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Looks KINO
> https://rangs.ytmnd.com/
> https://rangs.ytmnd.com/
> https://rangs.ytmnd.com/
Having a season 2 of this is 100% sunk cost fallacy right?
Baby Shelob
They should rename it "Queens of the Rings". And hire trans actresses to represent us.
Why is there a black elf?
>Why is there a black elf?
oh lawdy lawd somehow dem rangz has returned
won't watch this season either
Same reason there's a black Samurai in Assasins Creed.
let me guess, DA JOOZ?
I feel like "communism" is a good enough answer to that.
Anyone got the like/dislike ratio
Count the white men (Sauron excluded)
frick this i want wheels of kino season 3 trailer
Adar literally says "Leave Sauron to me"
>black Samura
That was actual fanfiction* just like this crap.
s2 is only 8 episodes
seems like this will have the same issues as s1 that they shove so many things in every episode it feels like no story or character progressions happens, just random events happen
s1 was complete shit, this trailer has all the same issues, all show and fluff but nothing under it propping it up
who is this made for?
No. Just a big spider. Shelob isn't the only big spider.
What do you mean?
What killed the hype?
We get it, you're a kike. Fuck off. There's more important matters to discuss here.
>Leave Sauron to me


another one billion bezos soros dollaroos down the drain
Didn't Galadriel btfo to sauron in Hobbit movie too (also shit)?
Most of the money goes to Ms. Clarks cheese budget with not enough left over for marketing.
Based Morf
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Looks better by s1 just by virtue of it looking like more is happening.
I enjoyed the first season but it took way too long to advance very little story.
Also, glad to see that black elf is back along with the actor playing Halbrand (I swear /tv/ told me they both weren't returning this season)
Literally me.
I'm sorry for being addicted to Morf.
>i dont trust but i will eyefuck you just like before because wineaunts are our only demographic
its all so tiresome
House of the Dragon.
S1 mogged it hard. S2 released earlier and is keeping up the quality. RoP is basically an afterthought for a lot of people into their fantasy dramas.
I think it will perform better than the lack of hype would have you believe though. RoP has a lot of viewership in families and people who aren't perpetually online
So they're going with even the Elven rings are tainted?
Well, it looks better than S1. Guess we'll see.
>(I swear /tv/ told me they both weren't returning this season)
I think they said he was replaced by a poo that was going to be Sauron's fair form.
The visuals are impressive. Kino level
HotD is boring gray shit
Shipperbros we are so back
I am trans
How the fuck can they pull off the Annatar plotline after Sauron has revealed himself?
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unfathomably based
Nobody really liked season 1. It LOOKED shit but it could've turned out well. Instead it was boring, no one's excited for more of it.
Seems like they're backtracking because everyone hated the Eregion stuff in season 1
Leave Sauron to me.
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it looks just like every other digital CGIsloppa released these days. Pic related is the only thing that vaguely reminded me of cinema.
That's Ciaran Hinds as a wizard btw
that looks pretty fucking badass ngl
Looks good, but I got burned by the first season. I'll wait on reviews
Not sure. He's now in his fair form. So maybe they don't recognize him, or they're already under his power and he says cmonnn I'm not so bad!
>he is no man
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They got Jack Lowden of all people to play Sauron in their opening flashback showing when Adar 'killed' him.
It's meant to be Sauron's crowning ceremony as Morgoths successor but Adar turns the crown upside down and skewers him with it while a hoard of orcs repeatedly stabs him until his physical form explodes like when Isildur cuts the ring off him.

Sounds kino desu
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Morfydd posting is back.
Best thing is Sauron, again. "Villain" steals the show...why? Because hes the only one who ha s a clear goal and believable motivation.
if I was gonna give them the benefit of the doubt, s1 was a primer to the audience, and the actual story just begins now. But since they mixed events, it just looks janky
Oh thank fuck for that, I was worried they might turn her into a faithful non-whore
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A Goddess among humans

Im impressed, made it a whole 2:15 before they showed a black person
literally can't imagine being this mindbroken
buck broken you mean
>exhausting, generic action ostinatos
It's great how you can tell something will be shit just by listening. I mean you could have also just watched last season, but the consistency in shittiness is nice.
Has Morfydd been in any movie after her role as Galadrielle?
Looks fantastic. Hopefully they took some lessons from season one and take it from alright to a real banger.
Mirkwood also has big spiders like that if I recall correctly
>lessons from season one
I'm hoping for way more PowerPoint text transitions
This has been what I've been yelling at my screen for the past 6 months.
Last episode of las season implied they made all the rings, not just the three. It was stupid and rushed, but what's even stupider is retconning that into just being the three so the elves can tricked... AGAIN!
>man shows up and helps you make three rings
>he turns out to be sauron
>fair elf/maiar looking dude shows up and starts helping you make more rings
>"he's total legit guys!"
It's just comedy at that point
Yes, released in the US literally today
UK comes out in September
jews, jew
and corrupted women
jews have been eager to black her
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why is she hotter
From the trailer it looks like Celebrimbor knows who he is even in fair form
Are they going to fast forward past the downfall of Numenor so we can't see the hordes of brownoids complaining about their jobs go to the bottom of the ocean?
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She has such and otherwordly look. Perfect as Galadriel
>hit the wall between seasons
They fucked season 1 so badly. Here's how you write good fan fiction that stays between the lines:
>do the whole sauron in disguise thing, do it better obviously, but moving on
>play up the whole "second chances" and "trying to fix your mistakes" aspect
>for the big reveal, have him *succeed* in swaying Galadriel to his cause
>except it's more like a partial success. Galadriel will keep his identity secret, let him stay in Eregion, but she'll be monitoring his behavior, like she's still not sure if he's legitimately repentant.
And you can continue to have romance-bait(shit) sprinkled throughout. Bring up Melian and Thingol, Sauron wants a repeat of that basically, but with the genders reversed.
Also she's playing Ophelia in a modern Hamlet adaptation soon, so Riz Ahmed will call her a whore then she will kill herself
/tv/ should enjoy that one
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they done did her dirty
What would Tolkien think about this?
Built for baby making.
>loli goth
hhhhnnngggghhhh T_T
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>mfw no cheeze
She's pregnant btw
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My God, she is perfect
I'm gonna start scrolling through this thread and there BETTER be some Galadriels cheesed to meet me
Slop spammers, we are SO back
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This show convinced me to cancel Amazon Prime. The "free" shipping is slow, their streaming catalog is poor compared to Netflix or Hulu, and this show was built on pure spite of Tolkien's creation.
This show was what I needed to stop paying an abuser, and I am grateful for it.
I like Jack Lowden. Slow Horses, that BBC War and Peace short. He's good.
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Do do do do do.
>Free delivery for amazon products.
>Free delivery for supermarkets
>Amazon prime video
>Limitless photo storage
>Free music
>Free ebooks
>Free delivery with JUST EAT

Sorry, chud. But I vill keep using amazon prime
she thicc
>Why is there a black elf?
Communism. Everybody already knows answer for that.
This. I subscribed to Prime just to see Season 1 and was kind of disappointed. I thought about cancelling my subscription but you just get so much and the two day free delivery is amazing. Well worth the price.
It looks like kino is back on the menu boys. The writing might be bad but I still found season 1 to be a very comfy and visually appealing show.
Oh and also just have it be Celebrian as the main character
>young, for an elf, so her being hotheaded and chewed-out by someone like Gil Galad makes sense
>still royalty, Galadriel's daughter, so Sauron wanting her makes sense
>can have a love triangle with Elrond, who she eventually ends up with
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>at this point
the entirety of season one was unintentional comedy
Problem? She's a fucking dwarf, they are not pretty and they never have been. She was a charming and likeable character. The actress did a great job.
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/tv/chuds be like:
>This show is an offense to the spirit of Tolkien, the showrunners should be burned at the stake for disrespecting the lore and Tolkien's beliefs
>So anyway, here's MY idea how Sauron should fuck Galadriel in every hole while Teleporno jerks off in the corner
black dwarf
And then the bus clapped. "Hey, my two day delivery is late. Do I get money back since I paid in advance for two day delivery? Stop laughing."
It would be funny if people who really held these opinions posted here. Instead it's just other people who agree it's shit, bored and seeking attention with le epic troll.
>The writing might be bad but I still found season 1 to be a very comfy and visually appealing show.
Yeah I agree, the visuals were pretty nice. What else was nice is the great deals I got on prime day with my subscription.
what the fuck is this shit?
someone locate Tolkien's grave, we finna power the whole planet.
>dislike ratio
This is Stoya in her teens.
They're trying to make every individual moment "epic" but there's no cohesion. Characters seem to merely act in the service of this "moment" and not as some sort of believable independent entities. Every line they utter seems to be as schamltzy as the scene needs it and they all sound like stock phrases. "Who is this man" "He is no man". Really? Wow that's epic.

This is in stark contrast to LotR movies where there's a deliberate effort to also convey they larger context and the "serenity" of the world that is being disturbed. RoP just feels like they mashed together a bunch of cutscenes from some video game. It all sounds and look bombastic but it lacks impact because nobody acts or talks like a person. It's literally like a cutscene where you played as that character through the level so that's your "exposure" to who they are for the cutscene to come.
What happened to SAR Sauron?
>You have not seen what I have seen
>well but I've seen my fair share an-
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Bait & switch by amazon.
It's how they got poos to shill the show for free.
I hate it I absolutely hate it
no, it's not about racism.
make a whole new IP with ONLY black cast, I will watch it if it seems interesting.
but no, gotta overplay some fabricated prequel events that are all so epic and so similar to the one good movie you saw 20 years ago.
this is not art, I hold the stickers I get with 10 cent gum more valuable than this piece of shit they wasted a small nation's yearly budget on.
fuck you.
fucking die.
Money laundering
You seriously think THIS is the most expensive show ever made?
Every channel hater was obliged to make a video about it, it ended up giving no small PR for the show and people naturally out of curiosity went to look at SAR Sauron and it didn't turn up. All in all a free PR, obviously this was thrown in on purpose to make nedrotics look foolish
most shows have a season 2 baked into their initial contract, it's why bombs like Velma and Halo got a second season despite being universally panned in the first season
I don't think it's a good show on the whole but I still manage to enjoy parts of it. Some of the sets and prosthetics look great and I liked the Elrond and Durin scenes and most of the harfoot stuff. I'm just starved for middle earth content i think.
Evil is not able to create anything new, it can only distort and destroy what has been invented or made by the forces of good.
What if he pulls out a block of cheese?
cute eyes //\( •̀ ω •́ )/\\
They were literally baiting Chudtubers to 'promote' the show
They released a fake leak right before Christmas knowing it would get the show big exposure for essentially free when people have the time to catch up with TV watching.
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I want more Orc lore, and just more /orc/ content in general.
Mawle seemed more fitting for this role with all his angst and permanent tortured look on his face.
Hours of padding with hobbit shit and grand mysteries like the tall guy with a grey beard turning out to be Gandalf
Exactly how fat did she get?
spot on. i couldn't stand the fucking swelling music whenever a character said some cheesy line in every other scene. tone it down ffs
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this shit is so evil that it could actually be so.
companies are not above making a "product" purpusely bad if gets more clout.
What a downgrade.
Did they really say "this poo will play Sauron", or did people just assume and then have a meltdown over it?
Rangz only exists so Amazon could claim tax credits building their studio, no one cares if it performs like shit
*Elf of color
Cool, thanks for the link, put a dislike on it, bye.
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Didn't watch the first season. Won't be watching the second. WILL be watching the JewTube videos shitting all over it, though.
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The orcs looked nice
I don't know if it's the same guys who worked on jacksons trilogy
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Is it happening?
Has the shilling for s2 officially begun?
way to degrade yourself
>I won't watch shit, but I will watch fucking REACTION CHANNELS reacting to shit
holy fuck I wanna hang out with you just to see what fucking freaks exist
Not enough
Impressive looking scope for a seasonal TV show desu
Feels like a big budget movie
they look good and, most importantly, are practical, but it hardly makes the lamentable mess that is RoP any more salvageable. In fact, them being wasted on this shitshow only makes the situation sadder.
feels like the most epic fantasy movie ever about references to another movie
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Do we really need to explain how Gandalf got his hat?
this. the amount of talent and resources WASTED on this is a crime against humanity.

this is the most important moment in the series. this is what it's all about. make sure to keep watching so you know why he is called gand-alf
Orcs were the only good thing about S1. I think I might consider watching the orc scenes compilation edition of the s2 in case someone decides to make one.
Holy shit Morf looks hot af
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Morfydd is an English rose, simple as
Yeah he's a good actor, slightly underrated, even though he literally just got Emmy nominated for Slow Horses
Was one of the best parts of Dunkirk too
she is cute and all, but my dad looks more elvish than her. I mean compare her to the ethereal presence of Blanchett in Fellowship... it's absurd.
>Tom Bombadil telling Gandalf to be responsible
true, while watching s1 i kept thinking about what skilled writers and directors could have achieved with the budget and crew behind rop and it made me depressed.
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Morf is one of the most ethereal people on earth
The fucking pit stain on the showrunner kek
I just don't buy it for a second.
elf doesn't mean pointy ear prosthetics
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Galadriel got BRED by Daemon
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i've never found her particularly attractive. i think her cheeks put me off. then again, i think i only find morf attractive because she vaguely reminds me of girl.
>Gib elf poosy
I don't think english roses actively try to ruin their countries cultural heritage.
First you kill Jesus, then you kill babies.
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she's welsh. don't you ever call her fucking english again.
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They do have a sex scene in this (not in the book)
I'm not talking about attractiveness mane
morf is super pretty I get it
lord of the rings fans ruined lord of the rings?
seems legit
better watch out or the chuds will destroy lotr like they did star wars
how did you get this picture of me?
And where the fuck is Wales, you fucking midwit. The goddamn kingdom of England
irl Bialystock and Bloom
pls be real
I can already imagine the scene.
>walks from the shadows into the camera
>My name is Tom...Tom Bombadil
>end credits
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Did Halbrand get bogged?
Close enough. The point is she's taking part in the destruction of the culture of the isles.
Not watching.
Never will.
Haven't read the Silmarillion, is Elrond supposed to be this beta?
I don't think he was really in silmarillion in any meaningful way
whitoids are so fucking creepy
can you please not say whitoid? it hurts my feelings
Who the fuck is this supposed to be?
that's better, thanks
Adar, the sire of orcs.
And who the shit is that? Some made up bullshit character?
welsh are all inbred
she's probably related to mauler a few generations ago
He's an aspect of lord of the rings that tolkien ignored. Because he was a racist and slave-owner.
Celebrimbor has to be intentionally ignoring the fact that it's him, otherwise it's fucking retarded.

Not like it matters much anyways, the show is 90% retarded squished timeline fanfiction.
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>Galadriel is reluctant to accept Nenya as if she already knows its evil or corrupting





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It bothers me that he was recast. The original actor was good.
Galadriel didn't tell Celebrimbor that he was Sauron. She just said that if he returns, not to let him in. In the trailer, it looks like she tells Gil Galad and Cirdan that he's Sauron when they're back in Lindon. We also see him back in Eregion as Halbrand, and Celebrimbor lets him in. My guess is this:

He'll tell Celebrimbor that he wasn't honest before, and that Galadriel discovered he was lying about his identity and thus cast him out. He'll say he's actually a Maia named Annatar, and he lied because he wanted to see if Celebrimbor was trustworthy enough to share his knowledge with. He'll then walk into the furnace as Halbrand, and walk out as Annatar, thus convincing Celebrimbor. So the elves of Eregion will know that Halbrand and Annatar are the same person, but they won't find out he's Sauron until either Galadriel or Elrond arrive for the battle and tell Celebrimbor.
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Do it. Go there and cast a fire spell at wherever the writers are staying. I believe in you anon.
Morfadriel is infallible, chud, deal with it.
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What the fuck I coulmd have sworn she was from bongland she even has those features.
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>Because he was a racist and slave-owner.
Shit, so he was a jew? LOTR is ruined
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This shot is amazing.

I heard they used a crazy amount of extras in s2, like several hundreds of them to play orcs.
I'd love to see some graphic and gory R-rated scenes of them capturing elves and eating them alive.
>Galadriel knows Nenya is evil before she puts the ring on.
>Galadriel knows Anatar is Sauron
>Gandalf is angsty and not sure if he wants to save Middle Earth
>Tom Bombadill has to give Gandalf a rousing speech to save middle earth
>Tom Bombadill like ripped straight out of the art that everybody knows, costume to a T
>Tom Bombadill isn't comedically indifferent to Middle Earth
>Tom Bombadill gives an epic speech to Gandalf to save Middle Earth
10/10 in bongland.
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you fucking retard. she was born in sweeden only. her father is some kind of irish scottish mutt and her mother is welsh.
She's Welsh
Tom Bombadil was cringe in the original book, people who praise him as a character are mostly memers.
morfy is cute
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here you go
>one of these things is not like the other.
Why are orcs all fucking bald, this is stupid. Giving them various hairstyles would only add to the coolness of their designs.
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She's among the best English roses of the moment, slightly below Florence Pugh, Daisy Edgar Jones, Annya and the Fallout girl
>doesnt understand the importance of Tom Bombadill
is it true that he is actually Melkor in exile?
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What the fuck is this abomination? Did they put out unfinished cgi?
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Nice lisp, cute even. Shame picrel was lost to Ozempyc, she was cute too

Now someone explain to me how she falls for the ring bullshit when everyone knows who's Sauron is.
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Alright this is straight terrible, least Tolkien shit I have ever seen. What is this fucking Bionicles?
It's the hot Entwive
He's much more fun in audiobooks or when read aloud, because the sing-songy meter that most of his speech has comes across better. I'll concede that I didn't like him on my first read, but I was 14 then.
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Oh I wish
They're repeating Jackson's mistake and make the Ents look like trees with faces. They're more like big humanoids with barky skin and leaves
Bro they straight ripped off the Dragon Priests from Skyrim.
He is Melkor made flesh. God that decided to come to Earth and experience life.
Looks unironically amazing
Havent heard that one, doesn't really make a lot of sense.

He's just "something else". That's the point.
Firstly he's a tribute to the comedic absurdity of fairy tales, that are central to the linguistic historical tradition Tolkein is so inspired, and the development of fantasy and mythology as a whole.
Secondly, its a proclamation of ritual. That this is not simply a record of physical act, but a symbolic play of metaphysical proportion. It's not simply about destroying or suppressing evil in the most pragmatic or quickest way (asking Tom to make it disappear), but how you do it. This is reflected in the nuances of other magic, more presently Gandalf. That reality is a song and that you must resonate with it to extract and affect the numina. You can simpy conjur a fireball when you want, but when it synchronizes with the drama of reality.

Sorry I took some mushrooms.
Why's Larry not like attractive women? Is he gay? I don't think he looks like a queer. But it is mighty peculiar that a man is willing to spend as much money as he does to avoid seeing gorgeous women
all that gray.. I can't make anything out... fucking amazing
No you retard. Tom Bombadil is you, the reader.
They look derpy in two towers as well
The 4th wallarino. OMG. I'm going literally insane. I'm a woman that studied literature and read Don Quixote, OMG
this is bait right
I hope you're baiting
I can't even tell anymore with you guys
Maybe it's good but it looks nothing like LOTR so why even market it that way? Just disassociate from the brand
Treebeard was cool, thoughever. And the march of the ents was too. Would big leafy humanoids have looked as cool? Is it even in the book?
Those were my favorite headpieces all the time
No matter what type of character I was playing, I would inevitably go for one of these specific ones every time
One time I made a character with the express purpose of collecting all the maskerinos to get the tusk one
I unironically am sort of stealing (alusion) the concept in my own fantasy work. Basically there's these cultist who are being controlled by ayy lmao hiveminds who communicate primarily through spacerocks they send down to the planet (lovecraft inspired). The high ranking cultists carve stone masks out of these space rocks and fuse them to their faces permanently so they can have a stronger connection to the ayys
the only attractive one here is Pugh
These orcs look too... pasty and undead. They look like zombie norfs. They look like they're melting. Not intimidating at all.
Treebeards design is incredible, and I dont actually remember a physicial description demanding they be humanoid, maybe some art.
It makes way more sense for them to be tree-like because there are explicit hobbit tales about trees moving around and such. So they do hide naturally easily in forests.
Melkor isn't the creator god
Unless you're saying that he was incarnated as tom as punishment for his crimes (instead of being chained and thrown through the door of night) then youre thinking about Eru
No, he's a refrence to Toller's irl daughter's plushie bear named tom bombadil
I do agree they look too rubbery, pretty much every orc in Jackson's has a layer of grease or sheen to them to give them a slimy sort of appearance and avoid this sort of thing + avoiding rubber masks in general. The real test for me though will be their range of expression/acting ability. Many of Jackson's orcs are made believable by the ability of the actors and extras to emote.
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yeah and in the original trilogy they looked more funny than anything, they were basically a comic relief in most of their scenes. I haven't yet seen an on-screen portrayal of a really intimidating orc.
Lurtz was scary as fuck imo.
>There's unironic shills ITT
Get back to packaging my delivery you fucking street shitting monkeys
look at those designs, they are so cool as concepts but never actually make it on screen, not even close. Imagine what could've been if nice things could be had.
such a character never existed
Its something nice to put on once the sabbath ends. Comfy
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aren't orcs supposed to look like dark elves, but more fucked up and monstrous?
yup it's more of the same
it's absolutely hopeless
Hmm. The scene where faramirs men get slaughtered is legit horrific.
doesn't look very jolly
fuck no
Yeah the slime layer and the dirt, they looked disgusting and horrible. They looked like evil creatures.

>looked more funny
Which ones? They looked like mutated versions of the other races, deformed and weird. Some of them did some funny shit, sure, because they're idiots. Some were intimidating though. There was a whole range.
it looks like season 1 ngl
I would pay ridiculous amounts of money for a high-budget Bionicle movie
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No, white women
Tolkien's orcs are pathetic creatures who can be defeated 1 on 1 even by a hobbit
>here's your medieval experts bro
She walled hard. How are they explaining this in-universe, Sauron's corruption?
it has no heritage that's why tolkien tried to give it one. 500 years after the fact, give or take
from purely technical point of view yes, they are the dark elves of the Tolkienverse, but I haven't seen their appearance being portrayed on screen correctly (as in, accurate to what Tolkien described them like) for the single time in my whole life.
Indians really do find the most average white girl attractive
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Why did Amazon kikes let her get away with this?
holy astroturf batman
Of course it does. Sure, christianity stomped a lot of it out, but it still existed. He wanted to create something more solid, like a revival.
I wish people on the internet didn’t make fun of that poor girl in the middle. I hope she makes it someday with those buggy features and nice body so that when she’s in the room everyone will have to kneel and give this actress the respect that being in an Amazon tv show deserves.
uh no, that's the problem, this concept artist's ideas DID make it to the screen, that's why the Hobbit is filled with weird pumpkin-headed orcs or entirely faceless CGI mooks with dumb armor designes like pic-related
Dark Elves aren't orcs. Dark Elves in Arda are just Elves that told the Vala to pound sand and fuck off and never visited Valinor and refused to learn knowledge from Valinor.
Hobbits just have really high luck stat, that's all.
She's getting old.
>1.1m views in 5h
RoP bros, we won.
he comes back with a blond wig
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Why is there niggers in this? There were 0 in the books
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is it really tom and not one of the blu wizards?
so funny dude im dying lmao you have mastered the meme
who the fuck cares what this is
fuck amazon
fuck bezos
i'll be still buying your stock though
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he looks pulled straight out of his most famous art
It seems like this season will end with Sauron's defeat
So, if they keep their 5 seasons idea

Season 3 Fall of Numenor
Season 4 New Kindoms a
Season 5 War of the last alliance
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hey member balrog, hey member ents, hey member eagles, hey member the big spooky spider, I member. Shameless to try to play on the nostalgia of the original trilogy to trick viewers into watching this shit heap
No, it must end with Sauron's victory and the killing of Celebrimbor
They probably evacuate them to small towns in rural England with white virgins in need of BBC.
it's not a meme but a request you faggot
Buy an add you filthy Californian anal cancer warts.
They probably did a 2 season contract. I also won't watch this garbage.
The world hates you Shlomo
I would actually like a real answer to this question.
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But you wont do shit lmao.
Yeah, they were really good with their makeup and pathos. The only problem with introducing sympathy to the Orcs’ portrayal is that it will never ever be resolved, all the way until Aragorn orders total Orcocide including the little baby Orcs in their little cradles after the fall of Barad-dûr.
He cameos as a little boy in the last chapter.
Holy shit this looks so fucking bad for lord of the rings. Lmao this is like a SciFi network show hahaha
Shit taste bro.
I still want to know why I'm supposed to hate this show.
the /got/ killer...
>There is no high-fiber food in Middle-Earth.
>new trailer
>8 hours later and still nowhere near bump limit
dead thread
dead show
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>white dress
>in water
>brown whore
lotr booba confirmed
>Black nigger elf is only in the trailer for 2 short scenes
I may now watch your slop.
Are you retarded?
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One buck to break them all

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