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>doing good on my diet again
>randomly binge eat 2000 calories
>still want to eat more
Just eat till you die you obese faggot. At least you will die happy. Dieting will only increase your lifespan surviving on lettuce.
Easy way to lose weight - eat fatty foods. Eat more butter, fatty cuts on meat, peanut butter, drink milk etc. I know it sounds retarded but it works. Fatty foods are super filling and its almost impossible to binge on it.
>its almost impossible to binge on it.
You underestimate American appetites.
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I had a pizza for dinner last night and two fried chicken sandwiches and five cookies for dinner tonight and I'm not fat.
If the rest of your diet is fine you can enjoy eating what you want without guilt on occasion.
I remember when I was under 25 too. God my diet was so shit back then but I still looked decent.
Do not keep this kind of food in your house. Only keep supplies for things you have to make yourself by cooking. After enough time counting calories and keeping them low it will become easy and you will adjust. Also, post this on /ck/ instead of this irrelevant board, retard.
I'm 39.
You underestimate my binge capabilities.
Nobody ever "binged" steaks or cheese. Only sugary foods cause cravings.
As a med I have binged on bread and olives and beans and things like that many times
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>Nobody ever "binged" steaks
anon, I...
bread is pretty much just sugar
What kind of bread are you eating?
bread rich in carbohydrates
And this is where you ended up.

I did a 3 day egg-diet this week. Third day felt very weird so I had to get some carbs in.

I've managed to lose a couple kilograms of fat this way over a longer period of time. Still have a pouch of fat on my belly, looking forward to slimming that down.
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I've been here since I was 22. Why wouldn't I still be here?
What's your definition of not fat?
I'm 6ft tall and 160 lbs, and I have to watch what I eat constantly.
When you can look in the mirror and see that you're not fat.
I would've thought you're underweight. Do you have any muscle on your frame? I'm 6'2 and 187lbs and while I carry more than I'd like nowadays when I looked my best in my 20s I was 200lbs with a 32 inch waist. Though I weighed more I was a lot leaner than I am now. Probably why weight alone isn't a good gauge.
you have to forgive yourself when you fuck up
there are going to be days where you gorge on trash
just admit "ok yeah i fucked up" and then get back to doing the right thing
we have a tendency to just fuck up everything once we fuck up once and it doesn't have to be that way
I have a line down my chest and mid section, and that's about it for muscle.
I would like to have more muscle definition, but I'm happy being skinny for now. I get complimented for my body occasionally
I never understood people lying to themselves about diet. I have a friend who talks about my high metabolism (we go out for lunch breaks and I really do order a lot of stuff) as if it was something I was born with. But the thing is after a hearty lunch that is it for me. I just have a light dinner and I don't do snacks. Whenever I go to his house he would sometimes eat to pass the time. Not to mention his shelves are all stacked with candy bars and chips and his freezer is full of ice cream. Whenever I suggest dieting to him he tells me I don't know what it's like because I have naturally high metabolism so I can't understand him.
Eating constantly throughout the day is so pointless and just excessive. I don't know how we allowed ourselves to get into that habit as a species. It's pure gluttony.
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if you keep at it for a few weeks, your stomach will noticeably shrink. all you have to do is not buy the bad food in the first place, because eating good/less is actually easy if nothing "tempting" is around. the hardest part is literally breaking the habit and adjusting to the new one conciously.

in the end its a matter of mind over body. godspeed, soldier.
I think fatties don't understand that they are getting high on food. Maybe if they looked at it that that they could have some self control. You god damn junkies.
it's just cope
I love the guy but I keep telling him he is destroying himself. He sometimes shifts the blame on his wife because she buys a lot of snacks but refuses to acknowledge that she buys them because he eats them. He would also talk about food and buy shit to try it (candy is bad but limited edition candy "would be fun to try!").
Become a serial killer, anon.
Are fat serial killers even a thing? Literally only one I can think of is John Wayne Gacy.
He's American. Their breads have to be legally sold as cakes in Europe.
>Newfags think the ride ends
35 here, got here around age 16 (Heights of Boxxy hype), currently losing weight. I hit something like 102kg and finally got serious about dropping it. It's been a couple months, down to 91kg so far.
I was real hot in my late teens early 20s and it's amazing how long into getting fat I just deluded myself into still having that hot guy confidence. Honestly one big motivator is having a kid and wanting to keep up with them physically and live healthy and longer to be there for them.
How much of an appetite someone has is largely genetic. Some people reslly are just genetically predisposed to feeling the urge to eat all the time and others genetically inclined to being stickmode. Of course, you can always override the hunger feelings if you have enough willpower and manage to not be fat. Willpower is mostly genetic.
Yeah, that's about it.
You know you fucked up, pivot, mitigate the damage, continue towards your goal.
I haven't been able to really 'see' the progress myself, but taking some physical measurements like waist is amazing for confirming you're shrinking in the middle. People were telling me there was a visible difference, but when you're still fat, it's hard to really register any victory there.
Being able to fit in to old favourite clothes is a huge emotional win
Yeah, comfort eating. There's still a large gap between knowing you're doing it and being able to reliably stop yourself. I'm past that hurdle, but still stuck with daily masturbation. My brain just switches off quietly and I barely register that it was something I was resisting. Absolutely just a stress response and addiction. But one one tackle harder once I'm done with the dieting, not looking to open up another battlefront.
>limited edition candy "would be fun to try!
no offense but your friend sounds like a fag
>but still stuck with daily masturbation.
There's nothing wrong with daily masturbation unless it's some four hour edging session or something.
They generally don't get caught because they eat the bodies, leaving no evidence.
>Willpower is mostly genetic
This sounds retarded. Have you ever validated this concept by looking up a couple studies?
Do you think you can will yourself into having more willpower?
NTA but when it comes to eating you can definitely make choices and institute habits that make it easier for you to resist temptation.
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>cut out carbs and processed sugars from my diet entirely
>get depression, waking up every day feels like a chore, no longer look forward to eating out or going to the shops because literally can't eat any of the best foods anymore
>consider suicide daily
>a-at least my body fat percentage is a bit lower...
>th...thanks /fit/...
You became suicidal after cutting out sugar? I think you might have other issues you're neglecting.
Yes, if you have the willpower to do that.
> tfw one bag of peanuts is 5k calories
Not literally. I was exaggerating due to the post. But it's still a depressing life now and I barely have any motivation to do anything. It's even affecting my work.
>randomly binge eating less than a pizza
not impressed son
Even if you have poor will power making decisions like not keeping candy in the house will make it easier to resist temptation.
I stand by my suspicion there are other more serious issues in your life.
I used to eat like 5k calories a day and somehow never went over 90kg at 6'1 while being a mostly sedentary neet
if I eat less than 3k calories a day I start dropping a kilo a week
for me its hopeless alcoholism
rather just be druk all day than gorging on some shit-tier fast food delivered by some filthy immigrant that gives you like mere seconds of immediate satisfaction
this tbqh. Never understood food addiction. I mean it's enjoyable but nowhere near as enjoyable as a night with a bottle of scotch
most of the time I find eating to be more of a chore than anything
for some people that's how they disassociate, eating to the point where they know they're not hungry, and they don't even enjoy the taste if they can taste anything, just going through the motions is enough to keep the chemicals flowing

>People were telling me there was a visible difference, but when you're still fat, it's hard to really register any victory there.
oh yeah, that will happen. you see yourself everyday, so you dont notice slight changes as much, but other people will even comment on a five kilo difference sometime. keep on trucking.
drink alcohol instead. i have zero appetite because of booze
booze just makes me want to eat more
Learn how to calculate macros and learn that you should do the calorie counting on a weekly basis and not judge your died by lack of discipline in a single day.
Fatties keep getting fat again because when they are lean they do not take time enough to introduce calories throughout a longer period of time for their body to adapt, those 2000 calories on a weekly basis are fucking nothing, but if you do that shit every day, those 2000 calories on top of what you usually eat should compound you 1 or 2 pounds of weight gain per week, that's not good.
my mind goes fuzzy just trying to make sense of what you just typed. i'm gonna have some pasta.
Search "Reverse dieting" when you feel you have been through this long enough.
download myfitnesspal. it literally does everything for you, and it will work if you stick to it.
>peanut butter
high in carbs because peanuts are a legume, not a nut. substitute with almond butter or just eat fucking nuts
eat high protein food. drink whey instead of water. eat meat, beans, and green vegetables. your appetite will disappear. cram protein and your urge to eat 30 peanut butter cups will vanish like magic. you'll also start to lose weight and look cut. combine with lifting for best effects
Working out will also change your food cravings.
>peanut butter
>high in carbs
No it isn't. It's high in fats, relatively low in cabs and moderately higher in protein than in carbs.
>be skinny guy trying to bulk up
>goal is 3000 calories a day
>genuinely find it hard to eat this much food

I will never understand fatties. I can't put on weight even when I deliberately try to, how do people become obese?

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