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>um, actually...growing up in a stable household with parents who love you is FREAKING LAME DOOD!!

who writes this shit?
op def named clarence lmfao
jews of course. how nu are you?
mom wouldnt let me be a rapper
this nigga went to a private school lmaooooooo
> "I am white..."
> crowd cheers loudly.
> easily wins rap battle
what the fuck did they mean by this?
ain't no way blud's parents ain't even divorced bruh
this shit was kino i dont care.
The lame part is acting like you are a street nigga when you are a trust fund baby.
Eminem was a stroke of genius from the loxist ones. How can we hurt white kids with rap too?

>who writes this shit?
millennials who buy beard oil and wear glasses even though their eyes are fine who are not homosexual but try and fap to homosexual pornography anyway and then cry because they can't dump a load to male anus. Then they make a youtube podcast about it and walk around in public with giant headphones on welcoming african and india into their grandparents neighbourhoods on live stream
the sex scene in this movie was really awkward. that's all i remember.
>what the fuck did they mean by this?
Mainly that not beating milennials and zoomers or making them do manual labour as kids and teens was a huge fucking mistake and now they are handing their nations to rapey jeets and retarded knee grows who wear discount pajama sets in public becaus ethey can't stop crying about the plight of trannies not being able to molest prepubescent girls in womans toilets
who cares? growing up poor without a father doesn't make you competent or tough. it just makes you a loser whose daddy ditched him.
>Tha Jews!

Do you retards think about anything else but circumcized cock
no, you IDIOT
he was saying the nigger came from a good life despite acting like a hood hardass
the nigger was ashamed of his good life and shady was calling him out on it
Is that named after the smoked fish?
Big nigga was a phony trying to fit in, when everybody else there was there because that’s who they actually are. Black guy is a tourist to them
>Bet yo mom kept ger tots from touching awfully hot coffee pots
Being a bigger is still infinitely more cringe than a well off nigger pretending to be from the hood.
The point is they’re in cringe solidarity. They’re literally uncomfortable being away from their own cringe
imagine that they're arguing on 4chan and eminem says that the nig browses reddit. it's literally the same.
somebody posing as a gangster or as hard, but only being a pretender is actually retarded for not going further to school and meddling with low lifes on purpose, the ridicule is on point from any angle you view it from.
It's the boomers and older gen xers that are still in power and doing these things.
He gay
Funniest scene was when they threw him out the window and he got up immediately like nothing had happened! LMAO!!!
Early Werner Herzog sure knew how to write a comedy!
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>it doesn't matter what you say as long as you have passion an conviction
WHOAAAAAAAAAAAA.I mean You fucks get all your life experience from movies,I always wondered where the fuck you live and how sheltered are you but I see this thread again and again like it means something,I wish someone would make a scary movie thread,fuck it am gonna do it myself
Where can I get wifebeater shirts like that?
trying to be a street hood when you come from a good background with ample opportunities is lame.
he sucked a billionaire jew's dick to get his record deal. half his songs are about sucking dick, just read the lyrics.

>arms are sweaty
>knees weak and ready
>vomit on his sweater
>you only get one chance to BLOW

these low income niggas have rap offs every weekend, wtf do you mean theres only 1 oppertunity for a kid to sing songs in public? unless its about sucking a producer's dick.
Hip hop was already huge with white average teens before Eminem. The Chronic by Dr Dre was probably the big turning point for mainstream rap along with Tupac becoming a huge celebrity followed by Ready to Die by Notorious BIG and sort of indie rap from Wu Tang Clan that hipster whites could jack off too. Eminem was just part of a progression
Who likes negro mumble anyway. Weird genre.
you mean like 90% of all hip hop and gangster rap artists? the entire genre is fake and always has been.

>but they shot tupac

because even high income blacks have chimp outs. its not social or economic, its genetic.
>its not social or economic
Tupac was the son of a famous Black Panther member who defeated fed infiltrators.
Any real nigga respects that.

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