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It's not that bad, my only complaints are the excess of referential humor jokes and that the film doesn't take itself seriously. Even in the final fight, Deadpool comes out saying something like "we have to let the extras go" ends up tiring.
Nahh if the movie had taken itself seriously, it would have been bad.
why the fuck would a deadpool movie be serious
Could have done with 50% less goofball reddit humor and 100% less fag shit. It was too fucking much.
>Liefeld's Just Feet
It doesn't have to be like grim dark snyder serious but it went overboard with the Ryan Reynolds style comedy. Old man blade was awesome though.
This is what Deadpool is. Your expectations are misplaced
Went a little to hard on the poopy cowabunga shit but the meta disney stuff was fun
my biggest gripe with deadpool (actually my second biggest gripe with the film because im not a big rr fan) is that they never explain in any of the films where the name deadpool comes from? like iron man super man batman all self explanatory. deadpool ? what does it mean?
btw ive never seen any of the films.
>Ryan Reynolds style comedy
You mean Deadpool?

Lots of gayshit jokes, even Wolverine and Deadpool's car fight has gay subtext. It's not "it's Deadpool, you shouldn't take it seriously" it's the excess of meta humor taken from reddit, it's infuriating and ends up insulting the viewer's intelligence.
It is explained in the first film
yeah I'm ok with the humor but there were so many gay jokes and innuendo it was very off putting
Comic Deadpool has been doing that for a while now
Did you miss the several-minute-long explanation in the first film? You literally can't miss it. It's thrown in your fucking face jesus christ
Blade was kino
>reading comprehension
deadpool 1 was tiring with reynolds ego and deliveries, negasonic teenage warhead was cute for a
If comic deadpool jumped off a bridge would you? You're grounded. No Xbox for 2 weeks.
They spent too much time in the Void.
You should be off pudding.
Because you're fat.
...you shouldn't eat anymore pudding.
I liked it way more than expected. It's not a high bar, but it's the best out of the three Deadpool films and has the best chereographed action scenes.

My only gripe is that they overused the "upbeat pop song during fight scene" joke in every fight scene. Also although it was funny, they did TOO many
>dude anal
>dude gay sex xD
1 > 2 > 3
it's too easy to make the jokes about it because it's too easy to have it
My complaint was how they fucked up the only good romance story of Marvel
I agree. I like the serioues nature of the x-men movies over the MCU. The MCU needs to go more cartoony and silly though, cause nothing matters. They revive characters left and right and there's 0 stakes or drama. I'm not into deadpool, but I get the tone and the movie worked for me. It was the right level of stupid and who gives a shit. I'd actually have cut the serious moments involving wolverine cause they slowed the movie down.
they definitely overdid it with the jokes, to the point where it became clear they were trying too hard. and by "they" i'm talking about everyone in charge of the movie, including ryan and all the producers/writers, except for Hugh who did a great job as usual. i didn't even remember his name off the top of my head because he just fades into the role so well. the other actors trapped in the void did a good job too. i didn't like the bald lady, she seemed like a bad actress who was too cartoonishly evil for no reason. i guess they cast her because she looks freakish, has weird alien shoulders. her powers aren't clearly explained, seems like she's a more powerful version of prof X but she also can bend all matter or something.

i get that it's supposed to be an action comedy but the contrast between super-sad drunk failure wolverine and overly chatty deadpool got tiresome. i guess at the end of the day it's my fault for watching slop.

t. saw the camrip, heard audience force themselves to laugh and clap at jokes and scenes that were already shown in trailers.
it would have been better if all other characters were serious/dramatic, similar to the tone of blade, elektra, laura, and ONLY deadpool was light-hearted and comedic. also cut out "nicepool" which seemed like a waste of time. i guess he's there to explain there are "resistance fighters" but it was unnecessary since they ran into chris evans and he could've explained all of that anyway. paradox was also unnecessary and annoying.
he basically got cucked despite the first 2 movies building up this intense love, possible marriage and family formation.

>heh i'm just stuck in middle management now and i'm dating someone from work
- the female love interest

and yet he still wants to save "his universe" for his friends. over and over again you hear about how much he loves his group of friends but you never really see them do much together except have that same gay little birthday party. this group of friends includes an ex-gf who tells him to his face she's seeing someone new. wtf...cuckedpool.
I liked that joke, it was the Goku “let’s fight where there aren’t people” but Wade can’t just be sincere about it.
its a fine movie to watch in the year 2024 for a 30-something
It isnt really telling a story rather than dangling actors in once given up/lost chance characters to give you nostalgia.
When Channing Tatum Gambit shown I was expecting a Jake Gyllenhaal Spider-Man to show up.

Its nice to see Hugh Jackman and Wesley Snipes playing Wolverine/Blade again. To me its like the studio wanted to bring them back but didnt want to commit to them, rather test the waters, so theyre thrown in a marvel movie where its the norm to poke fun and be self aware.

I see zero reason to rewatch the movie. If you didnt grow up watching the 2000s superhero movies would you even care these characters show up? Im sure Disney knows this movie isnt going to get much rewatch value and I doubt they care too. Everything is about box office
comic deadpool has been shit for 15 years at least
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Just seen the movie

Its fucken boring. only good part was the ending

Unironically fell asleep 2/3rds through the film. This has not happened to me for a long time

What the fuck were they thinking?
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it was like a fucking Tarantino movie with X-Men
>2 hours
>Reddit jokes
>Nothing happens
>The prostitute cucked Redditpool
>Logan is cringe
It was shit
Don't care, it was shit.

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