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What kinos you decide to produce or what type of studio?
I'd pay most of the writers in Hollywood to stop writing.
Symbiopsychotaxiplasm cinematic universe
Shitpost Memes Universe
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I make this movie, and I'm the male lead. Also, it's never released.
I'd buy Star wars and make sure nobody ever makes another installment again
Porn with 2 chicks at the same time
ITT: retards don't know the concept of net worth

Elon couldn't produce any movies because all his wealth are in his assets
He doesn't have any large money that he can use
TND movie
(Total Negroni Drinking)
Buy a dying social media platform for 40 billion
>implying he couldn't sell 300 million dollars (literally 0.1%) worth of his assets to make a movie
>buys 40 billion dollar social media platform
>making a 200 million dollar movie is unfathomable
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B-but he sleeps on the floor with a mattress, he's ackchually really humble and stuff!
whoa Elon Musk. so cool
A ten hour propaganda movie on the glory of revolutionary communism
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I would bring back boomer movies

>the hero is a white guy with a mullet
>his car is awesome
>bad guy is the coke dealer who shoots his own guy and sniffs coke off of his mistress's ass
>everyone is smoking cigarettes
>nude scene with large breasts and 80's pussy bush
>practical action scenes with pyrotechnics and stunt men
>other nude scene of a different woman during another part of the film
>rock and synth soundtrack
Do you really think Twitter is dying? It's the 19th most visited website. Even the tweets that show up on my feed can have millions of views.
4chan is 558 in comparison.
its a big club and you aint in it
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>top sites are all shit and cancer
If it's not profitable who gives a fuck
I make a Command & Conquer 95 themed series, 10 episodes. Half the eps GDI perspective, half NOD. Have an unreliable narrator component.
Yeah, hilarious. My point is that if you think Twitter is dying, then 4chan is a graveyard. I suspect that's why people are posting in this thread after I filtered everything.
Congratulations you invented the opposite of Viagra
Buy Lucas film, bounce everything Disney related and remake the prequel & original trilogy nearly scene for scene with new actors including a live action clone wars series then follow George’s original notes for sequel trilogy.

I'd just make movies where a hulking muscleman, some Arnold-type, beats the shit out of dozens of naked women. I don't think there's enough movies like that. I'd make a few hundred of those for starters.
>what's the story
I just told you.
I wasn't who you initial replied to anyway
but damn the internet sucks dick, humans are so shit, ah, why isn't everyone great like me?
he was forced to buy it
it became a legal requirement for him to do so

that's different than making a random movie.
cubfur musk
Oh, so you replied to me when I wasn't talking to you, in one of the few threads left on the board. Extremely desperate. Reply after the hide, and assume this post is a joke.
Remake Disney Princesses
Erotic movies. Normalize incest. Make the hottest mother-son incest pairing onscreen.
...ok then, just another defective, ah, why isn't everyone great like me?
>be "rich"
>it's actually just stocks that instantly lose value when you try to turn them into cash
nothing but live action anime adaptions with big tiddies
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The remake of Gaspar Noe's "Irreversible"

Starring Sophia Lillis.
>dont reply to me if I dont talk to you first
shutup fag
I'd make an Apocalypto style movies of many indigenous peoples. My biggest budget kino would follow the Maori.
Give me Moner, the bitch from dog with blog, and both girls from Wednesday. It's a Baywatch border crossing movie. They have to save wetbacks crossing over and almost drowning only to find out Sydney Sweened is the cartel boss sending people over. The three lolis have a 4 on 1 fight at the end between lolis vs tits mcgee.
he bought twitter with them, so.....
Well my favorite work would be Elf Bladder Crisis #47: Wild Wet Magic Amid The Halls of the Inexplicably Chinese-Themed Dark Elves, the genre-revolutionizing sequel to Elf Bladder Crisis #46: The Spattered Pride of the Noble Lady Warriors of the Silver Crest, and itself the prequel to Elf Bladder Crisis #48: The Marooned Misadventures of the Time-Shifted Elf Sorceresses Who Are Too Proud To Disrobe on the Deep Space Earth Vessel Paciencia.

They are shot in live-action with a large cast and also re-released with some stylized animation versions hand-drawn and inked and shaded over original frames. There are lots of characters and even though each movie is set in a new setting with a new group of elf women, there are overarching personal and general plotlines and you never know which character will show up amid the new group.
>*dumps remaining shares of Tesla now that Trump will be unspecialing electric cars*
nothing personnel
my mattress has springs poking through
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I would make a movie where Schwarzenegger and Stalone have gay sex for 15 minutes.
Do not call adult women lolis you goddamn homunculus
both you and him should hang I am so tired of pedos existing
Hey don't fucking lump him in with me I have nothing to do with this
perhaps I misunderstood
he should hang twice then, the rope is already out
Wish granted
Watch The Expendables 3
Valiant Cinematic Universe.
>hey Mr Jewberg, finance this money, I'll put up 400 millions worth of my spacestocks as collateral in case it bombs.
Big budget giantess kinos.
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I'd make Russ Meyer type movies. They're long overdue, fuck this disney/lifetime/bet bullshit
Barely, after trashing Tesla's stock and with multiple helper entities
I'd set up a studio outside of California and produce low/mid budget movies with no-name actors.
A lot of movies really don't have to be as expensive as they are.
I'd focus on good scripts and spend money on good directors and set designs rather than blast all my money on actors and CGI.
>I'd set up a studio outside of California and produce low/mid budget movies with no-name actors.

Nobody will watch your movies. People like recognisable faces, as it lets them know what they're going into. Explain how you'll get people to watch.
Use my billionaire fame to shill my movies on social media.
If the clips look cool then people will want to watch.
>Use my billionaire fame to shill my movies on social media.

They do that already. I know because I use Twitter. Instead of using the money on actors, you're wasting it on marketing. Bravo.
How does it cost me money to post clips of my movies on my social media accounts?
I bring forth the new age of mecha movies, from live action mecha anime/manga with the best CGI, to a ton of original ideas like how Pacific Rim came to be. I will inspire future generations of people to worship giant bipedal machines.
I didn't realise you meant you were going to do it yourself. In that case, you'll be marketing your own movies, and it's possible nobody watches, as you don't have followers. How many followers on your Twitter account? I have 32.
I'm putting out a few hits on people I don't like first by hiring the best fixers in the business

I must eliminate my enemies before I can create
I am Elon Musk. Read the OP
Oh, okay, Elon. Elon Musk hasn't made a single movie, so he's a lot smarter than this person I'm replying to. He obviously doesn't even see the point.
Well you certainly won't ever make a movie if you can't comprehend the concept of hypotheticals
Maybe just produce cheap mockbusters for fun. I don't know
I wouldn't even make a movie if I had the money, so thanks for that. Reply after the hide, and keep in mind the rest of the board is filtered.
Daring, are we?
I'd make a movie about a classic fantasy story, but instead of medieval times I'd set in space.
"Star Skirmish" I'd call it.
Our hero would be a talented orphan who has a rougish male friend and a competent female friend who is semi-hot.
i would pay a bunch of people to digitally replace Brad Pitt with Edward Norton in Fight club, or just erase him if both of them are in the picture.
>an earnest, non-satirical adaptation of Starship Troopers that makes the last one obsolete and consigns the term "media literacy" to the dustbin
>an animated Grim Fandango film. Not necessarily the story of the game, it could be a new character in the same setting
>Might try to do something with Hellraiser. It has never before been made with a big budget
>non-satirical adaptation of Starship Troopers
To be honest the book is kinda meh. Not one of Heinlein's best ones.
I'd rather see a decent adaption of The Moon is a Harsh Mistress or Stranger in a Strange Land.
Bible TV series. The whole thing, no details left out. Nothing invented. Stop motion creatures. real mattepaintings. No jews invovled, all actors are from mexico
You don't need to pay them. They are already trust fund babies who knew the right people.
>all actors are from mexico
Please tell me they all wear ponchos and sombreros
Yeah of course. Jesus will have a sombrero made of thorns.
¡Ay, caramba!
*forgot to mention Alejandro Jodorowsky is on board.
*I thought I said no jews
It would be fun to try and adapt Hyperion Cantos. I know Bradley Cooper has tried for like 10 years with no success.
R-rated live action Evangelion adaptation. With some auteur director, but Anno still onboard as producer.
>Anno still onboard as producer
The man is crazy, he'd just torpedo the whole thing.
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And x is third
It says there it's rank 5, but my point is that the person who said Twitter is dying is an actual brainlet. Twitter would be _more_ popular now under Musk, because people have more freedom to say what they want. If you go too far with freedom, then you have 4chan; and that's why Twitter is better for advertising.
If that were true Google would have shut down youtube years ago, or maybe not even bothered to buy it. YT has literally never been profitable
A remake of Irreversible with Monica Belucci's role played by Awkwafina. This time though it will be much more graphic and she will be forced into doing some seriously pervy shit, with the camera showing off her nubile naked body in all its glory.

If she raises any concerns about the shoot I will get the intimacy co-ordinater, or whatever they are called, to say she has to do it to "empower women" and it is super feminist to show off your tits for men at home to fap to for some reason, and it will get her an Oscar nom like Emma Stone.
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Nothing but period dramas.
You VILL watch the Edwardian slop
You VILL like it
>ITT: retards don't know the concept of net worth
>Elon couldn't produce any movies because all his wealth are in his assets
>He doesn't have any large money that he can use
>be "rich"
>it's actually just stocks that instantly lose value when you try to turn them into cash
so fucking reddit
>Starship Troopers
>To be honest the book is kinda meh. Not one of Heinlein's best ones
you have just got to be the "you don't understand being a multi-billionaire means you're actually poor" retard, aren't you?
Definitely explode a lot of cars. Hire thousands of extras for that kino bustling feel in cityscapes. So much you could do with a blank check. Might even hire a good screenwriter too but then again maybe not.
What do you like about it?
it's not reddit
it's the reality
nobody is truly rich except the people that own the central banking
i buy star wars and fix it
can’t do any worse than disney
>own assets
>assets are worth money
>sell assets
>have money
Flannery O'Conner adaptations starring kristen stewart.
Kino starring Sophia Lillis also Decent action films starring Iko Uwais. Both deserve better than most of what they've been given to work with.
>4chan is a graveyard
Yes, this place is a garbage dump. Most regular users are people who were already losers 15 years ago and are now fat, bald and old on top of it.
not even that, he could easily take out a loan and his assets serve as collateral
>What kinos you decide to produce or what type of studio?
A spectacularly violent game set in the Rhodesian war where you play as a Caucasian Rhodesian SAS operative finding and killing knee grow communists and their kremlin loving rat people families
A political thriller based on The Lavon Affair
>>everyone is smoking cigarettes
I miss this in mainstream movies.
Non pozzed historicals and documentaries and fantasy shows. Give funding to sci fi guys too, I guess. Also, animation.
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Lesbian vore with Debicki.
I like your idea.
I'd buy 4chan desu.
You clearly have no idea what you're talking about. Rich people don't sell their assets, they just take out massive loans with their assets as collateral. Then they use the income from whatever they bought to pay off the interest. This way they save taxes, too. Then they repeat the whole process as often as they want, that's why it's so easy to become even richer once you're already rich.
I invest in increasing immigration to the us, the uk, canada and australia.

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