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My ex-wife just died. Show some respect.
Seems weird people were trying to give her psychological help in the late 00's when she was 70. Like how much longer did you think she was gonna live? She was mentally basically GONE since the early 00's. I don't know what happened, but it may have been schizophrenia.
>I don't know what happened, but it may have been schizophrenia.
Likely her mental problems were from her past drug use. She was a coke head in the '70s and '80s. You simply don't use hard drugs for years and not get brain problems later in life. She was doing coke on the set of the Shining in front of Kubrick for Christ's sake.
My wife died on the set of a movie with Alec Baldwin. I legally can't say which one.
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I like to think that when I die if I go to heaven (not a sure thing at this point) I'll wake up and hear "Hello, I'm Shelly Duvall." Then the sex begins. So much sex.
Kubrick literally mentally abused her the entire time they were filming, I don't blame her for using cocaine.
>It's real because I want it to be
Between the coke and the way Kubrick tortured her through production I'm surprised she didn't overdose or kill herself a few years later. Still, she definitely wasn't alright mentally and she deserved way more help a lot sooner
https://youtu.be/zy9V7jYABOA?si=EXj95OD8Rkr4zonB o
your soul just enters a giant cauldron of every other soul that has existed and you just live out eternity in a spiritual ecstasy with "creation" as your human mind perceives it
>Kubrick literally mentally abused her the entire time they were filming
Because she was such a shit actor that he had to, in order to get a decent performance out of her. The alternative would have been to fire her and re-shoot all her scenes. So he raised his voice with her a few times. Who the fuck cares. She was a dumb, ditzy bitch who was shitting the bed acting-wise and was doing literal drugs on set. Fuck her.
"He didn't get le heckin good performance out of her so its okay that he brought a woman to the brink of psychosis"
Can you name specific examples of what he did to her other than raise his voice and demand a better peformance out of her, and that she be present on set and giving consistent effort? And not anecdotal stories from websites or forums. I am talking actual quotes from other actors or crew who can tell of specific things he said to her or did to her? I am legit curious, because I always hear of this psychological torture but all I can find is one clip from the making-of doc that Kubrick's daughter filmed that shows Kubrick upset at Duvall because she was dicking around on set and smoking cigs when they were supposed to be filming. I can't find anything else. Sounds like a story that snowballed over the years into making Kubrick into some monster on the level of Hannibal Lecter or some shit.
In her own words
>Likely her mental problems were from her past drug use. She was a coke head in the '70s and '80s. You simply don't use hard drugs for years and not get brain problems later in life. She was doing coke on the set of the Shining in front of Kubrick for Christ's sake.

Cocaine use isn't related to the kind of delusions she had later in life, which is more associated with psychadelic or meth abuse. Cocaine is the softest of the hard drugs, and it's a stimulant anyways. You just feel like a big shot for a few minutes.

So I think her mental breakdown was unrelated, and it could very well have just been schizophrenia. It seems to have developed in the 00's, and she seems to have become less and less functional to the point of being a weird hoarder who mostly lives in her car.

This is 100% a myth and idiots keep repeating it.
>Raised her voice with her a few times
They reshot the bat scene 127 times because Kubrick is a known control freak, not because Shelley didn't give a good performance on take one. I doubt take 127 was any better anyway consider that she was hoarse from 3 hours of screaming and she had rubbed her hands raw from swinging the bat
Also in her own words one year after The Shining, praising Kubrick for helping her along in the filming, basically admitting she wasn't on Kubrick's level.

In 2001 she looked normal, although a bit chubby.
Cocaine will literally put holes in your brain, retard. Ask crack heads.
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>"creation" as your human mind perceives it

Can perceive myself having an all holes threesome with prime Shelly Duvall and Sherilyn Fenn?
>One year after the shining
Lol ok
They only shot that scene so many times because she couldn't get into it, and wasn't exhibiting the kind of desperation and fear that Kubrick was looking for. I HIGHLY doubt she nailed it on take 1. Or even the first 15 takes for that matter. She had no clue what she was getting into with a Kubrick film. Even Harvey Keitel couldn't handle it and walked off the set of Eyes Wide Shut after Kubrick made him do like 15 takes of him simply walking into a room.
The Interview is literally from 1981, retard. The Shining came out in 1980.
Again, doing 127 takes doesn't make you a genius it makes you a retard. Even David Fincher only does like 60 at the most, and usually that's just because he wants a bunch of options for the final cut
I know and I'm saying I don't trust it that close to release
>Again, doing 127 takes doesn't make you a genius it makes you a retard
He got the performance he wanted and the film is regarded as one of the best horror films of all time. I'd say that makes him smarter than directors who would have just gotten a few takes and moved on. If you do 127 takes, that means the actors is fucking up, not the camera crew or the director. She won a Razzie for her performance, don't forget. Even with 127 takes, everyone thought she was shit at the time.
>I know and I'm saying I don't trust it that close to release
Link another one from after the Shining where Duvall says Kubrick mentally tortured her on purpose.
>Mentioning razzies like the mean anything
Literally everyone at the time thought her performance was so bad that it was funny. That's not good for a serious horror movie.
Fake bullshit chud. She was not doing coke "on the set right in front of Kubrick for Christs sake". Do you feel better making up dogshit clickbait like this? A director of Kubrick's reputation would instantly fire anyone disrupting production let alone sitting around drugged out of their minds. He has fired people for making far smaller mistakes. Show us the direct quote and photo where's she's actually doing coke on set right in front him. If she was doing drugs off set that means you lied. And makes you a lying cocksucker which is a ver common species on 4chan.
Really good news. Apparently. For a couple years they can come back and enter people's dreams and the person can fuck them if they want to. So I assume something similar is happening up there if that's what they're doing down here.
It isn’t fake. She snorts a line in the making of The Shining in front of him.
>It isn’t fake. She snorts a line in the making of The Shining in front of him.

Based. Post a webm.
Theres something about janky teeth, if the rest is okay, that i like, a lot.
Whatever, that weird goth couple that interviewed her before she died showed the utmost class and respect and Shelley loved it. She was lucid and humble and loved that she had devoted fans. RIP
what if we reject instrumentality?
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We will get an Asuka GF
Post the WebM, post the YouTube vid with timestamp or btfo nigger

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