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I would've thought this movie would have employed their marketing campaign to unleash bot/shill threads on here making threads about this movie. But just looking at the catalog and archive on here theres really not that many threads about this movie on here.Ya know like the other movies/shows that get shilled on here 24/7 like House of the Dragon, The Boys, Dune 2 (when it first came out), that shitty Furiosa movie and etc.
Because the chudpocalypse happened.
Chuds lost the culture war and it shows.
You two anons seem to live in a completely different reality.
because this place is increasingly irrelevant
Maybe we're in a stage so deep into DEI hires movie companies just became incompetent and now they are clueless about how bot/shilling were truly efficient to their gains.
There are tons of shill threads. This is one of them, faggot.
Well the us will be minority white by 2035 so maybe this is the case.
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entire budget went to india

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>white people are their gods now
imagine the smell
Why do Indians love superhero movies so much?
**white superheroes
All browns do is worship white people. Because we gave them plumbing, Penicillin and electricity.
whites in the us will be a minority by 2035
Unironically, what happened to India?
>Colonisation was terrible
>They came into our country and built schools, hospitals, roads, railways and court houses!
people dont realize how bad india was before whites civilized them. they lived in mud huts and had no running water. all their buildings still standing are built by white people 100 years ago. mass starvation was the norm so it became a virtue not to eat. their religions were even more insane, they would sacrifice each other by running over hundreds of people with stone chariots, and it was considered holy to stand in front of the stone chariot and be crushed by it.
How fucking stupid do you have to be to believe companies would actually shill their shit on this site? Fucking election tourist retards i swear.
>the us becoming minority white is terrible
Why exactly?
They were never white in the first place. Anglos and the Ir*sh are not white and those 3 or 4 germanic immigrants don't matter, statistically speaking
>the earliest we can expect to watch it on Disney+ is early November – potentially Wednesday, November 6
>have to wait months and months for digital (mkv)
Fucking rip.
I really don't want to spend 15 for a movie and pop corn these days. Maybe I could smuggle in pop corn..
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That movie: (see pic).
I wouldn't even pirate it. I'm too jaded by the woke/tran/fag bullshit infesting our culture....
Germans are the most populous ethnic group in the United States. Also plenty of Dutch blood too
One word: Chicago, or how the locals loving refer to as "Chiraq"!
>VGH, I AM PURE GERMAN (35% German, 16% Italian, 13% Polish and 36% various other slavic and african ethnicities)
OP here, that was a fun movie. Definitely worth watching.
It's a kids movie
Dude there no fag or woke shit in it so far. I'm actually half way thru the movie right now. Its a deadpool movie. Deadpool movies and Logan are the only action hero movies worth watching IMO. Well Guardians of the Galaxy is a good funny action hero movie too. But all those avenger movies and whatever else are all the same and boring and just shit, or what you guys would call marvel-slop movies.

Is deadpool Marvel?
I like to think that their viral marketing people are the first ones smart enough to realize shilling here does nothing and that the amount of real posters here are relatively small and the amount who are actually able to go outside and spend money even smaller
Because Hinduism in the end is just capeshit
Your retarded, definetly not a KIDS movie. Its rated R. I wouldn't let my 6 year old watch it.
Went to a showing last night, only ten other people in the screen room. Total flop. Movie itself was mediocre, not worth the price.
>another SEETHING chud
You will be a minority by 2035 btw! Don’t forget it!
do the grifters even like this film?
They want the movie to do bad so they can point at it and say see people want trannies in movies
All advertising is dead with this movie
Disney did the same thing with Winnie the Pooh when it came out announcing if it didn’t go good they would stick to 3D animation
Then purposely cut all ads and marketing
Meds. Now.
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>trying to change this board even though it’s been dead for years
So wait they just left Blade and Wolverines daughter in the void? Wtf? And Did that smoke dragon monster kill them too?
Damn whos the sexy women deadpool?! We need new deadpool with her in it! lol j/k.
Wait are the 100 deadpools at end not invincible?
>intro scene with deadpool dancing and fighting along with the Nsync song
>have to fight so hard not to laugh my ass off because it's normie humor

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