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will you be watching the olympics when they are on your tv
go back to /sp/ cunt
Why is there a woman racing against men?
>BBC written in the left corner
They're not even hiding it anymore
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I'll be watching the Kinodrome
whoa what the hell
what the fuck is this shit
I don't get it. What are they doing? Why did they stop?
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this is the most awkward, gay shit I've ever seen
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Week ik
is that setting a good example for the hundreds of millions of kids who play this every day at their local bike gladiator arena?
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I love track cycling so much bros
Velodrome racers are fucking cringe.
damn I thought every olympic event was just "gotta go fast" - I'm actually gonna watch this shit
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I fucking hate these scaled down awkward ceremonies.

Why can't we go back to Mary Poppins fighting Voldemort?
Buy a computer, pleb.
Fucking kek. It's probably got something to do with drag. If you start in first during the last round, you've lost or something stupid like that.
Nothing will surpass that Danish(?) "sport" whre the girls ride a fake horse. I lost 20% of respect for my own species that day.
This is /tv/ not /g/, asshole.
Looks like my tranny cousin but with smaller tits.
Dont dissapoint yourself. Most races are just shimano and bianchi cucks trying to cadencemaxx.
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>Womeme athletes
I thought they were just battling it out and thats what this sport was. hope you're wrong. why does the olympics have to be so fucking boring bros. only the IOC could make watching the fastest, strongest, most athletic people in the world boring as fuck
They introduced a mixed relay event. One team decided to have men v women and women v men for their legs whereas everyone else had men v men and women v women.
Whoever is behind in the last couple of laps can use the leaders slipstream to go faster and overtake at the very last minute. The Pole is trying to force the black guy to overtake him.
That's too funny for me to even pretend to be mad, and post some idiot response that will derail the thread.
How is this sport not disqualified from existence after looking at this faggot shit?
Thanks. I hope they hang whoever came up with that.
I get it, black men and the people who worship them are low IQ. So low IQ they think having children raised by literal whores is a good thing. The worst part is that's not even true. Her baby daddy's white.
Then who is the baby daddy?

No, the Tokyo Olympics were pozzed enough as it is even though Japan has traditionally been a stronghold against globohomo bullshit, so imagine how much worse it will be in the Paris Olympics. Paris today is niggers and nothing but. I predict that the Paris Olympics will have the lowest ratings of any Olympics in history.
Am the only one that noticed no one really gives a shit about the olympics anymore? I didn't even realize it was starting today.
>They introduced a mixed relay event. One team decided to have men v women and women v men for their legs whereas everyone else had men v men and women v women.
I don't really understand what you're describing, but it sounds lame.
Modern Olympics are perversion old Olympics. Olympics should be for Greeks only and in honor of Zeus.
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>hating /sp/
love to see it.
Also the bikes are completely ungeared and tuned to high speed so they're really hard to get going once they stop, especially at the top of the slope.
I know they're probably flat, but I'm curious, are women allowed to wear uniforms with such low cut kneck lines?
The only thing Ive heard about the Olympics is the spic mayor of Paris taking a swim in the dirty ass Seine.
Based Poland BTFOing niggers
I don't even know our athletes and in which disciplines we are participating anymore. Wonder if it's a generational thing or if there has been a shift in people's interests.
>train your entire life
>your "job" is competing in [sport]
>get bested by random cuck in shorts
Women should be more appreciative of us letting them have their little games of pretend.
It's not the same since they scaled back the opening ceremonies. Also it's all fucking paywalled here.

I've every sports package on Virgin and I still have to pay fucking extra if I want to see it.
wrong board
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no, i'll wait for the webms
I stopped watching after China ruined the Tokyo Olympics.

It was going to be kino of the highest order.
>first 400m
7 teams have a man
1 team has a woman
>2nd 400m
7 teams have a woman
1 team has a man
>3rd 400m
7 men, 1 woman
>4th 400m
7 women, 1 man

I'm guessing their logic was the lone men would be good enough to overcome the deficits created by the women in their legs. I don't think it worked.
People who regularly watch TV still seem to care about it, since the TV constantly talks about it. But I haven't really watched TV in years so I wouldn't even know it was happening if people didn't ask me if I'm "watching the olympics".
i'm pretty sure the order is typically M/F/M/F. that one team did the opposite of what everyone else was doing i guess

True and based.


No, you're not. I was somewhat excited for the Tokyo Olympics because it's Japan and Japan has historically been based but when the globohomo propaganda became blatant even in the Tokyo Olympics, it became obvious that even Japan has fallen to the globohomo agenda and that made me completely lose what little interest I still had in the Olympics at that time. There's no way in Hell that I'm going to watch the Paris Olympics.
The guy who's been in her Onlyfans leaks for the past year+. He's supposed to be some chef or something. I don't think he's shown his face.
why are her strides so short?

Stream for the opening ceremony. It's still going.
Tokyo was gay as fuck since they had all the coof restrictions and they dropped Death March for stonerplank.
this webm has been posted here forever, and i still cant believe that the girl with the bad wrist is disabled enough to compete with literal wheelchair users. and, she sprints as fast as she fucking can. what was she thinking?
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>woman needs to race against cripples to win
glad the only time i watch olympic trash is for the hockey.
It's shit so far.
How does someone that short even have a possibility of making it to a high competitive level? She physiologically is disadvantaged with a massively shorter stride.
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>ekte sport

You're right, the Tokyo Olympics were fucking mediocre because of the convid restrictions. But one thing I DID think was based about the Tokyo Olympics was that traditional Japanese culture was showcased in the opening ceremony and the closing ceremony without any anime shit/video-game shit being showcased.
Skimmed through it. Saw Zidane and Lady Gaga. Looks rainy and boring. It's no Queen's funeral.
They dropped death march because they're not allowed to have any event that can't have both a men's and women's event. No women's death match meant bye bye death march. It's fucking HORSE SHIT
No Japanese cameramen, no watch. They elevated the shit out of the Olympics.
The athletes parade was set to games music

Remember it having Frog's Theme (CT) and Olympus Colleseum (KH)
traditional japanese culture sucks have you seen their art not to mention those dumb clothes
why is a man racing a woman.
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Did read the thread but do they still do the walk of death where they shit their pants and bone snapping weight lifting? That was fun to watch with /sp/.
metafags ruin everything
>But one thing I DID think was based about the Tokyo Olympics was that traditional Japanese culture was showcased in the opening ceremony and the closing ceremony without any anime shit/video-game shit being showcased.
that was the plan initially, nintendo and a bunch of other companies pulled out due to controversy that came with hosting the Olympics during the pandemic

globohomo at the olympics doesn't bother me because i know for a fact that the millisecond a troon gets gold over a woman, it'll havoc across the globe and solidify women's rights in sport around the world. it's actually exciting to think about
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>women sports
I sleep. unless they wear bikinis.
White women need to be exterminated
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I do not care for sports
>half the show is pre-recorded video

I bet it's shit for the athletes too

>"hey, what's that?"
>"I don't know, it's 20 or so french people waving... I think there are some people over there jumping in puddles too"
All females.
the demonic elite are just summoning the meteor to wipe us all out 10 years from now.
Of all places why Paris?
The few native parisians left dont want that shit in their arrondisement and the niggers and nafris only care about soccer and track sports.
Females should not be playing sports, period. Fuck off with your feminist bullshit.
Just because trannies are the enemy doesn’t mean that females aren’t. The enemy of your enemy is not necessarily your friend.
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>it's 20 or so french people waving
but how french are they?
this is dumbest sport I have ever seen.
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Pretty sure I've seen this dancemove in 'Climax', kek.
Enzo is that you?
i dont own a tv and no
My friend competes in these, said that even though the track is covered in varnish, crashing full speed still means you'll be picking splinters off your body for days
Anon, she’s retarded
how thick are his thighs
Maybe skateboarding and ping pong if I catch it.
>France celebrating all those women being decapitated

The way they view the French revolution is kinda weird. Wonder if they'll reference that convent full of nuns they sent to the gallows.
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>olympics is suppose to be about the best people from your race/culture/country competiting against the best people from someone else's race/culture/country to find out who is the gigga chaddest of them all. its basically a friendly race war
>((monied interests)) replace every single athlete with some brownoid or blackoid from a completely different country bred and trained specifically for this event like some kind of racist eugenicists videogame for richfags

of course nobody gives a shit about it. Its more forigners competing against other forigners while you are gaslit into believing that they are your fellow-(insert country here). Its just like how nobody gives a shit about local sports teams anymore, or their own military.

Once you replace the majority of something with something else, it stops being that thing.
The olympics are on right now? No, I won't look it up, just tell me.
oh god /pol/ would have a field day with that library bit
I'll be watching what I'll watch. I'll hang out at /sp/ to see what gets hyped and not.
I'll just count the number of rapes and terror attacks in the once great country of France. 1 gang rape and 1 terrorist attack so far.
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Yeah, I also remember Star Light Zone from Sonic 1 being played during the athlete's parade.




>that was the plan initially, nintendo and a bunch of other companies pulled out due to controversy that came with hosting the Olympics during the pandemic

Interesting, this is the first time I've heard about this.

>globohomo at the olympics doesn't bother me because i know for a fact that the millisecond a troon gets gold over a woman, it'll havoc across the globe and solidify women's rights in sport around the world. it's actually exciting to think about

I wholeheartedly agree with you, globohomo at the modern Olympics doesn't bother me anymore because what do you expect? If there's any time when globohomo shit should be expected, it's during the modern Olympics because it's a literally a global sports event.

* because it's literally a global sports event.
It's because nbc fucking sucks donkey balls. just like with the Macy's parade, instead of showing as much as they can they just show a handful of things and use the rest of the time to promote their other shows.
You sound Canadian.

Even that event is irrelevant now that the NHL's pulled out.
Why did they do a giant arse in the sky?
It’s not as simple as that. Or it’s even simpler, not sure. The atomized man does not care about his country, state, race, or anything really.
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ill watch the women's weightlifting, for the inevitable tomboys that will be clipped and posted
>>((monied interests)) replace every single athlete with some brownoid or blackoid from a completely different country
Not the case for my country, but eh, I don't care about Olympics as much even if I watch it sometimes. As I said, it should be the Greek thing.
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The Edinburgh tattoo is better than this shit
>posted >>201764149
>and is obsessed with celebrities and chrischan

Checks out
Thanks. Now where can I watch a stream? I haven't owned a TV in decades.
So huge and he crushes me with them every time we wrestle
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humiliation ritual if I've ever seen one

>The atomized man does not care about his country, state, race, or anything really.

Exactly, the average person nowadays doesn't care about anything or anyone anymore. Can't really blame 'em either.
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why exactly isn't Bukkake an olympic sport?

I'm pretty sure plenty of women would love to compete it and it would gather interest from some groups of men also.

It's almost finished I think. Hurry up he's going to light the fire.
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>BE NOT AFEARED... Cause France is kinda shit
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I mean this is pretty much exactly how I imagined France would look. Olympics or not.
I love Rollerball, but where the fuck are the motorcycles with the chains and maces
beautiful art
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Parisian government purchased broadcasting rights to host it in the hopes it would attract enough tourism (both presently and throughout the future) to eventually turn a profit as people would pay to visit the city and spend money on products or services offered in the region.

Like every city that hosts the Olympics.
You idiot.
its funny that climax was making fun of shit like this, and still looks better.
>A better event would be that nigga fuckin the white bitch senseless lol
American "masculinity"
I was wrong, kek. We're only at the letter E of the countries.
>Death March out
I'm out.
They've confirmed the hooded guy is the Assassin Creed guy. How shit.

Should've gone with the Rabbids
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I just look forward to webms, mostly.
"Globally broadcast" sports events are nothing uncommon, anymore, since basically every sport has 11 different companies filming 4,000 hours of the same event from 79,000 different games every year, instantly-as-they-occur, these days.

It's not like it was just 40 years ago when owning the rights to broadcast an event was rare and profitable.
Its metaphora of modern corporate world
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No Summer Olympics has made money going back to at least 2008. My shithole city hosted it in the 80s and didnt get fucked because the olympic comittee didnt force them to build a bunch of venues.
Busted uncountable nuts to his bitch with her 5/10 face. Huge titties and a hairy pussy and very enthusiastic when she fucks but not in an obnoxious way.

Having said all that she looks very bad with bangs.
>post anavar fitness hoe
Yes but one has a heavy hand in begetting the other. Globalization atomizes someone pretty severely
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Time for the French Anthem.
I don't lip read but it looks like Canada is saying "I'm gonna fucking kill her, fucking kill her",which would be hot if she didn't have Gigachad's jawline.
I kind of agree, it's why it's been very hard to take the world cup/euro cup seriously in the last decade or so. The last time the German soccer team looked like the German team was like 2014. In 2010 they had almost all Germans with a Turk, and two half-Polish guys as three of their most famous players. That was like Germany in microcosm. Now half the players are mutts with bad attitudes...which is like Germany in microcosm.
I’ve just seen the pictures of the terror police and a few articles from nigger worshipping leftists about how bad it is that paris threw out a bunch of illegal homeless immigrants
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No not really. globalization and atomization are different things, done for different reasons. Not to mention immigrating to other countries to get into the olympics is its own phenomenon altogether.
She is a world champion in skiing anon
Im surprised anyone gave a fuck about the anti terror detail since rhe Frogs have been doing that shit forever. You cant go to any major metropiltan center without seeing two big Gallic chads patrolling with loaded rifles.
And in the end. Those venues don't see much use afterwards. Greek 2004 venues are left to rot
Was meant for >>201763901
Nice. a tv/ webm.
i had no idea that movie was filmed in greece
The jewish elite thought that tourists would start flocking to their cesspit of a city again but instead they are left with more debt, multiculturalism and terrorists.
I thought this was a reference to some muslim bullshit at first lmao
is there another city in france?
Somebody fills their pockets from the constructions, pls understand.
I don't even know where to watch it since I don't have cable. Plus I'm sure it costs money.
I've been seeing a lot of TDK ads recently. I know they don't make tapes anymore so what do they make?
Someone post the webm of the standing wheelchair race with the crippled guy going absolutely apeshit flailing around when he runs, you know the one I'm talking about
White boy is playing Ridge Racer on PS1 using the blocking technique
Marseille and Lyon I guess. Biarritz too but thats for rich foreigners.
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What a shit opening ceremony.
I'd claim she's just hyping herself up with "Fuck yeah! Fuck yeah! Oooh yeah!!"
>that one team did the opposite of what everyone else was doing i guess
Why tho
greece is a corrupt shithole though
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is this in the Olympics?
Such a stereotypically French-looking woman!
If I wanted to describe "Parisian culture," clearly, I'd be describing this person! I just purchase vacation plans to tour this town, now; xze in this image convinced me!
>And in the end. Those venues don't see much use afterwards. Greek 2004 venues are left to rot
And France's will become some type of homeless thunderdome
I didn't watch a single minute of the 2021 olympics. I and used to like watching it.
Yes, yes really. Globalization leads directly to mass immigration from places drastically beyond the cultural and ethnic matrix of a country's inhabitants. Disengagement with the community, abandonment of the nation(as it degrades from nation to state), and the collapse of perceived cultural responsibility into local responsibility, then familial responsibility and, in time, degradation into only personal responsibility are directly correlated with increased Global Immigration.

All of this fuels rapid intellectual and social atomization with the bold exception of newly arrived immigrants who, in face of that atomization of the Culture Superior, face drastically reduced pressure to assimilate, keeping their own enclaves of foreign culture which then promotes even further atomization resulting in a cycle which will end in the ultimate and irreversible disintegration of that culture.

In short, though there are several other factors at play when it comes to atomization, globalization is one of if not the primary contributor.

I'm right, you're wrong, I'm big you're little, I'm smart you're dumb and there's nothing you can do about it.
based velodrome enjoyer
Oh, and Casablanca.
The only inarguable use for the Olympics in this day and age is being able to relentlessly perv on some of the unbelievable fucking bodies of the 22 year old women who have been working out their entire lives up to this point. I think we can all agree on that.
>doesn't stick the landing
It's fake and gay
>Train movie from The Brothers Lumière
>Jules Vernes: Around The World In Eighty Days
>Bald guy in glasses? Maybe a famous director? Cité des efants perdus?
>That famous moon movie
>Statue of Liberty
I know there's a 2nd, smaller on in Paris, don't know if it's about that.

There. Not that good, but I took a stab at it.
>Globalization leads directly to mass immigration

how does shipping factories out of first world countries to third world countries cause mass immigration to first world countries?
Dick-crazy nonwhite males bragging about porn whores AGAIN?
Because then they can make just enough money to leave third world country go to first world country and bring rest of third world family there.
Makes it better knowing she used to brows 4chins.
That's a bit of a stretch, as there won't be any jobs in the first world country, due to the shipping of factories out of said countries.
most of the "sports" in the olympics are fucking retarded and practiced by like 0.0001% of the population. Fucking video games are more competitive. And god they're retarded. Winter games are even worse.
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Yet they would deny us that, too.
Olympic sports are just boring. Watching people run round a track or jump over a stick one at a time is not entertaining. It's only enjoyable when they fail.
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Why would they need to block infrared cameras?
what in a goddamn...
Track and field and swimming sports are just things actual athletes do to stay in shape during their sports off season. The only other events faker and gayerare t>>201766598
he athlons and equestrian events.
they see through a lot of clothes
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>that zesty niggas clip
is that Snoop and his spliff
>Fucking video games are more competitive
Boy do I have news for you

I’m looking forward to women’s water polo, diving, swim, volleyball and gymnastics.
I can't imagine she's beating anyone. Are they all lapping her?
nobody who pays 10k to a coyote to take them into the US does it because it makes sense in reality, they do it because they're wrong and think the US is a magical place where your dream comes true. same thing with the hordes of guys migrating to the EU just to become worthless druggies littering major cities while their families lament their absence back home. non-profits literally lie to them about how great "first world" countries are and facilitate their transfer there in order to destroy those countries
Based, I will not be watching any sport though.
You’re right
You’re foolish and you ought to think about your question before writing it
The free movement of labor and capital is the fundamental element of globalized trade
What the fuck man
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Where do I watch this shit
Should do it naked anyway, like the Greeks.
And you may get an unwanted glimpse of >>201766598
>move jobs to x
>people move away from x to find jobs
anon this doesn't work, and >>201766851 agrees. which firmly establishes that globalization, which is shipping factories overseas, isn't directly related to mass immigration.
Damn bros, number 4 is really struggling.
I just heard it was happening soon and that was about it. Also the coverage is usually not that great anyway like >>201764428 says. It was hard to watch the last Olympics because they wouldn't show the events. You had to go internationally to watch what you wanted.
My favorite part of the last Olympic's was this brief moment here anyway:
Not him but I looked it up. It's a sport where people run/jump around with a fake horse (those sticks with the head of a horse at the end kids use to pretend they're riding a horse) between their legs. It's called hobbyhorsing.
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Sticky on /sp/

Happens in regular road cycling too
If it's on /sp/ why is there this off topic thread here on /tv/?
>swim events on the river
How can we take times and records seriously when conditions are never the same?
>The Pole is trying to force the black guy to overtake him.
Many such cases
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if it's on television why is it off topic?
You can watch it on the telly.
>>move jobs to x
>>people move away from x to find jobs
>anon this doesn't work, and >>201766851 agrees. which firmly establishes that globalization, which is shipping factories overseas, isn't directly related to mass immigration.
move jobs to x (that pay $1 per day)
people still want to move to country that pays $25 hr for manual labor
What is confusing you here?
I don't believe you, you'll need to post infrared pictures of Olympian girls to substantiate your claims.
To think that Paris used to the global center for class and fashion.
How much can one man take?
You're new to this board aren't you?
No leader is going to be overtaken by some nigger in a road race. That is what your journeyman teammmates are there to prevent aside for passing your drug tests and doing the hard climbs.
Do Aussies really live like this?
Only in Brisbane. Even Melbournw faggots arent that cucked.
>$25 hr for manual labor

okay, so you're not american. this board really needs country flags.
Have to say the music's been by and large, pretty good.
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Is daft punk gonna show up tonight?
the mods arbitrarily allow "if its on tv, its on /tv/!"

the onlympics should be on /sp/ and eurovision should be limited to /int/, they're only here so people can fly under countryflag radar.
The statue of liberty was built in France and then sent to the US as a gift.
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When do the events start?
Commoners think Olympic bodies are "totally achievable" by "anyone" and "not better."
Other athletes recognize Olympic bodies as "eugenics race wars" by "rich countries" and "unnatural."
Women cannot fathom why Herculean men aren't ploughing them, daily, even past menopause.
I hope there will be some webm threads here, I'm not going to follow the actual events on /sp/
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>okay, so you're not American. this board really needs country flags.
I am American, and construction site right down the road from me (Southern, relatively poor state) is paying $25/hr right now for laborers. The local Wendy's is paying $12/hr, Ruby Tuesdays is paying $19/hr with $100 sign-on bonus. I consider all those jobs manual labor. Compare that to wages in India.
European Embodiment
When will the games actually start instead of trannies dancing on a bridge?
the only one an illegal could get is the construction job, and they'd get paid about half what a citizen would get, with the added threat of "complain about literally anything and I'll call ICE."

but its funny that you googled pay-rates for a "southern, relatively poor state" to try to larp as an american.
Land of FASHION!
They’ll probably be a thread going for 2 weeks just filter it if it bothers you.
FFS, they're doing a dragqueen house danceshow now.
More browns and more taxes generally but yes.
Nobody actually enjoys drag.
>the only one an illegal could get is the construction job, and they'd get paid about half what a citizen would get, with the added threat of "complain about literally anything and I'll call ICE."
A) you're full of shit, there is a warehouse near me that hires almost all illegal immigrants to drive fork lifts and they get full pay. and B) I'm beginning to think you aren't American.
If and immigrant moves from shitistan to NYC or LA and doesn't mind living 10 to a house, they would make a literal killing compared to almost anywhere else on earth for a non-skilled job.
if i could tolerate any footage of this shit, i'd modify the "i trek into this leftist maymay"
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4U /tv/

Song was Freed From Desire
>there is a warehouse near me that hires almost all illegal immigrants to drive fork lifts and they get full pay

So you know of a warehouse near you conducting illegal activities. and you do nothing. great larp.
dear lord
>work in a shithole nation, surrounded by uneducated, diseased criminals, paid $10 per day
>work in a beautiful nation, surrounded by forcibly educated, forcibly vaccinated criminals, paid $100 per day
Hmmmmmm, tough call...
>opening ceremony is supposed to show off your culture
>fats blacks gays and trannies
Checks out.
This thing needs an Islamic suicide bomber to run in and frag everyone
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No she got a head start because the man in her team obliterated 7 women in the last leg. Now 7 men have erased that advantage within 150m and will leave her behind so that the man she passes the baton to for the final leg will have to make up an even greater distance to try and pass the 7 women he's against.
Why did they decide their Olympics ceremony should be just some gay nightclub pageant show but expensive?

ah yes, the ancient Greek tradition of being a faggot
Its called Gay Paris for a reason bro.
>some gay nightclub pageant show
Quintessentially French.
>So you know of a warehouse near you conducting illegal activities. and you do nothing. great larp.
No you dumb bitch, I guess since you are retarded I will slow it down for you a little bit. People can come to a country illegally (sneak in, if you don't understand that part), then while they're here, and because we are super-cucked, we give them temporary residency status until their case is heard years from now. With that paper they can do whatever. Get a job, a driver's license, the whole shebang. If you were American you would know this already.
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I truly hope we're genuinely getting the newer generation to recognize this sort of presentation as "disgusting."
imagine you worked hard to become a dancer or performer and you become one of these background extras waving your arms about lol
People that dance professionally are insufferable people. Fuck em.
Once they are here a poor service job is enough to get a toe hold. They often build or retain FOB communities that help each other carve out a niche wherever they go.

The Chinese are famous for this, they will form a group of all Chinese they can get in a city and then they will have community sourced loans, education and training programs, give other Chinese businesses lower prices on things, give non Chinese businesses higher prices on things, reserve business opportunities for other Chinese, and soft boycott all non-chinese bussinesses they can.

In this way, they take over certain neighborhoods and business areas until it is only Chinese left over. Indians do this too, though not as well. and plenty of other communities like Hmong or Africans enter community situations that allow them to live exceeding their means.

The problem with globalization is that it ships American money overseas to finance another country's development in return for lower prices on goods and services, but the benefit of those lower prices are almost all captured as profit by the business, which does not reinvest in the economy by creating jobs, since it sends those jobs overseas. This is one of the primary feedback loops that is driving the absurd rich-poor differential and the destruction of the middle class.

Because of this, globalization requires people to work at a low wage in basic service jobs in order because of the wealth drain from the economy. Natives of a first world country are not keen to do this for a number of reasons, such as a belief that they are owed more money for their time since the prices around them are not set based on global labor but on first world fiscal circumstance. Therefore increased immigration is required by businesses in order to keep labor costs of services provided in country at their minimum, with poorer countries providing the brunt of the personage.
anon. its illegal to knowingly employ illegal immigrants in every southern state. so great larp, but now its over.
Doesn't viewing this Parisian opening ceremony, introducing the world to its most beautiful and spectacular citizens and culture and communities...
...just make you want to buy a plane ticket there and spend all your money!?!?
>the Chinese are famous for this
Probably because they weren't ever allowed to integrate and were forced to live in certain neighborhoods. No shit they group up and offer services to each other.
Oh sorry, I didn't know you were a racist gentrification supporter.
thats it? thats so meh
>offer services to each other
Lmao no. I live in a city with one of the biggest chink diasporas on the planet and they are known for scamming all the fob chinks.
My city also has a Chinatown.
you know its impossible to find out what FOB stands for, in the context you're using it, right?
Yeah. Slaves only existed in NORTHERN states. And Native Americans are extremely well-educated and upstanding people who are both "not, no, no way, refuse-to-be from the USA" and also "you better FUCKING GIVE ME every single right and privilege a U.S. citizen pays for!"

Oh, forgive me. I forgot that we were talking about how absolutely zero company/business in the United State in America, especially in the Southern regions, would knowingly employ an illegal immigrant! Silly me~
Olympic broadcasts trying hard not to sexualize female athletes

“You will not see in our coverage some things that we have been seeing in the past, with details and close-ups on parts of the body,” Yiannis Exarchos, chief executive of Olympic Broadcasting Services, told reporters Monday. “What we can do is to make sure that our coverage does not highlight or feature in any particular way what people are wearing.”
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Probably not. I'll watch the highlights.
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My city has whole counties worth full of Chinks. Your little shithole town with three chinese food buffets doesnt even compare.
It's an effective tactic no doubt and one I think other races, particularly whites, should engage in wholeheartedly, though I'm sure you would somehow find a problem with that.

Since you quite obviously don't know what you're talking about I'll help you out and tell you that the aforementioned behavior from the Chinese is noit recent nor is it localized in America, they used it to great effect in what is today Vietnam, Malaysia, Burma, and to a certain extent Tibet in order to monopolize certain business interests in those countries. They have a habit of forming mercantile cooperatives, going somewhere, ousting native cooperatives, and then favoring Chinese people at every level of commerce. This is why Malaysia for example is about 10% Chinese and yet they hold roughly 85% of the wealth in the country, which they keep between them on ethnic grounds.

Now I don't necessarily wish them to be punished for this, I just wish that this was recognized, and that other races would engage a strategy so obviously predicated on racial and ethnic lens with one of their own similarly predicated.

I suspect, however, as mentioned above, that you would find some problem with this since the umbridge you seemed to take my comment with implies to me that you are some Chinese or Chinese descended.
>comparing employing illegal immigrants to slavery

bruh I already knew you were a larping brown ESL, but goddamn why doubledown so hard on your obviously fake larp?
Little brown cucks furiously rubbing their clitties to this while posting it on 4chan
I'm in Seattle lol, we are full of chinks.
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This was pretty great visually combined with the dramatric music.
Finally kinography
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do they really want to do 4 horsemen of the apocalypse iconography?
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Sloppy, breeding prone bone with every single one of those sluts NOW
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Awww, she found out that she sucks.
you know what I like to see?
the roast, post it
You seem convinced "America" is relegated to "southern states" and that nowhere on the continent (to include Canada, even) would dare support an illegal immigrant.
You seem SO convinced, in fact, that you're willing to accuse others who disagree and offer points of refutation to be "lying" or "not Americans."

Golly, these Paris-hosted 2024 Summer Olympics opening ceremonies are reeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaally homosexual and lame.
You brought "a relatively poor, southern state" into your larp
That is retarded, I highly, highly, highly doubt the 23 year old athlete who KNOWS her body is unbelievably fucking bangin has any issue at all with the camera guy filming her ass in track shorts for a second here or there.

I mean we're getting into an era where a lot of these girls must at least think about getting an onlyfans or instagram if they dont have one already, seems like a pretty good career pipeline for an olympian.
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>you will never fuck multiple 11/10 female in the nightly Olympic village orgies

Why even live. I should have trained harder
Ugh, we're pretty sure that you're conviencied in a retarded way!
its because twitter criticized the japanese cameramen.
Didn't they make the beds incredibly flimsy to stop people from whoring?

It's not really about the athlete's feelings, it's about shutting down the male gaze.
Here is an honest question, what benefit has any company, organization, or person ever received in the history of Twitter from listening to people posting on Twitter?
Fucking kino
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praise from twitter
They tried a lot of things, I don't know why they are so invested in stopping a bunch of adults from fucking especially since its intense stress relief and pretty good cardio.

I do remember they tried multiple things though and none of it worked because nigger I would have no problem burying myself in any of those olympic asses even if it was cowgirl on broken glass.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.
>Didn't they make the beds incredibly flimsy to stop people from whoring?
This may astonish your 13 year old mind, but you don't have to get into bed to have sex! In fact, if you are a flexible and strong athlete, you have all kinds of options.
Calling it now the mystery person is Aveline de Grandpré
There's a man, goin' round, takin' names
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What was your favorite part of the opening ceremonies? Was it when it showed guys kissing, girls kissing or the drag show
Is it normal for the opening ceremonies of the world Olympics to have the entire back half of its seating on the left side basically empty?

This looks like attendance at a game of AA baseball
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They saved the best for last, but it dragged a bit.
Security must be insane in Paris right now
>>201762936 It's actually a pretty good excuse to spend time with pops. I might give it a shot.
What happened
Just scroll through the thread you lazy shitter. There's a couple of webms and pics.
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This also happened at the end
And he received them at their hand, and fashioned it with a graving tool, after he had made it a molten calf: and they said, These be thy gods, O Israel, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt.
I'd like to believe her "notoriety" for borderline criminal activity as a United States of American representative in a foreign private area caused her punishment that elicited regret for her actions.
>zero wind
>flag flaccid and useless
>didn't even attach some wire to one corner so they could unfurl it in the air manually
I just see the things I mentioned basically
But poland got rekt?
What did they mean by this
I'm not that anon.
I live in the Midwest suburbs.
Incidentally, my city (Lincoln) ALSO has illegal immigrants that are hired and paid money by local business! Shocking, I know, but true. They came here through illicit means to perform the same jobs at nearly 20x the pay in a much more supportive communities since it's not just state-oriented, but in fact federally mandated that if someone is found in need of critical care they MUST be given treatment until their health returns, regardless of their economic, religious, or national status.

Did you know that?
Are you claiming to be from the United States of America but that you didn't know you can be treated in nearly any funded hospital, even if you can't pay the treatment costs?
Sounds like Hell-on-Earth, amirite?
I'm done speaking with you. Enjoy your ignorant argument about immigration policy in the U.S.A. with the other "southern state" Anon you seem to lament. Bye bye!
The actual women don't care, this is just pearl clutching from fat, ugly, jealous feminists.
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>Golden bull statue
Yeah every year I always get a laugh just how hard they try to keep people from fucking
>high stress environment
>with partying and celebrating
>10/10 physical peak men and women also in the age bracket where everyone has sex on the mind 24/7
Nothing short of chasity belts and those cuckold cages for dicks on everyone could stop it
They also did a tranny Last Supper: https://is2.4chan.org/tv/1722026829163681m.jpg
Sorry, can't upload images from mobile
Lincoln, NE? I'm so sorry.

>t. went to north star
Getting a bit boring now. Bring the faggotry back.
Pretty fucking kino
Bravo frenchies
Frankly, athletes participating in the Olympic events are well-aware they are not going to win any medal or set any record, and that the primary reward they get for attending "The Olympics" is the nightly orgies occurring with other extremely horny, young global athletes. It's what they're there for.
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I got u

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