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I like Neelix and I don't think he deserves the hate but I do enjoy seeing him suffer for some reason. I enjoy it more than O'Brian suffering.
I really enjoy seeing him suffer. That moment where Kes's psychic mind takes her over and she fucking breaks his heart made me fucking die. That speechless look on his face. He was completely destroyed. BULLY NEELIX!
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At least he isn't that stupid faggot Rom
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Crewman goes to Captain Janeway.
Says he's depressed. Says life in the delta quadrant seems harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a world without The Great Forest where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain.
Janeway says, 'The solution is simple. Our morale officer Neelix is in the mess hall tonight. Go and see him. That should pick you up.'
Crewman bursts into tears. Says, 'But Captain…I am Neelix.'
You sound jealous
Your picrel is the best Voyager episode
Jealous of what? I wouldn't want to touch Rom with a ten foot pool unless it was used to smack him upside the head
For me, it's Equinox
Scorpion is da bess
Jealous that you’ll never receive uumox from prime Leeta behind the holosuite after your shifts are over. Unless of course you’re one of them gays
He deserved the suffering that Miles got honestly
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O'Brian did alright in the end.
Early Neelix was rough at times (esp his jealousy about others with Kes) but overtime he did improve esp once they broke up.
Sounds like you're a projecting cuck and simp. And I don't care for leeta she's a retard with bad tastes. For me 7 of 9 mogs the fuck out of her
Blink of an Eye
Why? Because he got married to a nag and had two kids? How's that special?
According to boomers that's winning!
the doctor
7 of 9

tom paris

harry kim
Rom is one of the shittiest Trek characters ever. He’s just a mary sue mouthpiece for east coast jewish marxists.
Especially settling for an asian woman because they can't get any better and having a mixed hapa child who's angry at the world
>the maru sue mouthpiece is also quite literally retarded and fails upwards

holy shit...you're fucking right
> like Neelix .... but I do enjoy seeing him suffer for some reason.
that just means you have a crush on him, faggot
Don’t forget that his domineering mom sleeps with a senile but powerful politician in order to subvert their society
I love how they just magically turn him from being a shitty ferengi who's just as greedy as his brother and loves to take his anger out on his son to being a retard who foows his brother everywhere then finally to a genuis engineer mary sue who lectures people on commie nonsense.

Even writers didn't care about him because if they did they would have given him better development. They just abused and used him to be a mouthpiece for their dumbass liberal Hollywood garbage
I absolutely hated that bitch. Ruins ferengi society and helps put a retard in charge. I love how Grand Nagus didn't even give a shit about Rom until he got pussy whipped by that subversive bitch. I almost hate her more than Rom if I'm being honest
How’s the root beer taste, Quark?
I personally enjoy Worf getting beat up constantly
She was probably a double agent for the Dominion. Remember that time she got "kidnapped"?
The warship voyager one is great too
Worf was remarkably retarded on early TNG.
It's my headcanon that she got murdered a week after that episode and everyone went back to business.
Moogie? Murdered? Noooooo!
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God i fucking HATE HIM
For me it's the one where B'elanna is stranded on an alien planet and ends up helping a stage director write some plays for a patron warlord.
I enjoyed the one with the borg that merged with the doctors holoemitter and solo nuked a sphere just to be helpful. That was pretty cool of him really
He was a nice guy RIP champ
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>I enjoy it more than O'Brian suffering.
O'Brien doesn't deserve it. He's a good man with a loving husband!
This may be shocking for you but most people aren’t homosexual
Huh??? But that's not a screenshot of Living Witness at all!
More people every day.
It's called a phase. Being a faggot for venture 500 corporations was an early 2020s fad.
This is now my head canon
This too
Or maybe it's because society is more accepting, so less people feel the need to be closeted, and you're a fucking dinosaur.
Worf only gets to be a badass in DS9. Not in TNG because "muh science" and "muh might doesn't equal right" shit. So that means a single barrel can kick his ass
Why is that?
>centuries later in a holocaust memorial museum space zionists find the last nazi a.i. in existence and it disproves the holocaust
Voyager really had some of the wildest and best Trek plots
See >>201782856
It’s like TNG The Outcast
That's not really good enough for me. I need an actual answer.
I realized this on my last rewatch. He's a richer character than he gets credit for.
Nothing's going to satisfy you. You should probably talk to a professional.
It was a heavy barrel okay
Or maybe it has something to do with us contaminating water supplies for decades with hormones from birth control pills and the like that largely pass unmetabolized through urine. Or maybe all the frogs and giant salamanders turning gay too is just a coincidence
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Not an argument. Use your brain retard
nah gfy
If it were filled with nothing but water, it would weigh 200kg/440lb. I don't care how strong Klingons are, they will be injured.
It was filled with water? So that’s why the barrel was blue.
I don't like seeing him suffer because it means I'm seeing him.
Voyager in general doesn't deserve the hate it gets. Out of all the spinoff Treks it's the most enjoyable to rewatch. DS9 and TNG may have higher highs but they have much lower lows. VOY is solid all the way through.
>VOY is solid
Voyager was solid for like 3.5 episodes of its entire run
Epic post
>post times
Ah it begins. Good thread until now tho
It utterly failed to deliver on the promise of a survival show, but taken as TNG-lite (as it clearly wanted to be) it's a perfectly enjoyable and comfy junk food sow that occasionally delivers an all-time classic here and there. It works better if you just pretend they're not on the other side of the galaxy.
I like that it learned into the surreal and horror so often, that's been part of Trek's DNA since the beginning. DS9 was too busy doing politics after a certain point and TNG only occasionally went there.
The Voyager’s premise poster did not in the least remember the day before, he continued to talk in the same old strain as if nothing had happened, and if indignantly confronted, he pretended to be astonished and could not remember anything except that his assertions
had already been proved true the day before.
Often I was stunned. One did not know what to admire more: their glibness of
tongue or their skill in lying.
I gradually began to hate them more.
I've never seen a hooknosed asian before.
The Videan scientist killing that guy and wearing his face was pretty fucked up for 90s TV.
Really? Many of them have it. The only flat thing about their noses is the bridge.
>Or maybe all the frogs and giant salamanders turning gay too is just a coincidence
For the record the frogs aren't turning gay. The tadpoles are literally changing gender.
>The Voyager’s premise poster
Who is that guy.
What are you talking about.
I dont speak french or latin.
That time when they board duplicate Voyager and start picking off the crew was the one I disliked most. Something just not right about seeing based Tuvok lying there whilst those ugly bastards try to decide which of his organs are worth taking.
Yeah I know, coincidentally to us contaminating ecosystems with a whole host of synthetic hormones and hormone-mimics. Oops!
My own pedantry aside is this shit happening to salamanders?
What do you know about salamanders?
Voyager was solid all the way through alright
Solidly terrible
The trek general is a solid wall of schizos and the guy that comes in and randomly says the same thing over and over is actually a bunch of different people all saying the same thing because it's the obvious truth
>thread up for hours
>no one says it despite talking about the series
>suddenly in the last 50 minutes it gets spammed a bunch out of nowhere all at once
>"yeah i'm not samefagging"
That episode is like something out of one of my nightmares
I was told once that a salamander is my spirit guide. Acoochemoochie.
>Especially settling for an asian woman because they can't get any better and having a mixed hapa child who's angry at the world
Kira, please. You had your chance, but you got scared.
It’s been a while, remind me the rationale for Kira being their surrogate, aside from the obvious Nana getting preggo irl and them having to write around it?
superior bayoran wombs
They where in a shuttlepod that was in an accident and kiko got injured so they had to transfer the baby to another body and Kira was the only other female crew member on board
Sounds vaguely familiar. I think this means I’m due for a rewatch
Yeah that was fucking stupid
What are these cards? Where do I find more online?
DS9 trading cards was my search. I only found a few but I didn’t dig very hard
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>and you're a fucking din-ACK!!!!
>Voyager really had some of the wildest and best Trek plots
>you now remember the episode where Seven accuses a innocent man of assault (rape) and the Doctor going full witch hunt because he downloaded a psychology program that ends with said innocent man killing himself and the Doctor realising that he misinterpreted Sevens repressed trauma about getting assimilated and now has to live with the guilt of going full #believeallwomen
Couldn’t make that episode today that’s for sure.
He just wanted some nanoprobes bro. We’ve all been there
Scratch the "head", this is now canon.
In general: we as fans decide what we accept as canon. I vote all nutrek to be non-canon.
That is certainly a unique take. One day you will grow up though and realize that Voyager has about 10 good episodes spread out across all seasons and should be avoided other than those. My last rewatch of all post-TOS canon-trek definitely made me realize:
>What is timezones?
so would their descendants become humanoids again or was that a one-off thing with those bald freaks that seeded all of the humanoid races
I have no idea. My only real complaint about that episode is that they jammed too much into it without nearly enough exposition
Bashirfaggot you don’t even dare to post with your trip anymore because everyone here is so fed up with your shit. Just go the rest of the way and stop posting altogether. You’ve been doing this for like a decade.
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Sex traffickers are going to get the death penalty after the election
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And their cartels will be labeled terrorist organizations and acted upon with the full force of the United States military. I tried to tell you people. I told you there would be a musical. I told you some of you would die as a direct result of posts made here and discord involvement. I told you all so many things that will all come to pass

>structure society in such a way that the faggier you are the more special and good you're considered
>more people claim to be gay
Woah, who knows what the reason could be?! You willfully ignorant retard.
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bot posts
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Schizo post
She killed Neelix (again) BITCH!
>*White* americans pay for and listen to this "music"
>um ackshually im just a retard who posts nonsensical things all day for no reason
>checkmate schizo
Do you know what the function of this form of propaganda is? The deaths in our own streets are considered acceptable losses so long as it finds its way into the ears of American armed forces. It is by evidence extremely effective propaganda. How did you manage to get on such a high horse as a mental midget anyway? I would trust the convicted felons in the video around my kids more than you
>more people claim to be hoes

If you’d taken any thought at all you’d probably have gotten it. Not a great joke but it would’ve been obvious if you knew proper English Chang. There is no other place the word could have gone grammatically
Anon isn’t gonna take it anymore and that’s on King David
Yeah, thought so.
After watching Voyager, I don't really get the hate for Neelix. He had a bad episode for two, but everyone on that show did.
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>proud consumer of nigslop
god bless you burgerbro
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Anon, when you put an “*” after a word on the internet or in a text message it is typically indicative of a grammatical correction, in this case I made an extremely funny joke about trans people. If you’re referring to the second part about not taking it anymore and King David, King David is the biblical character who killed a giant with cunning and a pebble. Not taking it anymore is labeling sex traffickers terrorists and executing them without trial. You think that’s schizo babble? You are in for a rude awakening. All the respectable productive members of society in the greatest nation on earth are trying to vote this into action
You are in a thread about a show created by Jewish people for Jewish people, a show that you love. Is there anyone home in there?
>knocks on your forehead like a door
He’s a pedophile. Are you a pedophile anon?
Don’t forget to vote

That's one of my favorites. It's the trope of an alien planet representing an earlier stage of a culture done right. It also reminds me of the TNG episode where Data makes friends with a girl on a planet that's undergoing apocalyptic earthquakes and they try to wipe her memory after taking her on the ship. You can't help but imagine it didn't work, and she's going to grow up to write about her experiences on this weird alien ship.
>mfw I express solidarity with my similarly unfairly persecuted bro just as the salvia hits
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no, PODophile
>t. Italian
Whoever designed the interiors of the Enterprise-D deserved a huge raise, I swear those design aesthetics provide so much comfort and relaxation for me, every time I see scenes in the Enterprise-D it makes me feel relaxed and more positive. The warm lighting, the omnipresent and dominant beige, the carpets, the fake plants, everything, it's pure comfiness. No other film or TV sets have had that effect on me. It's like magic.
I wish I could live and work in a place like that but I know it'll never happen.
>The warm lighting, the omnipresent and dominant beige, the carpets, the fake plants, everything, it's pure comfiness. No other film or TV sets have had that effect on me. It's like magic.
>I wish I could live and work in a place like that but I know it'll never happen.
You're describing a hotel. Go work in a hotel.
they should have made him an actual war veteran badass, not a faggot simp. yeah I know he did fight a little but I remember he was a coward mostly, that's why he hated the genocide scientist so much.
This is why there used to be a running joke that the Enterprise was more like a cruise ship.
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>the scene where o'brien and captain maxwell have a private heart-to-heart and they talk about their experiences in the cardassian war and relate in a way that neither picard nor anyone else on the enterprise can understand, and maxwell confides in o'brien why he is the way he is, and o'brien sympathises with him and understands him even when everyone else wants to throw him to the wolves
The Wounded is an S-tier episode and maybe my favourite TNG episode of all time. It's criminally underrated and corny overrated shit like Best of Both Worlds doesn't hold a candle to it. TNG is sometimes dismissed as being too cold and lofty compared to other shows but this episode has so much heart and soul and raw emotion in it
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>mfw you almost got quints, but one digit off
>mfw it reminds me that everything has been just a little off since Stompy got killed by the cardies
>RIP Stompy
I always thought it was funny how they tried to paint Harry as a player constantly trying to get women but every "Harry episode" is how one of his hook ups was a disaster. Like how Janeway almost demoted him for banging a random alien. Or how he fell in love with a holodeck woman. Or how he had feelings for seven but she outright denied him.
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Hate these comics, O'Brien would knock Riker's teeth out.
Doesn't have the soft hum of power, but otherwise silent atmosphere.
I actually listen to 8 hour vids on YouTube that consist mostly of that hum and other TNG ambience while I study, it makes me feel like Picard studying something for a mission.
Does it have an alarm going off every hour to signal a break? Like the ship's being attacked? Or if it was peppered in randomly, it would keep you on your toes.
>falling asleep
>alarm goes off
>spill your tea earl gray hot
>structure society in such a way that the straighter you are the more special and good you're considered
>>more people falsely claim to be straight
>Woah, who knows what the reason could be?! You willfully ignorant retard.
The doctor is the only great Voyager character
>Janeway almost demoted him for banging a random alien.
It's too bad Janeway never heard of Kirk.
It's still bizarre to me that a show can have one character that's amazingly written when literally every single other character is horrible written and dreadfully dull, lame and boring. Like... did they only have ONE guy that wrote for the Doctor and refused to let him in the writers room for anything else.
This doesn't make sense. You can't be considered "special" for being straight when everyone else is straight too. You can't be straighter than straight. Also being straight is how people perpetuate society, so of course societies would naturally end up straight. Straight genetics would survive. It just makes sense.

And the notion that up to 20% of more of the population of western nations have always been secretly gay is so staggeringly absurd that there is no way even people like you believe it. You're just coping and seething.
Tuvok is great
Janeway is great
Neelix is great
The Doctor is great
Paris is okay
Seven is okay
Chakotay is okay/meh
Belana is meh
Kim is meh
Kes is shit

Anyone I forgot is forgetable.
cuckholdry aside, can we talk about how fucking weird it is that she is in a position to watch?
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>You can't be straighter than straight.
I'm so straight I reproduce via parthenogenesis.
>And the notion that up to 20% of more of the population of western nations have always been secretly gay is so staggeringly absurd that there is no way even people like you believe it. You're just coping and seething.
Kinsey et al have primary source data gathered via empirical study. Part of empirical study means you get results that you might not like or they don't match your preconceptions, but data is data. Revisit your priors.
At any rate if someone wants to be a rump ranger or bisexual, it doesn't affect me so why should I care? Why should it affect you? Why do you care?
For me it’s their fighting anthem, it gets stuck in my head every time
> The minstrel boy to the war is gone
In the ranks of death you will find him
His father's sword he hath girded on
And his wild harp slung behind him
"Land of Song" said the warrior bard
"Tho' all the world betrays thee
One sword, at least, thy right shall guard
One faithful harp shall praise thee"
I agree Tuvok was great and based, and Janeway was SOMETIMES great, when they decided to write her as a hardass, no-bullshit, strict boss type of character (which makes way more sense for the situation), but when they had a change of mood and wanted to write her as a kindly mama it was lame.
Definitely one of the most memorable moments in the series
Kinda cool that this was also O'Brien's real "coming out" moment in terms of being a notable character.
Come, cheer up, my lads, 'tis to glory we steer,
To add something new to this wonderful year;
To honor we call you, as freemen not slaves,
For who are so free as the sons of the waves?
Heart of oak are our ships, jolly tars are our men,
we always are ready; Steady, boys, steady!
We'll fight and we'll conquer again and again!
>Kinda cool that this was also O'Brien's real "coming out" moment in terms of being a notable character.
That's not fair to O'Brien. He was the second disabled character after La Forge. But I agree it's a more well rounded aspect than by defining him by his disability.
I mean she had to be on the rag sometimes, right?
I like how the very idea of Picard being sociable and cheery is so fucking alien to everyone that the momenth he does something like this everyone realises it's an imposter.
>attracted to a troll like creature from an entirely different species
Not believable
Well it is fiction anon. It’s less believable to you than superluminal travel and matter-energy conversion?
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>attracted to a troll like creature from an entirely different species
>Not believable
No one gave Keiko shit over it.
>had a legit shot a 7
>7 and the entire crew repeatedly shit on him afterwards for it
>gay people get bullied
>being gay is against the law
>gay people get killed
>duuuhhh, why would people pretend to be straight? Duuuhhh. Duuuhhh, no one can ever feel differently than I do duuuhhh. Duuuhhh, you're, duuuhhh, mad, duuuhhh.
I include all the duhs because you're a fucking idiot.
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>man with an agenda financed by the people who have restructured society to promote the same agenda
Bro, Kinsey did this shit in the 40s and 50s. You're making yourself look even dumber.
>well being and integrity of society
We have too many people as it is.
>letting fags live in your head rent free
I shiggydiggy. Who fucking cares?
Have you spent any time on this website? Any at all? Ever heard of a thing called rule 34?
>No one gave O'Brien shit over it.
As an exploration vessel with families onboard, it was a good design. Not great for a military vessel. Since the ship had to serve both roles, it did seem weird at times, especially with the comfy ship vibes extending to the bridge, where it really stuck out like a sore thumb when the ship was in battle.
i'll take ten obriens over keiko
You sound like you defend SUVs in medieval fantasy
They were given equal rights and now they have gone mad with power, power they do not actually have. We live in a democracy. Maybe the populations that make up less than ten percent of the population should just shut the fuck and be grateful before we really get tired of their shit again

Under population will be the real threat dumbass geezer. There will be no one to wipe your ass or fix the potholes when these iPad retards from this new generations parents finally die or shit them out. Somehow my generation was the most fearless yet. Fentanyl and bullet holes for breakfast. The last generation to be locked outside from sunup til sundown every summer. These young men now cry if theyre called men and it ruins their makeup and that’s their “trauma”
No, of course not, but it’s Star Trek already demands such a huge suspension of disbelief that some abused cocktail waitress latching onto a guy who is nice to her (and also happens to be her boss’s brother) doesn’t seem like that much of a stretch to me
Obrein likely let Riker fuck Kieko when she was in child form as well
kill yourself cuck
This soft core pornography also includes a child. We should notify law enforcement of the poster and original artist
>my generation was the most fearless yet
>when "The Greatest Generation" exists
Now I know you're trolling.
The greatest generation were not intentionally shooting up shit that kills you instantly or killing eachother at funerals for sport. And the few surviving veterans of that war will tell you, the real heroes are the ones who died. It may seem I’m splitting hairs but I intentionally did not call my generation brave. Bravery involves understanding. My contemporaries just don’t care if they die. They’re more like the Japanese. Satanic degenerate anime is doing a number on their spirits. They are lost without Christ
And you'll get ten, since they breed like Tribbles if you let them.
Voyager is squandered potential: the show. It has nothing going for it except Jeri Ryan's bimbo tits and ass wrapped in a tight suit and her rapeable face.
>larping as a Christian
>on a Malaysian cartoon pornography website
Proverbs 15:3. “3 The eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.” ...
Jeremiah 23:24. “24 Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him?
Yet she became more and more promiscuous as she recalled the days of her youth, when she was a prostitute in Egypt. There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.
Ezekiel 23:19-20
>god was the crustposter all along
Jesus died for your sins and crustbusting is a sin. If you DON'T do gay shit then His death was in vain. Make His sacrifice actually *mean* something. Do gay shit.
To be a Christian is to play the role of Jesus as best you can while you live. Faith is the substance of things hoped for. The evidence of things not seen. In calling my faith a larp, you have unwittingly discovered the gap that can be bridged and crossed between you and your father in heaven. Jesus won’t even make you come across. He knows you’re tired. Be baptized on the waters and he will be the bridge, he will cross it, and he will lift you up
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>To be a Christian is to play the role of Jesus as best you can while you live.
I do my best. Sometimes the gimp dressed like the Centurion flubs his lines.
No. If you are doing things you know you should be ashamed of, that contradict the perfect plan God has for you, it is you that is creepy. The idea there are people walking around that don’t think they are being held to account never ceases to amaze me. The sheer hubris to actually be the consciousness of an inanimate concrete universe yourself and still lack the imagination to conceive a higher level. It hurts my brain. Atheists are not intellectuals virtually every field of science points more towards intelligent design every day
No one lacks the imagination to conceive of the other side's explanation for the universe. That's just assuming the absolute worst.
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>Atheists are not intellectuals virtually every field of science points more towards intelligent design every day
[laughs in giraffe vagal nerve]
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>perfect plan God has for you
I don't doubt that Azathoth has a plan for me. "PLAY MORE FLUTES" hardly strikes me as perfect, however.
Yes anon. If you had a functional brain maybe you could learn about it
idk it works for me tbqdesu
Agnosticism is the only intellectually honest option. Fwiw I’d consider myself an agnostic deist, not that anybody asked
I personally believe that we're one of an indeterminate stack of nested simulations, and since we cannot infer the rules of reality in the host universe (or ITS host, or so forth) that it's entirely possible that the stack of sims is circular and supports itself like an ouroborous. I guess that's soft agnosticism. I wouldn't call it intelligent design though, sims get too chaotic too quickly.
That's not a flute, you idiot
There is no other side in the explanation for the universe. Every single scientific discovery is just a further evidence of creation.

The more and more complicated the watch you stumble on in the sand is, the less and less likely it assembled itself

A full explanation of any subject includes not just when where and how but a WHY. Can’t you see he engrained this understanding into you? You are in his image. The ability to question “is there a god?” Is evidence itself of your divinity

>agnostic deist
>believes in a God
>isn’t sure it’s true

Welcome to your lifelong wrestling match with faith fellow Christian. Anyone who thinks they know, has no faith. It would take dishonesty to say you know, and liars go to hell. You are doing just fine

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