a real child. If you’re fapping to representations of a child you’re a pedophile, simple as. Especially because pedophilia is more than just physical attraction, it’s the power dynamics and corruption of innocence that pedophiles get off on.
>draw a child
>add wings or elf-ears or some shit
>"It's NOT a child any more!!! It's a 'Dragon' or some shit now!!! Teeheeheeheeheeheehee!!!"
That's what this faggot gets for working with a tranny. Let this be a lesson.
true, it still shows how retarded everything is
he always did those things out in the open, bragging about how they are the best at gluing children to the screen
nobody fucking cared
but now it's 'drama' so NOW all of the sudden it's reprehensible
it's such a fucking joke

good riddance if it actually crushes him, but still
the 'lottery' isn't even my main point to be honest, all of his 'content' is predatory, through and through
the skinnerbox of youtube
not pedophilia no matter how much you try.
Tiktok brain vocabulary
The pedo word also probably gets flagged by youtube causing the video to lose monetization im guessing
>They're not "men" either by that logic, dumb shit.
It's a representation of the male gender. It's literally homosexual attraction to drawn men. There's almost no nuance there. Lolis like I said can represent many things. It's a stupid argument to say they can ONLY represent children and/or that the visuals are representative of irl children.
If you rounded up every single person who watched this video and put them in concentration camps it would be a net positive for the world.
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>You are right
>proceeds to literally explain why he's not right
You keep telling yourself whatever makes you feel better pedo
Unrelated but there is a seagull out in my garden and I don't live anywhere near the sea. Pretty weird desu.
YouTube drama videos are more annoying.
>You are right, although you sound like a coping pedophile when you say 99% of loli don’t represent a child
I should say the loli i've seen then, fair enough. Stuff like Shadman drawing real people like Daphne Keen and Keemstar's daughter is pedophilia to me but stuff like the lolis in anime and vtubing don't even register.
Most of those things like the "illegal lotteries" are the same thing many streamers do. Mr Beast should be able to afford lawyers that make sure he covers his ass, but a lot of this feels like ignorance over malice.
No, you just lack reading comprehension which is not unexpected from someone using an anime avatar. I went on to explain why his cope is wrong.
If you're cold, he's cold. Bring him inside.
I am a pedophile and i love lolicon, it's the only reason i watch anime and hentai
>It's a representation of the male gender.
And a 'loli' is a representation of a child.

>Lolis like I said can represent many things.
This is the most retarded cope I have ever heard.
The DEFINING TRAIT of a 'Loli' is "looks like a child/straight-up just IS a child".
Pewdiepie decided to leave by himself. Nobody forced him out. And as nature hates vacuum, some other corporations-astroturfed shitstain had to take his place.
I refuse to watch four hours of Jenny Nicholson.
>Watching porn full-volume
I went deaf after watching Plumperpass videos at the highest possible volume, and now I have to read subtitles for the rest of my life.
Gay porn is always a representation of gay sex but loli porn is *not* always a representation of *child* sex. If you don't understand that you're being purposefully obtuse.
>which is not unexpected from someone using an anime avatar
Nigger WHAT "avatar"? Did you mean the Reaction-Image that was posted?
Do you even know what an "Avatar" OR a "Reaction-Image" is? Don't use words you don't understand, especially not if you're trying to sound "superior" to literally anyone else.
the algorithm favors minutes watched
>Chris isn’t my fucking nightmare
He tempted fate and fate fucked him
Also there is nothing wrong with being a pedophile and the sooner they legalize it the sooner the loli will be also legal
Not sure if real or parody but either way it exemplifies zoomer brainrot. That whole generation is being lobotomized and no one is doing anything to stop it.
social platforms "supposedly" shadowban videos and content that talk about certain things so creators self-censor and end up sounding like absolute clowns
it's the reason history YouTubers say faggy shit like "unalive" instead of "murder/kill" and can't refer to Hitler or the Nazis by actual name
it's honestly murky as fuck and I don't think the shadowbans are nearly as prevalent as these morons act
had to stop watching a history podcaster called History of Everything because that faggot just would not stop complaining about YouTube censorship while also using retarded TIkTok baby-talk like "angry mustache man" to refer to Hitler
lolis are young females. That could mean they represent pre-pubescent children, post pubescent children, or even 17 year olds. The latter 2 aren’t pedophiles. That’s why it depends on the context of what type of young female is being represented, a pre or post pubescent child? So it is unfair to say loli is always pedo because loli isn’t always pre-pubescent. However it is fair to say that if you tap to Loki you are either a pedo or a hebephile, however the vast majority of straight men are hebephiles and that’s completely normal.
>makes every single government around the world, but especially those from poor countries, look like corrupt literal shitholes.
>gets attacked/exposed/blah blah blah
all according to keikaku
Don’t care, you use tranime so my point still stands, seethe troon
Who says the rapture hasn’t happened already?
I'll give this bitch credit, it was pointlessly long but at the same time it was shockingly comprehensive in terms of documenting the entire timeline of the hotel's existence and what it was like staying there
>but loli porn is *not* always a representation of *child* sex
A '"loli" by definition looks like/is a child, you disengenous faggot.
That's literally the only thing that signifies it as being a "loli".
This. If someone says me jerking off to Tatsumaki and Etna makes me a pedophile, I just write them off as a literal retard.
>thread about a dying youtuber
>half the thread is defending pedophilia
>1:22 into the video
>Uses MAP unironically
Damn if only he became a tranny so he'd have a personal army running counter-intel to stop him from being cancelled
good, death to all ecelebs
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>A '"loli" by definition looks like/is a child, you disengenous faggot.
Does this look like a child to you? Disingenuous faggot.
Pedophilia is not a sexuality, it’s a disorder that needs to be addressed by professionals. Them realizing it’s wrong doesn’t mean anything, it doesn’t mean they’re not a risk to children. All criminals know what they’re doing is wrong.
Indulging it by consuming cartoon kids is a red flag. Rape fantasies can turn into reality.
Alternate History Hub got fed up with YouTube being histrionic over his videos related to WWII being suppressed/demonitized for having Swatikas in them (while the same wasn't done for Hammers & Sickles, of course), so he started replacing all the Swatikas with YouTube Logos.
I thought that was a great "Fuck You" to YouTube.
4chan has always been pro loli newfag.
>Rape fantasies can turn into reality.
This is quantifiably false anti-intellectual yapping. like 40% of women and 25% of men have rape fantasies, does that mean they want to be raped or commit rape?
Etna isn't a loli you worthless retard.
>lolis are young females
Not just """young""" you disingenuous faggot.
They LOOK like pre-pubescent children.
That's the whole reason "loli" is controversial AT ALL is because they look like pre-pubescent children. Nobody cares about porn of girls getting fucked by horses & Orks when the girls look like "young women" that are POST-pubescent. Degens gonna' degen.
People look at you weird because you're attracted to children and the features that define a child as being recognizable as a "child".

You need to get over this and move on. You're delusional/in denial over this.
You're jerking off to pictures of kids. That means you're sexually attracted to kids. End of argument. You need to learn how to deal with this rather than making absolutely pointless & nonsensical arguments.
Why does it say Vaush is a pedophile for having lolicon on his hard-drive while refuting lolicon being for pedophiles
>REEEEEEing about Anime being on 4chan

>REEEEEEing about Anime REACTION-IMAGES being used on 4chan
Literal retard territory.
>e-celeb shit
Who fucking cares? Stop posting, zoomer faggot
Meanwhile, I can order 10,000 variations of a Rising Sun logo with free shipping.
Your entire argument has fallen apart. Not only is Etna is THE loli, the Disgaea artist is a massive lolicon artist and the majority of the female designs are LOLI.
This dude has fuckloads of money invested into irl brands which are all going to be in jeopardy when they revolve around his name and he gets caught staring at >shadman with his friend that he totally didn’t know was a pedo
Yes. Looks like a 10-year-old crammed into a """sexy""" outfit.
not parody. its just what I do.
It was hilarious the way he claimed how he was “clean” in that post
zoomers are all 140+ IQ, as soon as the last millennial dies we'll technologically advence 1000 years
I think we're getting off topic
This post brought to you by AdVence
I'll believe that when zoomers are actually able to do things like use word, excel and torrent.
That’s actually no no in video games and stuff these days because it’s illegal in a few places. The Korean Zombie bitched about GSP wearing the rising sun headband when he would do his walk in to the octagon.
Who cares
The OP is not /tv/ related to being with
Christcucks have been screaming about the rapture for decades. Every year another "this is the year." It's truly the biblethumper version of "two more weeks." Retards.
faggy jazz hands wrote this
There is no possible way to defend jerking-off to pictures of dudes being gay while denying that jerking-off to pictures of children is pedophelia.
Unironically, yes
Fuck 2024 has been brutal to YouTube careers
Penguinzoi getting outed as a pedo in 2024 will be the cherry on top.
>Every year another "this is the year."
I have literally never seen an actual trend of what you're talking about. Shit you have to literally dig for in order to see doesn't count.

Are you mad at Christianity because the ladies at the Church Bake-Sale made fun of your Fedora or something?
This is easily one of the greatest youtube videos ever made.
...Do.you think that DOESN'T look like a child?

The brain-rot really got to you, huh?
That guy has been so obnoxious. What's his problem?
>in praise of shadow
>mr beast
Fuvk man
It's probably gonna be DaFuqBoom because he's getting a movie
I wanna facefuck her until she's crying and her mascara is running down her face.
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You dumbfucks can't even agree.
Him and his tranny had been friends for decades, since before the channel was even a thing. He watched his friend troon out and destroy his life and marriage and calculated the best PR move was to not attempt anything but to sit back and defend him doing so for his brand. Then when everything came out he swiftly disavowed a lifelong friend on Twitter and tried to shake his hands clean in the most bland, corporate speak possible. I think if ever there was a human inside of him this probably killed what shriveled little soul left
At this point can we just call every e-celeb a pedo and shut down the internet? I'm convinced the only reason you'd put up with the """career""" of streamer or youtuber as a full grown man is an insatiable appetite for underage strange/asshole. We need to start shaming any parent who lets their kids watch youtube or twitch for being pedo enablers. Delete every stream and every video. Nothing of value will be lost.
Is this because he laid off his tranny friend
That’s literally the definition. In Japanese popular culture, lolicon (ロリコン, rorikon) is a genre of fictional media which focuses on young (or young-looking) girl characters, particularly in a sexually suggestive or erotic manner. You’re being disingenuous by saying they look like pre-pubescent children, not all loli is like that.
>guy who smiles like he was decapitating cats all day
Everyone is a pedophile, it is no coincidence that millionaires are the ones being caught as pedophiles.
The moment you think you can get away with it because you have money, you don't have to pretend anymore
I despise this prick's face, and look forward to never having to see it again.
>No trust me he's done all of these super illegal things! No I won't go to the cops just watch my video and sub to my patreon
Every man in his prime 18-35 would not turn down a young looking woman. Of course legality and morality are factors, but if you meet a girl who is your age but looks like she's still 16 are you going to pretend like you wouldn't have sex with her?
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where's the patreon's link bro, i don't see it
Take your stank ass dried up vag elsewhere.
Why are japs so degenerate
You're not a pedo if you rubbed one out to r34 of asuka like 20 years ago right?
bruh you're in a mister beast thread. You can find several thousand videos on Youtube RIGHT NOW how he is the anti christ who will rule the world
>noo leave the algo abusing creepy tranny defender alone!
Unironically has a genuinely disgusting, duplicitous, punchable face. That fake ass smile was always unconvincing and made him look like a stalker.
I'm pretty sure the ungodly amounts of money they make is the main reason as to why they put up with being streamers / youtubers.
there's just no way this shit brings down his empire
We haven't reached the patron phase I guess. It always happens. Point is he should go to the authorities instead of trying to get internet clout.
These people are not consistent. They'll call you a pedo for jerking off to a 1000 year old loli but regularly jerk off to 12-16 year old anime girls.
Why yes, I do masturbate to lolicon hentai while simultaneously participating in cancellation attempts homosexuals , leftists and other enemies of decency who are caught expressing enjoyment of lolicon hentai.

how could you tell ?
Because you play with gigadolls like every other pedo right winger
As a christian myself, I find it funny that some christians take the book of revelations so seriously and act like it's the most important text in the Bible. It was never confirmed to have been written by any of the apostles and it was written like 2 centuries after the gospels. Literally anyone could have written it and it's highly questionable the author had any divine inspiration for it.
I don’t give a shit either way but do you really think some 20 year old became a billionaire doing straight charity
lmao boogie your gf looks and acts like she's 14
He's not a billionaire. He has millions upon millions of fans in the proper age bracket for advertising and a good to very good trust base. He's a perfect ad place so of course he makes bank
he didn't start out doing charity though. He became a billionaire by aggressively pursuing viral youtube videos.
Yeah those loli drawings sure are being taken advantage of
What else can you do in that situation? I guess he could've stopped being friends with the guy the moment he trooned out.
Yet most of them have no lives outside of youtube. Look at mrbeast. He admits that all he does when he's not making videos is studying youtube, and if he does give himself a day off he gets anxious trying to fill it. The top streamers may make millions of dollars, but if they take two or three days off, the algorithm fucks them and their streams lose priority. All the biggest streamers make millions but essentially live the same life of sitting in front of a computer for 13 hours a day and ordering doordash. They never do anything remotely interesting with their millions because they're tethered to the screen. It's a grim life when you actually think about it, so it makes me think they're driven by something other than money (ie underage sexo)
You sound like you're projecting. If I was a streamer, I'd be in it for the money, which is why I assume that's the main goal for a lot of them.
>>in praise of shadow
The only thing I had seen from this guy before was his two part look at classic horror comics. I remember finding it really interesting until there was this one weird segment where after going on and on about censorship and free expression and all that he took a look at a somewhat clumsy anti-racism comic, somehow misunderstood it to be pro-racism instead, and expressed that the author aught to be cancelled. The guy is completely fucked in the head.
>misunderstood it to be pro-racism
I’m guessing it was too nuanced for his level of thinking
This is what happens when you mass censor and give people money for clout.

>You get fake pedo catchers who are basically griefers of the past
>You get endless cancels and pearl clutching ala roasting niggers for making shit content

The only time you're allowed to be edgy online is against pedos or some scammer like boogie.
thank god i hope mr fag gets booted off youtube, this is the best influence we have on young men in the west right now and it's scary
He'll be fine he just has to keep siding with trannies and gays. Only the cringe right give a shit about any of this most of his young fanbase are watching hentai and cartoon porn. Boomers are outdated the future is gay and trans.
I was hoping it'd be something cool like overthrowing a country or enslaving African children but's always just lame sex scandals.
the rapture is protestant fanfic shit
Give me a tl;dr , dont have the attentionspan to watch a vid that long
>without fucking over everyone.
Why do communist think rich people are all Gordon gekko. You get ahead by kissing ass and giving people what they want like Epstein.
Oh golly, can't wait to hear Charlie "stinky butthole cum enema poopoo peeppe dicknipples" Chingchongmidget's take on this.
my god, the cope. Just own up to it, you're a pedophile, you may not be the kind of pedophile that molests children or consumes actual CP, which is a good thing but you're certainly a pedophile still.
Logan Paul couldn't be cancelled, MrBeast won't be. Zoomers don't care if their icons are bad people like Millennials do.
Pedophilia (the non-raping kind), is way more common then you think, and basically every man likes hebes. The japs are just more open and accepting of it because it’s dey cultah. Child porn used to be legal and not a big deal all over Western Europe before feminism, but nowadays you’re shamed for that attraction and a lot of people are in denial about their feelings. And I think a lot of those people who feel shame about their feelings are the type of people that try to cope and overcompensate for them by calling people who fap to hebe and high school anime girls pedophiles.
>retard still can't distinguish between fiction and reality
How did you even find this website?
Logan Paul filming a dead gook is in no way comparable to MrBeast being best friends with a tranny pedophile.
They really want to take this guy down, but at this point he is untouchable
I'm glad we haven't in a thousand years this is just modern witch hunts. Call someone a pedo and send lynch mobs to ruin their careers.
you know a yt video is showing the truth when it gets shadowbanned
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>defending anyone who works for Night Media

> the source of those rumor is a Trumper /poltard alt-tard

Sure, anon , sure...
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The man's a beast
I'm talking about more recent stuff like marketing unsafe chemical drinks to kids and crypto scamming.
>the people who post cp are the same ones who post loli
- chan admin
/pol/ is satire
I don't know night media. I never worked for them. Have you? Where are their offices?
> before feminism
You're framing this whole argument as if its a good thing for society to normalize and encourage men to be attracted to underage individuals.
We're all fucking animals, no shit does our brain not know the difference between a developed girl that happens to be 16 and one that is 18 years old. But in what way does society benefit from this? It's absolutely a good thing that we don't encourage attraction towards minors
Video was a whole bunch of nothing. I hope he actually goes down a peg or two but this video aint it.
After you :)

Anon, nobody cares if you find minors attractive, it's the predators who get binned
Frankposting rules
Prime is just sugar water like gatorade and lucozade you lying faggot.
Crypto scamming also isnt a thing since Elon got away with pumping and dumping Etherium on twitter.
Based knower.
You should also drop some knowledge about all the faggots that work for Mana Talent Agency.
>At some point, video length became synonymous with quality.
Nah, it's YouTube algorithm that pushes these longer videos so people started to make them longer. It's bullshit anyway.
Good video, sums up this fraud pretty well
I don’t care, I never said you should rape or even have sex with 16 year olds or under as an adult. I’m simply stating that being attracted to them is completely normal, especially for the hebes so this crusade against loli and attacking people for liking it is pointless and silly and usually carried out by the people with repressed feelings of pedophilia themselves.
A Zoomer finally made me laugh.
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Well look at what we already normalize and encourage
More like Mr. Mole.
Acceptance? Tolerance? Kindness towards your fellow man?
The book of revelations is considered the most complex book of the Bible according to Church (Catholic) tradition.
If there's a book that can confuse anyone is that one.
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Are we Accepting and tolerating everyone?
>Lol he's cooked
Wagecucking loser cope
Wasn't that the kiwifarms guy?
What happened to him? I hope something really bad because I really hate that faggot.
Agreed. I like loli hentai but I find real kids gross. Lolis look more like midgets or petites.
In real life I'm only attracted to women past the age of 15 or so when they look like women, even hebes are fine but nothing pre pubescent.
yeah my content filter is having a field day in this thread
total pedo death
newfags, fuck real pedos but lolifags have been a part of the internet for time immemorial, its just drawings end of the day
This guy has the exact same fake nice guy personality as Boogie. I'm amazed people can't tell how fraudulent they feel.
see >>201760012
he might not be necessarily agreeing with the term but he's a faggot anyway for using bullshit alt-speak to try and appease Daddy Google
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Not intolerant failsons, no.
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>DR D was caught texting an underage girl
>Cody ko fucked an underage girl
>Now this
Is this the year of E-celeb death?
Couple years ago, clickbait got so bad that YT stopped paying video makers per view, now they pay per minute watched. Killed a lot of clickbait channels. There's your answer.
Also gives YTers more time for squeezing in sponsors into their videos, which they all do more and more, because ads don't pay as good as they used to, unless you're huge. That's the one simple reason why people started doing it.
People shit their pants when they see long videos, but its just like low-budget documentaires or tv shows.
i dont know what kind of lotteries he held that were "illegal", but it was pretty obvious that a ton of his videos were fake and staged/scripted.
They always do
>eceleb cumeater general
>260 fucking eceleb cumeating retards in this thread
Cody Ko did the right thing by not even acknowledging the fact that Tana willingly fucked him.
>Cody Ko did the right thing by not even acknowledging the fact that Tana willingly fucked him.
Did we ever get any update is it over for him?
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00s Zoomers were a mistake.
why should we accept and tolerate destructive malice?
also the ad apocalypse started when terminally online twitter fags got mad that PewDiePie had edgy humor in his vids but was still successful, so they went to advertisers over it who pulled out of YouTube
somehow those fags didn't realize that doing that would also kill all of their own channels too, by being jealous of one popular guy they ruined the entire party for everyone
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Whatever gets him off my fucking recommended. The influx of turdworlders he brings is unreal.
>People who rape kids get the needle
Mr. Fraud
9 years ago when my older sister brought a gay man to our house, I beat the ever living shit out of him.
his literal job is finding new interesting things to do with his millions of dollars
Said for years that YouTube is somehow less unusable than Instagram and TikTok because at least on those when it starts showing you shit you don't want to see you can block those accounts outright and force your feed to be what you want to see
YouTube needs channel block built in that removes accounts from both your home page and from search
Keyed, prudes btfo
it's telling that the first accounts I saw talking about the Mr Beast stuff weren't talking about how heinous the guy's actions were, but bemoaning how it was going to set trans acceptance back by years
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So are people finally questioning all these giving thousands of dollars away videos? People are thinking that maybe just maybe they were fake like all those prank videos were shown to be fake? People are thinking that it wasn’t just that sponsors would give out money to be used in the videos?
what about that Pirate Software faggot that suddenly grew and shows up everywhere
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>but bemoaning how it was going to set trans acceptance back by years
god knows i wish i did

I had to put his channel on do not recommend twice already
It's just a drawing, you bigot chud
>I knew about all of this but conveniently waited until it was ok to expose him
Honestly tho fuck Mr Beast. He single handily made youtube even worse than it was
>mfw attention to Shadman being associated with Oney and Zach is picking up
They’re cooked aren’t they?
I always knew there was something off about this guy, glad it's finally coming to light
Own those anti chuds, sister!
The illegal lottery stuff is pretty open and shut
So true, sister
If you couldn’t tell within a millisecond of seeing this faggots face how evil he is, you’re ngmi are truly live up to the title of goyim
Sorry bro you’ll always be gay
Why do you assume people pointing out obvious grifters are also defending the other youtuber?
I do wish these content creators would tell people to suck their nuts rather than posting fake apologies and going dark for a bit. Never give in to the nutjobs and grifters, give them nothing.
The thing is the tranny didn’t even apologize
Just wait until the pedophile and child molestation evidence drops.
Remove enough cards the house of cards comes down.
Remove enough cards, the entire house of cards comes down.
>everyone here
Go fuck yourself. Don't lump me with the pyramid scheme victims that post around here.
Is that le heckin 2+hour grifter video that will result in absolutely nothing!?!?!!?!? after accusing genuine crimes!?!?!?
And his source is trust me bro
He did. It was a I'm sorry if you got offended kinda apology though.
Funny you mentioning Epstein as a counter-argument to that.
I feel you should check Epstein's story a bit more.
I really have to question the average person who looks at Mr Beast and doesn't immediately think FRAUD. The guy is as transparent as a glass window. Cannot stand that fake smile.
>Mentioned presidency
>Bunch of shit happened immediately

I honestly would not be surprised if MrBeast was a sociopath. He just gives off that vibe. The video where that one guy was reviewing his chocolate and he starts getting passive aggressive, tossing the chocolate around the house was revealing
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If he says anything he'll get deported back to leafland
MrBeast exploits kids by basically introducing them to gambling through his sweepstakes that are actually illegal lotteries, he gives them the impression that they have a realistic chance to win a prize or end up in one of his videos when in reality most of the people who participate in his videos are his friends and family and it's rigged in their favor, he profits enormously by having his subscribers buy things to have a chance to win a prize
Unfortunately our guys are cooked. Consider Smiling Friends canned
I hope they find dead toddler corpses in his closet so I can stop seeing this dopey looking gigafaggot everywhere
the video isnt monetized, meaning the creator gets nothing from the ads and has no incentive to make it long for that reason

its long because mr beast did a lot of shit and he has a lot of receipts you adhd retard
>the number one way to make money... is to introduce gambling to children
Wtf is wrong with America?
you forgot half a dozen gacha game VAs, streamers and others.
That's rough.
Grifter's sole purpose is to make people vote for Trump and back Digital ID
"Fuck around and find out" got popular after Friday came out in 1995.
>meanwhile… in reality he can only get away with pushing gambling on kids in turd world countries because, unlike America it isn’t heavily regulated
Wtf is wrong with you. Why can’t you get America off your brain?
M&Ms melt in your mouth not in your hands but we've been holding skittles this whole fucking time, Ray
As long as my big titty Cryptidhuntress continues I'm good

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