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Now that the dust has settled, who needed the Kwik-E-Mart?
sure thing: it's another /pol/ hoax
and there you have it. now you've been redpilled on the jewish takeover of ukraine
T retard
Look at Victoria Nuland and her husband. Look up Jewish literature on the cossacks. It's an ethno religious motivation to genocide white Christians k just like the holodomor. Jordan Peterson fully understands it but lies for some reason.
/>pol/ making up tales again
how's it going? making any inroads yet you dumbfucks
I started this thread to discuss which brackets of America in the early 90s needed the Kwik-E-Mart.
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Middle-class suburban working class families don't really have a need for conveience stores. Do Americans not have groceries?
Now that the soil pH has settled, who needed the Feed-N-Seed?
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>t. retard
russia is finished btw
Pretty much alcoholics like Homer just picking up beer and snacks.
is this the american understanding of land warfare?
It's marxist nafo tranny cope.
I do.
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true that sister
i think it's the american "understanding" of land warfare
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lol so true bro. everyone knows you are supposed to get stuck 40km from your border for 3 years against the poorest country in Europe. Puccia stronk! Kharkiv in 2 more weeks!
Kwik-E-SHART more like.
No, but I can tell you about churkas in Moscow.
>against the poorest country in Europe
propped up by deliveries of fucking 10 production years of javelin ATGMs. propped up by patriot systems until NATO cant spare no more. propped up by 155mm deliveries until "our shelves are growing empty"
all the while putin's army is grinding down the ukrainians who want so badly into NATO that they are willing to fight for it. once they are dead, it doesnt matter where the frontline is or better: was. and all the NATO counseling and deliveries will turn out to have been insufficient
Remember when Indians were likable ?
when will invent implamtable chips so that schizos HAVE to take their meds?
NTA and not reading past the first sentence but BASED, I hope we give them ALL of our Cold War surplus.
It was meant to kill R*ssians and it deserves to fulfill that destiny.
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Yeah, exactly as I said, bro. Kharkiv in 2 more weeks!
Why did Zelensky get elected on a platform promising peace with Russia and the Russian people who live in Ukraine, promising to abide with the decades long Minsk agreements, then do a 180? Dragging a Christian nation into a meat grinder war with a nuclear superpower, shelling the Donbass and supporting acts of savage violence and reprisals against Russian men women and children living in Ukraine, ever since 2014?

Would America tolerate nuclear weapons on the Mexican border and Russian biolabs on the Canadian border? I think they had complaints about the Cuban missile crisis or something.
For a country that receives hundreds of billions in aid, they sure are poor like you said. Thank God their western facing govt will solve that problem!
Indians did. Their perception went from apu to disgusting smelly street shitting creeps across all social media platforms. I legit feel bad for Indian men, you couldn’t have gotten a worse lot in life as a man.
Who needs that Baskin Robs? Their funds are trusty bands
kek its kino! rock JigC rock!
baskin roberts was started in 2009 by Joshua "Null" Moon on 8ch*n
rockin' in the free world!
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Before most of India came online and we knew what 99% of indians were actually like? When the average person's experience with an indian was a merchant and not a scammers robo-dialing you five times everyday? Back when we thought you could offer the talented 1% opportunities without them importing the dalit 99% out of sheer spite?
are indians impressed by fresh delicious iced creams?
rock JigSneed (formerly C)
fuck Chuck and suck
kek its kino, city slicker!
Now listen here Apu, this is a thread about Kwik-E-MArt.
>intended to kill russians
>give it to untrained ukraine territorial defense brigades
>fight directly on russia's borders where supply lines are shortest for russia
>basically waste all the gear in the most inefficient way imaginable
yep it's the american understanding of land warfare
progress is measured in ukraine's inability to fill its ranks with unmotivated soldiers not in square miles taken
>get invaded
>”wtf the leader said he wanted peace”
Now listen here fundie, this is a thread about Baskin Roberts.
Is this real
kek its kino! rockin' roberts
cram it fundie! im too busy rockin'!
Laughed hard! Its the best meme on /tv/!
chuck's trust and fund
Dead meme fund
I doooooooooooo

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