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How do you respond without sounding mad?
He wouldn't say any of that, because he could tell by the look of me no woman wants to have sex with me
Based and whitemalepilled

Pretty much this am too ugly to have chance of winning any argument
"Ok, enjoy lmao."
Yes, I'd say "lmao" out loud.
Fuck you for making me sit through any amount of seconds of one of these trash fuck buddy movies.
is that tommy lee jones
This is only a "win" if Ashton Kutcher is desperately in love with this Emma character. Otherwise Ashton wins simply by existing and fucking this guy's gf. He could even say "I don't understand, I have a small penis" and still win
>using big words and money to woo and ultimately marry some slut i fucked in a public toilet for free
[i do the meme arrow symbol with my fingers so he knew he was to hear those words in green]
don't do it bro, if a woman is willing to get fucked in a public toilet by anybody she is not marriage material. i'm only fucking her because she's easy, i don't respect her and i don't even like her. whatever you do brother, do not marry this woman. you're a bit of a dickhead but i think you can probably do better.
[i try to initiate the arnold/carl handshake from predator with him and hope the understands]
Women think that we think like that?
"lol cück"
lol what, are american men really proud to be cucks?
no, this character is written by a woman
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>Why buy the cow, when the milk is free?

How does he respond without sounding mad?
>haha I am the one who gets to lick your cum out of her pussy haha

Did a woman write this?
Enjoy raising my kids with my sloppy seconds while I go do it all over again
I fucked your wife in a handicapped bathroom.
Just looked up the writer for this movie
Every. Single. Time.
This is very inspiring. My role model.
Based. Hella based even.
A jewish woman.
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>I don't understand, I have a small penis
Kino and literally me-pilled
>I'm the cuck that marries her, Adam
Is this what ever friend zoned loser tell themselves as they jerk off at night?
incredibly, that guy isn't her bf. He's completely making up the scenario where he wins in the end, he doesn't get to touch her at all. Weird scene.
>Haha, I'll be right there to pick up the pieces and financially support her when the girl I simp for is done riding the cock carousel
Uh, okay?
Makes sense.
>So when you're done blasting cum up her, and she hits the wall, and you have kids, I'm the guy that's gunna be there to take care of them, and take care of that post wall roastie while you're out there having sex with more young nubile women that other men like me will be there to take care of when she's ready to settle down

fuck man
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>"You're right. I'll just be the guy who fucked your wife in a handicapped bathroom. See, it turns out you don't need a "real job" or "big words" when women like Emma will give it up to anybody just to take a break from being "taken care of". In a couple years, she'll get a text and you'll ask her, "Who's that?" and she'll answer "Nobody...", you'll know deep down it's me, in that bathroom stall, offering her something that you never could.
feminine writing. Sex validates and reifies men, if he can fuck Portman while being a total bum then she's not worth anything.
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>what do they call it?
Only reason I could see a man stay in such situation is for the kids.
Did a woman write this?
>I'm Hindu and like hanging around cows
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I wouldn't respond. I'd listen.
he's a "friend" and coworker who invented a parasocial relationship between them. Kutcher probably looks confused because he's ridiculously out of line.
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>I intend to breed more cows and start a dairy farm.

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