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/tv/ - Television & Film

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So what films DOES he watch then?

Recommend me some chudkino
Jurassic Park 3
>millions must die
he's a big fan of C.H.U.D.
Chud's a real kinophile, he has Die Nibelungen, Faust (1926), and the Triump of the Will playing on repeat.
Sedmikrásky 19666. Pure chud and tranny kinography.
LOTR, Master and Commander, Robocop. He secretly watches bbc porn but then posts racistly on 4channel. An interesting creature he is
3 day ban for posting a merchant in an obvious joke context, no slur. Kike nigger mods seriously need to kill themselves.
Cryong about bans is faggot shit dude
Literally me
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he likes Warhammer 40k stuff
>he really likes 40k stuff
>has no models
Certified chudkino.
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>has no models
no he does have one
Almost as based as SA-Orks.
the boys
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the chud movies, duh
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A Man For All Seasons (1966)
Lord of the Rings
The 13th Warrior
Catching a 3 day is a mark of honor
I knew of the "my body is a tempre" saying, but this is pretty riterar. rook at arr those tempre symbors
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chud likes historical epics
boondock saints, drive, kick ass (only the chloe grace moretz scenes which he has an edited version he made), v for vendetta. claims to watch historical films, only watched the clips of of imdb's top 10 on the movieclips youtube channel
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THE list
Where is La Haine
Add La Haine to this image right now you piece of shit
lmao I love that the redditor that made this list didnt include The Usual Suspects or Annie Hall.
ChudKino for you
Birth of a nation
>just a list of popular movies
what kinda retard made this
Holy fucking based. Is that the Canadian troon with the giant prosthetic honkers?
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The entire thread is self-deprecating and playful ribbing.
Birth of a Nation
Triumph of the Will
American History X
The Believer
Let's Go to Prison
Chuds don't like things. They only derive pleasure from hating things
All Mel Gibson movies post-cancellation.
12 angry men
I love Fiddler on the Roof, Shtetl and Lemonade Popsicle amd Im the biggest chud on /tv/.
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Bit of a chud myself and I can neither stand nor sanction that sort of jewish buffoonery.
I caught 3x month-long bans in this year alone.
>half of the list is "muh wypipo"
Right wingers can't make kino
This has to be a joke, I refuse to believe someone made that unironically
Being a Chud is actually sad man. Having such an objectively great cause: saving Evrope!
And being a powerless loser forever.
deffo falling down the goat it was between it and 12 angry men
I got a 3 day from /v/ for making a thread about Ratchet & Clank, which is apparently furshit according to the underage transexual moderators.
>Kingdom of Heaven
>white history
>entire movie is about Saladin's capture of Jerusalem
I know the person who made this was a cunt, but were they retarded too?
He watches Taxi Driver, Clockwork Orange, and Psycho on repeat.
People seem to waver on whether they think this lookism shit is real or not. It's like:
>You're unfuckable because of your terrible personality and beliefs. You should fix that.
>Also, you look like this, and I guess there's no fixing that.
>someone spent 2 hours in photoshop making this
You mean American Psycho or Hitchcock's Psycho?
stfu uggo
Ugly people develop bad personalities
People with terrible personality traits become ugly.
Me, of course, I'm perfect in every way.
That list is hampered due to being written by a midwit leftist but its core message is accurate; chuds tend to lack media literacy and they often consider many fundamentally leftist films "based" only because they aren't "woke" on the surface level.
Theyre both gay coded so I dont know why a troon would associate either film with virulently racist and misogynist chuds unless they are implying some interesting things about the fag community and psyche.
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jewish movies as he is
We also like boats.
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this is the chuddiest movie ive ever seen
it's taxi driver but without the heroism and 110% the blackpilling
Castenza looks great there
Literally Me-core
Buffalo 66, Aguirre Wrath of God, Sorcerer, Starship Troopers, most coen brother movies
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>coen brother movies
chud doesn't watch jewish cinema
Birth of a Nation
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A long time ago I was a solid top 10 chud in here but lately I've been feeling out-chuded by this new chudwave of newchuds.
It's a bitter-sweet feeling, on one hand I am falling the ranks of chuddom but on the other hand the new chuds will definitely accomplish many great things that I, in my complacent chuddery, couldn't.

Also, The Thing.
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Pumping Iron (1977)
Once art is revealed to the public the creator's intent becomes meaningless. pepe no longer represents matt furie's original intent. I see what I see in what I watch and you cannot tell me otherwise. Bladerunner 2049 is literally a film about being trans btw, yet you lap it up because you think its supposed to be a chud movie because the original was a chud movie and you think that's the intent, but that's not what actually appears on screen. Watch with your gut not with your brain and you'll start to see more than you ever have.

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