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Frenchman, drinks english tea
are trek writers stupid?
He was always gay. But the actor blackmailed the writers to make him an action hero.
Picard: Die Hard episodes are kino, though.
true, but not fair to the character
Kirk is better
He surrendered to the superior flavor.
Roddenberry correctly predicted that France would undergo a great replacement, he just thought it would be by bongs instead of Africans
So what? I'm italian and i love earl grey.
Everyone saw the great replacement from a mile away as soon as before ww1, and by africans.
Picard, in his quarters, with the earl grey.
Why are there no Indians or Chinese in Star Trek? Proportional to the population you’d think they’d be knee deep in them.
What did Gene mean by this?
They all died during ww3, and that's why humanity became a star faring utopia
Who cleans the chair?
No seriously, who cleans the chair?

It's canon that the ship cleans its own floors and walls, but how are the chairs cleaned?
why are you spamming star trek thread?
looking to groom more boys for your discord, boomer?
He likes hot Earl Gray tea. I'm of Scotch/Irish decent and I love cold beer and Mexican food. People like what they like.
based liker
Tolerance of black people is seen as the stress test of a multicultural utopia so it's more important to feature them to prove humanity has progressed passed racism than a Chinese or Indian person.

Also sci fi in general was really slow to drop Japan and pick up China as the first cyberpunk society.
The only Picard Die Hard episode we need is Starship Mine.
my instincts tell me china is at the point now though where if you stop off for a piss behind a telephone box because it's 40 minutes to the next toilet, some camera will see you, use AI to scan your penis for automatic inspection and send it to your employer and log it on a national database. it makes sense they are the cyerpunk dystopia
His brother also had an Irish accent for some reason. just accept that Picard's ethnic beckground doesn't make sense and move on. they wanted Stewart to do a French accent when they cast him but he couldn't so they worked with what they had.
My gramps is Frisian and likes English tea
Trek is set in a utopia anon
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In a future where people can dematerialize and transport their molecules tens of thousands of miles away in an instant, is it not possible Britain and France have culturally merged?
It is not just tea. Gilbert and Sullivan. Shakespeare. His reserved personality. None of that excludes him being French nor inherently makes him English but, it is like they went out their way to make him the most English Frenchman.
lazy af
>angry because he can't translate it
Why did they just not make Picard British? It is not like Picard being French has any meaningful impact on the character or show. What was so important about making and keeping him French? It is not like him being French was making a statement in the same way doing something like make him Soviet or say a black South African etc. would.
Thank god for that though, imagine a captain picard that quotes moliere or hugo.
to dab on frogs. simple as.
I think they named him after august picard, or his son jacques, which were french oceanographers that dove down to the bottom of the marianne trenches with their deep sea sub, trieste. They wwre the first and last to do it in 1960. Kinda resonates well with the trek motto, "boldly go where no man has gone before"
The last thing i would think of a british man is him having a reserved personality. Bongs are loud apes. Sure their old aristocracy was better behaved, but that kind of noblesse sobrige is widespread throughout the old ruling class.
Dumb fucking zoomer
I don't think it matters.
Before Picard S2, where is was revealed that the Picard family fled France during WW2 and only returned generations later (very stupid), there was a theory that France was utterly destroyed during WW3 and anyone with any connection to France participated in a sort of reclamation project in which they would settle France and revive French culture.
So Picard is basically just a British guy larping at being French.
Possibly, considering that earth was basically terraformed from the ground up and up until cochrane's invention of warp drives the planet was a madmaxesque shithole
Tbf brits are basically french in denial. They all brag about the battle of agincourt but conveniently omit who won the hundred years war
>there was a theory that France was utterly destroyed during WW3
What would be the explanation as to why Britain was not utterly destroyed.
>He was always gay.
What? Picard isn't black lol
Brits are basically mutts. Part Celtic, part Roman, part Norman, part German, part Norse.
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Also explains why Paris (the capital of French culture) allowed itself to become the capital of the executive branch of the Federation (or something to that effect) and be subsumed by whatever cross-galactic homogenised culture there is, and why the only remnant of Paris seemed to be the eiffel tower in TNG.
we just want to boldly go where no man has gone before, and deprive of that long enough, and we stop being picky.
First, dumb zoomer, you are looking at TNG from the mentality of someone who grew up with today's TV, thinking they have infinite time and budget and a giant committee of A-list writers to assemble the perfect cast and scripts. You don't realize that original TNG was a shoestring production and it's a miracle it ever survived its first season. Its actors were all nobodies, Marina Sirtis was fresh off her filthy rape mattress in Death Wish 34, at best Stewart was an (arguably) talented stage actor but his only major screen work was a minor role in I, Claudius, a smarty-man history show relegated to low-budget public broadcasting channels (it's absolute kino, but you need to understand what a minor niche thing that was back then). They didn't have time have to micromanage every little detail. Our script says the captain's got a frenchman's name, our lead actor is british? We have to have this pilot finished by tomorrow afternoon, that's close enough.

Second, dumb zoomer that you are, you don't realize just how LITTLE the average TV watcher in the 80s knew or gave a shit about cultures other than his own. Foreign was Foreign. French? British? What's the difference? Who cares. Cockney and posh accents may as well be the same thing, and transatlantic? That's probably some poofter euro thing too. You, with your shitty smartphone that enslaves your attention 99% of the day, have infinite access to media and content that is constantly bewildering you with information overload as and such you have IMMENSELY more exposure to foreign cultures than previous generations, who were still able to regard everything outside their own soil as exotic and mysterious. To you, a foreigner is just something to get into political shitposting wars with on 4chan.
Tbf the French conquered Britain in 1066 and raped the population for centuries so the basically the British are just French rape mutts that eat curry
my surname is saxon but I don't know how many women got raped and married along the way to get it
I can tell you’re a zoomer because you think people were dumber back then than now.
>They all brag about the battle of agincourt but conveniently omit who won the hundred years war
Maybe on somewhere like /his/ but, most British people don't really seem to have as much interest or knowledge in their military history as people make out. Most don't seem to actually know or care about the Hundred Years Wars or even the Napoleonic Wars. Probably only 1 in 100 would be able to tell you anything about the War of Spanish Succession or Seven Years War.
"n-no you're the zoomer" doesn't work when you're an ignorant idiot asking retard questions about television from before you were born.

>people were dumber back then than now.
Nope, "dumb" and "ignorant" are not the same thing. 80s people were ignorant of foreign cultures. YOU are just dumb. You lack the intelligence to process the information you were just given.
"Bragging" about a battle you never fought in that was won by dead people you never met in a cultural context that is completely alien to your era is pretty much the most retarded thing imaginable.
>Norman-French army of William, Duke of Normandy
>from france
>spoke french
>had french subjects
>you seethe
did he only ride a horse in generations? He carried that stupid saddle around, but wouldn't you just have the hologram cast you a +10 skill to barebacking?
Zoomer, no one was ever ignorant of the difference between English and French. We all knew what the stereotypical accents were like. Newsflash: everyone saw Pepe Le Pew and Higgins.
in the sanhedrin?
They weren't dumber, Just not terminally online and being bombarded with information everywhere.
shut the fuck up huguenot
french, from frogs to nogs
I agree but, the point being responded to is that the British are like. Some sure but, no more so than what you get with other countries. It just seems like seething at the British. I can't tell if Britain or America causes more casual seething on the internet.
England did win the Hundred Years War. But Henry V died prematurely and the French nobles didn’t want to have a regency for a literal infant so collectively rebelled.
Seriously, why are you so angry about his question? You are coming across like a lunatic.
He’s trying to mimic the style of post that deeply hurt him yesterday. He is Pagliacci.
What do you think "norman" even means, brainlet?
There is this one poo engineer who gets instantly murdered in S1
Where is Normandy
Is this some new /trek/ 'meme' I am encountering for the first time? What's the reason for this retarded seething?
I asked first.
Where is Normandy
lmao concession accepted, viking rapebaby
Normandy is in France
French drink French Earl Grey Tea. Slightly different
I wouldn't be surprised if it was as simple as Rodenberry getting a fixation on it having to be a European. Yes, the British are European but, they are not properly seen as being European like the French are. Making him British would be to Rodenberry too much of its own thing thing.
Star Trek should get a British character, played by a French actor, that is stereotypical French despite us being told he is British.
And named after the normas who came from scandinavia and conquered the proto-frogs so hard they kind of stopped existing and became normans.
What was that about?
William spoke French, had French subjects and lived in north France.
Big words coming from a country whose original population got extinct by the fucking irish long before the romans stepped in and killed the pict mongrels dwelling on their ruins. Of all european people, yours is the most racemixed and diluted genotype
That must be why he and his people are called the north-men.
>une cafe worf in mon chamber
>*opens a bottle of newcastle brown*
>*lights a lambert and butler king size fag*
>we shall surrender to the borg
>the original population of scandinavia got killed by the irish
Anon, people are just joking around and having fun with those sort of questions. Why are you getting so angry and autistic for? Besides, people would know the difference between a French and British accent - they may not have thought much about it but, no one here is even saying it is some major problem. Also, what people find notable about the decesion is how the show just rolled with it; Picard actively leans into being British by the writers long after the first episode rather than making him particularly French.
Historically his group is called French-Norman because of 300 years of intermarriage with the French, you very boring very silly mental midget.
No one knew the difference between English and French accents before the year 2001 amirite fellow boomers
There was some schizo in the thread who was determined to start arguments with everybody about everything. He kept writing walls of profanity, with the occasional random word thrown in. One of the things that set him off was some argument about opera.
You’re purposely conflating unrelated posters because you’re mad about your photon torpedoes shitpost getting exposed after it was shown you lack basic setting knowledge.
Historylet brownoid mutt cope.
Never made sense to my why they didn't just make his character English for the sake of verisimilitude
Do you like it hot though?
Some like it hot
>are trek writers stupid?
They're American.
Must be torture for you to be on an American site in an American started thread talking about an American series that aired on television an American invention that uses light bulbs, video and audio all American inventions and you experience it on your American invented computer device using American software. Why is your cunt so lazy
>Why is your cunt so lazy
I don't know, ask Congress.
I was talking about your mom
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How did a troll like his brother get such a cute wife?
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The other Picard Maneuver.
>How do you do, fellow boomers?
now do the song

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