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>A jet ski trip takes a tragic turn when a fatal accident leaves Kaya (Isabel Gravitt) and her friends fighting for survival in the middle of the open sea. Hope springs eternal when they are pulled out of the water by a fishing trawler. But the rescue turns out to be a deadly trap: the captain has a cruel plan that plunges the friends into a nightmare. Trapped on the murderous ship, Kaya must rise above to survive the cruel game and find a way to escape.


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Why do you always mention the race in these posts?
We MUST put an end to White on White crime!
is that a fishing trawler for ants?
>Why do you always mention the race in these posts?
why not?
To be fair, it did catch my attention.
is it any good?
Looks chuddy as hell. Might check it out if the reviews are good.
How much time does she spend in bikini?
Go away
It's funny
Just came out, anon
Horizon was the only good movie made this year
I very much enjoy your threads OP, if you're the original nigga who started this meme (I do it sometimes too). Do you have a twitter or anything you want me to follow
My god that's John Fallout.
In this case, it's quite funny
No, anon. But thanks.
This is code for gay sex right?
cause it's funny you faggot
>yanks consider this white
it's over
Bikini girls, you say?
>blind guy talking
Because it made you click on it and comment
>skinny woman
What website can I find it? Can't see it on lt, rar, 1337 or pb
Please help a retard out
private torrents
it's over
I'm on two private movie trackers and also searched across numerous public sources. A webdl of this isn't a thing yet.
Rarbg doesn't exist since May 2023. If you think that you are on a working rarbg, you are being lied to and taken advantage of.
was the ocean also white?
Would be more useful if you mentioned if it has other races or not. If it's white only or mostly white film then it would be good to know.
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>I'm on two private movie trackers and also searched across numerous public sources. A webdl of this isn't a thing yet.
seems like your private trackers are shitty while mine is great
>beautiful young women kidnapped at sea
>end up being sold…for their organs
Organ trafficking tends to come from poor people being snatched up in Latin America or Chinese dissidents. If you have a bunch of hot girls, especially white girls, they’re gonna be sex slaves. Did they just not have the balls to make it sex trafficking?
Prove there's a real file of the correct movie underneath that label
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oh look, another tracker with the movie
maybe your trackers are shit?
Which release group is this release by?
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oh noes, another one!
i ask the same question pretty much every time. do they get naked?
trackers names or fake
>giving out names in public
no anon
stay out
>I'm on two private movie trackers
sounds like you need to request it from a better private tracker, anon...
VODanon knows how to draw the house
Then again, there probably IS a market for "I want my replacement kidney to come from a nice white person and not from a pajeet. Make it happen."
This is true
You're retarded. You can't mix and match genetically disimilar parts. Mixed kids are totally fucked and will never be matches for organs.
Learn2torrent noob
How though
So that means no one here has an opinion until e-celebs upload their videos?

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