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Who had the best back story?
That old grumpy gangster nigga who went max payne on a bunch of gangsters and cops
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>*fucks up*
>c'mon mcmanus I know I know I fucked up but cmon gimme another chance mcmanus I love you mcmanus I respect you mcmanus we're friends mcmamus
Looking back he was the best character in the show.
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This guy was kino
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>Okay, Omar, but just remember this is your last chanc-ACK
The old dudes
I want to rewatch but I've seen it too many times
This show is so bleak it starts to get comical after a while, like they all live in a vortex of hate and suffering
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>camera spins around room
...PRISON... is like a bus
>*trumpet screech*
You have these passengers...
>*wiggles fingers in front of face*
on the SAME journey....
>*metalic clang echoes*
But at the end of the day....
>camera goes up his nostril
The bus only goes
>*split second flash of fat man's penis*......
....where the driver wants.
>*trumpet screech*

THAT'S life in Em City...

>*man's orgasmic grunt echoes in the background*
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>Rack 'em, prag
How do you respond without sounding prag?
nice digits too
Was this show just an elaborate way to make some guys gay rape fetish videos
>anthrax attack
>IRA inmate builds a bomb
>ageing pills
>Maxim death row photoshoot
>ghetto gums
>chinese refugees
>Wolverine-mode Beecher
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>raping prags
Kek these threads always make me laugh
Lol checked
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Name a character that had a more kino humiliation arc
Oz was really something unique. It's a reallya dark comedy. I really wonder what the writers were thinking when making this show
Yeah seriously the way he killed that biker guy and that somehow made the aryans forget everything including him being raped non stopped.

Oh yeah there was a deleted scene where Robson allowed that big fat nigger rapist guy to rape him just so he can give him aids
keked and checked
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What was his power level?
Irish powers
luck o' th' oirish
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This nigga was actually 50 at the time of filming. Talk about aging gracefully
Midget thrower
Gloria’s fat ass riding my cock
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Kek lmao
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I hated that guy so fucking much, that on rewatch I fast forward all of his scenes except the one where he gets killed. Glory be to Christ for that, if only Poet met the same fate. I also fast forward his gay little raps and ape jam poetry.
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how the FUCK did that hat stay on?
Checked, you must've been a writer on the show.
African or Black People are blessed with the follicle type that grows in a peppercorn like grid of pubic hair that acts as a velcro. Fucking chud, learn some culture.
> https://web.archive.org/web/20170218184929/http://www.mensfitness.com/content/training-ozs-simon-adebisi
>But the weirdest thing about Adebisi was how he wore his trademark knit hat. The thing stayed perched on the corner of his head and seemed to never move. Anyone who ever watched the show had to wonder how he kept it up there.
Turns out, there wasn't much of a secret to be revealed.
>"I just put it on my head and it stays there," he says. "People think
it's Velcro or whatever. All it is is my bald head. You just stick it
on the corner. I could do a backflip and that baby wouldn't move."
someone better screencap this (and put me in it)
What the fuck was his problem?
>>*trumpet screech*
>Hey anon, heard that #201789456 reported your NSFW images to the jannies. If I were you, I’d put an end to this quick
does anyone irl actually smoke like that? it annoys me how in everything you watch, they grip a cig like that
"Chucky" aka the "Chuckster" aka "Pinochle Pancarmo"
...I don't recall
do you think any of the actors tried method acting, not like actually having gay sex, but abstaining from straight sex and porn for so long they'd get horny enough to stomach acting out all the gay sex
hypothetically speaking of course aha
don't forget the priest ghost
The mafioso with a hells angel tattoo on his chest
i might pirate this show now, thanks quintsophile
makes sense to grip it differently if you're smoking it to the filter, Reilly is weird though, using the middle of his index finger and not the fingertip
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>anon anonymous
>*spins in mid air*
>haha yoooooooo
>*camera zooms in*
>homeboy tried to start a stealth booba thread
>*rotates in mid-air*
>and the janitor didn't even realise the model he posted actually is an actress
>*rotates in opposite direction*
>All actress and actor discussion should pertain directly to their roles and careers
>3 day ban
>*muted trumpets*
>due to the short length of his ban he may not appeal it
>oz baby
>*teleports wheelchair on top of you*
>maybe we're all the shitposter
>*bongo noises*
anyone got the webm?
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Ahright, we laffed tha first time >>201788888, back to yah cell yah mutt
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>no noooo warwick help m-ACK
You’re outta line! TAKE HIS ASS TO THE HOLE
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childhood is thinking she was ugly and had mournful tits. adulthood is understanding just how kino forced handjobs in the bathtub from a stern mature femdom really is. it's a shame it took me so long to figure this out but ryan was living the dream man
idk but if i learned someone voluntarily abstained from having sex near me, id tease them by grinding my ass up their crotch just to see if they're doing alright m8
yeah those tits were awful
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did adebisi have the most kino "introduction" clip? it's one of the most memorable at least
I love Rebadow's the most. Such a stark contrast to the character in the series.

i can still hear the wild noises he was making when chasing the cop in that webm kek
You convinced me to watch it.
quite the accomplishment for one of his persuasion to be able to spell that
>head right back
>hat stays on
Someone explain how that's possible.
Two situations you would. 1 - it’s raining, 2 - to hide it. Assuming it’s the latter, it may be obv you are smoking, but you don’t want them to see how long you have left.
>This and GTA IV are some of the last media you can see the old elevated railroad of Chelsea as an abandoned structure before it became a park for rich tourists to slowly mosey around

Are there any other shows that managed to be so schlocky, bordering on parody, yet kino at the same time?
Do leftists really need to know the lore behind swear words to use them correctly?
50 cent's Power show and the spinoff series staring Tommy
this guy should have got the keys to the city
I watched a season of power and it really felt like nothing more than someone wanting to shoot sex scenes between the black guy and the Latina lawyer. the whole cat and mouse angle felt extremely flimsy and unexplored.
It gets better and more unintentionally hilarious as it goes on
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with all the gay anal sex that was happening in oz i am kind of surprised that nobody was hooping their paperwork or much of anything at all now i'm thinking about it. prisoners hoop all sorts of things up their ass but in oz i think the only things they were putting in there was dick. did the writers for this show not do any research at all? on a cali yard you are getting booked on sight if youre hooping dick instead of paperwork
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Man those spoken word segments aged like balls, glad we as a society have moved on, still have memories of having to do that shit one time in school
This show is just too gay to enjoy. Its gay fetish for gay men.

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