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Manifesting RE4 Cleh edition

>Season 2 ""episodes"" are TRASH, watch them for free here:

>/ftl/ News
Abi SMASHES the guinness world record for LONGEST SHOWER!!
Production is so desperate that they will be bringing JIMMY and his partner in crime MOLESTO to CUNT TANK
CLEH'S Resident Evil 4 (2005) Playthrough SOON!

>At the end of his long and fruitful life, Scott Sullivan MMA will unfortunately look back and regret his actions that have damned him to an eternity burning in HELL

>Stream Links
Official: https://www.fishtank.live/
Restream: https://flowstreams.pw/fishtank
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHZLliOWkRk
Kick: https://kick.com/fishtanklive


>Show Archives

>/ftl/ Archive

>Thread Template

Previous Thread: >>201781021
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has the darkness come yet /ftl/?
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abi bros....
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nifty niggers
i'll stop friendship posting soon. running out of screencaps
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Any ETA on Scott? He said he was gonna be there tonight!
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Guys if you're getting bored with Scott posting, the new and fun form of Scottposting is posting this image with "Scott Sullivan MMA isn't even the best fighter named Scott Sullivan in South Shore, Mass."

Also note that the better Scott Sullivan is also 32 while looking younger than Scott Sullivan MMA.
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Trixie mogs
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>They took down closet cam
Can we get a monster truck fishtoy???
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>he's like a huge lolcow turkeytom made a video about him

midnight struck, and i lost my only son
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>i'm chillin
>they recited that at my uncle's funeral, he died of heroin
>i'd rather be raped than bored
>what's your name? I forgot. No really who are you again?
>is oddbod actually gone?
>it's going down i'm yelling timberrrrrrrrrrrr!
>i want oddbod to fuck me in the hole
>have you ever heard of benzedrex?
>i’d fuck my uncle (CLAIRE STOP!)
>i swear I'll goon all day tomorrow
>I am CJ???
>I have an inflation fetish!
>i made eye contact with mauro in the living room and he was scared
>what’s /ftl/ ;)
>my bad
>i apply for survivor and big brother every year… THEY DONT WANT ME
>gamer mentality
>that feel when
>that wasn’t good simlish
>I have lots of dreams about having sex with other girls
>rich girl shit
>i'll stream.... just kidding i wont!
>the vibes are so fucked now that abis gone
>I wasn't lying about the vibes
>abi come back!
>haleygang is in shambles right now
>I knew we were going to have a problem when she told me she liked tayleigh
>I was gonna say who did this but I think it was that sweaty guy
>I’m gonna win for Abi!
>haley no n words
>whats your beef pearl?
>i'm gonna lose my marbles
>I guess I broke up with my boyfriend because it just... got boring >:)
>I outlasted Dave….. Claire W
>(about pearl) she's built... i'm not gonna say
and most importantly
>i dont trust anyone who likes sam hyde
>in trouble from who? JET NEPTUNE?
>ask haley about mark e? :^)
>the constant Sam Hyde dick sucking contest is really bothering me
Love + Life
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>rape escape 2 is cancelled
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get the better Scott Sullivan from south shore MA in the tank
i've done a 180 on the rat, she's the clear underdog.
He's not really a lolcow he's aware that he is weird and ugly and plays it up for laughs
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Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5lS6kBXWOA
it's been 8 years she's not like that anymore r-right?
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smella foreva <3 <3 <3
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i think she is realizing she is too good for this shit
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i hate that faggot so much reading kiwifarms should not be a living.
is this guy fucking around?
Sorry but we're in the Grim and Fucked E-Celeb timeline now.
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I wanna read your pooooooosts!
I wanna read your posts, Jeremy.
Yummy yummy, mmm mmm mmm!
who said that?
>the sweaty guy
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Her style is so good
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scott. i know you are reading this. you need to fix the vibes.
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so was this guy really q or is bant lying?
fuck you beat me to it kek
abi will have many black children, i'm sure
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time for a REAL content queen to enter the BitchTank
Interesting how the girls respond to an older female interacting with them Vs how they respond to Sam or Ben.

Then see how low-energy they are with this New Jacob beta.
I'm disgusted that Jet paid for those two faggots.
Is Pearl in there fr?
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Put Greg in the cell, GREGGER NIGGERS ARISE
She was a confused little girl. her school was majority nigger. she talked about how they would bully her and make her say nigger then laugh at her. Don't think she ever dated one. She says she's only fucked two guys. her current bf and one other.
Best night of s2 and it's not even close
>Teehee, he he he, um, actually, my name is veo letta, or, my friends call me Letty.
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Britannica Dictionary definition of POINT OF NO RETURN. [singular] :
the time when it becomes no longer possible for you to make a different decision or to return to an earlier place or state.

in example, i.e.,
1) Summer fucking a nigger,
2) Pearl fucking niggers,
3) Abi fucking a Mexican ogre,
4) Betty wearing Vixen and doing BBC dildo porn,

point of no return
Well, /ftl/? dont you wanna meet your favorite girl?
mega waste of money, even worse than buying shit on onlyfans
They can't take down a King.
>I've played Roblox for 12 years at this point
I hate zoomers
>Sam creates this imagine of a big brother/father figure who's figured the world out and can give you advice to be strong, successful & get bitches

>Steroid abuser, almost every project he's created in the last 6 years has failed due to his own ineptitude or it just not being that funny
>Every woman in the tank hates him

why is he around still?
>claire is a roblox paypig
bliccy is way too good for this shit she should stay far away
Abi seems like the kind of autist with no sex drive whatsoever
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your mind is the damn prison lul
Love this kike
his only crime: loving too hard
i wish the batchelor was cole, even if you don't like him it you have to admit he would've made this fun
>maybe even unravel some hidden secrets!
season 2 ass description
>fat bitch wearing Joeyy merch
base nothing you’ve done deserves that kek
She had a drive to fuck TJ
>>her current boyfriend
>>and one other
So... blacked.

Into the shallow grave she goes.
weird pancake floppies
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>tfw you will never get negged by claire
guess ill step into a noose
her and meg need to collab. they need to double team bully some kids on roblox
still no webm of this, I'm starting to think it's fake
wtf I hate abi now
They could've just got an OF whore on and bullied her again. Sloptent, but better than whatever the fuck that was. Grifting coalburners are at the bottom totem pole.
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Unironically, whats he thinking right now?
Same, need the webm
That's dick
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She's the biggest fangirl they've ever had on the show
Why did rato leave the room?
Why is Claire the only one who understands the show? It feels like the rest of them are only there cause they are fans of production members and want a job
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I have 74 cents to my name and I'd just be used as a punching bag by wiggers.
anybody have video of sams comment to dave?
She was like 14 and was trying to piss her mother off.
why is pearls pussy so loose
fuck off ninaniggers
I actually don't know how Kato came back.
Was there any explanation from the crew?
trve. seems kind of developmentally delayed like part of her is still a 10 year old prepuberty little girl.
which Max Hardcore DVD is this?
>Every woman in the tank hates him
unfortunately, they actually all want to fuck him
except claire
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Looks at this punjAbi cope LOOOOOOOOOOOL
>where's my weed
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>non-stop blacked spam
i wonder about the people who have folders of this shit on their harddrives
>abi leaving ruined my life
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>Foiled by Sam Hyde once again
Come on, you can't tell me Abi doesn't look like every inbred looking white trash girl into black guys. She's the prototype to a T.
it's her 135 iq
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>sitting around low energy watching each other play video games
Blow. It. Up.
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Ah yes, my old friend Cage, so you say he entered a chamber with an maiden and committed a most foul sin?
Well have you considered that it may have been only an act? A ruse to incite The Duke's harem into actually doing something interesting for once?
Because she’s the only one who completely nolife’d everything up to this point so she knows how to model her behavior on previous contestants like Letty and Jimmy.
Anyone else notice the girls generally aren't phased by Sam anymore Julianna just seemed annoyed at his shit in the pearl room, i don't know if his ego can take women not feeding into him.
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>they don't even care about the challenge
its beyond over at this point
wow what an interesting excuse
aren't all girls just fucking niggers to piss someone off?
so she got fucked by a nigger when she was like 15?
quit simping for this whore you should want to beat her to death
>im sooooo tired, its a lot of work paying lolcows to be on my show
>Why is Claire the only one who understands the show?
because she was in theater in high school and understands how to put on a show
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>lost wholesome easy money paypig magnet
>viewers dislike the new bit
>was probably paying out the ass for it
>a retarded female producer was somehow the best part of it
He's screaming internally.
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the fuck are you talking about
dumb fetish poster
that’s exactly why they’re there. shadi asked for a job yesterday
what did she say to make you think she "understands the show?"
Claire came to win (even though there is no fucking grand prize)
every other girl came to be the next Josie / Letty
they even all keep putting on fucking Josie voices besides Claire lmao
I only watched S1, how has the rest of the series gone?
Haley watched everything since S1 though. She has posts on reddit taking things way too seriously
Why would anyone do what that fuckin nerd says
jet coddled her and is blocking kato porn directed tts
she showed it all
this. sex with claire and our 135iq fluids will coalesce.
kek have we seen abi's mexican bf?
>uhhh can I get paid now??
We can tell who it is by the writing, jimmy.
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Why did Sam drive Dave away? Why does this keep happening to me?
shes still looking for her retainer. hence why shes still there on retainer
Wish Summy was with us right now
Ben kino to save the day
She was seething the whole time
>easy money paypig magnet
they could literally put any retard in there and make that money
Can't wait for Shadi to say how great this bit is
>Why is Claire the only one who understands the show?
because she hates herself
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here you go
Gonna need a direct link.
Claudia internalized it more, she wants to be Letty or Damiel.
Nina lost
Ben saves the day once again
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How did Ben go from being funny in S1 and S2 to being this gay and unfunny?
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Pretty princess status?
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see >>201782143 and cope quieter
>Bring a freak to the show
>the audience is not allowed to make fun of the freak
if they introduced the balls when that doll thing was in there they would have made the same amount of money.
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>Just heard the other bitches talk about how much they love Ben bits
he picked on an 80 IQ homeless criminal with face tats to make himself feel better about his legacy and balding
it was some epic ownage
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>the way abi keeps looking back towards claire
Dont be sad it ended, be happy that it happened
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i feel the exact opposite actually
really warmed up to Ben on bitchtank
i have genuinely disliked him every single other season even 2.5
although his trauma dumping bit s1 was funny
Because she is like Cole and just wants to have some fun and doesn't worry about impressing the wiggers.
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How would Goth Taylor fare in bitchtank?
meg is bitchmade a nontent fattie who is surrounded by discord simps
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Post the toe sucking video I never saved it
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Go back to Taxcord, /ftl/ is a Ben board
>one of the few fish self aware enough to tell they're being humiliation ritualed
>spoonfeed me or I don't believe you
Should have been there in s2 retard. This is old news by now
wanted to fuck Jet/Frank/the wiggers to get an in into production
explicitly said she wants a job on production so she doesn't have to go to school for credentials
not sure but she did say she's into video production and shit, probably wants a job on production
explicitly only wants exposure there to try and leverage a gaming stream career

claire is just the fucked up mentally ill bored BPD girl who impulsively wants excitement and degradation (gets her wet)
literally and unequivocally this.
how we feelin about the show. what's keeping you watching?
He's just being a funny lil guy.
would’ve left before abi
just a heads up, they were letting kato porn tts through until she freaked out about people doxxing her actual location (some hick town in washington near portland oregon) and if you guys hadn't been actually doxxing we could have gotten to the bottom of the SPH videos.
>nolife’d everything up to this point
>favorite fish is mauro
what's wrong with her genuinely?
Jet make the call.
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he got too gassed up by twittertrannies pretending hes the funniest person ever
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still employed
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Bad taste, him freaking out over the AI kissing video was one of the funnier moments in 2.5.
Him playing the piece of shit father in S1 was amazing.
Great Job Sam sabotaging Jet and MDE please keep doing it
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yes, it's grim
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I think it must be this
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>hey ben this is your nose
If staff wants to sabe this show, the HAVE to let every Scott/Haley TTS through
its claires birthday, i dont want to disappoint her
upset that claire had her interview with pearl killed by lag
There was nonstope pro Dave TTS spamming and ball deliveries the first few days he was in there.
If they just let him stay as "the kind hearted hobo" they could have kept milking it.

They went all in on yaptank instead, probably made more on roses though
>Giant sweaty guy

Is this Sam?
i like meg and i wish this wasn't true
wish she'd stream or make videos :/
its just background noise but I keep it open hoping Haley gets mentally destroyed and kills herself
It’s ironic. She’s one of us anon! He looked scared! She literally Mark E posted in the tank. What’s ftl?
this is unironically why girls shouldnt be on the show

it fuels coomertank and general garbage trash and degeneracy

and then some production member ends up catching obvious feelings for cast members and it becomes extreme coddletank

but as long as aperature and the other paypigs can "goon" to girls (as if camwhore sites dont exist) nohting will change
>what's keeping you watching?
Closed the show after Abi and Huckleberry Finn with titties left. Laughing at the trainwreck in the thread is way more entertaining
ben was good on season 1, 2.5 and this
he was meh on season 2
are you stupid
LMFAO look at that thing. abi bros down bad, worse than ever.
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I wanna fight Scott so bad. In Bully
this explains all the letty seethe lately lol
clout goblins ruined fishtank.
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Scottent time??
ben has been a highlight of bitchtank
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>what's keeping you watching?
not just theater but she was the co-president of improve kek
fuck man it was so beautiful. literally feels like she died. I want my gf to have an abi bestie to love and cherish.
what ethnic mix is that? kinda looks like a mexican friend i had. He had some 1800's railroad worker chink in him.
dead show
She's a fucking BITCH for not playing along, that's why we love CLEH
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I don't think Claire is trying to undermine production anymore cause its funny im pretty sure she's tired of the bullshit kek
i don't think we've ever seen a contestant be so hostile towards the production
newfag confirmed
aww, Dave. :/
That's my assessment as well
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She's absolutely next to leave
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Haleys Husband Spills it all in Discord Call https://youtu.be/9Et_E2WGiTw?si=UTCGN9gKVGMEtuDn
hahaha good shit Sam. that loser has been hanging around too long
someone send this to claire's definitely-real boyfriend who exists and isnt made-up
strawberry fields forever...
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We are so back
>t. boxing enjoyer
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Scott looking rough. The divorce court proceedings must have really taken a toll on him.
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>5 hours of nontent
>Dave Leaves
>Several Literally Whos and failed bits
>Scott arrives
Worst FishTank day since CK arc?
was this before or after they talked on the phone?
To be fair Letty's always been needlessly bratty/bitchy. I get she has a nice body but she has the personality of a miserable old lady.
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Keep cuckposting fag
not goth. stupid zoomer faggot.
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Rate the seasons (Live and Edited versions)
its was just a bit dude they don't care it was a just a bit stop talking about it though
Claudia’s face when she’s spreading fat Catholic man buttocks to get up in that asshole with her nose.
she actually marky posted? no wonder Sam waterboarded her lmao
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>friday night
Production is doing a great job undermining itself, it doesnt need the help
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What the fuck, what happened here
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The content is in the building
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>there are people in these threads that still believe sam is the best part of fishtank
ChadKeen with the exclusive scoop
this guy literally owns 1(one) outfit
Needs more hairclips
people hate on her no matter what she does though
Ben has literally been funny and entertaining in every season, he was great in season 1(objectively) and he was great in season 2 weather it was him having to wrangle jimmy,box tj, and yell at tj to stop talking about him,telling trish and ck they have the lowest endorsements, 4 gay guys in 1 room. he was great as the deputy in 2.5, and he's doing amazing here. Ben does amazing every season
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Rip Dave
claire is a pick me cunt
She really is Cole 2.0
Two heavyweights going at it
oddly enough they 'forget' about this
Only thing keeping me watching is Scott's current Walter White arc
Will the money they make from this be worth it?

Feels like they're just diluting their stock to cash out
Too much to keep up with, I had life to do.
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explain this
they were doing bits together
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i was raped my entire life
what have you been watching instead?
>what does neptunian mean?
A marriage being destroyed
They took down the gaming cam.
It's so over.
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Does Scott have a dayjob?
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Shadi passed full guard into half guard.
Nothing sexual, you freak.
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Cole was kicked for less. I guess production learned their lesson and is putting up with her shit tests for now
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He was doing his job. Sparring with women at 1 in the morning.
Better than being a robo bitch that doesn't even fucking try, I liked rato in the cell better
he just brought the streaming laptop back to the gaming closet
How Erin Kellyman was made
Yeah she read it from a livestream chat when her and Shadi had the phone and you could tell she was feigning ignorance as she said it. Shadi told her “Don’t say that” kek
shut up Kenji
kevin nash 1992
>the money they make
they paid Pearl 50k to make an appearance. it's all gone. aperture's mother's social security checks are all in Pearl's bank account now, sad to say
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pretty spot on
godspeed dave
Not nearly enough.
>A man says he tried to kill himself and almost killed his family in the process


Sam's actually a fucked up person, he's deserved all the failures life has handed him
Sitting here watching the bitchtank and looking back just a few weeks ago to bloodgames.... The show was genuinely so fun and interesting. Everyone in generally good spirits, trying to RP, talking to NPCs that were actually interesting, some form of momentum to the show, enjoyable characters and moments, interesting interactions that felt somewhat meaningful because of the money system, the vampires, the outdoor living....
Blood Games was Neptunian, bitchtank is straight up goranian
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Scott has nice knees. I might have to back down. He's an alpha male. I don't want to fight.
<3 Lovetank won <3
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How come Scott only shows up when Sam isn't there? I thought he was his trainer
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He works the night shift at fishtank, doing jiu jitsu with random women.
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TTS was on the whole time but you wouldn't know it.
Mostly been working. Did I miss kino? Is it bad? Just curious, I liked season 1.
she looked up to Damiel and tries to model her behavior after him
>production giving free tokens
>get jimmy here
>put him and her in the cell together
I don't have any further ideas but I feel like that would work
what are these bitches making?
I want to go back in time to schitty 2.5 wasn't that bad :(
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lolcow and grifting e-whore are so shit they had to bring scott in kek
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>relegated to delivery boy
id bet on haley
most mentally unstable
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>Kevin Nash 1992
Damn, even for Sam that is low. . .
Being a dumb whore who's self aware enough to know sucking productions dick is cringe isn't comparable to the genius of the season two winner: Cole.
Delete this image.
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Shes done nothing wrong though
writing bits
I typed that message. I said ask Haley about Mark E. it's 50/50 on the ignorance though, they all were ignoring all the plain marky comments
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I miss her, I ain't afraid to say it.
Ben is the main character
feeling it tonight bros...
Claire is smart. College stem class group project with claire....hmmm heaven.
What the fuck is his problem? That wasn't even funny or clever, just mean spirited. I can understand not liking Dave but you don't need to be an asshole about it especially since he's making your show decent money.
Imagine being Jet and having your boss sabotage the fucking show
whatever the fuck a human obi is
she’d be safe if someone just put her in the corner
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>claire and letty have ugly or mid faces and big boobs
>fun and interesting personality
>taylor has a pretty face and big boobs
>cute personality but essentially nontent
cleh doesnt show any signs of BPD at all
people with BPD act like summer
stop throwing that word around like that, you sound like Haley when she uses "mog"
This fucking show made me reinstall bully
name 3 aspects of Taylor's personality
taylor has a mid face and a fridge body
taylor has content, but she also has a boyfriend she loves. sorry it just kills it.
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we love our lil josie wosie don't we folx?
>What the fuck is his problem?
HGH, Stimulant Abuse, and losing the World Peace 2 name has broken his will to live

He's only functioning on revenge and spite reality mode
claire and letty are 110 iq midwits and understand comedy due to their jewish genes.
taylor is legit retarded
anon stop mogging him
1. Big tits
2. Blonde hair
3. Jackie Chan
i said it's nontent. which is cute i guess?
obby you fucking boomer retard
you never played robox
obby = obstacle course
Claire has renaissance features , real gypsy woman features that are everlasting. Letty is just a dysgenic Slav girl, cute, but not in the same way.
>forced production meme
show is so bad now
Wasn’t even that bad desu expected worse
heya hoya buy me alcohol
season 2 was a bunch of season 1 fans… a few scarce kino moments, but was pretty cringe and they botched the finale hard… season 3 is supposed to be a “hard reset” and they used a casting agency to find people who will be going in totally blind. that starts at the end of august. so you haven’t missed much. you can watch sam cut off a girl named trisha’s hair on youtube, that was probably the best part of season 2
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he's universally loved. the only time anyone hated him was that final day in the Cell at the end of S1 for some reason. I remember the chat getting assmad over him with the watergun shooting at Josie. That made me love him more desu
Oh man LMAO
>ice bath challenge
>making fun of daves suicide attempt
Sammy is on a roll with Bitchtank, fuck yeah
>anon... why are you still watching this?
>are you stupid?
shes not dysgenic
>forced production
Deal with it Jet
yeah her streams are entertaining and her car is cool. happy she finally got AC working in her car
abi could never be josie
You explained it right there, Taylor gets attention and doesn't need to do anything to keep it. Letty and Claire can get attention but then have to do something to keep it.
>forced animation
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Thanks fren. Is Season 3 the vampire thing or is that separate? What is going on right now?
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fine, Ukraini
i'm even more stupid because i'm spending my friday night just reading the thread and not doing anything else
can i get a link to this video. i can't find it
Taylor doesnt get attention though
the trish thing was the most disturbing part of season 2 lol, shit had the vibe of a snuff room.. Some people want to see fishtank & laugh, but I guess some actually just want torture.
>needing personality
she is literally the perfect retard GF
Don't forget
>sucking up to Pearl Davis
A new low point
miss this nigga
can you guys please stop shit testing me
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>newfags come watch a MDE show and are schocked about mean spirited comedy
We're seeing 2010's reddit joker Sam again
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painterly woman. hope she never chops off her perfect nose
sex with stinky sweaty claire
Have fun with subhuman truecel sons lol

it has and has always been called "john oliver shoutout video"
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You guys are encouraging a sick cucked man
Bitchtank is my first exposure to women and one thing it has taught me is you can give women any task and they will become completely engrossed into it. Maybe Pearl is onto something.
I don't blame him, i wanna be balls deep in that too
>production hands typed these post
he is older but also looks younger than scott. GRIM
Brian > Dave
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speaking of gypsies, when I was young, specifically middle school, I always had to hide the fact that I found some gypsy girls cute because gypsies are generally viewed badly in my country
I hate pearl.
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thought it was "message to john oliver" and didn't come up in google. thanks
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he's like bic if his mom didn't smoke meth
thats it?
What's your smoke alarm status?
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me too but I'm on LI
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The absolute state of porn addicts
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She looks incredibly jewish. Exactly like a girl i know.
ive heard this article before
>people were simping for this
That is not a woman and I will not hear otherwise.
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send in the rat catcher
racism against women is gay. I'm only racist against men of other races.
chip also woke him up last night yelling about a fire
"She" needs to get into powerlifting competitions
just a bit
>Have fun with subhuman truecel sons lol
retards have been breeding for millions of years and producing perfectly fine children sometimes even genius children. a woman does not need to have a "personality" she just needs to be cute, not interested in politics and sweet. thats literally it.
>bubuuut what about when i wanna discuss the state of world affairs and the jews in israel!!!!
thats what friends are for.
send her back jet, we need claire radio before she disappears into the either when this is all over
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Feeling Neptunian vibe reparations from them teasing us with brief shot of Scott.
>like a motherfuckin PIIMP
friendtank fags get rekt
i just changed the batteries recently actually
people actually cried in the thread about this???
holy shit this place is gay
what are the bitches doing right now
>pretty face with big boobs
>fun and interesting personality

Is this possible? Does anyone on this show even come close to qualifying?
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Something like this?
Oh it's baaaaad
So fake. Good to know.
kek Claudia G
Claire and Letty when they lie you can tell they do it for fun’s sake and you can bounce off them. It’s more game natured.

Taylor comes across as trying to maintain up an image of nativity for no particular reason and doesn’t bounce off of as well. She is a wall that is difficult to connect with she’s definitely more motherly then the other two

Boy brain vs woman brain
no the vampire thing was season “2.5” it was just two weeks and it was all former fishtank contestants… Jon was on it which was fun, but you didn’t miss anything. they did ironic larping a lot which got old after like the first time.

Right now is just they put some girls in the season 3 house and there’s like no bits or challenges or eliminations or anything really, they just realized it was a good way to milk TTS and fishtoys before season 3 starts. it’s all mostly been a waste of everyone’s time lol
have fun with 5'6 wideset eye low IQ sons
Maybe claire she has converso ancestors. she should get a dna test. don't know if they would pick up inquisition jew dna though.
everything below the breasts are good, above is nightmare world
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I was this close to getting the season pass before this happened. Nice going Jet.
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so let me guess this, Letty BF posts her nudes on 4chan, she finds out, and he decides to freak out and post his face crying and melting down to her while calling himself a cuck?

I never even fucked up THAT bad
oh shit I forgot about that lmao godamn
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duck sends his regards
There might have been more when they were all in the Bitchtank. Either way, not that bad. Sam didn't really need to do that, but Dave is not the good guy that the audience thinks he is
yeah that’s honestly more fucked. the way some people were talking i thought sam raped dave.
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Cleh has no personality
you don't have enough money in your bank account to pay for one anyways
yeah letty
the anti-sam circlejerk is annoying, i hate the boxing shit too but some of you just reach for any reason to be upset with him
>claire and letty are 110 iq midwits and understand comedy due to their jewish genes
They have the perfect attributes to be contestants for a shitty reality show but not much else. People need to take of the simp goggles and see how much their lives suck and how they constantly manipulate and shit test everyone
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>Claire's sister deactivated her Instagram before I could see her. Birthday shoutout
i wish him well
Thanks again for clarifying.
That could be a fun gaslight to introduce on her. Therefore it'll never happen.
Jimmy's coming back again? Oh goodie! Cant have a week of fishtank without him! I love seeing him take over every conversation with his hil-ARIOUS bits and jokes! I love that we'll see him for every fishtank season moving forward!
Those things all together signify "talent", and you gotta pay for talent one way or another. That's why Fishtank can only get flawed women.
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reminder sam hyde has massive daddy issues and almost cried on stream reading a scathing letter written by fred
what are they even doing rn? I missed the introduction to whatever this gay bit is
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>cole and claire if cole had an appearance on fishtank 2.86
these actors even look like them it's uncanny
Letty owes Scott sex.
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Porn ruins people's minds and souls, should be cut out of our lives entirely
No this stuff is from july of 2020, she had a google drive of it for the authorities she didnt post this anytime near fishtank
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letti mogs
no she didn't she just blocked you. still works on my machine
Sam realized that girls and their simps are the lifeblood of this franchise.
yeah im not a simp. claire is just the best on the show and no one else is even close since Abi left
Unironically true.
>Kevin Nash 1992
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The new "fake mean" production member is a fucking faggot, they shouldn't speak.
Damn he is a smart fella
letty said this
Fred made a six figure donation to Yale and gave Sam the advantage of being a legacy applicant, why did Samuel fail to get in?
What has she actually done against production? Other than the "with who, Jet Neptune?" comment
>clicks out of the popup twice
yeah he's fucking guilty lmfao
You retards think any white person that doesn't have blond hair and blue eyes is "Jewish." She looks Italian.
google "instagram story downloader"
not gonna post it here but she did do a little birthday post for claire who will not see it
Was the CK era really THAT bad?
There's no way it's worse than the last 48 hours
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yeah well, young anons posting their gfs and sharing for clout isn't anything too uncommon. Happens more than you think
they should have babied and spoiled abi more. no one would have cared.
It's not HGH, Stimulant Abuse, or losing the World Peace 2.

He's just sadistic.
Channing is obsessed with him because of his BPD torturing.
He was offended the guy he brain damaged wasn't kind enough to him.
He stole money from his dad and felt irrevocably offended when his dad asked for repayment.
Marky posting is a meme because he ass fucked a little girl. I don't think she was really a child, but it doesn't matter because she was clearly a vulnerable type of person like Dave is an adult yet still vulnerable. And Sam decided to beat her face and rape her ass.

He has empathy for others, I think, but it doesn't always get activated. Instead he has this predator instinct when he sees a limping animal.
That negging flipped into a pep talk
yeah i mean you have to be a certain person to end up daves state, i guess the self cynical apologetics work on some people but its just running from conflict
Read the copy pasta
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>supposed to be negging claire
>just turns into talking about how she's the main character and the entire show revolves around her for content
QRD on the last few hours? Some twitter personality came in?
how does Claire always win?
sams just a manic pixie girl
>Stimulant Abuse
>actual 1992 posting in the tank

holy KWAB. what a timeline
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sex with empty headed claire
Not even close.
What's up with all the n00bs in these threads lately?
Fuckin lurk moar you fucking faggots
the girl youre thinking of doesnt exist and i feel bad for you for thinking it does
I'm genuinely starting to believe it makes people retarded. Like you could write 10,000 word essays about its effects if you wanted but making people retarded sums it up perfectly.
link to letter?
I am constantly forgetting Juliana is on the show
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it's to get her to break, to develop that ego and fuck her own self over. This is where she proves her awareness
look bad at his content pre Idubz
He is severely bi-polar
fuck off Scott
someone said "ask haley who mark e is" on the instagram live and she said it out loud. some people think this was intentional and she was doing it to own sam, maybe it was maybe it wasn't i'm not sure.
because no other site has active fishtank discussion
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regretfully, the day Scott Sullivan MMA dies he will be damned to an eternity of torment in hell
I want to fuck a brain dead Cleh badly. Devoid of personality and her intelligence just lobotomized
No, the rat looks way more mediterranean. Even down to the slight overbite.
Claire looks Jewish. Not saying it's a bad thing, luv me goy traps, but she is the spitting image of a Jewish chick i know.
>you could put a kick her in the back fishtoy
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it’s happened every season and mini season, kwab lives forever
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Hey dickhead, the rent free meme doesn't work in this context.
That clip actually implies the opposite.
Letty literally has said she sued her BF for posting her nudes online tho
glowing CIA yellowy yellowy ball here
bitchstank is fabulously wunderbar
how could I ever ask for a better Safeway production team
Fred Hyde raped Summer and Vance in the winter of 2023.
Sam failed his father.
He had it all. He was a trust fund kid. He stole and wrecked his father's sports car giving his friend permanent brain damage rendering him as a vegetable and sam didn't even care....
He even guilt tripped his friend into thinking it was his fault
seriously though there is a reason sam hyde is blacklisted and universally hated by normies, and for good reason. His entire right wing muh get a skill muh trad values advice giver shit was just a grift. It's all so sad. All that ever mattered to sam was the grift and appearing on joe rogan. The closest sam has ever come to caring about someone is Jet Moxley Goodson, all because he pulled off a shit tier world corp larp that sprung frazzledrip that sprung qanon which sprung trump mania which sprung the january 6th 2020 insurrection.
Jet is 100x the man that sam is.
Finally the rat is going into the corner
That's what revenge porn is
you could literally just masturbate whats the difference
yeah the post he was responding to was still completely wrong, how is what you said related at all
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we're gonna put a bunch of women in the tank and just use epic manipulation to get them fighting and scheming against each other in no time
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Can't believe 2.5 and 2.6 have me laughing at Scott posts
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He can still repent and go to confession
We all fall short and we all require the mercy of Jesus Christ, our Lord
We're all unworthy
What’s the alternative? Arranged marriages.
I fucking hate wrasslefags.
Jump off the tallest buildings in your literally who townships.
I need to fuck that rat
its 100% necessary for her character as a fish
yeah I'm typing out things without knowing the full lore behind it?
New people popping in or coming back. The show actually gaining viewers for the first time.
Post the vid
It's a rumor at this point he just is always sweaty and high energy could just be from working out or T use
>it's to get her to break, to develop that ego and fuck her own self over.
This. He wants her to go full Icarus
>Arranged marriages.
Not quite
Marriage only exists between two Catholics consenting to an actual marriage and divorce isn't real
Any "marriage" outside of this context is invalid and a LARP, waiting to crumble when someone gets bored and they don't believe there are any consequences to their eternal soul
ya boilin?
ya cookin?
ya sautein?
ya bubblin?
ya wobblin?
ya hobblin?
ya fryin?
ya cryin?
ya vibratin?
ya steamin?
ya smolderin?
ya sweatin?
ya fumin?
ya pissin?
ya shittin?
ya frothin?
ya foamin?
ya leakin?
ya simmerin?
ya sizzlin?
ya fizzlin?
ya maldin?
ya seethe
wasn't that on pgl? vaugely remember it
classic chuck
Knowing your not fucking your hand is 90% of the fun for cut fags
I'll never understand why someone would self insert so hard for a faggot
this means the show is doing good, retard
Famous alt right Grifter PEARL pretended to be a psychotherapist and gave the girls various diagnoses based on interviewing them
>no "ya steaming?"
just give it up bozo
You will never get a culture that works with large scale consenting marriages. It’s a new phenomenon and it’s failing. When you give young people choices they fuck things up.
this, but for jimmy and tj too
shut up nigga nobody paying a dowry for yo ugly ass daughter
Sam also saved young Mr.Goodson from a life of living in his car and tripfagging on /r9k/. Now Jet gets to eat warm meals every night and has ugly-mid groupies DMing him constantly.
its wasnt even that bad lol dave almost killed his children and he is the victim here? im glad sam and xavier called him out on his bullshit
>You will never get a culture that works with large scale consenting marriages.
It would only exist in a Catholic society
>It’s a new phenomenon and it’s failing.
It's failing because everyone has been leaving the church, the church is in crisis but I believe we reached the bottom, conversions are starting back up and the liberal modernist infiltrators are old boomers and dying off
you dont own your parents shit
fuck off with that crap
>not sure but she did say she's into video production and shit, probably wants a job on production

No, she's already a very low level twitch streamer and has an etsy store and her own merch. Come on, just look at all her pics - she lives to pose and wants attention more than anything. She wants to be a streamer just like kato only marginally less whorish.
Claudia can hawk-TUAH on that asshole and shove her nose up that thaaang!
>I miss Abi
Abi and Dave were the heart and soul of this show.

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