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Why doesn't Tom Cruise have a single sci fi kino? That's kind of weird.
Vanilla Sky, Minority Report, Edge of Tomorrow are all really good. War of the Worlds and Oblivion are fine.
Those are all on earth though, I never seen tom in space
You didn’t fucking say space
Well earth isn't fiction now is it fucking dumbass
And space is?
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no science fiction is
in space
has a fictional story

Apollo 13 is a historical science movie and thus non fiction so it isn't sci fi
Science fiction doesn’t automatically mean in space
Happy to see we can confirm Planet of the Apes is not sci-fi.
What is going on
Holy shit you're retarded. Kill yourself my dude.
it does, if someone says they want to see sci fi they want to see people in space.
that's the whole twist of the movie they make you think it's sci fi but in the end it isn't.
Because god hates you fucking faggot, go slip on a banana peel and have to wear a diaper for the rest of your life
what the fuck do you think science fiction is?
Nor the Time Machine, nor Time Cop for that matter. What about total recall? Some of it is on Mars but they don't show the space trip in between. Does being on another planet include space?

Maybe OP is thinking of the term space opera, which is a type of sci fi. I guess. Star wars isn't really sci fi is it though? Is space fantasy sci fi? There's not really any scientific ideas being explored if everyone's just an alien and the tools are all impossible magic.
Astronauts have a height restriction
>if someone says they want to see sci fi they want to see people in space
Someone might be just you. Or maybe an 11 year old cousin who still doesn't know all the words yet.
yes? fuckin globetard alert lol
He was in space in Topgun Maverick
kill yourself
/tv/ is /globe/. go back to /pol/
If you shoot for the moon you at least land among the stars
You’re either a fucking retard or pretending to be. What genres are Blade Runner and Invasion of the Bodysnatchers?
This is a good point. Also the song in vanilla sky elevator says that ladies and gentleman we are floating in space. The twist is you don't think it's sci fi and then that's a good song
detective and horror
Science isn't real and neither is space

>hello, yes I would like one ticket see the newest fiction fiction movie
statements dreamt up by the utterly deranged
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Goodbye you fucking idiot
but Blade Runner takes place in space
He's scared of Xenu.
He wasn't in space he was almost in space.
wow I just told you why it isn't and then you just show a screenshot of google what a npc
no it's on earth
bro if you think about it
we're like in space right now...
I mean what is space really?
im not him but theres millions of others including me that believe space is fake
Earth is in space
This thread was off the rails before it even got going
This thread is fucking hilarious, theres no reality in which this guy isn't a basement knobgoblin having a laugh but everyone is still biting
>im not him but theres millions of others including me that believe space is fake

That is why mass abortion and sterilization is a necessity. We have already convinced faggots and other freaks that they should abort their children, or sterilize themselves and their children.
Ok Hitler
The screenshot includes a Wikipedia description of the movies listing them as sci-fi.

Just curious, where did you first get the impression that Science Fiction movies can only take place in outer space?
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>Ok Hitler

Hey. Nobody is forcing anyone. You will like others demand it.
This is by a good amount the dumbest thread I've ever posted in and that's saying something.
Nah I've seen worse. Reminds me of 2017 /tv/
i bet you dont know a single reason why we believe such a thing
nope we are flatties here i'd bet on it
I hate that 2017 is considered a long time ago by you zoomer shitwits
I'm rather enjoying it
It IS a long time ago, grandpa. Sorry it was only like yesterday for your crusty old ass.
>i bet you dont know a single reason why we believe such a thing

Nahh.. But you sure would like to use satelite technology to tell me you don`t even know how a HF radio works. But if you sterilize yourself I would love to hear you ramble on all day long.
It's called Dianetics.
Just to briefly make my case on behalf of the flatties as someone who doesn't care:

A)They lie to us about everything what's one more lie?
B)No need to abort them, they make for very interesting debate partners. Gosh darn it are they stubborn. What's life without a little spice?

Trannyism will eat itself sooner or later I pay it no mind.
I've been busting crusty asses since before your parents were even old enough to post here you goober
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2011 > 2017, sneedfag.
funny. you believe 'satellites' are behind this. why do you think we have undersea cables, and land-based towers everywhere. GPS is land-based tower triangulation, no satellites needed. everything you believe is a hoax. satellites are CGI
He goes to space in Oblivion
OK faggot.
Back on topic: why don't any science fictions take place on earth
his clone goes to space plus he also immediately dies so it doesn't really count.
who plays his clone?
David Miscavige
Incorrect. Lurk more.
that's irrelevant.
Well done my nigga, got em hooked line in stinker
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>Why doesn't Tom Cruise have a single sci fi kino?
Breh.... Oblivion is certified KINO, and it's far from his only one.
it gave me a chuckle
>ladies and gentlemen, we're floating in space
Don't know why you guys got hung up on the details but why is there no Tom Cruise in space kino?
Shut the fuck up you trolling faggot.
Yes it's like pilots. The smaller they are, the easier it is to shoot them up there and keep them alive.
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he will only do it practical
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well played OP you glorious retard
I came to point and laugh at OP

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