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Guess who's back
Back again
Beating the horse until it's grinded to dust, I see...
can't wait to see /tv/ have a fit when he kills a chuddy
They should go the Halloween Resurrection route.
>a serial killer that only kills killers duuuuude
the cringiest cheesiest shit I've ever witnessed can't believe I actually watched this garbage in HS
he's gonna be a figment of someone's imagination like harry was
My mom will be excited. Pretty sure this show was made for middle aged women.
It was retarded that they killed him off. Not interested in seeing him as a Force ghost.
I know this is fake but this is what they should have done instead of that retarded prequel
There is only one dexter
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>muh dark passenger

cringe...let this garbage end already ffs
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>third ending is the charm, we promise
Is your mom Gert?
sum hoe dexter reruns
You weren't supposed to identify with Dexter you embarrassed ass you were just supposed to think the show was cool and funny but I see you self insert the stuff you watch LOL
i can't be sure but i think i bested the faggot writers by not watching the last episode
The first two seasons were cool, when they killed the nigga it all went to shit.
They should have adapted the books where the dark passenger was an actual real demonic entity called Morloch
Then i hope he really is alive and it's not some bullshit where he's the dark passenger of Harrison
>Dexter now has as many series as ASOIAF

people say the new season wasnt bad but to me it was horrible. the son is very unlikable and dexter getting axed by him is so unticlimatic. lets give it a 3rd shot maybe they can safe the show!(they cant)
There's still some juice left in that dust. We just need more hammers. And more trannies.
are they gonna go the hes his sons dark passenger route? or will they do the very easy to do retcon and have him finally get caught and everyone reacting to it like literally every fan wanted to see
probably retcon

They will make some bs excuse and somehow make dexter come back alive

not even mad. the show was fun until the finale.
let him get caught thats what everyone wants
Didnt he get shot in the heart?
they should revive deb as well
>safe the show
you weren't meant to express yourself
grab a broom and start sweeping
stop asking question, just consoom the product
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There was a chuddy in season 1 though Dexter didn't kill him
It says nothing about what resurrection even is. It could be a cartoon or some shit
deb revives me if you get what I'm positing
Supposed to be a sequel prequel or something
they could bs and make it that dexter was just dreaming it
it's not going to be a cartoon.

Michael C Hall is also doing the voice over in the other series.

It's going to continue where the show last left off hence "resurrection"
dexter has more books than asoiaf
Lindsay won
Who wants that? What the fuck are you talking about. I want to see him kill.
Ghost Dad Dexter would be so bad that I'd probably just watch to see what new lows they achieve
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>it's dexter killing a troon episode
Honestly, why the fuck not. Everything outside of the Clancy stuff in that reboot thing was just a complete shitshow. Why not another do-over
The final couple episodes of New Blood appeared to set up some new plot threads and hooks for another season, and killing Dexter seemed to turn them into worthless red herrings at the time.
Example: Angel digging up old files on Miami stuff.
I'm glad to see that they actually might be followed up on in some way
These revival/reboots never do anything cool or actually interesting. They should do something actually out there like
>Dexter is mysteriously revived in Futuristic ~25XXAD Miami
Dexter teams up with cyborg Doakes and fights the Cloverfield monster
>dexter is now a lumberjack in canada
>qualifies for special program
>takes part in a government experiment
>dexter now always has knives with him
>government figures out its dexter
>dexter escapes
>dexter is now a factory worker in brazil
>dexter can no longer control his dark passenger
Going for 3 unsatisfying endings in the one series.
Can we just get a cat and mouse series of him vs some really menacing serial killer?
oh, its starkiller
They tricked me into watching that trash heap New Blood in the hopes of a good ending but I won’t be tricked again.
I don't know why I watch Dexter slop. I've watched the original series about 3 times and recently watched the new one. I guess it's because the main character is a hyper-competent white male. No matter much pozz they insert, it remains watchable
Does Showtime have nothing else besides Dexter?
Michael C Hall of Dexter fame introducing Dexter
There were talks of bringing Nurse Jackie and Weeds back. Showtime must not be doing too hot.
Trinity killer was season 4 and that was great. Personal favorite is season 1 though.
Overall it was worse than any of original Dexter but Clancy Brown was good
I watched New Blood directly after the Dexter ending and wow it's a real time jump, the woke stuff just instantly hits you. The original had plenty of diversity too so it's not just having diversity, it's the way it is presented that's off especially since they kept trying to say it's in a smallish town.
Yeah the serial-killer-of-the-season stuff was solid but all the Dexter-related stuff was just a fucking mess. The sheer amount of bullshit asspullery it took for his gf to figure it out, good lord
>random asian blogger chick who exclusively covers long running successful serial killers shows up to cover...some guy who was in a singular boat accident. She puts the bay harbor butcher in the front of mind for copchick
>oh right, I also have that random cop convention I'm going to in new york that only 10 people showed up to. Oh hey one of them is Batista who brings up his friend Dexter during conversation about bay harbor butcher
>let me go talk to random high schooler drug dealer who had an altercation with Dexter. Oh hey he has eidetic memory and describes how everything went down and how he was injected with something
>oh hey all the bay harbor butcher's victims were injected with something!
>could it be!?
I couldn't remember from the main series and didn't look into it - did Masuka ever mentioned before that the Butcher injected people with a paralyzing agent? It's the difference between her revelation being 99.99999999999% bullshit and 100%
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I thought they were already working on that prequel
Yeah that all bothered me too, very lazy and rushed. I can't recall if anyone discovered that the BHB injected people with anything in the original but I do remember he used m99, not ketamine like in New Blood but ketamine is part of how his gf cop lady made the connection.
He's going to do the voice over for the prequel but apparently he's coming back as Dexter again in some sort of another sequel/reboot
They are. We are witnessing the birth of the Dexter Cinematic Universe.
It was heavily speculated, they found injection marks on one of the corpses they recovered I believe.
Woah, he's literally me
its up
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it's kino time boys
i pitty the zoomers who weren't around for the days when the original show ran
This is going to suck so much ass.
They should have just put Michael C Hall in a wig again. I don't want to watch some literal who play Dexter.
There hasn't been any kino since Trinity
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Hello, whore.
Why is there no REBOOT?
Hopefully they'll write off the last two episodes of New Blood as having never happened
Somehow Dexter has returned.....again..... Or is this some alternate universe Multiverse fucking Dexter. Let me guess now he's a ghost in Harrison's show. Fuck this crap.
i will watch anything dexter related simple as
>I guess it's because the main character is a hyper-competent white male.
I like that he's extremely competent whilst still being fallible
He occasionally fucks stuff up, isn't a complete ninja and generally doesn't pull complete horseshit out of nowhere to come out on top
Meanwhile a show like Banshee does that constantly
More novels at the bottom
What happened with that setup for a show for his son?
Execs lost confidence?
That little faggot is a charisma vacuum.
Yeah, most likely his son will become a killer.
Idk. That book was kinda weird. He somehow loses his ability to sneak and kill?
Another thing I didn't like about New Blood was the cgi. I can forgive it for the deer I guess but they even did it for the blood in many scenes. So lazy.
>ghost in Harrison's show
This would not be a resurrection, Dexter would still be dead. They never claimed that Deb was "resurrected" in New Blood just because Dexter had visions of her.
A couple years ago their stated plan was a New Blood Season 2 centered around Harrison, they could easily have done the lame throwaway Ghost Dexter thing there.
It's probably significant that they changed it and are emphasizing Michael C. Hall coming back to star
Somehow Dexter has returned.

All joking aside, this is totally useless as a series as we already know all about Dexter's early life through flashbacks in the original show. So this will be filled at the very most. Like we know Dexter won't ever get caught, we know his Dad dies at some point, and him as his sister both go into law enforcement. So what do they have that can suprise anyone? Seems totally like complete filler.
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The show ended at season 4, there was nothing made after that. You hear me? NOTHING.
It's a prequel show about Dexter's early life.
File deleted.
Chuddy. Chuddy and the Jetttts.
Chuddy and the jetttts.
He's a chuddy fuddy duddy of fella
Chudawamba needs to make a comeback, but just for us chudarinos.
Not going to trick me again, last time they managed to do worse than the original final series.
There are some things that are left in the past. They cannot make up a new concept or give Gen Z something of their own? No. It has to be slop mass produced to get people to buy shlocky movies and memorabilia.
Tonight's the night
So Dexter is a zombie now? What do they mean by resurrection?
every single time I take one of those personality/actor tests, I always end up with Dexter as like a 98% match
I've never seen the show though, is he a bad person?
But it's got hot women in it anon.
Just like Lucifer, god damn that's a great show for tail.
Just like Neflix's "You", some fiiiiiine looking ladies.
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It will be some gimmick like he is le dark passenger of his faggot kid. Or, maybe they make him into a vampire or ghoul who cannot die because why the fuck not? It could not be any worse than New Blood, or seasons 5 - 7
It should be part cartoon where his dark passenger is an animated creature. It should be called Who Framed Dexter Morgan and culminate with a netherworld courtroom drama.
i think of this goofball everytime someone posts an 'AI' image
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>The 10-episode Original Sin is set in 1991 Miami and follows Dexter (Gibson), a student refining his killer skills with the help and support of his adoptive father Harry (Christian Slater).
>In his dad, he finds solace and understanding, especially as his bloodthirsty urges grow and can no longer be ignored. As his only confidant, Harry teaches Dexter a code that’s designed to help him find and kill people who deserve to die —
>all while avoiding getting caught by law enforcement. This is a particular challenge for young Dexter as he begins a forensics internship at the Miami Metro Police Department.
That sounds fucking awful, thanks for an earnest reply.
He's gonna be bald now isn't he? He was already thinning pretty hard in the later seasons over a decade ago
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Original sin sounds better prequel
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It is two fold anon; they are making a prequel as shown here >>201791360, and another project called Resurrection starring zombie Dexter.
>The original “Dexter” aired on Showtime from 2006 to 2013, followed by “Dexter: New Blood” in 2021, which picked up 10 years after the original finale. “Resurrection” will be a sequel series to “New Blood,” taking place in present day. It will debut in Summer 2025. Additionally, previous seasons of both shows are available for subscribers on who gives a fuck
What is Jay Bauman doing in all that blood?
Resurrection better not make some stupid replacement like his boring son
Maybe because most serial killers are men?
>Jay Bauman
Ha, they do both have the gayface thing.
Will it redeem the show?
Give this man a billion dollar budget.
>dark passenger has a new calling card where he takes very large bowel movements that clog the toilet. He was inspired by the wet bandits in Home Alone, why can't a demon have some laughs and levity?
>Dexter gets caught by fecal DNA, Deb and Doakes emerge from their comas and reveal they faked their deaths
>Cue credits
Timeline wise this story is done.
Why don't don't they just reboot it, or make a new character that's a good/sympathetic serial killer?
I kinda want to watch a chick brutally murder people, but that's more my fetish that what's likely to make good TV.
Its soap opera tier
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I never saw the last season, from what I've heard he was definitively dead, so I guess he wasn't?
Christian Slater is such a weird choice for the Dad. He would make more sense as another serial killer than as the person who gives Dexter his Code.
You have to be shitting me. Another fake out death? This is beyond slop.
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that piece of shit son ruined hijacked and ruined the whole tv show, last time. he was so fucking obnoxious and stupid. totally stupid character. he should have never been in the tv show, period.
Shouls've kept to the books and made his passenger real instead of cope
Imagine the mutilated Doakes kino
No fucking way lmao
I'm gonna watch both shows baka
He unironically died on screen. How is he coming back?
Lmao they really are grasping at straws here. New Blood was okay until the idiotic son took over.
>Dexter Multiverse
if his sister finally gets naked, sure!
it's actually a really good premise
if there were more Dexters around the world would be a much better place
Dexter: Canada retcons New Blood and tries again
sign me up
the logical next step is Dexter murdering Epstein Island types and warmonger politicians but that would be too based for TV
>where the dark passenger was an actual real demonic entity called Morloch
you gotta be shitting me, is this real?
>Somehow Dexter has returned
This nigga really watching trash tv for hours to see a glimpse of mid ass when he could just pull up SpankBang and be done with it
Dexter gets teleported to an Isekai world with magic and shit. Now he has to learn magic and use both wits and otherworldly knowledge to catch and kill serial killers while escaping the adventure guild's police.
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Can't wait for the Disney new X files seasons as well!
at this point they might as well go with some supernatural shit as the reason, he gets resurrected by the devil or some shit lol
>Dexter kills a tranny
Alright I'm gonna rewatch the first few seasons the cuban songs were so kino
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It's so funny they're bringing it back, he literally died.

At this point they should just say fuck it and bring back Doakes too and just pretend nothing ever happened past season 1.
Dexter: Resurrection will be set on a futuristic space station where an evil company are making Dexters as a bioweapon, but then they get free
The most obvious answer they'll give is that he just pretended that shot killed him so he wouldn't have to spend any more time around his annoying faggot son
then you would need a Dexter that kills Dexters
Only after the Dexters run out of serial killers to make sure they don't start killing normal people
you should check out the series death note
pretty much the same thing
>it's real
Oh yeah. 3rd time's the charm. Any predictions on the dumb way they'll end the show this time?
I reckon they'll go for "it was all a dream" and finish with Dexter in a mental institution being visited by Debra who's married to Masuka.
I don't know why the fanbase pretends that New Blood was good until the final episode. New Blood wasn't quite as poorly written as Season 8 was, but it was still pretty fucking bad.
I'm like 90% sure that they never got the rights to any of the books after the first one.
I think it was a combination of saving money and not wanting to delve into the retardation that the story took. And I think it's why certain plot threads are so underdeveloped or weird (because they had to make sure they didn't infringe on anything that happened in the books and some of the things that happened were incredibly generic or obvious)
Replaced himself with a double to escape death
He got a bulletproof vest and put the Ketchup from his last sandwich in the pocket where his heart was
He will probably be the ghost to his son's serial killer like how his ghost dad used to talk to him.
oh god, please no. that sounds so fucking shit. his piece of shit son hijacking the whole fucking tv show, AGAIN? No THANK YOU! I hate that piece of shit son. hopefully he won't be in it whatsoever.
just bring back Dexter. say that the bullet in the rifle was fake, just a paintball or something, then he has a blood pack that burst under his clothes when he got "shot", he didn't die, etc. then just bring him back.
right, that would be ideal.
You will never breed, go back to eating cow shit. Lungi
objectively not mid but she FEELS mid: the woman
They should just retcon everything from New Blood from the point where that show retconned which sedative Dexter used in Miami
Filming one take of the scene in which Miguel kills Fleeter, Smits accidentally picked up a real knife instead of a prop knife and stabbed Jeff Chase in the chest.[2] Though he was not wearing "a metal breastplate like a lot of actors do in a scene like that," Chase had a piece of plastic "the size of a Post-it note" over his heart which was struck by the knife.[5] He was unable to stop Smits when he picked up the knife as he was bound in Saran wrap and had his mouth taped shut with duct tape for the scene.[2] Chase said that in rehearsals Smits had missed the plastic with the prop knife "eight out of ten times."[5]
why even have a real knife lying around when filming a scene like this?
>Dexter fakes his death again so he doesn't have to be around his whiney ass son anymore (again)
Based. Fuck Harrison.
I saw a few episodes and couldn't figure out why it's so popular. Dexters a fag, no one can act and the premise is stupid and its produce to be all bright and corny to contrast 'le dark side'
They already changed it a ton with the first, what's her face was supposed to die and he gets found out by sis immediately.
He’s an autistic Patrick Bateman with a moral and ethical code living in Miami with a bunch of zany characters.

It was fun and cathartic seeing criminals getting their due justice.
The premise is decent they just butchered it.
In the books he's sadistic and psycho and the dark passenger is a literal demon possessing him.
In the show they giga sterilized it because him torturing dudes for hours because the moon looked pretty doesn't make for a relatable protag.
Yeah but I think that's why it's significantly different.
Like I think the showrunner read the books, thought they were retarded as shit but liked the premise and then pitched a series that starts from the same place and goes in a very different direction.
>bawwwww dad you don't love me you don't get me
>son i am a killer like you and clancy brown was actually a dick
>oh god dad i love you so much this is literally everything i ever wanted lets get the fuck out of town and become a father-son serial killer duo
>son i killed your wrestling coach you've known for like two months
>you're a fucking monster who hurts everyone around you *blam*
New Blood was kind of fucking awful now that I think about it
(You) the show is the spiritual successor of Dexter.
I thought it was a decent hook but it slides off. They went in strange places
Just bring the black cop back to life.
Dexter New Blood was their highest rated series while it aired.
ain't got time to watch the whole thing, someone summarize how it ends and why people were mad about it
>>next summer
They're also making a prequel series with a 29 year old actor playing young Dexter. MCH was only 35 when the series started.
The books are pretty good. Dexter is a fucking retard vs the reasonably cunning tv version. He's repeatedly saved by the demon and constantly ignores its warnings, convinced of his own genius.
Dexter will be Harrison's ghost voice like Harry/Deb was to Dexter
>making another series after that ski resort shit
Fuck off faggot, Rita literally got hotter and hotter each season
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the prequel cast look pretty good

>christian slater
>patrick demsey
>sarah michelle gellar
>christina milian

and we get to see more honry hijunks for maskuka

only casting that looks bad is dex and deb
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>Dexter will be Harrison's ghost voice like Harry/Deb was to Dexter


People will be in arms.

No one is going watch that to see harrison fruitcake ass carrying the show
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yeah but at least they're attractive

Better then having ugly zoomers carrying the show
Dexter's protégé Dextra is ready to pick up the torch. She's incredibly smart.
Poor bastard can’t get work anywhere else.
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How is this show still going? It got 8 seasons, half of which were dogshit, then it got a revival that was shit and now it's getting both a prequel and sequel series.
Is Michael C. Hall that good? I can't imagine this ever happening if the casting for him wasn't as good as it was. He really was born to be this dude, shame the character absolutely fucking peaked in the first half of season 1 and was on a slow decline ever since then.
There's literally nothing else left to make.
There’s a lot of weird shit in the books. Like eventually his teen stepdaughter starts to come on to him and shit. Imagine the series due that huh?
I actually started watching this earlier this week, currently midway through season 2.
>Dexter's actor is perfect.
>Was sour on Debra in season 1, grown fonder of her in 2
>Was fond of Rita in season 2, cannot stand her in 2.
>Rest of the supporting cast is cool but Masuka's a bit overbearing considering his entire character is "innuendo, lmao" and Doakes' constant pursed lip is weird because I can never really see what he's thinking outside of "motherfucking angry" or "motherfucking annoyed"
>Is very much a "turn your brain off and enjoy the ride" and I'm really enjoying most of it, can tell the peak of the series is Dexter thinking he's this close to getting caught and him going from its ogre to we're so back baby.
>the captain bitch is dumb.
New Blood was Dexter 1-4 tier, 5-8 suffers from repetition and used up characters and sideplots which New Blood fixes.
stop watching the show after john litagow character

it all downhill then

also leave the thread unless you don't care about spoilers.
I never understood why Bill Hader didn't get him to play a villain on Barry. The last non-Dexter thing I saw him in was Game Night. Is he an Ed Norton type that's hard to work with?
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maybe he wanted a break from being type cast as a psychopath

just needed a break
Does he ever start to get the urge to kill an innocent person? As in just some random innocent? He starts getting all Michael Myers and it horrifies him to know the deep inside he really just wants to kill for the sake of it? I think just one scene or even episode of him allllllmost going through with it would be kino.
Unless they get back the writers from season 1-4, what's the point?
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No, it wasn't. Also it's just wrong to lump in season 3 and 4 with 1 and 2 which are vastly superior. I get that people like Trinity, but season 4 has really fucking bad writing.
seasons 2 and 3 are pretty shit with that crazy girlfriend lady and miguel
trinity and lundy brought things back to par
Your memory is clouded, friend. Good actors giving good performances doesn't automatically make the writing better. Even season 3 has sharper writing than 4 does.
Dexter: resurrections
Dexter: revelations
Dexter: retribution
Dexter: reckoning
Dexter: reloaded
what's so bad about the writing? this isn't shakespeare
so he already regretted that horrible ending, or inflation is really stinging?
>massive power gap
>brain surgeon
>barrel girl crew
nah it went downhill after 4, s5 was horrible.. s6 was semi-decent and 7 went full retard
the only way they could spin it is if they use the actual dark passenger from the books, which could give him some supernatural elements
It's a show about a character with a bunch of monologues, its pretty easy to identify bad writing just going off the decline in his monologues alone. Which are abysmal in the 4th season. The monologues added a ton to his characterization in the first 2 seasons, specifically season 1.
There's also how lazily they shoehorn in the theme, everything being centered around family, and that's fine on its own but the writers were never interested in Dexter as a family man, so the show just writes around this constantly and never actually explores his life as a family man, so the best they can do is "Dexter is tired because family life".

If you want to compare writing, just watch the first episode of season 3 and then the first of 4th, then tell me that 3 isn't sharper in every way.
I think when you're known as one character on a show, its just hard to break out of that. The GOT actors aren't very big either if they weren't already.
Tried rewatching the original and couldn't even make it past the last few seasons

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