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Kdrama Kim Go-eun Edition
How does the new Rain drama compare to K2?
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Are we going to watch her new movie?
So Kdramas are on pause because of the Olympics. Its never been so over
Rain is no actor. He's a hiphop wanna be given TV roles.
Who is the most overrated actor/actress?
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Lee Jong Suk and Kim Soo Hyun actor
Park Min Young and Park Shin Hye actress
your favorite
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That anon that keeps posting what's her name and the other Korean actresses
I agree IU is overrated but she isn't the worst offender. IU is just cute and not close to being beautiful. Park Shin Hye is just awful. She was a popular child actress and her acting has never improved.
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>Park Shin Hye is just awful.
i would rather watch a show with a beautiful actress who can't act than watch something with an ugly actress who can act
She was great in Dr. Slump
Iu is a known murder in south korean and among true Korean fans. She got away with it because of her fame and connections
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why didn't you link the old/previous thread unni
a lot of korean celebrities are involved in crime and everyone knows, the fans usually defend them because "oppa/unnie did nothing wrong"
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all you missing is something bad about suzy anon for (you)'s
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Dirty whore
is this how koreans cry? like there are tears flowing but the face shows no emotion. what is it with these bug people?
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Those are not good korean actors the early 90s and 2000s showed raw emotions. I'm keep one movie a secret that showed amazing talent from korean actors.
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Cdrama actresses weird me out about how skinny they are


1. Just from the acting alone, it was bad

2. It was way too old-fashioned..

3. The original one was a wall

4. They dragged it out way too much

5. It looked tacky and it sucked... Why does it feel like they dragged it out to show every single useless scene they could? There's no nervousness around it, and it felt like a parody

6. There was no impact whatsoever, this was supposed to be the most impactful scene of the episode, and the whole directing was bad

7. Huh? I actually thought it was fine...ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ For reference, I haven't watched the original Sky Castle

8. ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠTeacher-nim... What happened?
9. Why is the directing like that?

10. Didn't they make it way too obvious that she was going to commit s*****..?ㅋㅋ
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she's really cute, but implying she not beautiful
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Well this thread degenerated early. All the schizos are here already.
I like Suzy and think she is beautiful. She did a great job in Anna and Doona
I also like Nana and thinks she is beautiful. Was really good in Into the ring and Glitch.

I like IU but she isn't the best. Her best work of course was My Mister but I also liked her in Hotel Del Luna

The best current actress I think is Jeon Yeo-been
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>Jeon Yeo-been

She was fine in be melodramatic.

She doesn't really pick good shows or movies unlike
I'm not saying she isn't pretty but she is not beautiful compared to other south korean actresses like Suzy or Nana. Guess its personal taste
You're entitled to your opinion, even if it's completely wrong.
I like her because I believe her character portrayals instead of thinking well thats Park Min Young and she takes over the character at some point becomes the same premodonna

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