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Hollywood box office has been saved
>jackman has to save capeshit again
I don't get /tv/'s reaction to this movie
Deadpool was always one step above reddit slop but it's self-awareness and sincerity rose it up a bit
everyone here is acting like it's sóy incarnate
/tv/ hates everything that is popular. It's that simple. Before Deadpool became a huge deal people on here loved it.
real reddit take of you bro
And the chuds go wild!
The first two DP movies kind of suck except for Cable in the second one and the third one has a completely different tone which is why I enjoyed the third one and not the other two
It has always been reddit slop. Just because they swear and show blood, doesn't make it "above" reddit.
it's the definition of reddit slop. movies for manchildren that refuse to take themselves seriously like 99% of the modern superhero movies.
>having fun is le bad
zoomers are some of the most miserable fucks in existence.
>another capeshit shill thread
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>$200M Budget

You mean it made 100M?! Wow! Hollywood is saved!
I never liked the Deadpool movies, but this one is bearable only because of Jackman.
>my idea of fun is being mentally stuck in highschool
exercise is also fun
maybe try that, you fat retard
Not gonna watch it
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You just know they're going to completely misinterpret this and instead of seeing it as a fun one-off they're going to think that what everyone wants is for every MCU film going forward to be completely inconsequential multiverse fanservice slop and that 945 year old Hugh Jackman should somehow still be Wolverine in the new X-Men films which apparently aren't coming out for like 10 more years for some fucking reason.

But fuck it. it was all going to shit anyway and the plebs are lapping this shit up despite knowing its all just a self-referential circlejerk so maybe it's actually what they want. Either way, I'm out. Fuck this gay genre
what's that cuckold guy who cries over capeshit, I won't believe it til I see his review.
They're never going to reconcile nostaligia and diversity lmao
My argument was you can still have fun with reddit slop.
>superhero guy
>except he says "fuck" and "shit"
>b-b-ut wait he also talks to the camera sometimes
>oh he's also gay or something?
hahahahahaha 10/10 great kino much enjoy watching happy happy laugh laugh laugh
Star Wars and Marvel have turned into nothing but micro dopamine bursts. People will sit through hours of shit just so they get a few seconds of some random character they vaguely remember from decades ago. It's sad really.
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Deadpool and Wolverine linked up?
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I just want my old man blade show. With Wesley Snipes as executive producer.
>having fun
What does that have to do with capeshit?
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To be fair, that's always been the character. He's been what you guys would call reddit before reddit existed.
isn't kitana the same race as baraka? I'm confused
This will be the movie that ends the wokeness of MCU
If you didn't laugh at the opening scene you have horrible taste.
>the cavillrine
Yeah it was kino
The aura
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you hate it so much you watched a camrip of the entire movie
did you think that was clever? i'm confused
I NEED a visual guide in 4k on how she goes to the bathroom in that suit.
The plot doesn't make any sense with even an ounce of scrutiny. I haven't watched Cinemasins in 4 years but I will definitely be watching the video on this movie.
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I just returned from the kinoplex, just watched it. Ask me ANYTHING !
yea because it is
its also probably the ugliest mcu film theyve got
all the posters with bare backgrounds and all the shots in the film are lit horrendously so you know they're using alot of cgi which looks like shit
they have a 10 minute long car ad sequence in the film
jesus christ like get a grip
Almost all of the MCU movies are ugly but this one is next level. The big action scene with Blade, Gambit, and Elektra looks like shit because there's so much shaky cam.
It's pretty impressive for a film that came out yesterday. 600mil easy in no time flat.
How often does the BVLL fuck your wife and do you lick his cum out of her pussy every time?
This film will do more that 1B in it's run
only a mentally stunted person would think being fun and having artistic value are mutually exclusive.
Yeah that's very possible, probably even. My point was tripling your budget is already a huge success and this one is tracking to do that and then some very quickly.
how often do you think about this scenario ?
its very luke warm quality like its bad but not horrible yet people clap like mad seals for it hailing it as second coming of christ
Matthew McConaughey was in this?
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too bad the best we will get is cheap aliexpress cosplay porn instead of something of that level
yeah he had one line and barely recognizable, pretty based.
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You can't critique something you haven't seen, but I'm not surprised /tv/ doesn't understand that.
Only 440 million more to go until it breaks even!
People don't realize that Deadpool was reddit humor before reddit was even a thing

The absolute state of nu 4chan holy shit
he's in it though little baby, and it was pretty cool
You're forgetting the inflation dude. This is nothing.
IDK why, most anyone can watch James Cameron, Michael Bay or Arnold movies + get them. You don't need to know all the in-universe lores and special powers. Yet this not only has all the setups that are just rules to follow or not, it's also not especially thought-provoking (like a thriller, or action that solves problems of real-world physics or obstacles.) So it's both turn your brains off, yet has all these rules/lores you have to remember, yet it is so much more arbitrary than sci-fi that explore world-building. It's just a big nothing to ppl who don't like it.
He voiced Cowboy Deadpool at the end, but some of those are wrong, Ray Park is not in the movie as Toad
whites in the us WILL be a minority by 2035 and there is NOTHING you can do about it.
whites will be a minority REGARDLESS of who you vote for.

do you accept these terms?


There were the mantatory /tv/contrarians here, but the /tv/ reception was generally favourable, especially once the Blade leaks got out. I know because I spend my whole day shitposting here
Electra is such a hot mommy
mahershala must be seething so hard rn
5 years with nothing to show for except now wesley also gave him a kick in the balls lmfaoo
based mass replier autist
but its too late
wesley was in the new slop
his legacy is over now, thats all that normies will remember him for
You're too late nigga
what is fun about low quality humor though
4chan LOVED Deadpool back in the day. 15+ years ago he was always getting posted. The movies aren't amazing, but they're a decent enough adaptation compared to the other X-Men films. I haven't seen this new one and won't until a proper rip comes out, but it's funny to see how 4chan turned on the merc with the mouth.
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I still member anon
The fuck is supposed to be sincere about it? The whole shtick of the Deadpool movies is that they pretend to be irreverent edge fests when in reality they are perfectly safe and inoffensive for their intended audience, almost to the point of brownnosing. The cringe "Mom's gonna freak" attitude molded into capeshit, except mom obviously doesn't give a shit because Deadpool is a good little goy who eats the bugs, owns nothing and is happy.
Cable on suicide watch.
4chan's opinion on deadppol shifted at the same rate that 4chan's opinion on his lulsorandom humor changed. Furthermore
Ryan last funny gig ad Deadpool was in X Men Origins, when he is wearing the suit he is as funny as Will Ferrel outside of SNL, Anchorman and Zoolander.
Nah, I don't have a problem with Reynolds. He had wanted to play Deadpool for years before Origins and then he got pissed when he couldn't even talk in that movie. He did Green Lantern just to have an in with comic movies. He might not be great at it, but playing Deadpool is his dream, and I'd much rather have a subpar performance from someone who actually likes it than anything else Hollywood is capable of these days. Fuck the studios and the kikes in charge, but I don't have a problem with Reynolds on a personal or professional level.
I thought The Other Guys was pretty funny.
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well no wonder
its the new star wars shit
Somehow this one had the biggest budget, but visually looks terrible and bland
It will get 1.5 billion.
Dafne didn't show midriff so no.
Ryan always gives us kino
What's the power rangers one?

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