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Was Game of Thrones really that impressive?

why is Gen Z so obsessed with wizards and fairies and shit?
Man children who can’t grow up
GOT was a millenial show.
I think you’re referring to millennials, those most pathetic and cucked generation on the planet. They are ALL faggots who jerk off to capeshit and allow their wives to sleep with other men.
if tom green did this you would piss your pants laughing
this, throw a vhs filter on it and an mtv logo in the corner and genx'ers/early millennials would go HAHAHA HIS BUM IS ON THE RAIL HAHAHA
I stopped like Tom Green when I was 12. Anyone who still liked him past that point was an immature twat. Your generation is full of virgins who lose their women to older men because you are the sort of immature twat who thinks Tom Green level pranks are funny after age 12.
Whimsical faries and wizards are funny and based, you middle aged millennial.
>y-you would think it's funny if it was Tom Green
old tom green show bits still make me laugh. youre a faggot
They also worship companies and spend their money on funko pops so that they can’t afford houses.

Millennials are truly the most cucked degenerate generation ever to exist.
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None of you even know what magic is, and the human race takes everything for granted. You’re all living in a literal Atlantean age, and yet you think nothing is magic? Do you have any idea what shit like phones and he internet would seem like to someone from antiquity?

Jesus Christ. If you don’t treat nature or science (science as it is, not “The Science” as peddled by politics) as magic, then you don’t truly appreciate nature do you? Fucking hell.
Wow it’s almost as if there’s this thing called “comedic persona” and it actually matters, very clever observation
>Wow it’s almost as if
Allow me to introduce your terminally schizoautistic ass ot the novel concept that not everyone on the internet is the same person, you absolute mouthbreather.
I'm 34 and this looks extremely cringe to me.
Humans have lost their sense of wonder, sadly. Something can meet all the criteria to be met as magic, and still not be met as magic. Tolkien also hated people for just this reason. Modernity’s hatred and war against the beauty and mystery in nature. It’s why the black machines of Mordor are considered black magic. It’s why the elves don’t believe in (elven) magic the same way we don’t consider out cellphones magic wands. It’s all just Art to the elves, the same way it’s all art-ificial to us. Except the elves won’t go “no idiot it’s not magic you stupid retard”, and totally understand -why- humans/hobbits view their arts and works as “magic”. The elves also look to the wizards/Istari the same way men do. The word ‘Istari’ is even indistinguishable from “wise man” or “wizard” in elvish meaning. “Those who know”. Very much like the original word for magic (magh/megh) which meant “to be able” or “ to do”. Tolkien understood that magic is an angle, not a thing. A bar. It’s higher/lower for everyone. What is magic to one is not going to be magic to another. The modern wizard is literally just the mad scientist. Mystery is key.
If we abolish the police and go back to a 1 Sheriff, 2 deputy system then we can beat the fuck out of these people so they learn to stop doing this retarded shit.
>dude magic is like le real because I don’t understand how phones work
Stop smoking weed.
Just say you hate nature. Just say you don’t find technology amazing. You don’t value what you have.
yup and it had nudity and sex scenes that catered to the "male gaze" until woke zoomers discovered it and started complaining
Yeah, magic is purely psychological, not at all substantial. Weird how people don’t figure this out on their own.
>wizards and fairies and shit?
That's not Game of Thrones. GoT is a bit more low fantasy, more about court intrigue, and more about blood, tits and deaths. It has a bit more, but that's majority of it.
don't do this, they'll gnow
tom green would have spent more time on the reactions of the people watching, he would have made them more uncomfortable while he was deliberately harassing them
it was the buffoonery and awkwardness with the regular people that made the act
This is kinda funny yall
Aren’t there wizards and little tree people in game of thrones tho
There are, but it's not really the main thing, especially not in earlier books. But yes, you have dragons and stuff.
I would say Lord of the Rings had bigger impact, but that's more to older zoomers, for younger ones maybe DnD. Not sure.
Magic is What You Make of It
>everything is posted by zoomers
Magic isn’t truly controllable in ASOIAF.

True capital-w Wizards likely don’t exist.
because they dont lack imagination like most boomers
>Your generation is full of virgins who lose their women to older men
This is why there is such a anti-age uproar in america. millions of zoomer boys are incels because their women date older men
>comparing funny face skibidi tik toks to 1990's tom green
It was a different time. you wouldn't get it.
t triggered zoomie
It won't stop there either, millenials are going to be the last generation to get pussy. When we're 60 we'll be banging slutty big estro titted gen beta hoes while 95% OF men aged 16-50 remain virgins.
Is darkness real?
Is cold real?
Are holes real?

They’re *absent* existences
>Gen Z
Bitch people on here were talking about GOT while Gen Z was in diapers
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>Are *holes* real?
Yeah, it's called my wife
b a s e d
It's not even worth thinking about if you're not a pseud.
Grown ass adults doing this shit Jesus
"Magic" is a meaningless word. Just call it what it is.
based. truly a visionary
nope. /tg/ xoomer here.
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Oh look, another fucking cunt being annoying in public in order to go “viral”.
I hope gen alpha is just as cucked as zoomers have been. I want to steal their girls too.
Zoomers are scared of confrontation, which is why that kind of humor is dead.
whites in the us will be a minority by 2035
what an outright lie of a quote.
GOT was dogshit, ROME was kino and short lived.
some dabble in blood magic but it's all ambiguous.
the most famous example is one king supposedly burning 3 leeches that leeched kings blood to kill 3 other kings.
granted, they all die but
one dies of poison
one is betrayed and dies at the hand of previous allies
one dies by being pushed off a bridge and his brother mysteriously returns from exile "the next day"
>little tree people
yes but no one except 3 characters get to see them.
most other characters believe they all died centuries ago.
>why is Gen Z so obsessed with wizards and fairies and shit?
reality is fucking shit, why wouldn't why find fun in fantasy worlds?
Magic, “magic”, is a description, and not a definition. It is something to describe, not something to define.

Its meaning is a wandering one, but it is very much to do with mystery, wonder, horror, heresy, dissent, etc.

It’s a veil. A proxy. A placeholder. A name.
It’s not a lie at all. You had past natural philosophers who were crazy nutcases who attributed sacredness to shit like chemistry or just math/geometry. It got to the point where drug makers were seen as indistinguishable from sorcerers and witches, and smiths and metallurgists were considered wizards due to their lesser known trades and crafts and methods. The original Greek word for pharmacy once meant sorcery. I’m not even joking. People associated the hard devices of the Greeks with the stuff of wizards. Archimedes and such.

The order of individuals responsible for the word magic? The Persian Magi? They were astrologer-priests. Magic had much to do with natural understanding, skewed by religion. The earliest chemists were Egyptian and Babylonian priests, who had dyed their robes and made holy incense.

It’s not at all a lie of a statement.
Anybody that compares this with Tom Green misunderstands why he was funny. The drawn out awkward reactions to his antics is key, as well as him being the butt of the joke, and not the people he's exposing to. Zoomers can't self-deprecate.
Isaac Newton was more occultist or true esotericist than a true scientist lol. Galileo thought he could read fate in the stars, and would seriously entertain topics like “should a Gemini date a Leo”. Don’t get me started on Paracelsus. All of these people were the ‘geniuses’ of their day.
These are completely fake and staged by agencies.
The only funny thing about tom green was raiding his shitty internet show
This is really interesting. I knew none of this.
>it’s not worth treating nature as magical
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Adding on to this, it is really fucking eerie just how much the modern scientist is a mirror of the cliche wizard, in method.

— ‘no sense of right and wrong’
— ‘it’s not a matter of could, but should’
— ‘all progress demands sacrifice’
— ‘ah sweet, man-made horrors beyond my comprehension’
— ‘oh-my-science, what have i done’
Stop initiating plebs into the higher mysteries
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>muh zoomers! Gotta complain about muh zoomers even if the topic is unrelated to them
It’s okay. They rarely absorb any of it.
You’re all going to make it.
>he would have made them more uncomfortable while he was deliberately harassing them
slutmobile is the greatest of all time; zoomies could never
Tits and ass driven softcore ripoff of LOTR.
Loser faggots
Is this guy called Crunchy Liam or was I lied to?
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whatever you say you broccoli headed faggot
God I love you guys
Why do modern men dress like this? They dress like literal children with their shorts and oversized t-shirts.
both are equally intrigueslop you imbecile

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