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Check the catalog you fucking faggot
or fuck back to /sp/
Who cares it’s about the ceremony specifically
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Paris is burning
wasnt the 2020 opening ceremony just predictive programming for COVID? And this time it's tranny worship lmfao
Once again, the French ruin everything
if you don't already worship trannies, you're a vanilla chud
Oh brave new world that has such faggotry in it
I remember when Japan had Super Mario shake hands with Abe.
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What the fuck happened to white people?

You faggots have some sort of a self destructive diseases and the rest of us can never enjoy European kino again because apparently its nothing but niggers and faggots and destruction of anything beautiful
To whom is this supposed to appeal?
anything good? these things are usually a goldmine
Why are they doing this when most of the population will be muslim in 50 years?
Let us enjoy 50 years of faggottry kino then you big meanie
Humiliation ritual
The French invented faggotry in the 18th Century, that's where it all went wrong.
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Action, Orson
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>mocking Christians with a tranny Last Supper
Brave and important
To be fair they banned the hijab, so at least they’re non-partisan secularist fags. More based than Canada anyway
This literally looks like a skit from Kids in the Hall.
The French Revolution is the moment degenerate leftism was born.
For me, it was the wheelchair-bound centenarian they left out in the rain
Reminder that this is why Nazis exist.

Trannies disgust me so much, goddamn.
Paris gets a fag pass tho. It's Paris, of course there's gonna be men in drag.
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>You chose to act as if you had never been moulded into civil society, and had every thing to begin anew. You began ill, because you began by despising every thing that belonged to you... If the last generations of your country appeared without much lustre in your eyes, you might have passed them by, and derived your claims from a more early race of ancestry. Under a pious predilection for those ancestors, your imaginations would have realized in them a standard of virtue and wisdom, beyond the vulgar practice of the hour: and you would have risen with the example to whose imitation you aspired. Respecting your forefathers, you would have been taught to respect yourselves. You would not have chosen to consider the French as a people of yesterday, as a nation of low-born servile wretches, until the emancipating year 1789....
They treated women and shitskins as equals. Also, the jews.
The 2020 olympics were postponed to 2021 BECAUSE of covid your brain dead moron. They had an opening sequence to acknowledge the pandemic and why the stadium the ceremony was being held in was completely empty. It was actually kino
>muh desert demons
jew off
If by that you mean cringe than sure
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Islam was right about France. Burn it all down!
I can't process this

can you imagine the acute horror of this situation, being a lumpen unpassing trannoid who is bad at ice skating at the centre of this whirling vortex of graceful beautiful real women who are very good at ice skating, exposed at all levels on live television feed to the entire world. it's like a living nightmare.
>rebellion against degenerate opulent aristocracy is degenerate
polchuds aint bringing their best
pleb take by a soft-handed bong
What's the patrician take?
im passing, im passing, im passing, im p-ACK
fine, trannoids exist. we get it, but why do they have to be ENDLESSLY shoved in our faces at every single big event?
see >>201770994
This! in all fairness. This was a kino openingsceremonie. But the gay/tranny shit is overdone.
l'etat ce nest pas moi
The Ancient Regime were a bunch of inept morons who created easily exploited openings for psychotic proto-commies.
They beat the aristocracy by being even more degenerate.
Operation Globo-Homo continues I see
I saw Gaga there promoting her French titled movie, but where was Joker?
They killed Marie Antoinette and her qt handmaids for no reason. These fucks have been on the side of the devil since then.
Broke ass French couldn’t even get Daft Punk
What in the name of fuck does this have to do with sport or Frenchness?
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Fuck off, capeshitter.
I knew France was gay, but this is absurd.
this wasn't France being gay, this was straight up faggotry
No one has any ideas anymore. It's just ugly people, usually trannies, needling everyone and feigning victimhood when people complain. Unsurprisingly, the director is jewish.
Parisians aren't French, they're a different people.
UK 2012 opening ceremony still GOAT. This could only have been saved with Daft Punk.
Sure they aren't lmaoooo
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It was a tribute to Greek god Dionysus.
And they are drag performers not trans women.
Anyhow this thread is pure transphobia bait.
The opening ceremony was designed to be a light hearted montage of Parisienne/ French stereotypical motifs made into a kind of open air cabaret.
Wtf? Now I’ll cheer each time a muzzle stabs one of the frogs.
This is just leftgroids flexing on you plebs that they can crash and commandeer whatever the fuck they want and you can't stop them.
>bro, bro, bro you don't get it bro, beheading the effeminate marquis de sade ass aristocracy is like, degenerate, bro
France is literally the ground zero for leftardism.
Go back to your bunker you hobgoblin
Holy follower
White people are gay as fuck. This isn't anything new, ancient Greek men loved fucking each other
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for fuck's sake
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nothing from the uk is cool. you're gayer than france
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was Orson a groyper?
Was this literally orchestrated by the far right in order to get them elected?
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Good morning.
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>show french people how fucking gay french culture is
>they wake up to the fact that maybe it isn't worth saving
>Macron carries the country
Delightfully devilish, monsieur le president.
Isn’t ice skating a winter thing
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>leman russ taking a stroll through the warp
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The current state of the west
White guilt will be the end of your people, your children are being taught that they're to blame for all the problems in the world and you're creating a culture of submission
How is this related to a competition about athletes
it was not the revolution itself but the anticlericalism that followed
So witty
I genuinely hope something nice happens to you today
this is about celebrating culture and sportsmanship not faggot ass pop you demented bong
no one fears you, we just, like your parents, despise you and wish you would kill yourself :)
don't remember ol' wine drinker in sky to have been portrayed as a jeet deity
I am under the impression that the media and sports heads are getting paid by big pharma to push this agenda. they want all the kids they can get to chop their dicks off and take their hormones for the rest of their lives. its another scam like ADHD (its just overstimulation frokm video and lack of concentration which don't need drugs) and the depression meme. the more you hear and think about sicknesses the more you believe in them like a reverse placebo effect.
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>make a statement about lack of concentration
>misspell from
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>*literally rubs your fag cock into the whole world's face for over an hour*
>"you're obsessed with us schizo haha"
Those are men.
>How is this related to a competition about athletes
The opening ceremony is about celebrating the culture of the place that's hosting the Olympics it's sort of like a festival event that launches the competition.
**The games were dedicated to [the god] Zeus. There were athletic games all over Greece, but because of the sanctity of Zeus, the Olympics quickly became revered.
**What was the opening ceremony like?
It was just as spectacular as it is today, the athletes filing into the temple, where they had to give their oath before a terrifying statue of Zeus wielding these thunderbolts. They had to swear over this bloody slice of boar's flesh that they would obey the rules of the game and use no unfair means to gain victory.
How native french muslim population views this degeneracy?
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That video is old. Which event was that?
1.Don't make assumptions about me please.
2. For a troll you're not very original in your "attack" except for the smiley emoticon
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>Don't make assumptions about me please
Do Americans really...?
But why are they troons mocking the Last Supper? Doesnt seem related to Greeks gods not to mention France inst Greece
>How is this related to a competition about athletes
To be fair, the opening ceremony is more like an advertisement for the host country’s culture and history. Well done France. Can’t wait for 2028 America, I’m sure it will be tasteful and inspiring
Everyone likes daft punk and associates them with France. Would have been better than the literally who band that played instead. That performance was cool but certainly didn’t make me think of France
It is kind of like saying all Americans are New Yorkers. You’re not from New York, are you anon? Are you?
you can do better
Winter Olympics are much better. Probably because no one but white people really care about winter sports.
What's the matter? I thought you guys liked capitalism? Well this is the end game of capitalism: Hedonism.
It's actually the end game of unchecked democracy/individualism
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This is now a Jamaican Bobsledding thread. Say something nice about John Candy.
So which future globalist run pseudocatastrophe are they predictive programming for this year?
sade wasn't beheaded by the revolution you gigantic retarded nigger
Might be disqualified from ice skating, but gold medal in mental gymnastics if this delusional cretin thinks it's a woman.
>state sponsored homosexuality
What a clever meme. It's funny because it implies that parents of trans folks won't recognise their children's gender affirmative name plus that the trans child will die before their parents (most likely from suicide).
France has won the crown of faggot capitol of the universe for the thousandth year in a row, I see
The state is but a reflection of the society
And modern society has been leaning towards exponentially destructive individualism for a long time
The global humiliation ritual of Europe has reached a fever pitch.

"Qui" indeed.
>new, super secret Celine Dion single by Daft Punk dropping at the Olympics
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Let me guess. You prefer this
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You are so monumentally fucking retarded that it's embarassing. I can imagine you, you useless little creature, getting a pathetic dopamine kick when you spot something you think you can correct with your wiki-gleamed trivia, you're in such a rush to blurt out your useless and nasal correction that you can't even bother to read the offending statement.
You're functinally fucking illiterate.
That's incredibly kino
You now recall the Brazilian Olympics.
The state isn't a reflection of society the state is pushing its vision on society. They wouldn't need to lie and subvert if it was natural
>What the fuck happened to white people?
>You faggots have some sort of a self destructive diseases
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will there be horses?
Based horse absolutely destroyed her life
When did 4chan start hating transfolk? Is this a /pol/ psyop?
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I don't understand the millennial obsession with drag queens. Did I miss something? Were these always popular?
>Wow I can't wait to see a man dressed as a woman! This is funny? sexy? cool?
I don't get it.
I miss the vibe from films like this, Wholesome, Wacky and Silly but full of fun.
I mainly see zoomers obsessing over them
faggots ? why ?
> a tribute to Greek god Dionysus
Do you think ancient Greeks would have found a carnival of obese misshapen goblins aesthetically compelling in any way whatsoever? These people worshipped health, breeding and vitality. It was their entire world. They literally had a festival in Athens where they would ritually stone the two ugliest people in the city.
Yes and im not even a nazi
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Monarchist bros.....we need to go back.
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