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>cavalry charge
>Hundreds of extras
Yep I'm thinking kino
looks like 12 people
Hollywood no long employs extras in the days of CGI
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4 real horses and CGI
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>get cavalry charged
>keep standing there playing your taunt animations
Why are they charging those british football fans?
is this the capeshit thread?
How many trust fund babies were in the writer's room?
The trailer had all the kino tropes
>Hero and villain team up to take on the bigger bad
>"Leave Sauron to me"

I will now watch your show
Exactly what I thought lmao. It's unreal for fucking stupid it looks
looks like that one anon will need to make Non-Imbursed Genuine General Examination/Review (NIGGER) generals for ROP2 because amazog is also shilling this piece of shit here. sage is my favourite spice
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I'm not even meming but I think Tolkien would approve of this
anyone who praises ROPe without also including the acronym "N.I.G.G.E R." i will assume is just a shill. kill yourself
Isn't she married, or are they planning to make Celeborn a cuckold?
>Pedestrian camera work and plastic looking armor
Yep, it's slop
That's american national fetish
It's a nice to see they still hold S01 stadarts of the scale.
Her husband has always been seen as a forgetable accessory in large parts of the Tolkien fandom so I guess they are just running with it.
I mean even Jackson teased her and Gandalf with all the obvious flirting in the Hobbit movies
No Morf nude scene, no watch
Tolkien clearly stated that elves have one single partner for life (their spouse) and are not at all interested in adultery, that's a weakness found in humans. Not that the jews at Amazon care, Tolkien was a white man and jews hate and want to destroy all the beautiful things created by white people.
No, you should give more billions to Ukraine chud.
>can't NTR elves cause they marry for life
>can't rape them either since rape is so antithesis to their existence they die instantly
Tolkien was so ahead of the curve, he predicted the most common porn themes people do with elves and ensured his elves can't be hit with it.
>death to our foes
Really? That's the line? The best line they could think of? Of course "death to our foes" that goes without saying when charging at them like that. It's not "hugs for our foes" by default and you have to let everyone know to switch to "death". From what i've seen of this shitty show, all the dialogue has this autistic retard sound to it. Like children who just watched a fantasy film playing make believe, making up lines as they go.

As for the visuals, there's this "fat people running to a buffet" energy to it. Something about the combination of how it's shot, the ill-fitting chunky armor, the awkward movement of the people as if they've never ridden a horse. And the "orcs" looking like a bunch of norf FC fans chanting and gesturing at the other teams fans, not preparing at all for the charge. They're stupid but they're not THAT stupid. They look like they don't expect to actually be hit, creating an immersion breaking effect.
I kind of like the idea of it.
It's stil hillarious how Amazon manages to shoot "epic battle sequence" as somekind of comedy/cheap chinesse mobile game cinematic, while LoTR was able to deliver the whole gravity of the moment even if it was roadtrip episode without tonns of CGI
Honestly I think I would have been more open to it if it wasn't Galadriel and instead some OC elf chick they made up.
The lotr battle scenes were fucking terrible
name a film with good battle scenes
We are so back ROPbros
I just like how they've adjusting every piece of MiddleEarth to american cultural icons
Arrandir - Michael Jackson
Galadriel - Rey Skywalker/Kora/Harley Quin
Sauron - Adam Driver
Gil-Galad - Biden
>80% of the people in this scene have some insanely dark shadow cast on them is because they are jeet cgi assets
whew lad, glad i tapped out of this in S01E01. i can't imagine how much of a fucking pleb you'd have to be to stomach this shit
already seen a cavalry charge in the existing LotR film.
What does this cavalry charge have to offer that the previous one doesn't?
This is only a minor skirmish in comparison to the siege of Eregion that comes a few episodes later. They didn't really show much of it in the trailer.
Adar levels Eregion with artillery and then uses trolls to divert the river that surrounds it and storms the walls

The scale is HUGE
good morning sir
Everything globohomo does is the same. Yesterday in Paris you could see the exact same fag obsession with degeneracy and "what if x fucked y" that permeates anything they do.
>This is only a minor skirmish
And it looks like shit. Increasing the scale, complicating things, could only make it worse. The whole thing must REALLY look like shit.
Ah, I was wondering why so many threads shitting on the movie trilogy we’re being made.
god imagine if they had both vision, passion, and the money
It's probably mostly CG, but it looks believable.
>Tolkien clearly stated that elves have one single partner for life (their spouse)
Finwe has entered the chat.
I'll check the fan edit sites eventually. Maybe someone on the forums who's knowledgeable about what the problem is can salvage some of the footage and make something watchable from it.
that's really bad CGI, sloppy job
more like ropebros
Yeah, hopefully someone can work something watchable with it, I know I'm an Amazoncuck but I do mostly like it visually. I watched the first episode of a fanedit that cuts 3 or so hours out and it was an improvement by removing some of the worst of the terrible dialogue. Needed to cut out more of the worst storyline, Southlands, though. Southlands needs to be cut out like a cancer like people cut out the IT WAS REAL romance from the Hobbit movies.
This all looks awful. I’m out. I’ll stick with hotd.
Not sure if just making it abridged would save it.
It almost needs new overdubs, White AI generated replacement actors for some characters, the whole nine yards. Far beyond the typical fanedit effort.
Cheap looking armor.
Although, I won't forgive Hackson for adding plate armor. It all should have looked like early middle ages, even if Gondorion film armor is cool looking.
Where did they find so many horses aren't they endangered?
>for life
Finwe's wife was dead, Tolkien being a catholic was obviously not against people remarrying after becoming a widower or a widow. Why are jews such disgusting filthy liars? Hitler was right to call them out.
>Death to our foes
very inspiring
What part of "for life" don't you understand you stupid cretin woman? Of course marriage ends when one of the spouses is dead, idiot.
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I WILL enjoy season 2
I WILL make threads for it every episode
I WILL keep /ropg/ alive
>no you don't understand elves don't die except this one who did but then she came back to 'life' later, it's totally different
Cool, guess I'll remarry if my wife technically dies for 1 minute. Just gotta time it right.
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>I WILL enjoy season 2
>I WILL make threads for it every episode
>I WILL keep /ropg/ alive
Based ROP enjoyer
But will you post my beautiful wife Morf though?
Super hyped for it. Looks great
nta, but yes of course
Not even the people who watch it think it "looks great".
I'm not fully morfpilled yet but I don't dislike her either. If she has good scenes in s2 I will most certainly make webms out of them.
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Miriel died of her own free will. Your wife isn't going to spontaneously die of her own free will, enjoy life in prison for the attempted murder, nig.
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Fucking die you shitty PR and marketing faggot die die die die die and take your shitty abomination forced corporate amazon sjw crap with you
This season basically has a Battle of the Bastards tier battle followed by Helms Deep tier siege
/tv/ will be all over this, I guarantee
so much money spent to generate such little sovl
Kherson status?
>no babe you don't understand, you just gotta die of your own will for a minute. It doesn't matter that I know you can come back any time, it's not adultery.
If you weren't a jew, you would tell things straight and you wouldn't deliberately omit information. Miriel was allowed to come back to life only after both her son and her ex-husband were already dead, and that was only because her ex-husband decided to stay dead in order to remain with their son. When one was alive, the other was dead, the Valar would not allow it any other way. You know that, you just don't say just like you don't say all the people in gaza are getting genocided by Israel are actually innocent and you just want to slaughter innocent children.
Kingdom of Heaven
I hate the "medieval filter" epidemic
Nigger, Miriel was not allowed to come back while Finwe was still alive, retard. Drone strike Tel Aviv.
>t. turd world Another brown dipshit seething about jews in between paid spamming for unwatchable garbage
>>can't rape them either since rape is so antithesis to their existence they die instantly
Is this canon?
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post >yfw you never watched a single episode of this shit

That much rape posting means either India or Pakistani sexless skinnyfat five foot nothing low IQ vermin.
Actually im a white nitzschean androcentric rape piller
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jeet confirmed. Die. Fuck amazon shills. Die.
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Who mowed the lawn though?
Calling out israeli war crimes is the only shit that's of any worth in this shit thread about a shit garbage jew show.
I don't like amazon retard, im white. we used to be conquerors and rapists.
It's filmed so boringly
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>death to our foes
that's the best the writers could come up with?
the power of RANGZ
the power of KANGZ
>virgin browns mad that the israelchads once again found a cheat around the rules
we're taking all the land, get rekt
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That looks quite good for modernslop. Still hilarious that nothing made in the last 20 years can compete with the originals though.
Tell me anon, do you know why boats float but a rock cannot?
Keep attacking arab people, schlomo. Watch the whole of the Middle East turn against you while your white slaves can't do shit because you taught them that diversity is their strength.
Barad dur is tel aviv
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Only gays of the highest Jewish order wouldn't love my white elf princess
literally a bored NHS nurse with glued on elf ears
Perhaps the most egregious gaslighting in these threads is that this drowned rat is above 4/10
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>but it looks believable.
>Moshe actually admits to being a israeli
Damn Shlomo, you slipping. 10 shekels have been removed from your shilling account.
>implying this isn't all planned
>sub iq browns don't realise we've already drained anything of value from the europe slave states
>you're going to be in the ruins of europe until it's africa tier disgusting
>eventually you're gonna be in poverty and beg to be slaves
>we're sitting comfy in israel after bombing gaza off the map
have fun with the whites, muhammad. it'll be like africa soon. you won't even get to be house slaves, it's the mines for you.
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I see the seething /pol/tard election tourists have arrived. The level of impotent anger a simple RoP thread generates is highly amusing.
Elrond looks cute this season no homo
Israel has been trying to bomb Gaza off the map since 1967.
Does it matter? In Rotk and two towers they charge right into pike/phalanx formations and they still destroy the orcs
kicking subhumans off land and making them go over to destroy europe after we extract all wealth from it takes a minute, give us a break. all good things in their time.
You want to go down this route? Because it worked so well for star wars?
Um sirs? This is a Rings of Power thread, take your political discourse elsewhere. Thanks.
>Israel has been trying to bomb Gaza off the map since 1967
All while crying muh holocaust.
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Looks like Tolkino is back on the menu!
Ngl, the scene with Adar stabbing Sauron with the crown is straight up kino.
$500bln per episode btw
Yeah, he gets stabbed by loads of orcs too as Adar pins him down with his own crown until they destroy his physical form
Like the assassination of Caeser.
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threadly reminder
CGI made by indians. I refuse to believe this shit isn't just money laundering.
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>Sex scenes with Dr Who and Sauron all within the same month
Morf can't stop winning
tranny cat
You have not seen what they have seen.
How the fuck does it look so cheap?
indian cgi
>medieval fantasy army
>every soldiers wears the same as if it was a modern day uniform
>every fucking time
OP you're a retard
>citing hackson's trilogy as example
>for anything
lol lmao even
>here's your half-elf bro
i will so not watch this show any longer
t. dropped out of hotd season 2 and ignored boys season 4
I think he's implied that it's still stupid and incompetent as a whole in both expositions, nonetheless.
>death to our foes
Who talks like this?
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Another season of this jewish humiliation ritual
I liked rings of power. I thought the nigger elf was fine, elves are fags anyway. the show was pretty cool as the setting was post collapsed society, like imagine it was Afghanistan and the elf nigger and his fag friends were the last coalition forces, they just want to go home and hate the dumb fuck tribal shits.
the dwarves were fucking kino, money well spent on the cgi there. the nigger dwarf was also OK but only OK, since her being black as fuck was distracting.
I think the most cringe shit was the skinny elf slut (who I would snap in two with my orcish cock) sliding around and climbing mountains with daggers (DOGSHIT) and her just fighting people in general was cringe.
people misinterpreted some dialog from the show because they're faggot brainrotted poltards.
anyway go fuck yourselves I liked it for the most part, even if it was fucking gay girl power shit.
the cavalry chain was also cringe dogshit that absolutely ruined the episode.
the hate here was mostly deserved, since they marketed the show with the whole 50 BILLION bullshit hubris and deserved some bullying, but as usual the retards with brain parasites took it too far.
unironicall? DnDfags turned authors
nigger, no one is reading that lol
shit goes in a toilet not on the street
Pajeets probably made it. See Masters of the Air for pajeet-tier CGI. It's so painfully overdone it ruins the crux of the show.
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Good shill!
>I'm not reading that
it is a lot of words for a pajeet
Maybe they are baiting Elrond into a trap. Happened in the Silmarillion. It cost them 50,000 men but the Angband host was able to lure the Noldor army off defensive ground and envelope them from 3 sides with hundreds of thousands waiting in reserve.
Not reacting to the charge is MORE suspicious. If it was a trap they'd react as expected, and maybe leave the line thin in one specific area they want them to go toward or something.
This is so heckin wholesomerino guys
Are they fucking stupid? Are they fucktarded? Why would they film it on a recently mowed lawn? Why not just find a random heath, or hell, just pick a lawn that hasn't been mowed in 3 months? Sheep and wild mammals don't graze like lawnmower.
Teleporno has already been cuck coded
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>'member the ride of the rohirrim? Watch and give us ya shekels, goyim
How do I find friends who hate this shit and love the books? I want to connect with people who love what Tolkien wrote and who hate this Amazon bullshit.
>mary magdalena and satan with matching friendship bracelets
>how heckin' wholesome!
>x coded
kys at the earliest convenience thx bro
this but also hate hackson's machwerk
I wish there were more erotic and bed scenes with Galadriel and Halbrand.
The DOP says it's the biggest battle in TV history
>death to our foes!
Atrocious writing
BLACK PEOPLE DO NOT BELONG TO MEDIEVAL FANTASY (unless it's stated they come from a far desertic land)
Everyone in this show looks like a faggot
should be pretty easy, most people hate this shit sans the basedyest of basedyers
good morning saar
I really just enjoy these threads for the very blatantly obvious indian shilling. I honestly don't even care enough about this piece of shit series that I will never watch to shit on it to much. I wonder if you start talking about how stupid cows are as dirty animals if the jets in here would start to get hostile?
Wow she aged like milk
That's how welshwomen age. she's significantly above avg, though. most are munters.
I literally couldn't finish season 1 because it was so boring, and I've watched some incredible slop in my time
lol you wish, roastie
It's easy to tell who will age well, she won't look particularly old even in her mid 40s
I powered through it, but fuck if I can remember any of it.
>imagine being the kind of retard who likes hackson's trilogy but thinks he's better than some indian
absolutely delusional
>for once the term marathoning actually applies
You are glossing over the fact that the orcs do break formation and are scared shitless in both charges.
What the fuck is this lighting and gradient? Looks like fucking obscene textures from a shitty 360 cutscene.
will she still look like a pasty flabby HR wineaunt though?
God I hope so
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Is Kino back on the menu boys?
we're supposed to compare a still frame to a webm? There's even motion blur, obviously a split second shot
>death to our foe
Oh, such eloquence! Elves truly are something else!
Why is he dirty? Why is everything washed out grey? What is this bullshit?
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Why do you need a webm? Horses can't gallop down such a slope, no one at all could move down such a steep slope
I think the picture is wildly bright and saturated, after the gray HotD crap
Do the retards making these ever actually read of on battle tactics or checked on historical accounts on how shit like this goes down?
So... where are all those horses supposed to go after they barge through the orc lines? Looks like there's a dense forest behind them
Because it's extremely important to how the scene comes across when you're watching it. In OP we can see the whole scene.
where exacgtly in mordor is this battle taking place
i have seen western movies in which actors have been riding down such a slope but it's not conducive for a charge whatsoever. the horse needs to be a bit at an angle against the slope
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Taking an example from Jackson, who directed the dumbest fight scenes in the history of television
There we go with the blue depression filter again. Even fantasy can't escape
Imagine having fucking Amazons budget and it still looks cheap as shit. Are there even any competent filmmakers left out there?
Even in the movies now can not put normal battles, in TV shows for normal battles can not even hope for

About amazon, they don't even have a reputable studio and directors for that, the same WB have such studios, but they still filmed utter crap in game of thrones anyway
Wow, you shills are allowed to say the naughty words?
That's so cool!
In season 1, the attack was filmed with somewhere between 15-20 real horses, but it still turned out to be crap
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I prefer Hot D's visuals
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Give me the meat, and give it to me raw
impotent little fags like you need groupthink because you're scared the big mean niggers are gonna get ya
you'd honestly be happier on reddit
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Yea I wish it was like that
A couple minutes of tournament and 20 hours of two dark rooms with big tables (with pauses for a shot of a gray beach where some dragon sits)
Your larping doesn’t fool me shill.
elephants, even the ones used IRL in the past for war, were never that big....
Those are Oliphaunts though
Fantasy elephants are bigger than our irl elephants?
Have you not seen any of the movies none of them make tactical sense, specially the dumb helms deep fight.
That's fantastic, the problem is that the Rohirrim have decided to kill themselves
Mumakil aren't elephants.
>We finally get full scale battles on television
>Its modern woke slop
Monkeys paw is real
>orcs aren't negroes
Forming spearheads instead of a single line and getting past the enemy between the Oliphaunts would probably resulted in fewer casualties. Then, after they're past them, they can use their greater mobility to keep biting their heels until they fall down.
Actually, if you think about it, it would be impossible to damage the skin of such a huge elephant with an ordinary sword.
>they really spent 10s of millions and worked very hard
>they really expect credit
>on some twisted level, people will keep supporting them
something is rotten in the very heart of hollywood.
poltards crying and shitting themselves doesn't make the show bad
in fact it makes me enjoy the show even more
there is nothing worse on this gay earth than a grown man crying and pissing his pants over a fantasy tv show
it will never stop being funny to me, just like when I would stomp on my cousins toys and he'd wail and scream like a little bitch
Are you really enjoying this show, be honest
for every unit enjoyment you add, I add ten units of not watching it! So there!
It's pasta.
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Will it be better than The Hobbit?
i thought adar served sauron

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