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If you were Superman, would you use your powers for good or evil?
i would rid this world of chuds
i would use them to make the us minority white ahead of schedule.
Why the fuck didn't Snyder color grade the suit properly?
I would try to use my powers for good because I'm not a horrible monster person.
Depends on what you call evil.
I wouldn’t use my powers for anything, I would listen to what they had to say. And that’s what Superman never did.
Would you use to fight crime?
probably just not gonna use them, or maybe some specific scientific shit like bringing cargo to mars/moon.
>If you were Superman, would you use your powers for good or evil?
Kill everyone involved in journalism
Kill everyone involved in hollywood
Kill everyone involved in the porn industry
Kill everyone involved in banking
Kill everyone involved in government
Kill everyone involved in the music industry
Kill everyone involved in the video game industry
Kill everyone involved in big pharma
Kill everyone involved in the oil industry
Kill everyone involved in the property industry
I’d probably go to south central LA and start killing a bunch of people. Afterwards I’d probably go hunting for milfs to hookup with at night. So good I suppose.
id throw elephants into the sun
satellite images would just see a guy next to an elephant and then the elephant getting bigger and bigger
Probably, depends on the scale of the crime.
I probably wouldn't bother with anything below a mass shooter or terrorist attack.
I would use my powers for dubs
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See no dubs, you don't have the power yet,
>depends on the government
>kikes (for AAA)
>sandniggers and kikes
Did Superman fight crime in other countries or just in one city?
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I would literally kill everyone
It depends on the comic.
I would pull a Dr. Manhattan and just fuck off to Mars. Fuck people.
I'm gonna find most retarded, most unspeakable bad and unpopular religion and gonna use it as my heritage.
Why can I fly? Because these gods give me power. Christianity, Judaism? Nah, false prophecy.
in all seriousness I would execute black and brown people en masse across the West. it's probably immoral but I don't think it would be a particularly evil act, since I'd be doing it for the betterment of the Western world. I'd intimidate the leadership of my home nation to follow my rule of law. I'd fly into space and collect mineral rich asteroids to create wealth for my country. Once I felt somewhat satisfied I'd leave to explore space. Then eventually return and live out my days in peace, free of the White (Super)Man's Burden.
If I had all the powers of Superman, I would use the superman 2 power to peel off a gaint fruit roll up version of my emblem off my chest. I'd eat that so I had energy for all the rape about to happen.
After playing with wild animals I would explore space and if I found something that benefited humans I guess I would share it.
Kill all kikes and muslims.
Kill all criminals in every prisson.
Send a message saying I will kill the entire family of every corrupt politician in the world if they can't justify where their money came from.
Save people from natural disasters, accidents, and help make the world better.

So I guess for good.
Well if I kill everyone then I'm the only one who can define good or evil on this planet.
So... Good.
Every year I would define metrics of society that I consider good.
The countries that fail to meet my metrics die. I kill them all. No one is allowed within the borders for 100 years.

I'd probably wipe out 80+ percent of the population in big moves and a few percent here and there.

But the remaining people would follow the rules. And that's basically the definition of a successful civilization.
Oh yeah all religious have to go. Can't keep tolerating insanity. Heaven? It's for children and retards.
I'd just enforce the NAP.
I would use my powers to kill OP and other off topic posters.
For rape
The only crime I would commit is mass rape on a global scale
>Call evil
i would turn 360° and fly away into space
I'd disarm all nuclear weapons and kill world leaders that have a problem with it. I would find all the secret families/masons/jews that engage in human atrocities like trafficking and child rape and murder them with eye laser to the face.
I would use my powers for self-actualization, whether that'd be good or evil would depend on your point of view.
I would crown myself king and entitle myself to a life time supply bank account so I would never have to pay for food, have a house in every city dedicated to me and a welfare queen wife in every city carrying my super baby. I would live so long that my great granddaughter's niece would then grow up to be my super wife. I could fly.
But that's why superpowers don't make for good stories in and of themselves. Super powers are literary devices for us to explore stories we actually care about nonaxiomatically.
>install myself as President of the United States
>vaporize Moscow, Tel Aviv, Beijing, Tehran, Riyadh
>deport all non-whites
I would make Homelander look like a fucking joke. Unironically.billions will die.
I hope you guys are being contrarian saying this boring shit.
When I'm finished with my work only like 5% of humans would be left alive on the surface. The rest I disagree with would be hiding like rats.
In fact the biggest problem would be the logistics of killing almost the entire globe in one lifetime. It's probably impossible, I bet some plebitor did the math on this.
How would you make sure someone agrees with you?
Ez: see this innocent 12 years old girl? Rape and kill her for me or you get sent to live in the tunnels with the rest.
No threat of imminent death so he can say he did it out of fear for his life

But I said who I agree with not who agrees with me I dgaf what they agree with.
So you would kill the ones that rape her and the ones that don't are kept in the tunnels?
Id be the goodest guy ever and drown myself in pussy
>but you could just rape
Having flocks of women adoring your cock is way better, being evil is fucking stupid.
If I were Superman, I would be Superman. And that means I would use my powers for good.
I would kill the people I don't like. That's all. The tunnels are where the rest would try to hide from me after I start the mass murders.

You asked for something different. How do you know if someone agrees with you? You will never know, but you can test loyalty by asking them to do something horrible for you like raping and killing a child.
But don't threaten them in any way if they don't because their decision will be influenced by fear.
Of course it's not guaranteed nothing is unless you can read minds.
lol Hilarious that means you're more pathetic than a deliberately depicted as pathetic fucking COMIC BOOK character. And this is real life. What does that say about you???
Really billions??? lol Fucking freak.
People aren't the problem. You are. For being weak.
Miracleman shit after living an anonymous life self-interested-Clark-Kenting it
>making a world you want to live in = weakness
Wut? Sounds like you coping with your lack of power over the environment you live in. Are you ok buddy, you wanna talk about it?
The logistics of killing everyone are actually fucked if you want to kill them directly with your laser beams.
It's easy in the first days but then they start hiding and there's billions of rats and only one of you.
Best bet is to destroy all food sources and water sources but that's also gonna take a fuck ton of time.
You have to be reasonable to win. As MurderMan you need an army of loyal fanatics - around 100k at least that go around the country searching for underground facilities.
With MurderMan flying around killing everyone on the surface humanity will move underground.
I would push the moon onto Earth.
Depends how nuke-proof. Snyder Supes and early post-Crisis Supes are low tier af,but still the most powerful being on the planet to a retarded degree.

If no nukes and kryptonite, and you can survive in space and don't have to age/get retardedly stronger in proportion to yellow sun radiation, I'd go be a god at the end of my 40s. 50 is never the new number less than 50. 50 seems just as bad as always advertised.
I’d glass Israel with my eyes, the rest would work out naturally
I'd walk around India slapping people. Not for any good reason but just because they could never stop me
Honestly? I think I'd just leave Earth after awhile
A bit of both
It would be for good, but my methods would be so extreme that I'd probably be called evil.
I would do this and then use my powers to harass women.
I'd steal that black box from Mecca and put it on the moon.
If I were Superman, I would fly to the UN headquarters and say that the governments of all countries have one year to fix their countries. If they fail, I will kill them and their loved ones. They couldn't do anything to me if I were Superman. Just don't tell me they could blackmail me with my family. My family burned to death on Krypton, so they can kiss my ass.
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i wouldn't mind taking my time, the point is that there's nothing left. After killing everyone, i would destroy planet
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I would do great things, terrible but great things.
tv/movie power superman or the 60s comic book powers?
because decades back motherfucker towed planets.
he attached planets on a link and dragged them out of orbit.
thats beyond good or evil
As Superman II has established, Superman can give women amnesia about past relations by kissing them.
#killallmen and the spend the rest of my life fucking every woman on earth without a condom
Good: I would destroy Mecca and Israel first and then kill all leftists and empower right wing terrorists.
based evil Chad
Holy based.
zased. I'll kill you last

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