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Gay kissing edition
previous >>201757589
First for fuck Team Bl*ck
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Queer people exist. Black people exist. Literally the only reason you support Aegon is out of spite for people like me existing.
Nth for any more chat about team this or team that and I'll give you a wedgie, you monumental faggot.
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can you invade the summer islands in the CK mod?
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Did they?
I hope so
No, the map is only westeros and the eastern part of essos of of right now
>greens can't say faggot
you people are reddit
They filmed an explicit sex scene for episode 2 but it was cut because not everything they did was signed off by an intimacy coordinator in advance
Might be out of diplomatic distance from KL But when I play in southern Essos I use it as slave raiding central.
Fine, your a faggot
what is this complete inversion of reality? your entire faction is homosexuals and niggers.
its a game for the rich liberal elite, game of ... troons, if you will
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>Myseria, I need that bad pussy
Blacksissies…are we faggots?
when is that episode showing happening? any chance for live leaks?
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He comes....
lmao seething faggots
So I'm to understand that Rhaenyra got so fed up of people not listening to her because she's a woman, that she decided to become a lesbian. And this will somehow increase her standing with her council, husband and the people of Westeros?
Why is she making that face
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Did they?
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Always has been. Blacksissies are the embodiment of Reddit.
I'm guessing Mysaria will convince her to get random people from KL to ride dragons so she'll figure she doesn't need Daemon, Jace and Baela anymore and the council doesn't matter.
You are trying really hard greencucks
Why would anyone want to be a br**der anyways. Cishets are scum.
>seething greenfag
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Lovely couple
Just admit you hate queerfolx. If you saw me in person, you wouldn't be nearly as hateful.
>going for brunch the morning after
Yeah, I know that look.
Cut Nettles because we can't have Rhaenyra there seething about Daemon cucking her with a little girl

Make Rhaenyra gay so we can have Daemon seething about getting cucked by his wife and his ex
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how about pic related?
Do stories of girls getting sexually abused and impregnated by their own dads really turn women on?

Is this a common fantasy amongst all women or just leftist women?
Disgusting faggots
many, many women orgasm during rape.
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When did yall first realize you were gay? For me it was when I watched house of the dragon and found myself hating the greens and loving queen Rhaenyra and her circle of gays, people of color and strong independent fierce women
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I ship them
hope Baela supports Jace in le heckin usurpation attempt lol
Oh so they are really twins? I thought it was just camera tricks
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yep they are actual twins
Will she do what Elliot Page did and troon out before the show is over?
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>Every hound in got universe hates his brother
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>If you saw me in person, you wouldn't be nearly as hateful
Wanna bet?
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>Gwayne is mine, now. Whore.
>*rides away*
As a modestly sexually active man in my mid 20s. More often than not they will call me daddy as I rail them from behind.
NEED Helaena to SHIT on me
Daemon will be ok with it, he’s the progressive male wife subservient attack dog who’s man enough to handle an open relationship
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>greenfags in such dire straits that they have to start spazzing and pretend to be retarded because their characters are so relentlessly shit that the only thing they've got left is the personal life of some dumbfuck actor
You guys have never struck me as the brigthest bunch but this is spectacularly retarded even for you.
It's just one guy, that picture is also a camera trick
Zamn, just how flat is she?
>No physical description of Gaemon
>Gay BDSM outfit out of nowhere for him
Go watch ru pauls drag race you ghoulish tranny
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These girls keep making fun of him. They know about the memes, the posture memes and the zoolander memes. They even tease him about his height.
>they just keep him around like a court jester
Answered your own question
t. Theater kid
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Why are Blacksissies seething again? You have chosen the Wokeslop side with bland, boring characters.
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She seems fairly normal for a lgbt loonie so I dont think so. No cutting.
>he doesn't want to be on the right side of history
Feels good to be a libchad and keep winning the culture war.
she has beautiful A cups and thats a good thing. the aristocratic elegance of the small breasted woman. big tits are for peasants. liking big tits is genetic memory of famine in your lineage.
I can't believe there's no sex scene between them
That's how you know they're real friends.
Coping nonce. Tranime rotted your brain.
>These girls
Phoebe (Rhaena) is non binary
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>Aegon is dressed up that means his burns healed
Aegon bros we wom
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>This is """winning""" to Blacksissies
ask yourself, since joffrey isn't something you can imagine sitting around reading the histories himself, where do you think he picked up on his general anti-rhaenyra sentiment? even in the baratheon-controlled red keep, led by bobby b, who fucking hated targshits, rhaenyra is spoken of as nothing more than a traitor. maegor with teets/
I don't know why the fags here think this guy is a fag. I watched some of his interviews and he doesn't even give that impression at all.
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He has blood of the dragon ofc he would healed faster than anyone else
>joffrey isn't something you can imagine sitting around reading the histories himself,
I can imagine him being fascinated with guys like Maegor and being curious about the most brutal and gory shit in historical context.

thats a fair point. probably true. imagine being the maester called in to his chambers to give him maegor lessons kek
Can you really ship characters that are already engaged and bound to be married?
No one thinks he is a fag. He just gives the vibes and it's very easy to picture him sucking male cocks and getting his twink buck broken by bears.
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>6000000 faith militants? This cannot be true.
mother what are you doing with that yi-tian whore
He's not Daenerys he got burned
>6000000, Ned! In an open field? Only a maniac would do that
so basically you fags hope that everyone is like you, ok it makes sense then
just a bit of banter mate, calm down
I'm straight, but my homo-locator is too advanced.
Not as badly as ser Steffon Darklyn
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>he took the bait I carelessly planted not even expecting any (you)s
Nah, you can keep the fatties and troons. Pool's closed.
>I was simply pretending
We need a 6th blackfyre rebellion
god, women are so autistic

get a grip
>Dont worry. just going for a swim
He's actually going to be more competent from now on. George has this transformation in his characters. Jaime loses his hand and tries a more savvy diplomatic approach, Bran loses his legs but will "fly", Jon supposedly dies and gets back a basedboi with wolfish attitude no fucks given etc while Aegon actually gets smarter.
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>this troon still fuming that someone called her favorite actor a fag
>for two threads
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"its already here sir"
They're too young. Baela is 15 and Jace is 16.
This dude is going to rock the boat in Dunk and Egg.
>exists only as a plot device to justify Daenerys going full schizo after finally arriving in Westerod high on her own hype only to see a Targ king has already won and is viewed as a liberator from Lannisters so her entire struggle was pointless
Feel sad for him.
Ah, wonderful
Honestly the young Griff or Gendry are my two picks to win the throne
>incel dark sonic-tier self-insert
Margery was like 13 and she fucked half of Westeros
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It's called 'winning'. Egg is an ingrate.
It was a horseriding accident.
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The Great Council is a plot by the CotF to install a philosopher king that will curb the spread of men throughout the continent. Mark my words. That's the bigger game.

>Gone down into the earth. Into the stones, into the trees. Before the First Men came all this land that you call Westeros was home to us, yet even in those days we were few. The gods gave us long lives but not great numbers, lest we overrun the world as deer will overrun a wood where there are no wolves to hunt them. That was in the dawn of days, when our sun was rising. Now it sinks, and this is our long dwindling. The giants are almost gone as well, they who were our bane and our brothers. The great lions of the western hills have been slain, the unicorns are all but gone, the mammoths down to a few hundred. The direwolves will outlast us all, but their time will come as well. In the world that men have made, there is no room for them, or us.[2]
Nah, he'll win.
Bittersteel is better
Not the least because he's a based bracken CHAD
I wonder if Summerhall could have been succesful if he kept Bloodraven around to help out
Only because he keeps coming back
It's almost funny
>dies a Tyroshi toilet slave
Bitterbitch is better dead than alive, that's how much a loser he was.
Yeah, for a little bit before getting tragically Drogon'd.
Nah, Dany is gonna kneel and suck his cock. She has no choice. He has the biggest army and the love of the people and she has 3 tiny dragons
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all hail king aegon of house targaryen, sixth of his name
>3 tiny dragons
With accelerated growth.
>she has 3 tiny dragons
Yeah, no. Those things will be wrecking havoc in no time
Magic is back.
Why didn't this retard chop his hand off? He is way more useful in leadership capacity rather than actually going to battle. He doesn't need it.
just ignore the fucking show after season 4
Griff has Varys who'll all according to keikaku her. He wins.
>Baela is 15
That's true because but it's funny how they got a 26 year old woman for the role.
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>he thinks the book ending will be different even though GRRM admitted the beats are the same
i think thats supposed to be duckfield not jon con
>Why didn't this retard chop his hand off?
maybe the greyscale already spread
Varys will switch sides
It's okay, he can just get skinned later and walk it off. Turns out that's how you cure greyscale.
yeah he has a girlfriend
Are you watching the Olympics bros?
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So does this guy in a shocking turn of events.
No. They lack soul. Even euros lacked soul and just came and went. It's over. The grand spectacle is dead.
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>watching rigged jingoism
No, only true victors ITT that pay the iron price for their wins
How old is he and his gf?
i refuse to believe this is not bait
In your ass
He's 18, no idea about her.
he will never finish the books so you might as well just believe any fanfic or your choosing
she thinks she's good at playing women.
for some mysterious reason.
she also growing her hair out irl.
the metoo movement and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race
makes sense, he cute
Hopefully older than him.
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I've been thinking a lot about Rhaenyra and Mysaria. These are my thoughts. Only Daemon understands Rhaenyra's pain and suffering. Only Daemon knows how to build up Rhaenyra. Daemon must execute Mysaria.
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I almost screamed when I saw that pic on Gaemon's awoiaf page. I wish they were more strict with allowing fanart to be uploaded to character pages. That looks more like something out of Hellraiser than a Targaryen lord.
Oh I fucking wish
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Emma was just so turned on by a damaged soul
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That's a crock of bs
What if I started sobbing and traumadumping about my fucked up upbringing in front of her? Would she give me a sloppy passionate kiss?
You're trying to assemble this big intersectional alliance against the evil White Man, but niggers hate fags and trannies. Good luck with that

>Verification not required.
>Gaemon's awoiaf
9/10 times yes
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Cute and canon!
Well, maybe mentally ill enbies aren't so bad...
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I will never watch this show because Game of Thrones is a gay brand and everyone who liked it was annoying.
I still like lesbians though.
message or xweet based Linda about it
Are you a chick with a decent BMI? Crying women are hot as fuck, it turns 7/10s into 8/10s.
I am a tall average looking man.
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I miss this monke
They won’t cast him right
Mark my words
What frustrates me is the most, is that certain casts like Aemond, Aegon, Otto are perfect but are forced to work with this shit claustrophobic script that doesn't give them opportunities to shine and interact with each other. What could have been with proper direction...
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Forget degenerate kissing for we have more pressing matters.
Where do I find a wife like Helaena T. this is very important.
I could give milly all my cock if you know what i mean?
>choosing a female regent
On a special ed bus
Then no one cares
unholy homo cope
Epic meme friend!
I find it funny the narrative focuses on how the war was an event created by the greens lust for power, when Rhaenyra didn't stay at court to be groomed into being the heir, make appearances during Viserys' reign to normalize being a woman in power and even limit the greens control, but instead did nothing leading up to her father's death to transition into a rocky snd unprecedented succession, not only that, but opt to have 3 obviously bastard children who would struggle to be legitimate heirs in the face of succeeding Aegon, let alone Rhaenyra succeeding Aegon.

The story just glossed over this disaster as if her decisions didn't affect anything, and not like the entire kingdom would be up in arms over this.
It was her turn, sweatie. We've had enough warmongering cishet male kings.
in the book viserys kept her at dragonstone and didn't call her back to be hand all because he didn't want alicent drama
The supported housing for adults in social care.
>afraid of his own wife
What a sissycuck.
Viserys should have taken a page from Daemon Targaryen's big book of beating women.
It would unironically have fixed everything.
>dohares Seasmoke!
>I deed it!
Both the show and the book is retarded, but at least the book doesn't make Rhaenyra to be a massive cunt leaving her ill father to rot away while she rides the cock carousel in Dragonstone.
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Viserys III
breastplate stretcher! NOW!
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Reminder that Episode 7 will premiere tonight at San Diego Comic-Con and leaks about the episode will be everywhere.
Good I want to be able to move past this shitshow of a season as fast as possible
The Greyjoy Rebellion
That's just rude.
Don't wake the dragon, Anon
Will someone leak the actual episode?
Bran becomes the king in the end
Rhaenyra on her way to molest her costars.
I feel the knight that got barbecued was suffering for too long. Like pretty sure after 30 seconds of roasting like that you'd just pass out from the otherworldly pain
We obviously can't be certain how the fAegon story will play out in the books, but assuming the theories are true that he will win the Iron Throne before Dany even sets foot in Westeros and will be actual a popular ruler who is in her way, I wonder if D&D couldn't have given the role to Gendry. It would have to be very contrived and I'm not sure what puppetmaster would be behind it, but it couldn't have been worse than making Cersei Queen.
there will be troons
there will be fags
there will be no more than 20% white man screentime
The lunatic that set himself ablaze for Palestine for standing for quite some time before finally collapsing.

I don't really care about book Alicent and Aegon, nut show Alicent and Aegon clearly didn't inherently wish to contest Rhaenyras claim yet we're practically forced to.

Rhaenyra didn't take fucking anything seriously when otto and cole said they were all fucking dead men if Rhaenyra took over they weren't lying. Nobody would accept this bullshit and would protect and undermine Rhaenyra at every turn and this would force Rhaenyra to kill all the green heirs out of necessity to protect her children and herself. Rhaenyra was politically retarded. Show Alicent was literally rooting for her but she still fucked it up. If she took it seriously and stayed at court she could even immediately clear up the prince that was promised shit that night, but her actions fucking doomed her reign and the greens.

It was a fucking layup and she missed.
So is this shit gonna go anywhere or was it a one time thing
Why does it look like Alyn is Corlys' brother instead of son? How old was Corlys when he had him?
The writers seem intent on ruining Daemon in particular.
>Only Daemon knows how to build up Rhaenyra. Daemon must execute Mysaria.
Honestly this would redeem the story for normalfags. People love Daemon and hate Mysaria.
show alicent was plotting with otto and then larys and pushing aegon to be king and hate rhaenyra's children from the start, she just magically decided she didn't want that at the dinner because the show is stupid
and show rhaenyra would never ever kill any of the greens so this was bullshit anyway
>boo hoo my daddy fucked me
They couldn't give Mysaria a more interesting back story?
yeah they really hate how popular he is and want to "fix" that, also hess in particular is seething because she wants rhaenyra with alicent and/or mysaria instead of daemon
She didn't need a backstory at all. And this entire "muh heckin smallfolk" schtick is grating.
Nah, Jace is going to be the one who orders he whipped to death.
You know the casting is bad when Jace looks more fuckable than Baela. No homo, she is just very ugly.
Targaryens can
Otto was the cause for green bullshit.

Alicent needed Rhaenyra to have an easy and smooth reign for her and her children to be safe. If people took issue with her claim then she has to kill the greens so nobody can stage some bullshit rebellion or defiance towards her off of the green heirs.

Rhaenyra is a spoiled brat and didn't do shit to line up her reign and actively jeopardized it because she was horny and lazy.
>ruins George's favourite character to establish dominance
After years of frying my brain with hardcore pornography, some nice slow intimacy is really hot
will we get Silver Denys being BTFO by the based Cannibal?
>Daemon cucks Rhaenyra
>Rhaenyra cucks Daemon
You just know this show is for bitter divorced wine aunts.
No they are trying to make him the good guy and it worked
i mean she would never kill them and no one would have challenged her claim if alicent and otto didn't do it because anyone else wouldn't have dragons
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Alicent Hightower
was she bi in the books as well??
Nettles is LITERALLY retconned btw :)
I hope there is going to be at least one lesbo rhaenicent scene
they want to make him pathetic now because making him evil didn't change his popularity
My biggest problem in this show is that there are no cute girls. Helena looks retarded and Baela and Rhaena should be cute Aryan girls instead of nogs. The lack of cute girls is really dragging the show down.
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Daeron will die offscreen. It came to me in a dream.
If Maegor the cruel couldn't pull it off, Rhaenyra sure as fuck couldn't
probably yes but with Laena not Mysaria
Cute girls make women viewers uncomfortable sweety, especially if its a wish fulfillment romance novel. No nettles btw
pull off what? if hightowers didn't start a coup or their kids didn't have dragons there would have been no issue
No they are making him the good guy he will join Rhaenyra in the next episode and they will capture KL.
The dialogue in this show is awful.
This is how you do dialogue:
>Otto conspires
>Rest of greens aren't on board and Alicent was pushed into her role
>Otto terrorizes Alicent with the (true) allegation she's fucked if Rhaenyra doesn't pull through
>Rhaenyra then gets smeared as a slut in a whorehouse
>Alicent seethes
>Rhaenyra doesn't take her heir status seriously
>Rhaenyra has 3 bastards
>Oh fuck....

welcome to the point
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The writers are doing a very poor job of showing why Rhaenyra deserves to be reagent. All she does is complain and act weak. The supply drop via boat was pure retardation. Rhaenyra is the one enforcing the blokade, the smallfolk aren't that retarded. Season 8 tier.
>Helena looks retarded
You have angered the dragon, filthy swordswallower.
we can't save her bros :(
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Whenever I litmus test a mary sue, I don't check how talented, smart, strong of beautiful they are.

I just check how other characters react to them.
>Haha you slaughtered hundreds of smallfolk? haha I LOVE Melys! AIIIE RATCHATCHERS!!!
>You had 3 bastards? Even though this is a huge deal through the rest of history indont care for this instance.
>you enforced a blockade and are why I'm starving? OH MY GOD APPLES I LOVE YOU!!!!
They're like a black hole in which the IQ of every other character disappears.
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they were rumors rhaenyra did it in the book too
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I dont think theres a single scene of pure dialogue in house of the dragon that comes close to anything from early game of thrones. Even if we only count original scenes to make it more fair.
sadly to have any mainstream success as an actor you have to go through a gay humiliation ritual
even the cut content from GoT has better dialogue
The biggest problem with Rhaenyra is that she has the pretense of being a Mary Sue without a single quality that makes her a good person or even a good character. The writers are forced to write everyone around Rhaenyra as either comically evil or comically stupid to accommodate the character. There isn't even a trope to describe a character like Rhaenyra. "Shitty character who other characters like for absolutely no reason at all". Mary Sues are at least 10/10 in some aspect. Monke was cute, had a sharp tongue, and was headstrong. Older Rhaenyra literally has no redeeming qualities.
Gendry has no chance in the books, Edric Storm would be the Baretheon bastard who could have a claim to the throne.
This is the stuff eh Lyonel?
>Tywin in season 1 cutting apart a stag (Baratheon)
>Season 3 Tywin fishing (Tully)
Somebody stop this madman
Are we going to get a D&D redemption arc?
no where, hot quirky autistic girls with good hygiene are more rare than lottery winners.
He had very long hair and they asked him to cut it. They used the hair to create a wig for his stunt double. Not sure if smart or creepy.
the Larys/Aegon scene
but that's probably the only from this season
the scene where daemon apologised to his brother in his dream was on the same level as viserys speech toward his family
its already happening, a large amount of the fanbase is agreeing D&D did a better job adapting than Condel.
Its a difficult pill to swallow and I dont expect people to forgive their sheer incompetence in later seasons. But they obviously wrote a lot better scenes than the current staff

I liked that scene. And some of the Viserys ones but I think it was carried by a great soundtrack. I havent and will never rewatch it so, I will just give them those ones too.
That's the other thing. They don't need to be magical perfect beings. The story warps around their presence in it. It also almost feels like propaganda.

>What, x person started a war and mounted baby heads on pikes?
>DOESNT MATTER, look at the enemy response at this! They're MEAN. Look at them!
Other characters feel inorganic, they exist as plot devices to prop them up. Look at Jace, he's like a cute little handbag for Rhaenyra, completely devoid of personality. Look at Aegon and Alicents relationship, that's flawed organic and interesting, unlike Jace and Rhaenyra which is one sided.

If the other characters actions make sense and are justifiable they will be like sort of strategically "tuned" to be silly villain retardeds if they weren't written like that to begin with.

The writer often doesn't even notice this and thinks the character is in the right because they are so attached to them or are trying to send a narrative point. It's why Rhaenyra is so fucking boring and people somehow like Aegon.
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The episode has leaked! Anyone got a link?
Season 5 unironically mogs HoTD though even despite its low points.
He deserved better…
You need the bad poosey.
sent you a dm on discord
Stannis will win the Battle of Ice and still be stranded outside Winterfell while Roose sits inside with four thousand fresh Bolton men. What happens next?
Did you even watch the latest episode of HotD? Mysaria alone is worse than the Sand Snakes.
He burns his daughter to keep warm?
He is going to use Manderly and the dead Frey's uniforms to try to infiltrate Winterfell.
I think the plan is Stannis somehow wins the Battle of Ice and then dies to the others, no Idea how he is supposed to take Winterfell though
They should have keep the long hair but I guess they wanted him to have the same hairstyle as his father.
Did we ever find out why Varys captured the warlock that cut him?
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This has to happen per GRRM. It'll happen at the Nightfort.

My concern is, how do the Manderlys communicate that they're turncloaks? Even if they send messengers Stannis will likely believe it's more Karstark-type subversion. It doesn't help that he thinks they executed Davos.
They wouldn't be able to explain how his hair grow so long in two weeks. Luke's death happened weeks before the first episode of this season.
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>mfw boobies
I think the Manderly's are trailing the Freys so they will likely fuck up any retreating Freys and Stannis will get the message.
That could work
Otto is the only good character.
Yeah, my fear is that out of a misunderstanding of the situation Stannis will end up executing Manderly and lose the North that way.
Rhaenyra, Alicent Mysaria and Alys are basically slightly different versions of the same character.
>Le ebil scheming woman actually has a heart of gold and only does bad stuff because she cares about the smallfolk n sheeit

On the other hand all the male characters are basically brutes who only care about their egos.

It's interesting how leftism now engages in gender/sex essentialism, but as an inversion of strawman they have built up in their heads. There is no room for characters like Tyrion, Jaime, Bronn, Olenna, or Cersei in this show.
Literally me when I get humiliated on 4chan.org
>Care about smallfolk
They do? I mean we're told they do but their actions don't indicate that.

Jaime Lannister is a better example of that trope.
lol no she isn't, she's bad but nowhere near as bad as show dorne is
In the last 2 episodes Rhaenyra, Alicent, Mysaria, and Alys have all pontificated about how "war bad" and how smallfolk le suffer, and the show has not portrayed them as sufficiently hypocritical to suggest that as anything other than a straight reading of their characters.
>They do?
Maybe Alys? Granted she’s a witch, but she’s rather woodsy, and she’s the type to make a healing brew for someone in need.
That would be pretty shitty but hey, Winds is supposed to be a very dark book.
If fAegon wins, do all those GC Westerosi exiles like Strickland, Lothstons etc get their ancestral lordships?
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What the fuck happened?
Why would she care about smallfolk anyway? She is a Strong bastard kept around in court so she is basically nobility herself.
This is just illustrates the point made earlier that favoritism for characters feels like propaganda because the narrative and the characters in-setting do not adequately represent and put forward the correct opinions they should have of those characters.
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Daeron's weak bloodline is what happened
I don't get this meme
>seduced and despoiled
But she was a whore already...
>marries a T*roshi
Is it really any better than Dornish genes
Jesus, the bong genes hit him hard.
Sad how he was never in the Hobbit movies.
They're at least white
Play with the fire get burned, simple as.
he looks the same
Is she a bastard though? That’s just the rumour. Or a part she plays. She appears to be an enigma.
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is that otto hightower
damn he looks like shit without beard if that is him he is one of those people that should never go around without full beard
kek no
Andy Serkis?
Ok, go on reddit and make 2 posts supporting each side and see which one gets downvoted by fat, barren women first.
looks just like he did in GOT
>handsome Targaryen prince can have any pussy in the realm he wants
>Yeah I want the nappy headed monke, we just have soooo much in common... like uhhh.... we ride dragons?
That's Ramsay.
Rhys Ifans, the Otto actor, looks like someone's slightly disheveled dad.
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Damn I fucking miss GoT's peak (S1-4) and especially Cersei & her dialogues. She's as close to perfect Cersei as I can imagine. Excellent acting, looks and all.

Nothing will ever hit as hard as it did, right?
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I now proclaim Cersei of House Lannister, First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms.
Long may she reign.
Hahahah oops, meant for >>201767686
I disagree about Alicent, the narrative is fair with her. She blames herself for stuff, gets punished and even Aemond brings up how she can't really blame him for the war since she actually is the one who started it.

The narrative and characters are fair with her, probably because she's supposed to be evil hypocritical trad girl so the writers allow her to be portrayed semi-badly. She's devoid of the retarded "i dindu nuffin" portrayal because she's allowed to be hypocritical.

Twitter hates her but she's the best written female character in the show.
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He didn't really have a choice, they chose her for him.
ugly troon
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A toast, to queer 'people'.

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Last two episodes have changed this. She's going down the Saint Rhaenyra route as well.
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This is Ser Gregor Clegane. He's quiet too. Your gods have forsaken you. This is your god now. Shame... shame... shame...
>their characters are so relentlessly shit
Oh yeah I'm sure we'd all love to see 4 seasons of council meetings of
>Ermm what's going on?
>This thing is happening your grace and we should do this about it
>ERmmmm idk... but fear me or something, cause I'm intimidated by men in their 50's talking over me for some reason.
eat shit
I don't think anybody expects him to conquer all of Westeros before Dany arrives, so the question might not even pose itself, if he only holds the Crownlands, Stormlands and Dorne. Connington definitley gets his shit back. Or maybe they kill him once he stops being useful, since he actually believes that fAegon is Rhaegar's son.
She's cute?? Besides you know how straight men are, any woman will do
he's aged well enough, considering it's been a decade

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