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That’s how you do it
Pretty based ngl. Most wouldn’t acknowledge this
I actually agree, that's a fine statement.
Was Dennis Quaid the original sexy rat
Oh well, if he said he's aware of it
Ppl might cut him some slack for not inheriting the looks/charms.
Likeable actor and stuff like this definitely helps
Still won't save him.
His father isnt even that famous
I hate him.
I wish I could bully him to death.
>abloo bloo bloo starlight you're wind beneath my wings
Well, isn't that what liberals want when it comes to "Privilege"?
He used to be pretty famous
Have you not seen the pure kino that is INNERSPACE?
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Jack Quaid's career is fucking shit though. He should be working harder or being an even nepoer baby.

>sperg who can't separate actor from the character
Do you also think Bruce Willis fought those terrorists in the skyscraper on christmas?
>If I agree with this negative label that fans have given me, then maybe they will like me more!

Actors are so slimy. No morals or personal convictions.
damn right bruce willis is a national hero
he's like the worst parts of both parents. does he have insanely long nipples like his mom?
Yes. A bird could easily land on them.
Very organic posts
he's been in two big movie franchises, is currently a lead in one of the most popular tv series, and he's worked with rich "from the ellen show" evans. he's doing fine
I always found her anywhere from plain to unattractive but those are worth somethin
What? Most of them are so fucking insecure about it and lie, pretty based and wholesome that he actually admits and says he tries to earn it
Oppenheimer, Star Trek, 2 Scream movies, The Boys, The Hunger Games. He’s doing alright
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There is quite literally nothing wrong with nepotism
Wealth privilege is the only real privilege that exists, and it's extremely based to acknowledge it. You'll never hear a black person that came from wealth admit it, though.
>Door was open to me due my privilege
>I've tried to work hard to prove that I'm qualified to walk through that door

Ugh. This guy doesn't get it at all. He's NOT talented enough to make it in Hollywood on his own. That's the point! That's why he's called Nepo baby.

Without his parents connections, he would be a NOBODY. There are thousands of aspiring actors/actresses that are more talented than he is. Fans don't insult actors with the term "nepo baby" if they are actually talented.

If he truly wanted to prove that he doesn't need his parents or their "privelege", then he would have studied to be a Doctor, Engineer, Scientist, or some other respected profession that doesn't rely on his parent's connections.

Does he do that? Nope. He just goes
>Hehe I guess I am a nepo baby. And that's okay. I accept it. I will show everyone my talent! Hehe

That's EASY to say when he's already winning on easy mode.

Look at every role this guy plays. Does he push himself to try roles outside his comfort zone? Does he hit the gym? Nope. Does he hire an acting coach? Nope. He doesn't challenge himself at all.

Every role he plays is the exact same
>le quirky beta male submissive guy who is afraid and scared and needs strong woman or strong man to save him

You would think he would at least hit the gym to improve his image a bit. Do something!
Does this defense also work if someone calls you a racist or nazi? Like, just saying "yeah, I'm racist so what" and shrugging it off?
Mogged to death by his Dad.
are you retarded?
If I was a nepo baby I would just have my dad sign a bunch of shit and sell it online for hella money. Hell yeah.
Capitalization for emphasis is a very faggy/womanly thing to do. NOthing you say matters now.
Now if only Seth MacFarlane could come clean about his ice cream connections.
He might still do that, he's young. We'll see what he does after The Boys is over. Plus his dad has always been pretty fit.
I find this guy contemptibly meek. He's the perfect model of the dispassionate, ineffectual, limpwristed Last Man and it makes me hate him.
>Yes I am a rich billionaire kid who inherited all his money from his wealthy grandparents
>But I am worthy of this money and will prove it to you all!
>Give up the money and start from zero to prove I can earn this money without help?
>Hell no!

Same vibes
Yes, and?
Top kek. But the guy is still a nepo baby
Never understood why everyone is so fixated on Dakota Johnson about “nepo baby” talk. She’s a decent actress who went from a Fox sitcom to taking a film series no one else wanted to raise her profile (50 Shades).

Madame Web was a mess but that was hardly down to her performance
Looking at the things he's been in, of the few that I've seen I really can't remember him in any them.
Your argument has the same vibe as "Batman should give up all his money to save Gotham".
The guy looks like a white liberal with tattoos on his arms who drives an electric car. Oh and he is also a cuckold, he is satisfied with it
Randy is more famous desu
This. If he wanted to prove he was a good actor, then he would have changed his name, moved away from Hollywood, and started from the bottom like everyone else.
>I'll prove I'm talented...after I've earned millions of dollars, become famous, and I'm more comfortable. For now, I'm happy being a nepo baby sell out
There's nothing wrong with nepotism. If you don't want to hook up your friends and relatives then you're a dick. I would do anything to give my children better lives.
Most would do the same
I hate his face for some reason, looks like a pedo
Tell me you were born after 2008 without telling me you were born after 2008
Dennis was bigger in 1982.
Beau Ridges was bigger than Jeff then too.
t. boomer
How does this WebM relate to your post I dont understand
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Innerspace is kino
It's the perfect kino for kids, not the pedo BIG
This argument would really only work if Hollywood was known to be a place that thrived on merit where the best of their craft always rose to the top.

It is not. I don't particularly like him because he is, as someone pointed out earlier, the absolute perfect embodiment of the "new man" that liberals would love all white males to turn into, but he isn't a bad actor and a lot of that could just be the fact that he is in one of the most cuckolded, disgustingly liberal shows ever conceived so I am willing to wait to judge him really until I see what he does next.

Also his dad was pretty cool so that makes me inclined to try and like him more.
>but he isn't a bad actor
He is. And Im not the anon you are responding to. I havent seen him in a single thing that he impressed me with his acting
stfu commie fag
>Also his dad was pretty cool so that makes me inclined to try and like him more.
This is the definition of nepotism. Prime example
Stop simping
why is Dennis quaid constantly so smug
Nepo babies are white affirmative action beneficiaries
I hate him
This is what happens when you breed cute short women. Your daughters will be fine but your sons will be soilord cucks.
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>acting is a legitimate job where nepotism doesn't belong
Ok show me where those roles end up in physics...can't? Just fee fees? Well I feel acting is the ultimate nepobaby industry nonindustry touchy feely political influence arm not a legitimate economically driven enterprise. It is simply a social luxury of the wealthy.
Denzel's kid isn't white. Neither are Will Smith's kids.
Literal WHO is the son of WHO
He likes nepotism when it produces attractive offspring like the daughter of milla jovovich.
Side effect of fucking prime Meg Ryan
You don't know Dennis Quaid?

He’s going to have it regardless of his job or career. Being rich, having well known, and loved parents, he’s a nepo-baby wherever he goes, regardless of career. Even if he just sat at home, living off of their earnings. So if there is literally no way of not being one, then at least he admits it, and tries to show passion in his work. It doesn’t mean he is great, but at least he’s not being a snobby little cunt about it. It’s not like this is a hollywood only problem either. Every company is like this, people call it “networking”, but really people are just kissing ass to be adopted nepo-babies, not to mention the actual kids that get into a cushy job because of their parents.
Envy and resentment are quintessential leftoid traits. So many of you are commie trash and don't even realize it.
it doesn't help when he's the worst part of the only show he has worked on.
You really think Dakota was the. Absolute best actress choice for those 50 shades of Grey movies?
>Being rich, having well known, and loved parents, he’s a nepo-baby wherever he goes, regardless of career

Not if he studies to be a Doctor or Engineer. Those actually require talent and hard work.
>he said he's aware of being a nepo baby so that makes it ok
Hes not terrible but it seems like he can only plau Hughie, which seems like hes pretty much playing himself or at least the public version of himself
is it only white actors' children who have go through this nepo baby humiliation ritual?
considering we got to see her naked yes.
this kind of beta bitch mentality is just a natural and inevitable result of getting absolutely brutally irrevocably mogged by your elderly father.
Meg Ryan from Top Gun you fucking dipshit
yeah... I'm thinking he's back
we love hughie ova hea
Not seen the films. That said, I’d guess they didn’t have a ton of legit actresses willing to do a role with so much nudity and sex so I can understand why she did the role.
anon, why are you so upset? do you want to talk about it?
I thought the same thing
>be nepo baby
>still forced to debase yourself for the interests of the writer's blatant fetish
I fucking hate this faggot for stealing my friends Mike and Rich. He didn't earn their friendship like I have.
You can apply that logic to any attractive actress
He has a weird face and always plays the weird beta male roles. I'm not sure if this is a fetish he enjoys either
Trying to turn the nepo baby insult into a term of endearment is kinda disgusting ngl
>Doctor or Engineer
lmao, 90% of one is done by inputting CAD specifications you dont even do the math yourself

The other is give 90% of the work to nurses and getting day drunk while you order 7 unnecessary tests to bankrupt whichever patient has the misfortune of being treated by you.
Shalom/good morning saar
Nepo babies are only a problem when they try to hide or downplay their privilege.
>The other is give 90% of the work to nurses and getting day drunk while you order 7 unnecessary tests to bankrupt whichever patient has the misfortune of being treated by you.

You walk into the hospital and see White doctor or an Indian doctor from Mumbai. Who do you choose?
>Nepo babies are only a problem when they try to hide or downplay their privilege.
Or when they try to claim they are talented and deserve their success
>this is what those who couldn't get into Med School think doctors do
never seen top gay, WHO
I saw both Top Guns and I still have no idea who Dennis Quaid is
nepo babies are only a problem at the producer/executive level
A lot of it is flat out jealousy, much of it coming from terminally online seethers on Twitter, many of whom are non-white and can't stand that Dakota was born rich, famous, and attractive. They also fixate on Madame Web and 50 Shades and ignore the numerous indie movies she's made, many of which are good and which she gave good performances in (Our Friend, Peanut Butter Falcon, Cha Cha Real Smooth, the just released Daddio)
Stop using loaded buzz words like simp or nepo baby.
She beat out a lot of bigger names for the role, partially down to her willingness to do nudity, partially due to her audition being a monologue from Bergman's Persona which wowed the director. However the director lost the battles against the writer to make a more interesting and psychological version of the movie.
Dennis Quaid is the poor man's Harrison Ford
Most wouldnt try to defend nepotism publicly like this guy it trying to do. It's something you quietly accept and never discuss openly.
His dad is a much better actor. Frequency is a great movie.
Harrison Ford starred in Indy, Star Wars, and many other hits that defined cinema.

I still have no idea who Dennis Quaid is. He can't even hack it in capeshit?
>Dakota was born rich, famous, and attractive.
She's mid
Jack Quaid only appeared on RLM because YouTube is popular. There's no way he hangs out with them regularly off camera.
Just say you’re a fucking zoomer she was literally one of the most famous actresses in the 80s and 90s
I can't even be mad at the guy, he's based as fuck
Dennis is a man's man. Too bad his son turned out to be a liberal twerp.
is this actually him or an edit either way is that achievable natty ?
That is true. In Innerspace he wants to be Han Solo so bad
They didn’t try to pass it off as him being their close pal who they see all the time
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>So if there is literally no way of not being one, then at least he admits it, and tries to show passion in his work.
He helped ruin Star Trek for me. I will not forgive him
>Indian girl dates white guy
I am not surprised at all.
it's a real picture
I think he's probably natty, on the basis that he's always been a big guy for you and if he'd been juicing all this time he'd look like a horrible slopfest when he started getting old
Traffic, The Right Stuff, The Parent Trap, The Day After Tomorrow, GI Joe, Innerspace, Far From Heaven, Any Given Sunday, Wyatt Earp, Vantage Point, Dragonheart, Pandorum, The Rookie, Jaws 3
damn. respect. i hope to be ripped some day
Still a good actor
None of those hold a candle to any movie zombie Ford has made in the past 20 years.
Traffic is the reason every scene from Mexico is shot with a piss filter
So Dennis Quaid is a cinematographer?
Nobody said he’s on Ford’s level. They said he’s the poor man’s Ford. As in he’s the guy they got because they couldn’t get Ford. Do you know what words mean?
Donate all your belongings to charity, renounce your citizenship and move to Africa so that you can start from scratch and prove that you are worthy of success in a western country.

None of us chose where or to who we were born. Only an idiot with deep seated insecurity issues would give up their advantage in order to prove to everybody else that they were worthy of being born into a successful family
He's more akin to a homeless man's Ford, just by checking his filmography.
id rather him spit in our faces and say fuck you im the best than this
theres something off about this guy
>Still a good actor
Nice try Jack. No one likes you
Only an idiot would give interviews to the media claiming they are worthy of their family's connection.
Yes, the guy in the OP is an insecure idiot too but that doesnt make my argument any less valid
*neps your path*
He doesn't have any argument. That's what you don't understand. He's a nepo baby and just needs to keep his mouth shut.
The weird thing is all these blatant nepo babies suddenly appearing in the last 5 to 7 years. Like it was all timed together.
There were plenty of them before that
You forgot Enemy Mine, absolute kino. I think he's in Wilder Napalm or maybe that's his brother. And there was a movie about dreams, I can't remember what it was called.
I think it's just that they're the first generation that couldn't hide their nepo status due to social media
You're only privileged if you feel you have to apologize for your "privilege".
I was the DiCaprio of the early 1990s, you little shit. Ever heard of Jaws 3 or DragonHeart?
Nicolas Cage, Gwyneth Paltrow, Angelina Jolie, Josh Brolin, Drew Barrymore, Jamie Lee Curtis, George Clooney, Carrie Fisher. Nepo babies in Hollywood have been a thing for decades
Mia Melano twin sister. Now you know and you'll be able to spot all the newfags.
I was born to a dirt poor single mother and had to start working weekends and 3 nights a week alongside school when I was 14 to help keep the roof over our heads and put food on the table, yet people with slightly darker skin than me who are born into middle class or wealthy families often accuse me of being privileged because I’m caucasian
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>because I’m caucasian
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What argument?
Almost lived the same life, I even shot squirrels and racoons and possums to supplement our meat supply, and bigger animals when I was big enough to be able to drag them back to my truck I bought from a scrapyard and fixed myself. I worked my way through high school and college, and the whole time I was in college all I heard was how privileged I am for being white. When I was a kid, we had a teen mom nigger move in next door, who mocked me for working and bragged about her food stamps, welfare checks, and free housing, all for being a nigger with a niglet born out of wedlock.
Was your mom also a widow like mine was?
It's all an act. They are playing roles.

-Old "out of touch" father votes trump.

-Hip "young and cool" son votes for Biden hoping to be popular with new generation.

None of them have any actual political stances. Dad is just pretending to help boost his son's career.

In reality, They support whoever pays their bills and gets them roles in movies/tv shows.
His face pissed me off every time I saw it. Hope he doesn't star in anything else.
The problem is that he does this weird half smirk which doesn't suit him at all.
Stealth BRTFB thread
I hate retards like you so much, you think the world revolves around you and things only start happening once you notice it
Love Enemy Mine. Heard there's a remake coming..will probably suck. They should only remake bad movies that had interesting ideas.
that french cunt does this a lot
>My grandfather Jérôme has never felt the slightest interest in my career. [My family] have never lifted a finger to help me. Nor have I asked for anything, ever

meanwhile her family owns half of france
What are they doing here, playing the world's smallest violin for her or are they running with the ok symbol is a hate symbol meme from a couple years ago? Or is it some group therapy support thing?
And now there's footage of her eating pussy on camera and it wasn't even acting
Good on you for getting through the hardship and achieving success. I had younger siblings so I never went to college and became a wagie at 18 to make sure my siblings didnt have to follow in my footsteps and worry about finances, so luckily they got degrees. Having to worry about paying bills when you’re still a kid is tough and I hate the grifters who allocate victim status by looking at peoples skin color.

It’s a long story. She became a single mom when I was very young. Alcoholic father who nuked their finances and then left the country. What age were you when your father passed?
>Yeah I'm aware, tough shit
>Hard work blah blah blah

This is what they say when you have them cornered

>Yeah I'm aware I have fifty properties
>No I'm not going to donate them lol
>Yes I will continue to preach how you should have less, it's still doing good
>Yes my spawn will hog all the places your scions could aspire to obtain, tough luck
>Don't worry they will WORK HARD to prove they deserve them and if it turns out they don't your kids still won't get it, lol

Marxists are absolutely right - oligarchy has NOTHING in common with you. You only count to people in your own income group.
I have two younger sisters, as well. By the time I went to an actual university (I did community college first), one had already moved out and the other went to prison for killing her cheating boyfriend (I'm not sharing mugshots or news articles because I don't want you people to know who I am). I was 4 years old when the old man died, and my mom never dated or remarried until her own dying day, which I still think is pretty based, although it would've been cool to have a father figure around the house and an extra income, I didn't even know I had it so bad until many years later desu, I paid no attention in school to what other kids were doing or saying and really didn't realize how hard i worked until I was in college.
No one was talking about the boogeyman in your head, NPC
Just honestly, what should he do? Should he kill himself? Should he just die because his parents were in movies? Should he just work at McDonald's instead? Should no one try to build a legacy for their children? My son has never had to eat possum, he'll probably work at my company when he grows up unless his dream of being an astronaut pans out (he's 5), should I just strangle him in his sleep? And do you really expect any of us to believe that you wouldn't do the exact same thing, if you were in this guy's shoes? You really think you'd be shilling this same spiel?
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is it too late to become a nepo baby?
Yeah it works on pretty much anything I've been using it my entire life.
There's no legacy after a certain point, lower classes get a loaded gun and told to play Russian roulette. If you're fine with it you're fine with feudalism.
Okay. What's stopping you from giving away your possessions? You're obviously not rich, but in comparison to a lot of people, probably in your area, who could probably benefit greatly from the money and possessions you do have.
Do you have a throwaway email to continue the convo later? I never really talk about this stuff because I never meet anyone who can relate, but I understand if you want to keep it on 4chan. Despite the lack of college I managed to turn things around and build a career in my 20s so you wouldn’t be talking to some super depressed 30 year old McWagie who’s given up on life
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>bring up nepobabies in a random Half in the Bag
>suddenly its a huge talking point
It's insane how much power Mike Stoklasa has in the industry.
Nepotism in Hollywood has been around since the beginning but I suppose it's more blatant nowadays. They used to be spaced out because sometimes there were big actors who came from blue-collar backgrounds so there were varieties, but now the institution feels very tight-knit, like every one of these new actors is a son/daughter of some Hollywood/Wall Street bigshot. The other anon is right too, the social media visibility didn't help either.
Because my possessions are so meagre I would be homeless and it would not change anything. The mistake you make is thinking you can actually discuss this with rich people or that you should.
>The weird thing is all these blatant nepo babies suddenly appearing in the last 5 to 7 years. Like it was all timed together.
Social media has made it impossible for them to hide it. They use to pretend back in the 80, 90s, and 2000s.
Dennis Quaid is the poor man's Harrison Ford AND the poor man's Kevin Costner. That's one hell of a resume.
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>really people are just kissing ass to be adopted nepo-babies
very true and excellent phrasing which I've never heard before
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based as fag
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No matter how much he tries, he will never be accepted
If it's white/white why even mention it like that?
Morons think that actors having children is nepotism.
Mike doesn't complain about wokeness/social justice. He's a spineless pussy now.
It is when you use your connections to get your kids jobs in Hollywood. There's no reason to be pushing your underage kids this hard on social media.
No, Mike loves complaining about wokeness, but only when he's the lone person doing it. If everyone else is, then it's cringe.
I wish I was dead
“Nepotism” is normal. It's normal for people to go into the same line of work as their parents. You have free training and a pre-existing network. Unless you have zero interest in entering the same career and have a passion for something else entirely, you'd be stupid not to capitalize on the resources you have available. Nobody gives a shit when lil Billy grows up and takes over his old man's sandwich shop.
holy zoom zoom
Maya Hawke also said something like
>yes, I'm a nepo baby, seethe harder, roasties. Get weinsteined for roles I get with zero effort lmao
I just don't like his face, it's weird
nepotism isn't bad so long as you are self aware of it.
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Why is it negative? Nepotism is a part of life, whether it is a communist military or a family business. Why shouldn't I want to help my sons and daughters over Joe Jagov from the street?

He voiced Talion's son in the Shadow of Mordor game.

And then in Scream 5 or 6.
>ask a role from your uncles
>they deny
>do a gorillion of shitty movies until you make it
Yep very nepo baby like, retard
This nigga didn’t watche The Parent Trap. BAKA.
Because he's arguing he's talented enough to not need nepotism when that's obviously a lie.
I liked him In Logan Lucky. He knew all the Twitters. Besides that and The Boys I haven't seen him in shit.
Jesus, calm down. It is not that big of a deal man.
Turn off your computer and go outside.
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How can I hate a man who wears velvet unironically??
It is called testosterone replacement therapy, testosterone is a fountain of youth for men. Take Stallone or Schwarzenigger as examples.
Being poor is a curse. Most normfags cannot afford a doctor who will prescribe you the good stuff.
He's a better actor than Harrison Ford.
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>'m not sharing mugshots or news articles because I don't want you people to know who I am
What u mean "You people" nigga??
>I will just ignore the connections he made to win an argument online
Sure thing Moshe. Why are you posting on the sabbath?
show foreskin
He might be on try but he's also been fit for pretty much his whole career
*trt I meant
literally said 'i deserve it'
This thread proves you should never, ever apologize or capitulate to anyone. You admit to having it easy, to being wrong, to making a mistake and people just criticize you more. They perceive weakness and attack. Act like a arrogant prick, and people will instead try to see the good in you because they are truly weak.
>There's no way he hangs out with them regularly off camera.
True. Jack is clearly intimidated by the raw charisma of Rich Evans, he knows he can't compete.
He was in 5 and 6 though the latter was more of a cameo
lol lmao
He's been in business since 70-80s
Even if he isnt A-lister, after working in the industry on moderately succesfull level for so long, you get shit ton of connections.
He’s playing mostly roles made for someone like Thomas Middleditch, so I doubt it’s hard work.
if i tried to reply to my boss with "well at least i tried" im getting fired on the spot
Eww. I expected better from such a union than that pile of shit.
that basedface lmao he's marinating his typecast can't hate the hustle though
Famous enough for Russell Crowe to fuck his wife on set and break up their marriage lol
1. He did not apologize at all.

2. He just said, "yep. I'm privileged. But I totally deserve and will prove it to you all."

We aren't offended that he acknowledged his privilege. We are annoyed that he thinks he's DESERVING of it.
>‘Work as hard as I possibly can to prove that I deserve it’
You’re definitely American
actualla coppola put him up in his movies
he had a hilarious role with jim carrey in that peggy sue got married movie
Admitting it is going halfway, now he should quit so underprivileged actors can have a chance
Are you agreeing with that poster? You just proved his point?

What he should have said was, "Im humbled and incredibly grateful at the opportunities given to me. I will continue to work hard and strive to do my best and improve myself as an actor."

No apologies.
No claims of whether he deserves it.
The son of a successful actor very likely has the genes that make a good actor so what's wrong with hiring them based on that?
you zoomers make me sick, i tell you, SICK
His voice was so fucking annoying in Peggy Sue it was distracting
He was much better in valley girl
>If he truly wanted to prove that he doesn't need his parents or their "privelege", then he would have studied to be a Doctor, Engineer, Scientist, or some other respected profession that doesn't rely on his parent's connections.
>He should have dedicated his entire life to something he doesn't care about so anon wouldn't be offended
I think you should stop worrying about other people's lives and focus on fixing your own failures, ese
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as per usual when j*m is mentioned

ugly ass bitch carrey is a pedophillic stalker who should sent to a siberian gulag where he can gently freeze to death
Nah. Anon has a point.
Come again?
Then actually look at my body you fuckers. Went to a GI doctor and practically had to beg the man to look at my hemmoroids.
What is the ratio
Ehhhj, I don't think he's the greatest actor or anything but he seems like a genuinely decent dude and pleasant to be around
>Young zoomette with an actual hobby that doesn't involve taking off clothes on camera
I approve
>Young zoomette...

Of course you approve.

*eye roll*
When deriving meaning from a sentence, look at the full sentence
Sons and daughters often follow in their parent's footsteps. You don't see people here complaining about a son inheriting a farm from his father. It sucks that YOUR parents dgaf about you the moment the sperm entered the ovum but don't take it out on others. It is the duty of parents to ensure that their kids can have a comfortable and happy life.
Uncle Francis put him in at least 3 films and he changed his name so it wouldn’t look like he was getting work through nepotism. Sofia Coppola, Talia Shire, Jason Schwartzman, the whole family is rife with people who made careers out of being related to Francis
Nah. You f*cked up the grammar. You messed up. Own it
What grammar did I fuck up?
I would love to fuck his mom to a real orgasm
He's also Superman.
>Every role he plays is the exact same
Not like his parents were any different. Dennis Quaid is basically just 'adult man' and Meg Ryan is just 'blonde women'
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The fuck does that ok shit means? i doubt it's the 4chang pepe ok thing from a few years ago
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>You just proved his point?
Did you just end a statement with a question mark?
I've been noticing more messages like this and thinking similar thoughts. Either 4chan is able to curate shit that they think matches whatever profile they have associated with me, or you are a like-minded father. If it's the latter, I wish you the best for you and your family.
I didn't write that post but what am I missing here? You just agreed with him. Explain how your post is supposed to be a counter argument. And I'm Korean, so don't bother with the American argument.
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>Every role he plays is the exact same
He played a fucking serial killer. Or was that just classic Boimler?
There are thousands of professions to choose from and you expect us to believe he can only be an actor? Lmao.
Right, so not a native English speaker and you’ve therefore missed why the full sentence is important for the entire meaning
Nigga he was in inner space . You some kinda Zoomer fag?
he is coping.
So you should forbid yourself from doing the same things your parents did? Regardless of if it's something you want to do ?
I can't read your kike moonrunes faggot
I guess he thought he had some sort of gotcha in his head but realized the actual text doesn't support his schizo thoughts.
Meds. Take them.
English, learn it
Saying you’re doing something in order to prove you deserve a thing isn’t the same as simply saying you deserve the thing. You guys are fucking retarded.
Not at all, but don't expect any sort of respect for you or your profession when what it produces is of a markedly lower quality thanks to you (as a nepo baby) being a part of it.
He thinks he deserves either way.

So what's the difference?
>So you should forbid yourself from doing the same things your parents did? Regardless of if it's something you want to do ?

I'm sure there are more things he wants to do than just being a nepo baby actor. He chose the easiest path possible.
>and says he tries to earn it
If he wanted to earn it he could have easily not used his nepo connection. Riding the gravy train does not "prove" anything.
>you zoomers make me sick, i tell you, SICK
Even back then he wasn't a huge star.
>social media
and you all bash the social media. It is the social media, that will push the hylics over the edge. Its gonna happen sometimes this century
what an absolute faggot
Total dogshit slop no wonder zoomers never heard of him.
He has such a punchable face. The Will Wheaton effect.
he's literally 32 lmao
noone picked him over ford. He wishes he had a Cowboys and Aliens on his filmography.
Every millenial watched the Parent Trap in the cinema.
he didnt say he was talented, just that he tries to prove he deserved his place and roles, which means it can still not happen.
Bill Pulman's kid is really good. Takes a while to realize it's even him in most roles.

Nobody really cares about the nepo shit if the person is talented/not a cunt. Though Hanx's mental rapper kid kinda made that work for him by pushing the nepo thing forward so hard he kinda blasted out the other end and become something new.
Strange tan but killer bod
I wanna nep all over her path
I will, thank you, hnnnnnGGGGGGG
He seems happy just playing the effeminate white boy there to be saved by any brown person in everything he does
He has one character that he’s already run into the ground
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i think he misunderstood the nepo baby criticism thrown his way. nobody is wondering whether or not he gets advantages because of his famous parents, everybody already knows that that's the case. him going out of his way to say "yeah i'm a nepo baby that made it because of my famous parents but i still try my best teehee" is coming off as more oblivious than humble.
Most beta actor I've ever seen. Even Chalatwink inspires more respect.
but his uncle is
is quaid even that big, I doubt he was an insta-cast because fucking quaid of all people was his dad, no more than just sharing a year with a nep in a drama school could.
jesse plemmons does the same to me. i really like the guy and all the roles he's in, and especially his taste in hags, but he has a really punchable face.
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he's not writing it or producing it. i can literally never blame actors for accepting a job, even if its riddled with propaganda and other crap. they dont call the shots, their yuppie bosses do (the jews). and as shitty as lower decks still is, you can tell the people who make it actually care for star trek in some way, unlike with the other live action shows. prodigy is the same.
theres upsides to everything.
unironically hilarious.
social and news media were gaslit by the so called incel-caste into thinking the ok sign is a symbol of white pride. i wasnt aware we hold so much power though, but its funny to see what strength in numbers can achieve.
>just hit le gym
Damn right, short king!
Most people don't remember but they actually preceded the soiboi meme with the nerdcrew segment
"Nepo babies"? I thought it was Baskin Roberts fund trust band or something
>has his father's cool phenotype
>still looks like a complete faggot
Testosterone levels dropped by half between >>201784104
Boomers and Millenials and we will never have men look like they used to in the old days
Noooooop you must give up all of your life to immigrants they have it sooooooo hard!!!
in the circles it's known as the tren tan
you can tell by the bizarre reddish spot on his chest when all around his tan looks somewhat normal
unless he walks around with a hole in his shirt and just got a sunburn, that's clearly a tren tan and the bulging veins in his arms despite being overweight and in his late 60s quite seals it
also the roid guts
>can literally never blame actors for accepting a job
Yes I can

>and as shitty as lower decks still is, you can tell the people who make it actually care for star trek in some way
They only care as much as it serves their interest. They are only wearing Star Trek like a skin suit. I have no interest in watching Star Trek: Family Guy or Star Trek: Rick and Morty.

The Lower Decks creators even admitted that they sometimes don't even give the voice actress who plays Mariner a script. Sometimes they just let her ramble into microphone and then come up with script ideas around her rambling because she's so cool and awesome and "lol so random XD".

I can't respect writers who operate like that.
Another example of relatively good looking hollywood people giving birth to degenerate looking trash.
This guy sucks

He is based for at least admitting that he is a nepo baby.


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