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This looks like a cheap Chinese ripoff.
>that face
Oy vey.
Suit looks like shit too.
He's likely whiter than you.
I just don’t care about superman
I can't wait for this movie to bomb. This will be the final nail in the DCEU and hopefully WB stops making capeshit completely
At least they finally gave him some proper trunks
Just because he's Chinese? Cmon anon.
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this cheap chinese ripoff looks better than the movie
Snyder really was the kino meister holding DC together
>Cavil niggers
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Supermen dönüyor (The Return of Superman aka Turkish Superman) (1979)

Reminds me of something...
That literally looks like something you could get on Amazon for $49.95.
Snyder's suit was shit too, no trunks
Trunks look retarded, like an actual retard wearing underwear over the real outfit
Is it really that hard?
It was homage to the strong men.
The briefs look dumb
No one knows what a circus strongman even is anymore.
I remember Joker's behind the scenes photos leaking and everybody shitting on it for a year before the movie came out and grossed a billion dollars + won some prestigious French award. So I'll reserve judgment until it's out. Movies always look silly during production.
The briefs help break up the rest of the suit.
>racism outside of /b/
I think it looks great. I hate it when superhero suits have obnoxiously obvious fake muscles built into them. This looks like something someone could actually realistically wear.

It has George Reeves vibes. It's bright, colorful, and they didn't make it out of closed cell foam and basketball rubber.
Why even need a cape? To help you fly??
its his baby blanky he wears it to be comfy
they're gonna add CGI over the suit, that's what they do now. wait for the trailer and then we'll see
Superman has always been the weirdest of the "super heroes". He's too innocent, he's kind of naive, just "saving" people. He's got no angst. How would you make a "dark" Superman without it being an alter-ego or sort of evil twin? Richard Donner's Superman films had a kind of camp sensibility very innocent.
Superhero costumes are ridiculous anyhow, but his is particularly cartoonish with its yellow and red dacks.
don’t show this to doug walker
It's okay for the suit to be a little silly, Superman isn't a particularly serious character. What matters more is that this interpretation of Superman has to actually be uplifting and hopeful.
Yep. Make it mostly blue and it looks like a onesie or a leotard that feminizes the wearer. Adding briefs not only eliminates that but also (as another poster pointed out) harkens back to the age of Manly Men of Bygone Days. Granted, I wouldn't wear briefs outside my jeans, but I'm not fucking Superman, either.
It doesn't even look bad.
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>marvel paneling
when will they learn?
it looks good. snyderfags seethe about it.
even the guy dressing him up is disgusted.
>looks good
Eat some vegetables, weaboo
Is this an attempt at at humour?
what is this schizo shit
why does he have a camel toe and how do i get a job as a costume massager
brainlets begone
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Whole bunch of Superman themed comics per "Super Morality"
>have Cavill for 13 years
>make three movies two of which are team ups
>replace him
What the fuck?
Zack Snyder had it right, his suit looked the best.
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His face says "I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast."

The mst3k joke would be "Shooter McGavin, the early years."
Yeah, they sucked and no one liked that universe.
He tried to out-Nolan Nolan but with a bunch of gay slo-mo and no brains.
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You have to admit, the man makes a lot of sense.
Dr. Manhattan already has Mars to himself for pretty much that exact purpose. This guy makes some cute comic strips about deep thoughts and all, but he doesn't know about Watchmen?
Dr. Manhattan leaves the galaxy, Mars is free.
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I agree.

If you absolutely HAVE to get rid of the trunks, I think the Rebirth suit with its large red belt is an alright compromise.
Meant for
I think these pix are fake. Just PR stuff. The suit are always CGI in the end.

The higher pants are fine, but it doesn't mesh with the "paneling". They'll have to fix that on the real (cgi) suit.

He's not Batman. He doesn't need armor. That's the fkn point of him. Just make it a flat material, with a touch of subtle airbrushing to shape it out. Maybe experiment with iridescence. So the suit kinda signals that he's full of sunlight energy all the time.

Not full "sparkly vampire" shit, but something kinda heading in that direction. He should feel like a great sunny day whenever he's on screen. Like when light hits him it kinda "sticks" to him a a little and cascades in little subtle patterns before radiating off again.

Obviously it's the nature of the suit, not specifically him otherwise it would happen with Clark too. But get rid of that paneling shit. Make up whatever crap you need to make his suit more interesting and more related to his superpower source and over-all vibe.

Balance it out with Bats having clothing that darkness kinda clings to. Though by this point he should be really wearing some kind of optical camouflage material. Make it inert grey during the day/when he's hangin' with the League, but near-invisible when it's dark, he's doing nighttime work.
Why bother with anything but bright green if the suit is cgi?
You're spitting on almost a century of tradition. Superman wears a blue suit with red cape. That will never ever change nor should it.
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>It was homage to the strong men.
It was stolen from the Phantom.
Quit being antisemitikkk.
Everyone k ows that kikes descend from indian 'males' that kidnapped, raped slavic and asiatic women as they spread the plague westwards towards europe.

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