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I cried.
t. millennial
there was a gambit movie?
it was cancelled when Disney bought Fox.
Do we get any shots of Dafne's ass?
Tatum was really good
why is that chick on the left posing like she's biden crapping on stage?
I wonder why they gave snipes such a shit costume
Be honest, how many Funko Pops do you own?
no, Marvel just makes stuff up when they need to fill a nostalgia quota
It was very cool. I'd actually love a movie with a bunch of washed up superhero rejects from the 2000s. It'd actually be endearing Guardians of the Galaxy vibes. It's a shame all we get are a few cool fights scenes. It's the same as seeing Tugboat and Andrew Garfield fight side-by-side. Instead, Disney are going to shovel out shit no one actually cares about like The Marvels and Blacktain America.
No and that's the joke that gets made in this movie
Is the one on the right the big dyke replacement for Wolverine?
Why? Who asked for this?
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Nobody, that’s kind of the point. The dregs of the Fox Marvel universe are roaming the trash bin of eternity
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He should’ve came back.
Fuck those shits. Dumbass middle school me used most of my Bar Mitzvah money on Funkos. A couple thousand wasted and only got a couple hundred back when I sold them in college. Should have bought gold coins like the boomers told me to.
I'm legit angry. no storm, no Halle Berry. fuck this movie
so 90s

i LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!!!!!!!!
Think they approached Nic Cage?
No, because he would accept 100%.
congrats I guess
I would have kept that to myself
do you cry often?
Too busy vouching for pedophiles
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More than enough to open up my own shop if I wanted to
Tatum obliterated his role, they better cast him again in the new X-Men
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>Brought back Blade
>Didn't kill him off for jokes
So anyone has seen his Chanel?
how was there not a single leak for blade but leaks out the ass for elektra
Only "some" of your bar mitspuh money was two thousand dollars? And you spent two thousand dollars on plastic figurines?
crying is actually really healthy for your eyes.
Probably leaked it herself
>it was cancelled when Disney bought Fox.
it was in development hell for like a decade it wasnt gonna get made regardless of the buyout
Eh, I've spent $20k on flashlights.
Pretty sure he gets his own movie or series
Girl on the left looks wildly out of place
Does Channing Tatum actually play a decent Gambit tho?
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Blade 4 pls.
His face looks off but he steals the movie doing like Brad Pitt in Snatch but Cajun . But he’s his own thing yeah he kills it
>Harbour's Hellboy
Fuck you.

I found the tone of the 2019 R rated reboot with Milla Jovovich to be much more similar to R rated 1998 Blade, R rated The Crow, Spawn, etc. Del Toro’s take was MCU tier.
He was unintelligible as a "joke." He spoke gibberish and threw magical cards at people.
>there's only ever been one Blade. there'll only ever be one Blade.
>from Blade
Holy fucking based.
who gives a shit, you're getting it fag
It really was Wesley’s movie for like five minutes.
She's shitting herself
>Blacktain America
I am surprised to say I found the new trailer for that movie to he entertaining. Enough that I might see the movie. Haven't watched a Marvel flick in ages.

It was pretty close to happening, as was the Dr.Doom movie. The director off the Doom movie even re-pitched his movie to Feige. All x-men stuff got canceled though.
Please no he’s too fucking fat for it. And ugly.
Wasn't the car catching on fire when they accelerated a Ghost Rider thing?
Tatum would have made a great Eddie Brock, like seriously perfect for that role, but it never happened.
is that fucking blade
the 12 basketball americans in my theater only soi faced when he came on. they were falling asleep during the rest
why are you watching people during the movie, weirdo
never relax
wtf, jen garner is one tall big bitch
She worked out for the role.
Trust me. The girl that invited me was pissed.
Was mirin hard.
Also, how come blade didn't say, I could do this with my eyes closed, before firing the rocket!?
No, he was terrible. Goes to show he would have made a terrible Gambit and Taylor Kitsch was way better at it even without the suit.
Now that would have been a good role for him.
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Don't insult me. I don't buy bobble heads, I buy TOYS.
>h-he was playing it bad on purpose
Wonder what Ryan did to get Wesley to be in the film.
Considering he's black, he probably gave him an ass load of cash.

Lol I remeber the blade 3 threads and meme and he really seemed to hate Ryan.
Thats noelle foley who you playing you aint frank the clown if so prove it bitch
Even if that were true (it isn't), this movie showed he doesn't have the sleekness and agility to play Gambit. He's just a bad fit.
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Wesley hated Goyer because he was trying to use the third Blade movie as a way to launch a Nightstalkers spinoff . Snipes wanted Del Toro back and Goyer had almost no experience directing.
Calling Reynolds a white boy was just collateral damage, he thinks he alright. And probably forgot most of the time he spent filming Blade 3.
They kinda hinted he couldn't pull off the dialect in a serious movie
Was always a dumb fan dreamcast but at least he got done did better than Jim from the Office
nigga forgot he has aged out of movies
His body is supposed to be durable as fuck on top of having a healing factor
True, but he was always a bad fit.
He really does, they make jokes about his voice but you can tell there’s a sincere effort to give him a chance at playing the character properly
>and threw magical cards at people
Yeah, that’s the character
>Taylor Kitsch was way better at it
He couldn’t even pick an accent to stick with
she and wolverine are not suppose to be able to. the actions scenes in this slop were disjointed, blurry, doodoo
>she and wolverine are not suppose to be able to
Lol, this
they actually got that part right in Deadpool 2 and actually had to think of a clever way to beat juggernaut.
The only logical way they could have gotten that helmet off juggernaut would have been gamit blowing it off his head via kinetic force.

They showed up with all physical combatants vs juggernaut?!

That triggered my comic autism.
I'd rather have a Gambit that does everything but the accent, than one that does the accent but fails at everything else.
What else did he do that was good? His one action scene was ridiculous, he was unconscious for most of it, then he’s suddenly up and about running across the rooftops, not helped of course by the film he was in having infamously terrible digital effects
He also didn’t have the outfit
variant you retard. Besides there is precedent for it in X3
Juggernaut is not a mutant, he is the product of magic.
>muh comics
Shut the fuck up virgin
He was magic in the 90's cartoon, too. Why are you defending the pointless changes made by a soulless corporation?
He didn’t die and his third film was an infamous turd. Bizarrely he got more respect in this extended cameo
The people who removed Jugg's magical powers are the same people who turned Wolverine's costume black.
calm your tits already you big fag
I have terrible news for you about Brandon Lee
damn I hope none of those characters are tainted by terrible movies. That would be awful!
bruh they name a movie after an evangelion song???
>his third film was an infamous turd.

Blade Trinity MOGS all of the MCU, faggot.
manchild culture has to die
gambit was in wolverine movie the one with the 1st fucked up deadpool with no mouth
I thought it was funny that the end credits all the home video footage they included fan4stic. Absolutely nobody was nostalgic for that pile of fucking garbage
This board has an age minimum.
That was weird given that they didn’t bring anyone from that back
Blade Trinity was considered shit then and it’s considered shit now. Its own cast has famously run it down over the years. I saw it in cinemas and you jacking it to Jessica Biel means nothing. Go fuck yourself, child.
I saw Blade 1 (1998) in the multiplex when I had just turned 6 you faggot. I also saw Blade 3 when it was new, and it wasn’t a cringe cgi fake computer stunt COLOR GRADED faggy quipfest crap mess the the entirety of the faggy MCU is. But yeah, YOU go ahead and keep sucking Kevin Feige’s cock, turbo faggot.
The evangelion one was "Fry me to the moon"
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So you were a literal child for the release of the entire Blade trilogy? Kek. Trinity is full of bad cgi, and the entire film was definitely all colour graded. They even had to cgi Snipes’ eyes open.
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>and it wasn’t a cringe cgi fake computer stunt COLOR GRADED faggy quipfest crap mess
lol who the fuck is this guy again? been so long i forgot
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>it wasn’t a cringe cgi fake computer stunt COLOR GRADED faggy quipfest crap mess
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>wasn’t a cringe cgi fake computer stunt COLOR GRADED faggy quipfest crap mess
>They even had to cgi Snipes’ eyes open.
why is this guy such an asshole?
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>the entire film was definitely all colour graded. They even had to cgi Snipes’ eyes open.

When we say “Color Grading” here, we don’t mean post processes that made movies in the 90’s and 2000’s only look more realistic. Every major Action movie since the 90’s had color grading; but they didn’t EXCESSIVELY do so much color grading shit like the MCU that the scenes begin to look like an oil painting.

As for the cgi shit, can you not tell that they actually did REAL Stunts and ACTUAL Chinese Kung-Fu choreography in the Wesley Snipes Blade movies? MCU just creates digital models like a video game and has them do computerized flips, which looks like a fucking fake PlayStation game, and it all looks ugly and cringe, no grace, as grace only comes from real martial arts action.

Keep grasping at straws.
I’m not even sticking up for the mcu here, Blade Trinity is still infamously shit and you’ve made yourself look like an utter twat
It’s ok to admit that you don’t understand color grading
that's literally how Cajun people talk. It's like how the deep south talks; it's like they have marbles in their mouth.
Blade 3 is WEAK, but still low tier kino cause it takes itself seriously; so it’s not shit, it definitely feels like a REAL movie and not some slop of the month. It’s definitely superior to the MCU. Nothing in the MCU is even remotely “cinema”. Blade 3 is low tier “cinema”.

I know Blade 3 is far below Blade 1, I’m not an idiot, but to dismiss it as something that wasn’t a “serious in tone” film just pisses me off, as it’s not a “meme fest” like today’s sitcom style slop.

NEW LINE CINEMA’s Blade 1 (1998) however, will always be the greatest film of all time for me, as it’s my favorite movie.
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>made movies in the 90’s and 2000’s only look more realistic
Wow, that high contrast desaturated blown out highlights sickly green tint early 2000s music video look is so subtle, realistic, and has aged well
Looks better then MCU. End of.
>”Everything I said was obviously nonsense so I’m now shifting the goalposts”
It’s not nonsense, all your gifs of blade 3 you’ve posted unironically look much more like real life then cartoonish looking MCU. You are either a Zoomer or Woman since you’re being such a try hard samefagging faggot looking to defend the the diarrhea that is the MCU in the face of vastly superior 90’s and 2000’s films, which are from back when cinema actually existed.
Using that word doesn't make you cool, it makes you a loser.
>Absolutely nobody was nostalgic for that pile of fucking garbage
isnt that the joke? all the multiverse and universe crap in this movie is essentially a joke on the current state of superhero movies, right? the second deadpool had a passing of the baton DEI kid situation and a superhero team, which probably went over some peoples head because theyre not cynical doomers like some here
Kek cope, you’ve just outed yourself, faggot. Maybe reddit’s more your speed.
In my thirties and have already said I’m not even defending the mcu. You silly dickhead
>Said either Zoomer or Woman
>Only admits to not being a Zoomer

So you’re obviously a Woman on here then, on 4Chan? Now it makes sense why you’re so cringe, TOP KEK.


(tagging first reply so everyone can know this whole thread was made by a woman, no wonder the OP mentioned she cried kek).


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