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Another spinoff of The Boys, but this time with Jensen Ackles.
Will you watch?
I haven't watched the other slop and I'm not about to start now.
This is just getting stupid now.
I don't believe you.
Soldier boy is fun, but I don't see it working in something mid-20th century. It would be just lame.
The contrast of him kicking the ass of some pussy whiped fags is what made him interesting.
>no one watched gen v
>everyone is clearly waiting for the last season to drop so that they can dip
>amazon decides to push a new spin off
Who the fuck wants this? I just want to see The Boys(tm) kill some superhero parodies of marvel and dc characters.
This seems actually interesting, Gen V was absolutely ruined by it being made by out of touch liberals trying to make an accurate modern-era college. Soldier Boy and stormfront were both the best parts of their respective seasons so I'll definitely be watching.
> takes place in the 50s
> somehow 50% of the cast will be black

You just know this will happen
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>will be about blacks rising up, fighting their own battle
They did an awful job at trying to make soldier boy a villain in season 3 and everyone liked him so i can bet money that they'll do a cop-out and make him a racist.
>Show dedicated to critiquing consumerism devolves into mass-market franchise slop
>50% blacks
I hope half the show is aya cash calling the black cast nigger pieces of shit and then killing them.
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Do any of you faggots do anything but complain? I'll take anything over a second season of Gen V. Anything with Soldier Boy in it is going to be entertaining even if it isn't objectively a good show.
I knew we'd get a Soldier Boy spinoff at some point, he was just too popular not to. But it being a prequel tells me he dies in the final season of The Boys.
Can't wait to hear lectures about white supremacy from black characters in charge of everything.
>Putting 2/3 chud favorites in the same show
Yes I will even though chances are they'll just be trying to destroy the characters just because the wrong people liked them.
i can’t complain because i’m not going to watch it.
I watched the commentary for The Boys season 3 and you could tell they were pissed that Soldier Boy was so popular

They were like "we thought people would hate him".
It'll most likely have some all-black predecessor of the boys fighting against vought who is supporting segregation instead of giving people what they want, seeing soldier boy be the main character of the prequel and not just total villainization of his character which the writers failed to do in season 3.

I would agree as i myself have already dropped this slop but i´ve been consistently amazed at how starved for content people are these days too. If they are watching HoTD after the GoT disaster i can totally believe they would watch something like this.
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>Aya (((Cash)))
>plays a white supremacist character
How did white people become a minority?
The issue with this is we already know Soldier Boy never had any growth as a person, he was a piece of shit his whole life leading up to his capture by the Russians
how fucking clueless are they
I need Stormfront to release huge smelly farts down my throat while wearing her super hero costume.
Thank you for listening to my pep talk.
> a whole show about racist Captain America centered on minorities trying to take him down

no thanks
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>First episode of the prequel
>I hate you because you're a NIGGER black noir because this is the 1950's I'm going to be racist!
>Also I'm going to hate WOMEN because this is the 1950's *beats crimson countess for wanting to say anything*
>I'm going to BULLY you mindstorm because i'm insecure!
>obnoxiously jewish face
>but she's supposed to unironically be a white nazi
>I hate you because you're a NIGGER
Stormfront didn't even use that word, this show is too safe edgy, not happening.
>I hate you because you're a NIGGER black noir because this is the 1950's I'm going to be racist!
No way they'll have the balls to do anything like that. The farthest the show went on roicism is Stormfront literally calling a gook 'yellow bastard' or something.
>Jensen gonna be part of Boys S5
>gets his own Boys spin-off
>gets his own Amazon show on top of that

He's gonna be a busy bee. I'm happy for him though, he wasted far too many years on Supernatural, dude should have been a movie star with his looks and charisma.
No jew has the power to get Jensen to say the N word on tv. He will probably say something like “you people” or something else watered down that still gets the blacks riled up.
>getting triggered by something that hasn't happened yet in a show you don't like
It's most likely going to be a variant of nigger that isn't as outrage inducing but still drives the thing home that he's not likeable like "coon" or "moon cricket"
How fast will they turn him into unsympathetic piece of cunt? I bet on first 5 minutes.
My only hope is that Soulja being great in S3 was Jensen's condition in the contract to not make him a faggot or just walking piece of meat, and he will have the same condition in the contract for spin-off.
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I've never seen the Boys, I've only seen the memes. Why is Soldier Boy so popular? Why was he supposed to not be popular?
Gen V season 2: Early-mid 2025
Vought Rising: Late 2025
The Boys Final Season: Mid 2026
The Boys Mexico (their equivalent of the garbage that was fear the walking dead): Mid 2027
He's liked because he was cool and a fun part of season 3. Their attempt to make him hated through brutality of civilians and his treatment of payback flopped and everyone liked him.
>Why is Soldier Boy so popular?
He's fun + only character to not act retarded during a season finale + charismatic and likeable actor having fun playing the character.
>Why was he supposed to not be popular?
He's mean and an alleged racist.
I liked Gen V, I like Soldier Boy and Super AnneFrank.

I'll certainly pirate it.
He is the only stand up not cuck in the ENTIRE show.

Legitimately the only decent guy in it.
no one watching the boys anymore
no one watched the other spinoff
no one will watch this spinoff

streaming viewership is impossible to independently verify, therefore any direct or indirect (read: making more seasons/shows) claim of viewership can and should be instantly dismissed as bullshit.
I haven't watched any of The Boys but I'll just assume that they'll ruin his character since most people seemed to like him.
there was an entire general for the boys during season 4 and it was consistently trending on normie social media sites, any further reply with conspiracy theory BS will not be (you)'d.
The Boys Bloody Holiday Special: xmas 2028
The Boys Versus Invincible: summer 2029
The Girls: early 2029
The Girls and the Boys: late 2029
The Girls Valentine's Special: early 2030
The C*nts!: mid 2031
Billy Butcher's 1 Man Army: mid 2031
Butcher takes on the World: mid 2032
The Girls Versus Butcher: late 2033
Soldier Boy will be giga racist and homophobic while taking a dick in the ass thats for sure. Jensen might had the power to refuse to film gay scenes from the comics in the main show where he was just a recurring actor but here SB is the main character.
He's a turbo asshole but everyone on the show is. He's maybe supposed to be a racist but they tell not show that. In fact his one 'racist' act shown to be just accidental collateral damage. All he does is scoff at a gay couple making him downright progressive for a dude from the 50s. He's also infinitely less evil than homelander, dude just wants to chill out smoke weed and bang grannies.

I actually don't believe Kripke and at least some of the writers don't like him. He's written way too reasonable and likeable. Maybe his point of no return was supposed to be nuking a super kid, but if it was that part it was handled so shittily even reddit sided with soldier boy
her nude scenes are underwhelming
Jensen supposedly wouldn't do any blatantly racist scenes for the original show. Doubt he'd change his mind for being offered a series.
>Will you watch?
100% I literally love Jensen
Why did they cast the most Jewish looking Jewess to play a neo-nazi?
>Jensen Ackles
Well shit, negro. That's all you had to say.
>You're the Worst set in the 50s with Ackles instead of that annoying brit.

Was expect the spinoff to be any less politically heavy handed?
>He's written way too reasonable and likeable.
>molests and beats children
>is a complete fraud and doesn't do any of the manly shit he said he did
>beats his coworkers
>is a narcissist and has to be the center of attention.
>is a hypocrite, does drugs while saying he put others behind bars for the same thing
Yeah but he's not a cuck!
Same here. Love the dude.
By their own doing, they choose to have less kids or kids with other races. Just like everything else wrong with the world, it's largely their fault but of course they love to blame it on anything else but themselves. Accountability is not in their nature.
>Reddit already asking for MM's grandpa to be the protagonist

What the fuck is wrong whit these faggots? MM and his hateboner for Soldier Boy was the worst shit from Season 3.
I hate how they try to make MM the other moral anchor of the group aside from Hughie but it falls flat because MM is almost as bad as Butcher.
Maybe some people is tired of reality and wants to check out. The japanese have the same problem, is not a problem of one race only.
There are more white americans than ever. They dropped %wise because the border is practically wide open and has been since the 60s
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The Boys is more of a corporate whore than the superhero stories they're trying to parody. The fans of this slop flailing about saying "that's the point" still miss the part where they're trying to wring every dollar out of the audience with dogshit stories.

Enjoy your fucking slop.
>>molests and beats children
Yeah, supe teens in payback, covered when I said 'turbo asshole'. No evidence of molesting Butcher made that up to piss off gunpowder.
>>is a complete fraud and doesn't do any of the manly shit he said he did
Clearly not true.
>>beats his coworkers
You said that already, turbo asshole
>>is a narcissist and has to be the center of attention.
turbo asshole
>>is a hypocrite, does drugs while saying he put others behind bars for the same thing
He lamented the hypocrisy of that and his anti-drug ad

On the flipside, he doesn't kill people for no reason or just for fun, he treats regular humans decently, he keeps his word, he gets an empathetic arc with his dad's abuse, and he spends his free time having sex and smoking weed rather than planning world domination

Now compare that to butcher, deep, stormfront, viccy, Stan, or god forbid homelander, and you can see how he comes out likeable.
You are aware that likeable doesn't mean i'm saying he's a saint or a good person right? (Probably not, autist)
>molests and beats children
Do you really need to make shit up?
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It's pretty obvious at this point that anyone still watching this show is a fucking idiot and will continue to be a fucking idiot. That's for sure.
Based. The us WILL be minority white by 2035.
>Criticize The Boys for shit writing despite the "lol so good cuz edgy" crowd, which is Reddit
>Get called a Redditor

Go fuck a cactus.
>Butcher made that up
>Clearly not true.
The guy that made up all his stories literally says he never went to normandy. He himself says his backstory is bullshit. All of it is just marketing.
>You said that already, turbo asshole
No, I said he beat children. Like my wifes son. he also abused all of his coworkers.
>He lamented
He basically shrugs it off as nothing. "lamented" my ass.
>Now compare that to
Just because other people are awful too doesn't make it better.
>he never went to normandy.
never "stormed" normandy. That he showed up later for a photo op.
Ok yeah, autism
It felt like the 90's X-Men cartoon when they tried to skip Wolverine's swearing so he called people snively piece of gutter trash or something
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>You get what you HECKIN' deserve!
Reddit is your home.
Gunpowder defended Soldier Boy to his last breath, at the end Butcher responded "i dont care"
It shows Butcher turned the physical abuse by soldier boy into sexual abuse to get Gunpowder angry or nervous.
The Boys isn't the hill to die on, dude.
Oh boy.
>Why did they cast the most Jewish looking Jewess to play a neo-nazi?
Because she was supposed to be Anne Frank that the nazis and Voight experimented on and she was the first success. But for some reason the writers got cold feet on this so instead Voight experimented on his own wife?!
He's a cat out of water.

He killed one of the Boys' grandfather in a collateral damage incident.
>Reddit because quoting movie about idiots bringing in the consequences of their own actions?
So, are you professionally retarded, or just a gifted amateur?
>MY HECKIN' 500000TH DC FILM ABOUT LE CLOWN IS VERY DEEP BECAUSE [Bland unoriginal idea that isn't even executed in an entertaining way like the boys is]
>Complains about using movie gifs because of insecurities
Dude, just hang it up.
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>> takes place in the 50s
>> somehow 50% of the cast will be black
hello, based department?
This happens all the time. Look at Watchmen. The fact that Rorschach became the most popular character must make Alan Moore seethe to no end.
There will also be a tranny, guaranteed
>Maybe his point of no return was supposed to be nuking a super kid, but if it was that part it was handled so shittily even reddit sided with soldier boy
What happens in this scene? I haven't seen it.
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>>Aya (((Cash)))
>>plays a white supremacist character
I thought it was weird that a Jewish woman had a Japanese first name but it turns out it's a common girl's name in cultures across the world.
When that happens something very special is going on
it didn't used to bother him so much, he didn't write roarschach as a villain just considered his inflexible morality incompatible with reality
decades of people idolizing R has driven moore to insanity though
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Probably. The worldbuilding in the main show and Gen V has been great so far and they'll probably reveal some major plot points for season 5 in the prequel anyways.
I like to think this will be good but you just know it'll have Soldier Boy being le racist during the civil rights movement or something
Sad thing is that it might unironically be good. He was the best part of season 3 by far
Less is more. Soldier Boy was the only highlight of this shitshow but they'll find some way to ruin him too.
wasn't Gen V second season cancelled because of Andre's death
>Fan tells Moore that Rorschach is his favorite character
>Moore throws a shitfit
It'll never stop being funny
So that's where the Simpson gag comes from
It wasn't just "Rorschach is cool", but "HE'S JUST LIKE ME FR"
Why does everyone act so mad about new stuff? If you actually like The Boys making a ton of Cold War era jokes and situations could be great since I watch this as a comedy and old enough to remember the jokes. I also love Soldier Boy and Stormfront was okay.
No. Fuck no.
And Stormfront won't call them anything past a pg-13 insult
>we need this toxic male chud to fucking DIE in the final season
>but the fans love him in spite of our efforts
>how can we supply the demand? I know... LE HECKIN PREQUEL TIME
>there we can make him as RACIST and CHAUVINIST and EVIL as we want to shame the fans into not liking him
with the latest season re-running the same plotlines for the same characters and the college drama spinoff starting off without an interesting plotline OR interesting main character, I honestly don't believe the writers actually have any weight in their material. They seem to simply not be able to write "sharp" material without relying on literall fart poop and penis jokes and completely over the head "political satire". They just dont get "show, don't tell", and from interviews they somehow take pride in it.
Wow more prequel slop with 0 tension because you already know who survives and who dies
The Boys are gay save Butcher (who is cooler in the comic)

Hughie is a weak little rape victim
Frenchie is a faggot
MM is an OCD beta male who got cucked by a short, Jewish Homelander stan
Kimiko is alright I guess, but her connection with Frenchie has gotten insufferable
chinese money laundering goes brrrrrrrrrrr
I wonder how is writing poat like a retard everytime
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They are gonna antagonize Soldier Boy because he's season 5 main villain along with Homelander aren't they?
>Butcher spurts tentacles out of his body and says "We are...Venom."
i clapped
Um no
>set in the 50s
if stormfront/liberty doesnt say nigger with a hard R we riot
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>More "all cis white people are evil nazis" propaganda slop for the echo chamber masses
By all likelihood this spin-off will release after season 5
his name is a play on Rorscach test, a common psychological test where perceptions of inkblots are used to determine an individual mind set
>>is a hypocrite, does drugs while saying he put others behind bars for the same thing
vice presidential
giving women the right to vote, which the use to import human pets
>Prequel has a predecessor of the boys (including MM's granddad)
>last minutes of the final episode shows the not so distant past where Billy Butcher and the rest of the current boys first form
>This plays
Would this ending of the prequel save the entire franchise?
having soldier boy have more backstory than just being a dick to payback and being betrayed is needed if we're bringing him back in season 5, the prequel and if the writers decide to write him more sympathetically to ride off everybody liking him or if they shame everyone who liked him by just making him le racist bigot will determine what type of character he'll be next season.
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No, I don't watch pozzed shit
nobody is considering the fact that they might make soldier boy more conflicted in his backstory instead of just some le racist bigot in the 50s, in this scene the writers would've made him look angry seeing a gay couple if he was an intolerant character. Even a toddler wouldn't set him up for character butchery like that.
women vote as told (which is why women's suffrage is self-defeating). who is doing the telling?
For Ackles? Sure. Put Jared in it too,
>Will you watch?
Only if it is better than that shitty stronk black women led show.
Soldier Boy is essentially a twist on the dynamic of most action movies in the 80s where you have a gruff incredibly headstrong/stubborn protagonist who's kind of an asshole and always convinced that they're in the right, except in the Boys it's the protagonists who have to try and deal with a guy who's like that. There's also a heavy-handed metaphor about stunting/hiding emotions in that his powers involve him literally exploding if he feels any kind of complex emotion.
He's meant to be someone who had a shitty relationship with his dad and it resulted in him seriously abusing all his team-mates, including physically beating them and doing something sexual (possibly molestation or maybe just some weird hazing thing) to his kid sidekick. However the show fails to convey this well and the only sense you get of it is a stupid Happy Tree Friends style cartoon that comes out of nowhere, a format that is perhaps best known for removing the dramatic/emotional impact of violence. There's also a vague backstory about him over-policing a black neighbourhood, or possibly getting into some fight in a black neighbourhood and being excessively violent without any regard for collateral damage, but again it's not conveyed well and the audience didn't feel it as a result.
Vought was like a super-Nazi who didn't think that Hitler went far enough and wanted to essentially enact Hitler's plan but with superheroes as the ubermensch and regular people being exterminated. Makes sense that he'd upgrade his wife, but I have no idea why he didn't V up himself.
It doesn't make sense though since it explicitly says he experimented on prisoners at Dachau first
I started watching s4. What is avtually the reason Homelander doesnt just kill Hughie, Butcher etc? I forgot most of the other seasons.
>show about making fun of endless capeshit
>becomes endless capeshit
>show about evil megacorporation
>by Amazon
>show about corporation hiding misdeeds of their biggest asset
>covers up their best actor being a violent drunk
No boys is shit now
it changes but in S4 it's mostly because Ryan would hate him for it
Imagine if they pull a Don't Breathe 2 and just make him the hero because everyone liked him.
Is it true that Stormfront's portrayal was based on Laura Loomer? Saw Loomer say so on X but need a source
>Who the fuck wants a spinoff series starring the most popular character?
You're a retard.
once the boys is over who will give a shit anymore? this ain't game of thrones the "boys" universe isn't anywhere near enough interesting to want to watch this crap.
they will have to retcon somehow that soldier boy is a racist
despite the fact he pretty much did nothing racist in season 3
who the fuck watches anything GoT after that shitshow of a final season?
They don’t even show it, it comes off as unreliable narrator since Soldier Boy isn’t shown. Bad film making.
>being offered a series.
this is literally such a legitimate reason to change his mind though lmao
I thought ackles was trying to get a sequel to supernatural with dean? Or a prequel as his dad or some shit. I remember it causing issues with jared since he didn't tell him or ask him to join in on it.
>gen v
is that the spin-off with chick lead protagonist? I saw her black boyfriend and just passed on watching.
So it’s going to be even MORE Jewish
they made him to be everything they hate but they live in a fucking hugbox that's grown increasingly unhinged and divorced from reality, so anyone remotely normal just liked him for being a strong grumpy silent gen who liked getting high and talking shit. You'd think that would clue them in to self-reflect but I doubt it.
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charcoal briquette
at the part where a supe climbs in a man's asshole
this show is very gay
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>Another spinoff of The Boys, but this time with Jensen Ackles.
>Will you watch?
The is unironically better than Season 5 of the boys. I literally can't stand Hughey, Starlight, Frenchie and MM anymore. Plus its not GenV so theres no annoying black female lead.
>still no campy The Boys 60s Batman-esque show with a supe of the week format
killing myself
If it was true to the characters it'd be an amazing show, too bad they won't because you can't have two fun assholes as the leads because they need the audience to know they are wrong and you shouldn't like them

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