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It was cool to see this guy again, I'll give 'em that.
i dont know who that is
you know all those dangerous mutants you see in the movies? he's the most forgettable one.

I kid, he was always a favorite of mine
>Promo stuff makes it out like he would play a big role
>Hes in it for like 5 minutes
who the fuck writes this drivel
Dumb question but has this guy fought The Human torch in the comic? And how did he fair?
never read one myself, but saw some geeks complaining about their scene being le unrealistic, so I'm guessing he was kwabbed by THT
Both would have been curbstomped by a duo of prime Asbestos Man and Pastepot Pete. Curbstomped from a block away if Stiltsman got in on the action.
-this post brought to you by shitposters on their third pint in the Bar With No Name. Scourge is a bitch
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on brand with his previous appearances tbf. wish he at least had a big set piece where he got to blow up some cars like in the old days
he was my favorite as a kid, i almost understood marvelfags that get excited over literal who #450 showing up in 2 second teaser trailer when i saw him in the leaks, x3 did my boy dirty
you're an alright guy among soibois. never let anyone tell you different
Him, wolverine, Mystique, Magneto, Nightcrawler, have the best scenes in X2.
a lot of people
Never seen the original X-Men movies but I liked his scenes in the new one. He seemed like an annoying chud
nightcrawler is fucking best, loved the sega platformer.
This, X2 was pretty fucking kino barring things like Cyclops being a background character.
This scene, especially the way it ends, is burned into my brain from watching as a kid.

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