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Who's your favorite Bond villain?
We need a jak edit.
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>redeems your entire movie
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Lmao what the fuck is going on with that cat?
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What a view.
I really liked the flaming faggot who swallowed a poison pill (spy stuff), but he didn't die and his face fucking melted from the inside, so he had fake bones put in that he could take in and out.
I still don't understand this line
Animatronics were crude in the 60's
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I know that the best henchman will always be Jaws.
He wins best henchman for TSWLM alone. He was genuinely menacing despite the outlandishness of the idea. Kiel was brilliant. They made him look a right retard in moonraker.
Pic related is best Blofeld and he didn't even have to show up to the set.
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Funny how back then big boobs were seen as comical but now they’re peak sexuality.
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Every time I rewatch GoldenEye I like Ourumov more.
It's weird how we've gone full circle and the bad guys are no longer tech or media moguls as shown in this era of Bond movies, but are megalomaniacal militaristic rulers and countries again.
It's Alec Trevelyan
>Played by Sean Bean
>former 00 agent
>Personal vendetta against Bond
>evil plan is awesome
>top notch anti-british motive (angry at government for repatriation of Lenz Cossacks)
>fails b/c his personal vendetta against Bond gets in the way of his larger motive.
Trevelyan is the "dark mirror of the hero" done absolutely right.
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>evil plan is stealing a bunch of cash
I'm partial to Truman Lodge myself, the idea of a bean counter who tries to stop the Bond villain from pissing away money on Bond villain shit is funny to me.
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Love this doofus.
>>evil plan is stealing a bunch of cash
While crashing the world economy. - also a modern homage to Goldfinger's evil plan to get rich and crash the world economy by irradiating the gold reserve in fort knox.
It makes no sense because if you crash the economy your numbers in a bank account are worth shit
Same. Trevelyan is based. Also good to see an actual physical rival to Bond and not just a fat old guy. And Xena is the best henchwoman.
Gendo Ikari
Carver sucked
>While crashing the world economy
Good, the world economy is fake and gay anyway. Unless this won't actually make the Federal Reserve & Friends explode.
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The Telly Savalas version of Blofeld.
>spends his time surrounded by beautiful women with stupid problems
>pretending to smoke cigarettes
>actually skiing after Bond with his henchmen
>surviving having his neck broken
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definitely the best Blofeld
>Merry Christmas double o seven
Skyfall's Silva is just a less interesting and less capable version of Alec.
She made me feel things for the first time.
I get aroused just looking at this image, what a way to go
Xenia Onatopp gave me a boner in the cinema
>Jane Seymour in LALD
oh my
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Zorin is my favorite.
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*filters you*
Why would anyone on 4chan get filtered by comedy homophobia?
man, if i ever get choked to death, I hope i don't pop a boner and shoot my pathetic load as i expire.
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This, the consensus is they're one of the few good things about the movie.
The man with the golden gun
yep. the film was not good, but he was a great villain.
Not OddJob?
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Never Forget
I liked it
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This movie wasn't as bad as people led me to believe.
how the fuck did I not know about this
Yeah it was worse, absolutely irredeemable
You can die, Mr bond
I like A View to a Kill, but I wonder what it would've been like if it had been Dalton's first outing. Roger Moore seemed to be over it at this point.
>angry at government for repatriation of Lenz Cossacks
never knew about this
What's Pryce's best performance? For me, it's Sir Stuart Strange in Taboo.
think the main drawbacks were his age and spending too long at the horse stables
Sanchez. Well-performed, interesting that he places loyalty over money, brilliant lines:
>Give her his heart!
>Remember, you're only president - for life.
>Launder it.
>I guess it's time to start cutting overhead.
I also like Stromberg for how he broke the typical Bond villain motivation (that is basically wanting money) and is instead is a lunatic with a vision.
if anyone else here has read the novels, I really enjoyed novel Drax and Mr. Big
His face was fucked up by plastic surgery and his hair style was awful, making him look even older
I think his performance was fine though
I agree that Dalton, or even Brosnan, should have done the 1985 film however, AVTAK itself needed an entirely different script. The basic premise is just an uninspired rehash of Goldfinger's idea. The Nazi aspect has no relevance, was outdated for the time and fails straddle the line of being fun camp by just being plain silly. Stacey is such a bland and forgettable Bond girl. The set pieces and action is lacklustre, and really switching Moore out would only improve some of that.
I think Moore was too old regardless by 1985 however, the biggest missed opportunity with AVTAK with Moore in the role is they did not explore the age aspect. Moore got away with FYEO and Octopussy in that there was an acknowledgment of his age, FYEO with a more stripped-back Bond that is shown to struggle and Octopussy with Octopussy being a more mature love interest. AVTAK should have focused on Bond going against what is a notably younger villain.
>AVTAK should have focused on Bond going against what is a notably younger villain.
It seems like this was maybe the plan but got dropped. Even his suits are out of fashion in AVTAK, almost like the crew was directed to emphasize how old he was. Casting a young Tanya Roberts undermines this though
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I find it weird that he was so impressed with that headline.
What was the thinking with bringing Moore back in 1985? I suppose you can ask the same thing about 1983 and work backwards from there but, why not draw the line and have him leave the role on the success that was Octopussy? The last 2 or 3 three films he, even if he was been able to get by through performance and the script, looked old. Besides, he has been in the role since 1973, even if he age was not a factor it seems like you are banking too much on him being what people expect as Bond and by doing so just harming the long-term survivability of the franchise post his inevitable departure.
>have him leave the role on the success that was Octopussy
I wish that Octopussy was Moore's last Bond film, as I would like to have thought that Moore-Bond retired and settled down with Octopussy.
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Predictable and boring reply.
He looked younger in 1985 than Connery did in 1983
>>Personal vendetta against Bond
His personal vendetta was retarded and just shows the crybaby he was. As far as Bond knew he was dead.
Would Goldfingers plan actually matter? It’s not like the gold is gone
>movie opens with cheap titles and a horrible garbage "bond theme" playing as grey haired connery does some boring raid
I could tell in the first 5 minutes that I was in for something really terrible
And? That does not change the fact that Moore was too old nor does it answer what they were really thinking with bringing him back in 1985. As far as I can tell if Moore did not call it quits then they would have easily brought him back for 1987. Bringing Moore back in 1983 made sense in how they were competing with Never Say Never Again, the same argument does not apply for 1985 though.
>And all so mad little Alec can settle a score with the world, 50 years on.
and I think it's funny that everyone bitches about Moore's age when Connery was making another Bond movie around that time and looked 20 years older than Moore. Personally I don't really give a shit and think Moore did a great job in all of his films and I'm glad he was in AVTAK.
I like the character and Bean however, really Bean is too young regarding the whole Cossack bit. Bean was born in 1959 and looked his age. They needed an actor 10 years younger for the timeline to properly line-up, although to restate it in no way ruins the film or anything like that.
Except he wasn't angry about the cossacks, that was a smokescreen, he was just greedy
The thing is how often is Never Say Never Again brought-up? Moore's age gets brought-up as he is Bond in the EON franchise that people care about. NSNA either gets ignored or when it does get brought-up it is met with eye-rolling.
is that Ryan from the Office?
I never got why the audience should have particularly given a shit about the Cossacks.
Besides the best theme song, the best henchwomen and the Bond girl. Diamonds are Forever is pure uncut kino.
I think it just boils down Bond being such a nightmare to cast. Brosnan would have done it but was contractually unavailable and Dalton's portrayal was unpopular at the time despite growing on people over the years. Eon played it safe until Moore retiring forced them to get someone new.
I don't think it's his age that's the problem in AVTAK, but factors like recent cosmetic surgery, terrible suits, bad hair, being paired with an very young woman, etc. These are things that could have prevented/corrected without replacing Moore
It was a bookend to the whole 'post Cold War' theme of the movie. Using Soviet Cold War super weapon to punish England for selling out people to the commies right as the Cold War was kicking off - knowing full well they would become victims of a Gulag.
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Bond threads makes some of the last good threads on /tv/.
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find a flaw
Kananga is underappreciated
Which sucks because it's great and Fatima Blush is another good contender for this thread.
wheeeeeere has evraybady gooooooooone
But the bonus situation?
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Lucifer Satan
As a kid I thought that LOTR was Sean's "big" break and only in the last several years did I find out that he was in Bond and Jack Ryan movies in the 90s
Bless your heart
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>I did think about asking you to join my little scheme but somehow I knew 007's loyalty was always to the mission, never to his friends.
They shouldn't, it's his motivation. His parents were betrayed by the British and Stalin killed them
TLD should have just focused on Koskov with Necros as his henchman. The death to spies aspect is by far more interesting than the stuff with with Whitaker that detracts from it and muddles the plot. As it is Koskov ultimately plays second fiddle to Whitaker and Necros is underutilised.
Howdy folks, this is Mr New Vegas. Wishing you a ladylike luck tonight.
it's Blackadder
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>Bond when he mourned and blamed himself for Alec's death all those years despite Alec telling him to finish the mission and have Alec pretend he didn't care about him
Mads is always pure kino.
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>Good morning Mr.Bond by what means shall we execute you.
It's Comnery's weakest but it has a great vibe. The weird underbelly of Vegas hiding behind a veneer of tacky Americana and the oddball characters that occupy it (Wint, Kidd, Morton Slumber, Shady Tree etc.) It's almost, dare I say it, proto-Lynchian.
>lamest villain death of the franchise
Flip the question around. Who is the worst Bond villain?
Carver, the guy in OP's pic. He's a fucking retard
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A couple of reasons I can think of:

Roger Moore is one of the few that really liked to play Bond. Compared to Connery, Lazenby, and Craig, Moore loved doing it. From his book he said that his agent got him a great deal (7.5 Million) for the movie and that him and Cubby talked about that this would be his last one. Roger Moore was still doing good at the box office, having "beaten" Connery in 1983 and Moore was a joy to work with still. Money might have been a big reason, his last big pay day before retiring and he had several houses... He got a great salary since Moore is hardly in the movie anyway with his stuntmen doing everything, including jogging. As much as I like Moore, would have loved to see this movie with Dalton. I do like the scenes between him and Macnee, he should have been in the entire movie.
Discount Dr No
Koskov doesn't have enough character to be an interesting villain. Maybe if they had done a fusion of him and Whitaker it would have worked, but as it is, Whitaker's portrayal as a war-mongering manchild is fun and makes him a pretty engaging villain.
Maybe Blofeld as he is in the Craig-run. Having him be the 'author of all [Bond's] pain' and Bond's foster brother is just simply retarded. Also, I do not think Waltz was that great in the role either, and it very much just comes across as them going 'Waltz is famous for playing villains let us get him'.
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the korean guy from DAD
I can confidently say that's an opinion I've never come across before.
Green, Waltz Blofeld and Mr Robot all suck. That's Craig's era for you. From the classic era Kristatos is kind of dull but it's a solid performance and fits the tone of the movie. Lacks that 'larger than life' quality though.
I don't think he is necessarily actually the worst but, I can see the argument for Dominic Green with how forgettable he is.
The dude who invented a cure for being Asian in Die Another Day. He invented A CURE FOR BEING ASIAN and a GIANT MIRROR TO MAKE IT SUNNY WHENEVER YOU WANT and still had to launder conflict diamonds to be rich?
his performance was top notch though
>I do like the scenes between him and Macnee, he should have been in the entire movie.
I like Macnee as well however, that is something that most people are only going to get anything from if they are familiar with The Avengers and get the meta-connection of Honor Blackman and Diana Rigg. And if the film is taken as it is by itself then, especially as time goes by, the majority of people are not going to get the connection that is what underlyingly adds the real value of Macnee's presence in the film.
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>Bond's foster brother
The fact that the actual Bond franchise lifted a plot twist from the comedic Bond-spoof movie franchise is actually a fascinating cultural ouroboros.
>I'm going to start a world war so I can get news coverage and ratings and somehow get promoted to supreme commander in the military.
Just absolutely stupid even for a bond movie
honesty, I think Tomorrow Never Dies has aged far better than the non-Goldeneye brosnan films due to the rise of the internet and false and malicious new stories.
I don't have a problem with retarded plans, my issue with Carver is how inept he is. He is not a threat to Bond. He isn't intimidating or interesting, he's just a crazy old cuck who has no idea what he's doing.
>Bond 26 is about Bond having his mojo stolen and having to go back in time.
The aspect that has aged well is a war in the South China Sea.
there's nothing prescient about TND, fake news and hit pieces and manipulating world events using the media are things that have existed for millennia

It breaks your neck you dumbass
Carver's actual plan is kinda genius, but you never remember the details of it because the rest of the movie is underwhelming and the campy over-the-top shit doesn't come off in this one. Carver invented fake news, put the world on the brink of WWIII, schemed with a Chinese general to engineer a coup that would immediately end the war but place Carver's company in total control of Chinese media so that he could be the world's most powerful propagandist. Jonathan Pryce and Carver the character get scapegoated for Tomorrow Never Dies when it's actually other parts of the movie that make it such a step back from GoldenEye.
006, Baron Samedi, Donald Pleasance Blofeld
>invented a cure for being Asian
Were those two supposed to be a couple?
always felt bad for the dude that flew into the sun
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True, fortunately they have great chemistry together. AVTAK is such an odd movie, on one hand you have Moore and Macnee, on the other hand you have Grace Jones and Walken. Its like combining two decades into one movie.
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AVTAK is the weirdest Bond film, plot is Goldfinger in reverse, and while it follows the basic formula every scene has bizarre elements that set it apart from the rest of the series. The more interested I became in the franchise as a whole, the more I appreciated A View to a Kill.
>Grace Jones and Walken
People praise their performances and hold them up as examples why AVTAK is actually good however, they are ultimately wasted.
There are plenty of good aspects or interesting ideas in AVTAK however, they are weighed-down and drowned-out with the problems it has. The praise for AVTAK always seems to be focused on aspects in isolation rather than the finished collective film.
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these 2 scenes alone make Kamal Kahn best villain to me. insane that he was 62 old in Octopussy but doesn't look much older than Connery in Dr No

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Underrated for sure, just like Octopussy as a whole. My favorite Bond film
best post ITT
Nigga the earth is orbiting the sun at 67,000 MPH, he's not falling into the sun from that. You'd basically need to cancel almost all of that velocity
>Its like combining two decades into one movie.
That is arguably the biggest problem. The franchise had firmly entered the 1980s and you still have the actor and with that general production approach that has been in play since the 1970s. The franchise then tries to course correct, at least regarding audience reaction for the time, too sharply come Dalton. I really like FYEO & Octopussy and am glad Moore did them but, I feel like if you want a successful Dalton style Bond in the late-80s then what needed to happen was a Brosnan type Bond in the early-to-mid-80s to bridge the gap. Or do something akin to TLD in 1985 though slightly softer, then ease the audience in TLD we got in 1987 and then LTK in 1989. In any case, Moore should have never have done the 1985 film.
For me it is this music from Octopussy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CUKfbVYJwI
The secret Chinese guy and Based >>201762721
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>Kristatos is kind of dull
>not liking a Julian Glover performance
you lost me there
nice view...to a kill
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where can a get an evil+hot gf like this bros?
money, connections and a secret lair (shark pool optional)
Caroline a cute.
Weird how Rowan was borderline attractive for like five seconds.
She's a really nice lady, loves her fans, loves talking about her movies
If you are in the UK she hosts a film introduction show, in which she says fuck all of interest, called The Cellar Club on the TV channel Talking Pictures.
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the beard helped a lot
The poor thing got scared by the explosions

the original title was 'from a view to a kill' but I can't really explain the context of that line except that they just wanted to fit it into the script.
Dalton FYEO would have been nuts
>Bond and Trevelyan, 2 tireless agents of the Cold War, meeting in a foggy train yard surrounded by old defunct symbols of the Soviet Union, statues of Lenin and Stalin looming over them
I know the word gets thrown around a lot but this scene is pure, unfiltered KINO
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imagine having your spank-bank full to the brim at the age of 8
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Joe Don.
My my my Mitchell
which movie is it where Bond is in a helicopter at the beginning and the guy in a wheelchair tries to kill him? That is the most insane stunt piloting I have ever seen by far, the stuntman flying it was a MADMAN
For Your Eyes Only. Bond kills not!Blofeld
Will always love this scene
A Dalton FYEO would not necessarily be representative of the Dalton we eventual got. The Dalton we got was influenced by FEYO, Octopussy and recognition that something had to change after AVTAK. Dalton FYEO would not have that influence and would be in a different era, coming off Moonraker. So although a Dalton FYEO would be more grounded / serious / whatever you want to call it compared to Moonraker, it would probably not be that much different to what they actually did with Moore when they deliberately tried to do that after Moonraker. If, really what would be inexplicable given the circumstances, a Dalton FYEO that is akin the TLD or especially LTK there would be a major audience backlash. Although there was the factor of strong commercial competition, keep in mind that TLD and LTK were no particularly major commercial and critical successes due to how they were perceived as straying from what it was perceived Bond should be. All of this is a lot to say that a FEYO with Dalton is not going to be that representative of the Dalton we got, and if it is then they will probably course correct for otherwise they harm the franchise.
>top notch anti-british motive (angry at government for repatriation of Lenz Cossacks)
he was right
That show is awesome, they feature loads of hidden gem old B-movies.
The films can be good but, the actual introduction she presents is worthless. All you get told is it stars X and Y, and a summary of what the film will be about - there is no meaningful information or commentary.
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>In the original script when Bond is set to parachute into Vietnam he is told by a CIA agent that “You know what will happen. It will be war. And maybe this time, maybe we’ll win”. The Pentagon was embarrassed by this line and it was subsequently removed.

Are burgers really this fragile?
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>ctrl+f "scaramanga"
>zero results
What the hell, he's easily the best, too bad he's stuck in a crappy movie
More kino than 2001 honestly.
still better than thunderball underwater scene
>My favorite Bond film

Octopussy is also my favorite Bond film.
His goal was to get the Chinese leadership killed so general Chang could take over, and in return Chang would give him broadcasting rights in china, the only country that denied him
Its not a complicated plot, try listening next time
Fair enough.
movie wasn't crappy, it's just very 1974 in all ways
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considering the US got dragged into Vietnam because of goodwill towards France, I can imagine there'd be some butthurt for making fun of them for it.
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Nick Nack > Scaramanga

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