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Seriously, what the fuck was her/their problem?
She can't wipe they/them/her/ass ass because of autism. Too much sensation.
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Sexy Colin Robinson is deeply unnerving
I don't think I've ever seen a more tacked-on motivationless villian in any movie - capeshit or otherwise. Was she even in the comics? Did she serve the same 'purpose'? Why the fuck was she so evil? They even reference it in the movie when she BTFO's pyro and it's never truly addressed
She's a bald virgin
most people wouldn't know who the character is since she wasn't in the cartoon
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the villain of Deadpool & Wolverine movie
Emma Corrin
>ridiculously overpowered godlike being
because she could
That'd be fine if they just gave her some motivation. Instead it's just "I'm here in the borderlands and I can do whatever I want! Lmao I'll destroy this timeline with a machine I just learned about lmfao!"
poofessor xervier
I really liked how similar she looked to McAvoy in certain angles. It made the twin thing oddly believable
Careful. You will get skinned alive.
Psyloke(?) kept that pose the entire movie.
Is that Chris Evans?
The TVA banished her before she could prenatally kill Charles?
it's the second Chris Evans character death in the MCU
Eh, I’m sure there’s another Chris Evans Torch somewhere
This explains precisely 0 character moments in the movie
Seriously. If she had gotten to the main, MCU, could anyone had stopped her?

Thanos with no gems would had failed.

Hella and Doormamu would had been The ones to stop her.
Female pattern baldness?
Cool, I don't give a fuck.
Hating gender made her evil
At first I got Paradox told her to be the warden of the void. But then Pyro was his mole.
I don't know but she gave me a boner at the end when she was orgasming while destroying the timeline
why after seeing Deadpool and Deadpool 2 would you expect the villain to have a backstory or motivation?
when was the first?
I hate this so much. lol remember that hero from your childhood kek want to watch them die horribly for a throwaway joke. Robot Chicken level "writing"
Rumor says. She will appear in the next season of X97.

I know she is in the comics. But is she a Bigger threat than Apocalypse?
Yes. Diddle children.

Where was Cable?

maybe scarlet witch since she raped xavier
I didn't. The only cape shit I've watched is exclusively the Jackman/Wolverine movies. Speaking of - how did DP go from this to a 3 film franchise single-handedly carrying the Fox-verse?
those movies fucking sucked then. id rather watch the roger corman one
Considering they were willing to bring him in for the movie he should have had more scenes and probably shouldn't have died at all, but he didn't just die immediately and it works for how the rest of the movie is
There was already too many characters and it was drawn on for too long
Pyro coming back And countering johnny storm in the way he did was really cool And being someone who literally bought a zippo lighter after watching xmen 2 because I was thirteen it made me feel really good that they had them in there

The movie was honestly really fun and you have to really cherry pick it to have a problem with it
Pick this big bald cherry faggot. I've seen saturday morning cartoon villains with 10x the charisma and motivation. It still hasn't be answered. What the fuck was her problem?
Yeah, the only negative thing I thought my head once the movie ended was they should have picked a better actress for the villain because she was boring and her intentions weren't clear enough to make up for that
Despite how fun and good it is because of how fun it is, It's far from being as good as it could have been much less perfect, so it deserves criticism beyond just annoying cherry picking
Given how big it is.And the type of movie it is especially how horrible most movies are now, It still does require cherry picking for the most part to criticize it. There are only a few genuine problems with the movie. Unless you just really don't like this sort of thing, It's worth watching one time at least.
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>hero from your childhood
Vision had the mind stone which is hard counter to her mental powers
Thor with the axe
Super evil dr strange from the what if universe
Me via seduction
Chris Evans Human Torch was nobody's hero and you're a whiny faggot.
Checked. Also you're autistic
oh my
She’s bald and she’s torturing people who have hair
Her voice was so soothing, i might watch the crown
Bald. Pretty sure if I go bald I'll turn evil as well.
>Chris Evans Human Torch was nobody's hero and you're a whiny faggot.
Don't be such a venomous cunt oldfag, those movies are still fun, and Evans actually did a good job as Johnny Storm. Also the FF have been around for decades and lots of kids enjoyed them as heroes, so go fuck yourself angry retard. :)
she was fine retard, control your autism
What if this had been Michael B. Jordan?
torch was my favorite as a kid in the theater. nice try dumb nigger. the real world isn't what you like
Does she die in the movie or does she get away with it?
it's implied that she exploded in the end, but unless you explicitly see her die, she's probably still alive.
It's not clear, at any level, that she's alive or dead or what she was even trying to get away with.
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Jesus Christ. What the fuck was her fucking problem?
You literally see her body explode
>or what she was even trying to get away with.
she was trying to destroy every universe, DUH
She realized Chris Evans had a little too much chemistry with the two leads and had to kill him before the bloated budget and cast could get any bigger. A necessary sacrifice.
Also the CGI on that looks horrendous, how did they fall off this hard
>b-b-b-because... she just was OKAY?
what's her motivation/schtick?
She literally doesn't have one.
I mean it's all shallow as fuck, but don't act like she didn't have motivations. Were they stupid? Yeah.

in the end she felt betrayed so she wanted to destroy every timeline. Her schtick is that she's prof X's twin sister, and she tried to consume him in the womb so he blew her the fuck out, but somehow she lived on with a huge chick on her shoulder.
>a huge chick on her shoulder.
chip...fuck autocorrect
The scenes where she probes people made my dick tingle
He wouldn't have just gone full in with Evans' Boston accent and his rant wouldn't have been as funny.
Serious question - do you understand the distinctions that differentiate plot and character? She wanted to destroy all timelines - plot. Why? That's character. And there is no answer in the script here. Her motivation is not included in the story and it makes her a hollow, forgettable character. Giving her godlike powers just exacerbates this glaring flaw in the writing. Hollywood learned how to motivate good capeshit villains 20 years ago. So why what she such a McGuffin?
Doesn't Professor X already have an identical twin brother who was kept alive in a coma for 70 years so that Prof. could take steal his body after being disintegrated by Jean Grey?
it's not a good answer, but the movie gives one. She was in charge of the void or whatever that place was. She felt betrayed by the TVA so she was going to destroy every universe and send it to the void so she can rule over all of them. You can keep on asking why until oblivion, but it's a stupid MCU deadpool movie.
I don't read the comics but if you're talking about the movies, I thought it was just some brain dead body.
>she wanted to destroy every timeline.
If literally true that absolutely retarded. Is she just unhappy with the current timelines for some reason? Does she want to "reset the board" to allow some new status quo to emerge? These are all obvious and basic questions and decent writer ought to have answered if that stupid reasoning really is her sole motivation.
AI writers can't come soon enough.
she want nothing but the void, where she pretty much rules, to exist.
If they killed her when they had her and spent 3 seconds finding that plot device that lets her open portals that would've solved the entire movie.

Also why is the cave thing from Aladdin in the void? This movie is rated r but looks like a cheap live action fortnite cosplay
so the whole breadth of the writers work on her character was:
>"dude, DUDE! What if she was a like, a nihilist!"
>"OMG, that's awesome, and what if she was bald?!"
>"FIN, we are done here!"
He could be a variant of that Human Torch, or there's several Chris Evans Human Torches, I say this because his costume is different

But to be honest that's no fun to me so I think it's fine if it's the same torch from those movies and the costume is different because time has passed
When Ioan Gruffudd comes back as Reed Richards, which I think will happen eventually, he could reference Johnny being pruned by the TVA and how he never saw him again.
I mean, her existence is just plot. The movie wasn't about her.
>So why what she such a McGuffin?
Because the more powerful your protagonist is the more powerful the villain has to be, thats why she was like a god, because the main characters are immortal. The plot of this movie was pretty weak and seemed to only exist to propel Deadpools quips.
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You could've just shortened that to 'because' if you wanted to let us know you're retarded anon
you touch yourself at night
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>this garbage will make over 1 billion
npc's deserve everything they get
She wanted to destroy every other timeline, leaving only the void, where she would reign as a Domme goddess. She loves the void because she grew up there after being aborted as a fetus.
>after being aborted as a fetus.
Story sounds pretty "pro-life/anti abortion"
She’s just a psychopath
She was banished to the void and made a happy home for herself controlling all the people that ended up there. She could break out but she was content with what she had.

They betrayed her so she decided to fuck with them in return.

She’s not a villain that they needed to defeat, the TVA was the villain she was just an environmental threat that got triggered because they walked into her home.
>tfw a fucking marvel movie is going over /tv/‘s head
Lack of vaginal stimulation.
I love broken power scaling so much. Watching dommes like Dark Phoenix and Wanda Maximoff overpower the rest of the MCU is so much fun, especially when it frustrates chuds.
chestlet women are always insecure despite they tell themselves otherwise
In the X-men movies, yes. He's also Juggernaut's brother in the comics (I think this was referenced in Deadpool 2?)
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>Seriously. If she had gotten to the main, MCU, could anyone had stopped her?
Captain Marvel and Emilia Clarke could defeat her.
I thought she was incredibly hot

you could just tell she is a 9/10 with hair
This movie is a psyop to make me think bald women can be hot
what a piece of shit awful villain
I think the idea is that she’s evil cuz she was dumped in a mad max wasteland as a child and grew up basically all powerful with no guidance. Also abandonment issues because her brother never found her. As for why she wants to destroy all of existence, I dunno maybe she was on her period.
That psycholocke looks better than munn and she had 0 lines and did 1 move lol
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this is the answer. the producers/writers were doing a cheeky little self-aware wink at the audience. they know about the bald villian trope. with the exception of prof X and morpheus, the villian is usually a baldie. the folliclly-deprived hate the follically-privileged.

pic rel. and link:
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I think she is even hotter, i've got a terrible fetish for bald chicks.
I assume it's because I went through puberty during star trek voyager, and jerked off too borg jeri ryan too many times.
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it turns out she is in the comics:

they just did a really horrible job of casting/writing the character. they picked an actress who looks way too young to be the twin of charles. however i guess they were going for the younger version of charles from x-men first class. whatever. it's slop and it's not worth getting upset over.

oh yea they also fucked up with the costume. she looks like a banana republic runway model in that stupid all-tan trench coat and pants with white shirt.

I don't want to watch a bald, wrinkly grandma strut around, thanks.
>they picked an actress who looks way too young to be the twin of charles
they send her to the void while she was still a baby, so this version basically grew up there hence younger and time fuckery
Tobey is the only correct option. She is built for BTC.
Cry more, bitch. Those movies were garbage and nobody liked them, not even children at the time.
makes sense. they already did the Genosha genocide.
Though I think they's do Onslaught first. Tjey set it up. And it seems something with Apocalypse too.
Why did they copy this villain from a better movie?
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She's literally the same character, albeit with more backstory and justified motivation.
>Seriously. If she had gotten to the main, MCU, could anyone had stopped her?
Yes, because there would be more than just two people fighting her. Hell, she lost the instant Wade and Logan had four people for back-up.
Exactly how I feel. There used to be a point in my life where memberberries like this would have worked, but besides NWH every single multiverse movie has completely shit over these old characters. To its credit, Gambit, Blade and Elektra were actually handled with a lot of reverence in this movie, but the shit they've done with FF characters really baffles me.
>introduce Mr Fantastic into the MCU in MoM
>audiences first taste of what having the Fantastic Four in the MCU could be like
>kill him off in a manner really unbefitting of the world's "smartest" man, people start clowning on him online because he goes out like such a bitch
>have Human Torch, played by his most iconic actor no less, in D&W
>make him lose like a bitch to Pyro of all people, then kill him off in a horrible and gruesome way "for laughs"
Do they think that these cameos are getting audiences excited for the Fantastic Four movie? I could go on too. They brought back Patrick Stewart, just to have him dump some exposition and then die in a horrible way too. It seems like Disney thinks that multiverse = disposable copies of heroes that they can kill off gratuitously. I hate to spew conspiracy theory bullshit but this seems like a demoralisation and subversion tactic honestly, alongside all these equally gruesome and crude "parodies" of superheroes like The Boys
I can't believe people still get excited for this MCU slop, the fact that people put there are still at all excited for multiverse stuff truly baffles me
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here's the full jacket. looks ridiculous.
she looks like a dyke in other pics. hairy armpits. another DEI hire. stupid character and bad acting. only insane liberals would pay to watch this slop. i was bored around the 25 min mark. should have quit at that point.
>nice boobies
>hairy armpits
>sexy accent
>plays Legend of Zelda, wants to cosplay Link
New waifu acquired
Faggot zoomer doesnt know about jessica alba
If there's anything that screams that these movies are aimed towards reddit basedboy millienials, this is it.

>f4 2005 is bad because... because it just heckin is okay?!
>and you should act like it doesn't exist
>which is why we brought back one of them and killed them for a throwaway joke
>and even dedicated an entire post-credits scene to rubbing it in
>btw spic reed richards will be awesome!
His death could still be undone - didn't Hunter B15 say at the end she and the TVA would "see what they could do" since Deadpool felt bad for the Fox heroes being eaten by Alioth as he and Logan jumped into the portal? It would make sense for all of them to come back for Secret Wars.
The only thing I remember from that movie was the jessica biel fanservice
not calling me sweetie, love, dear, etc.
whoops wrong jessica
aren't eyelids part of the skin? how does he blink
I hope so anon, think I actually prefer Evans in that kind of role to the overly stoic acting he does for Cap.
How is the actress? I'd like to goon to her.
Having said that, she looks like a spic or Indian? Why? Isn't Psylocke meant to be British, or a Brit in a Japanese woman's body. The chick from X3 was actually a good actress for the role because she looked very Asian, Olivia Munn in 2016 was already too hapa-looking
>pay writers more
im surprised no one mentioned the line where she said she was gonna "flick her bean"
>Her character existence makes fun of the shallow Mary Sue archetype
>She is bald
>She has gone nuts from all that psychic power
>She lives in a discount Mad Max world
>Her fortress is the corpse of Antman
>She is OP
>She has been rejected as a child and as an adult, so she just copes with it
who gives a shit, it’s a two decade old movie that got rebooted twice. you cape faggots complain about it then, now and forever, because you don’t want your cartoons to change.
They literally say that there are infinite versions of a character in the multiverse, this was just one jhonny.
>His childhood hero was the fucking human torch
I hope they release an extended cut where they back this up with a "show, don't tell" method in one of the previous scenes, to give her threat more weight
The us deserves to become minority white by 2035 and based on the numbers we are ahead of schedule.
If the reboots are shit then of course people are going to reminisce about the original, dumbo
Deadpool 1 and 2 outside of some cringe fourth wall breaking and terrible jokes, takes its self seriously. Also deadpool 1 has better cgi than this.
Its the multiverse noone is dead. These movies have 0 stakes.
>retard doesnt understand they were calling the “OG” trash back then because he wasn’t alive, and now scream nostalgia like boomers
can you even wipe your own ass faggot
Not that deep. Touch grass bro
They probably kept his eyes because empty black eyesockets would've made it too scary







how did he blink without his skin
The blinking was added in with cgi
No idea. I zoned out so many times during this movie. I don't even know if it had a plot.
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>hero from your childhood
This version appears as Headpool
Having quite possibly the dumbest origin story of any comic-book character.
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cool I had no idea she switched from pron to acting
whats with those background "actors"
she claims she saved. its on jimmy kimmel show when those two took over
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memberberries are powerful drug for nerds
>pronouns shey/them

Welcome an actor Emma Corinn...

only cool parts of the movie were blade, wolvie and x-23
Forgetting someone, mon cher?
I’m assuming mister personality himself, tating channum, dropped the ball as Gambit?
In the comics her purpose is to hate Charles Xavier (and mutants by extension) because he tried to kill her in the womb.
>Was she even in the comics?
Yes, she was Xavier's twin whom he murdered in the womb because even as a fetus he knew she was evil, she's kind of like a revenant
Why is she so much more powerful than Xavier?
I dunno, some supernatural bullshit on top of being just as mentally capable as Xavier, in the comics she's an old hag (or was, haven't read them in many years)
Y does he fall into pieces? the muscles that hold everything together are still there. Bald bitch only peeled his skin off
>Shrooms Q
This bitch is suddenly everywhere, idk why - she's got the nastiest tattoos and still getting more

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