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>imagined myself getting interviewed by Joe Rogan again
Come join me on Best Of The Worst when you're done at Rogan
you sound like a complete fucking loser
>super confident whenever I talk to myself at home or when I'm alone in the car

>be in literally any public setting around other people
>stutter, mumble, and feel awkward whenever I talk

why am I like this and how do I fix it?
How would you know? You didn't hear the interview
>It’s an Anon imagines himself doing the commentary track for his movie he hasn’t started the screenplay yet for episode
>It's an anon imagines himself on HotOnes episode
fatherless behavior
I have seen this one many times.
You likely need to take drugs. I took some Ephederine recently and it made me confident to a nearly sociopathic degree. Well as it turns out, I have ADD which is causing massive anxiety. The ephederine was mildly treating it, and now I want to get real ADD medication in its place. My mom doesn't want me to get it because it will "change me". However, I get mistreated fairly often for being an unconfident mess, and I am going to take the drugs to fix it.
>Anon imagines himself doing a video for the criterion closet.
Yea I had my usual daydream of finding a small uninhabited town in the midwest and building it up from scratch with my friends then sending word to white families to come live there so we can have an all white utopia where our children can be free the big nosed and colored menace and we can have very limited internet access so the kids will have to do normal things like play baseball and ride bikes and rent videos and have the kind of childhood I had.

Then I snapped out of it.
If someone has anxiety than ephedrine will make it even worse. I was on the EC stack 13 years ago and was open to stimulant effects making me more sociable. Instead of made me freeze up worse than ever. For me depressants (alcohol) was the key to making it.
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>imagined myself as a guest on Doughboys
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>Wait, so what's this Last of Us thing?
Heh, well it's a meme we have. They had an episode about two gay guys-
>Wild. Could we pull up it up?
Yeah, well, they did an episode about two gay guys and it's like, what does that have to do with the apocalypse?
>Damn, dude. Here, this is the scene *plays crusty scene*
Yep, that's it. Anyway, we say "crusty" and describe gay sex involving-
>Gay sex?
Yeah, haha. It's just a joke though. We describe feces, blood, and semen forming a "crust" on the bottom and the top having to "bust" through it
>Through the crust, huh?
Yeah, we say "bust the crust"
>That's wild, anon. I didn't even know about this
IDK what to say. It worked for me.
god that woman is hot
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>It's an anon imagines himself on the Murray Franklin show episode
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Writing in a journal every day helped my speaking skills immensely. Also helped improve my vocabulary.
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>imagined myself getting interrogated by Joe Rogan again
I nearly just coughed the stitches out of my hernia
Get out of my head

become consciously aware that people are retards and what they think of you has zero relevance
>If someone has anxiety than ephedrine will make it even worse
Anxiety is a nebulous term that describes several different things so it depends what kind of anxiety we're talking about. If you're talking about that raw, visceral high tension type of anxiety associated with panic attacks, heart palpitations, and eventually total agoraphobia, where your body and mind go into a hot panic for seemingly no reason, then yes, any sort of stimulant is going to make it worse. If we're talking about the more mental and emotional kind of anxiety which results in social shyness and constant worrying about real world concerns then stimulants could well improve your confidence and lower your inhibitions to where you can function better.
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I don't imagine myself getting interviewed by Joe Rogan anymore. He comes off as old and checked out, he doesn't really give a shit about what the guest has to say anymore unless it's for the usual shit that he likes. He was fun because he seemed to have a geniune curiosity for all kinds of people, but he's jaded now.
realize most people are dumb as rocks and unless something bizarre happens will forget the interaction asap, I'm shocked by the number of people who can't even discern faces/voices let alone remember details about people
>Anon imagines himself as the world’s first superhero fighting huge monsters in his hometown before giving an interview and talking to members of his fan club episode
i'd watch that
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>imagined myself getting interviewed
not that uncommon proba-
>by Joe Rogan
Going big. Nice.
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Seems kino, honestly I've always kind of wanted to see a superhero set in the real world that's not cynical and subversive.
based grannylover
>imagined getting railed by my straight, gen x coworker again
Out of all the fantasys out there, this is the one you choose?
He’s not wrong.
I like hot wings and talking about myself.
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What did you two talk about?
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>Imagining myself getting interviewed by Japanese TV and the hosts going on "uwaah sugio" at my cool ways
I've died from cringe just writing this
They're all dead, aren't they?
Nah man that's based. In a lot of my maladaptive daydreaming sequences I'm a pretty big star in Japan.
Did he fingerblast you after Terence Howard fluffed it up?
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Nope, just chilling.
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>imagine I’m back in highschool
>terrorists attack for some reason
>I disarm one and go on a cool “The Raid” style montage and kill them all and save the girl I have a crush on
>Linkin Park is playing over the school speakers the whole time making it seem like an action movie to all my classmates
>you can't have Zionism, can't have Israel, without Jews, Joe
>What do you mean by that?
That's crazy that's wiiiiild you're a wild boy anon
Research mushrooms, Adderall, LSD, strains of weed. Find what works.
Assure your mom that you'll always be her son and love her, but you need to do this.
Approach with curiosity. Golden rule in life is "Don't be a dick". Stay true and you're clear.
>Did you know I eat elk meat? That's it, nothing but elk meat *sniffs*
Joe I don't see what that has to do with-
>Here smell these smelling salts, take a boof, that's the good stuff *sniffs*
N-no thank y-you I'm goo-
>I saw a mountain lion once *sniffs*
Joe I'd really like to discu-
>Have you ever seen a duck penis? Jamie pull up a picture of a duck penis
Joe I-
>I have this theory about aliens
>Do you want a cigar? They're made in Cuba.
Isn't that illega-
>I used to be an MMA fighter
Uh... yea-
>i saw a mountain lion once
If that were me being interviewed by Joe Rogan things would be going a lot different, let me tell you, there would be a lot more accusations of mental incompetence and stoolfucking flying in that studio.
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>imagined myself being a pro gamer and doing interviews about it
>played an online game
>fucking sucked and got destroyed
Rogan is such an alt right grifter cunt now to compensate for sucking ass at stand up comedy . He’s insufferable & I can’t stand him
Practice makes perfect
Musta been the first one
Adderall is great for talking if you want to talk more. You never shut the fuck up, and you'll talk to anyone. You'll pump the brakes on the whole day to talk to a homeless man about inane shit for two hours.
>sitting quietly at home
>remember embarrassing moment
>mumble "nigger" involuntarily
Exposure therapy.

If you want to speed up the process, look into psilocybin treatment in conjunction with therapy. Studies conducted by some of the best hospitals and universities in the world all found that 2-3 trips, each lasting about 4 hours, in conjunction with therapy, cured severe depression, PTSD, alcoholism and anxiety (separate studies for each illness) in 80-85% of the subjects, with the results lasting at least 12 months.
For those of you who think this is some new age hippie psychedelic meme research, consider this: US congress ordered the Pentagon to do due dilligence on this so that they could use it to cure PTSD in veterans and active personnel
>it's an anon pukes his guts out on Hot Ones and weeps because even in his wildest fantasies he can't imagine being anything but a failure
I am the quietest person around, so it would probably work well for me.
Holy shit lmao
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I had a nightmare a few days ago that I was on his podcast and he bullied me the entire time and shit talked my mom
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it would have been pretty easy to get on rogan back in the day

nowadays though it's all cia approved guests like mike baker or jordan peterson
I stopped watching the podcast a while ago. Does he still bring Baker on to "analyze" geopolitical situations where he rambles on for 20 minute every time he gets a question and then ends the analysis by essentially saying that he has no idea because the answer is classified? And then proceeds to shill his new book or talk about his sons with super weird names for 20 minutes?
That's pretty pathetic and dumb
baker shows up everytime time there's a happening in the world
he's gonna show up soon because trump got assassinated
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>it's a "practicing interview answers in the shower for my breakout indie horror hit" episode
>It's an Anon loses grasp of reality and starts answering imaginary interview questions out loud and his mom opens the door to ask who he's talking to and he doesn't know what to say episode
If I were on Joe Rogan I'd just make up a bunch of stupid bullshit and see how much of it I could get him to believe
>Scientists have concluded that there's no way mushrooms can't have some form of extraterrestrial origin
>Multiple ancient historians wrote that the pharaohs had teleportation technology
>NASA found bones on the moon
I imagine myself accepting an Emmy, except using the time to recommend which shows the public should watch that year instead of thanking anyone. In my fantasy this weird moment goes viral so I just keep winning an Emmy each year as everyone wants my advice on what to watch.
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I drew that frog and posted him like two times on /int/. Crazy to see your own pics get a life of their own and being used in memes like that
it's entirely possible
Same but instead of recommending movies I am yelling ISRAEL DID 9/11 into the microphone.
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As much as the luddite retards are against medication, getting on a nominal/modest dosage and filling in the gaps with supplements, a clean meat and veggie heavy diet and exercise can mitigate this

Either take 50mg zoloft/sertraline which is very modest and the side effects wont be noticeable, or take a reasonable dosage of just buspar/buspirone

Then pair it with 500-600mg of NAC daily.

Exercise 4+ times a week and focus on eating meat dominant meals.

Basically get on a med, but if the med alone is sufficient to make you totally confident and stable by itself the side effects, fatigue, weight gain etc are going to be too much. So just take a very modest dosage and fill in the gap with diet, exercise and NAC
My hometown doesn't have crime though. Just an evil administration that people keep voting for
Answer the question, retard
>at least 12 months
so it doesn't work
They obviously stopped keeping track after 12 months. Hence the words "at least". Psychedelics are so effective because while on it, your brain forces you to confront and process the underlying cause of your depression/ptsd/anxiety. It’s a very emotionally painful process but it’s necessary to be able to move past it.

And even if it only lasted 12 months, why would you complain about a medication that only needs to be taken 3 times a year to keep serious mental conditions in check, when the alternative is taking a cocktail of drugs every single day that only treat the symptoms and not the underlying cause?
>your brain forces you to confront and process the underlying cause of your depression/ptsd/anxiety
I remember putting on space jam when it was kicking in. About 15 minutes into the movie there was a scene that I remembered watching as a kid, and suddenly I was reliving every childhood trauma in my head. It felt like 10+ hours of excruciating pain. When I snapped out of it and came back to reality, the movie hadn’t even gotten to the 1 hour mark
best way to describe it is that all the painful stuff that your mind has stored away in your subconsciousness to protect you from going insane, is suddenly released all at once and there is no way to run away from those memories and thoughts
When I was 8 or so, I remember daydreaming that I was playing N64/GameCube games on the big screen to an audience at my local theater. Looking back, it’s funny cuz I’ve never streamed or did let’s plays once those became a thing lol
close your eyes for a second when you talk so that you are picturing the scene instead of deer in headlightsing it.
>all the painful stuff that your mind has stored away
sound fucking fake and gay.
>Looking back, it’s funny cuz I’ve never streamed or did let’s plays once those became a thing lol
Its funny because for literally 100 dollars you can do this at some theaters.
I'm not joking.
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Except for tough macho chads like yourself of course, anon
Dopamine levels shooting through the roof and inducing euphoria helps people process all the painful memories. It’s the same reason why mdma is being used in certain countries to treat PTSD. Inducing euphoria creates a ‘safe mental environment’ to process extremely painful memories that you are otherwise incapable of processing without your mind shutting down completely
I meant serotonin, but the exact same thing applies
Anon should say
>mom I've burdened you long enough. It's time for me to find gainful employment and find a place of my own
>le epic hardass who thinks suppressing emotions instead of working through them is a masculine trait
>I need to take pills and monitor my veggie intake to not be an emotional wreck
Of course this'd be the type of zoomer who needs to include random onlyfan whores with his posts.
I love this one
directed by m night shamalan
Same. Wrinkled granny lips get me so hard.
>The most recent drug trial found that more than 86 percent of those who received MDMA achieved a measurable reduction in severity of their symptoms. About 71 percent of participants improved enough that they no longer met the criteria for a PTSD diagnosis.

Interesting that psilocybin and MDMA has almost the exact same effectiveness rate for PTSD. Most psilocybin studies show effectiveness between 83-86%. It could possibly be genetics that prevents the remaining ~14% from experiencing the desired effects
You're me
>your brain forces you to confront and process the underlying cause of your depression/ptsd/anxiety. It’s a very emotionally painful process but it’s necessary to be able to move past it.
Yeah, let me just induce a mental breakdown so I can feel healthy. I'm totally hacking my brain with le drugs (backed by hecking Science!)
This. Used to take phenibut for the same reason and it worked quite well
Psychedelics are a shortcut and makes it much easier. If you have some underlying issues that is making you anxious or depressed you should try to process and resolve those issues while meditating, but it’s much harder to pinpoint the exact issues, work through them and then move past them. If you have the mental fortitude to do it without using a drug then that is great. Everybody should try that before they resort to using a drug. Unfortunately a lot of people can’t do it and are stuck with anxiety or depression for years, and those people should consider therapy, meds or both
There's no telling if it will have the opposite effect and turn the anxiety into full on psychosis. Psychedelic therapy is basically one big gamble that depends heavily on the personality of the subject.
You live in your head and have social anxiety. Also you sound like a zoomer faggot. I didn’t have the internet when I was going through it.
Between 1-2% of people are prone to psychosis, so as with most other treatments there are risks, yes. But when done by professionals, they obviously screen patients carefully to make sure they’re not a high risk. People with serious mental illness in their family obviously shouldn’t risk using psychedelics, or any other psycho active drug for that matter, including weed and alcohol. That’s something everyone who reads up on psychedelics before potentially trying it finds out within the first 5 minutes of research
If Rogan ever bullied Apu I’d find a way to dose his DMT with fentanyl.
>Imagine myself being interviewed about my artistic influences and naming a bunch of obscure weeb shit next to highly respected European arthouse directors and classical authors.
>backed by hecking Science!
big pharma is doing everything in their power to keep psilocybin from being approved by the fda because it threatens their very lucrative ssri/benzo sales. there is no money in psilocybin. only 3 cheap pills to cure depression? fuck that. big pharma would much rather have you taking xanax and zoloft every day for the rest of your life
Suffering from asperger's and depression, I'm actually tremendously interested in the potential applications of psychoactive substances for mental conditions. But not being mentally stable is also exactly the reason why I'm scared to actually take them without medical supervision, nor do I have the last idea where to actually get them from.
you could try to contact a reputable hospital or university and ask them directly about safety concerns related to aspergers. johns hopkins university hospital and harvard medical school have done studies, you can probably find many others if you google.

psilocybin is immensely powerful and not something people should mindlessly wander into without doing proper researcher. the best and safest option is to find an upcoming study or medical trial and sign up for that
alternatively, you can look up countries that have decriminalised it. in any major city in the first world countries there will be clinics or therapists that offer to help guide you through the experience, and most clinics will probably be well aware of potential safety risks.

i found a list of countries that decriminalised it here: https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20240320-legal-status-of-psychedelics-around-the-world
>time needed to overcome severe depression with psilocybin: 3 weeks
>time needed to overcome severe depression without it: 12+ months

that’s called a shortcut
>psilocybin is immensely powerful
In Johns Hopkins study I think around 40-50% of the patients rated it as the single most meaningful experience of their lives. And around 70-80% of the patients rated it as a top 2-5 most meaningful experience of their lives.

By meaningful experience they meant something that happened to them which fundamentally changed who they were and their perspective on life, like the birth of their first child
buy and consume some russian cosmonaut benzos (phenibut)
Would you actually wanna be famous though?
It's one thing being rich but having to deal with fame sounds like a pain
Since this is /tv/, I recommend watching Fantastic Fungi on netflix. First half focuses on mushrooms in general, second half focuses on the medicinal qualities of psilocybin. The entire thing is worth watching though
I'm proud of you, anon.
It also recalibrates the way people view death, for whatever reason. Many of the patients in the study were older people who were suffering from anxiety and severe depression because they had been given a cancer diagnosis with zero chance of remission, basically a death sentence. After 2-3 psilocybin trips they stopped fearing death and became genuinely happy about the lives they had lived, the memories formed and the precious time that they had left to spend with their loved ones
but at what cost?
I'll interview you instead lad.
I'm the main character.
Google ‘most harmful drugs’ and find the graphs that illustrates the physical and cognitive damage caused by individual illegal drugs. At the bottom of those graphs, you’ll find psilocybin. There are risks involved and a small percentage of people with dormant schizoprhenia who’ll risks triggering it, just like there are potential serious risks with most other drugs, legal or illegal. But when proper precautions are taken, the odds are very, very low. When you consider the benefits vs potential risks when compared to other mental health meds like ssri’s, benzos, adderall, etc, psilocybin comes out looking very, very good. Benzos and adderall come with the very same risks as psilocybin of triggering dormant schizophrenia in people who are genetically predisposed.

From the bbc news article that was posted earlier:
> "Psychedelics are not only very effective at treating a wide range of indications that currently lack treatment options but are also proving, when used responsibly, very safe," says Grace Blest-Hopely, a neuroscientist and psychedelic researcher affiliated with King’s College London
>Benzos and adderall come with the very same risks as psilocybin of triggering dormant schizophrenia in people who are genetically predisposed.
and they’re extremely addictive. and very neutotoxic. and can permanently destroy your dopamine production. and comes with a thousand potential side-effects.

yet hundreds of millions of people have no qualms about using those. but magic mushrooms? damn, that one’s dangerous because everyone has heard the urban legend about the friend-of-a-friend who used it and thought that he became some type of fruit for a whole year
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