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This show is dog shit compared to Breaking Bad, it feels more like a sitcom or a fucking soap opera.
Try watching it again in a few years, I didn't like it when I was 17 either
sopranos is very good, but you have to skip all the scenes with AJ, his daughter, and Junior. they're so cringe.
who do you like in breaking bad? Jesse the try hard? "I'm so cool, mr white"
Filtered retard
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>it feels more like a sitcom or a fucking soap opera.
So, just like Breaking Bad?
Skippable shit
Everything else about the show is kino, rewatched it recently with my wife who i was sure wouldnt get into it but loved it, and also agrees
>Skippable shit
You're as retarded as the faggot op.
I jerk off whenever she's on screen, best part of the show
>He watches Dr Melfi
i wanna fuck that milf
I dont skip them, its just that those parts of the show most of the time are shit or annoying. You are watching a spoiled son/daughter/wife going sophomore retard or shitting on tony forgetting that he is the reason they have their lifestyle. It's not badly acted or written, just cringe-inducing to watch.
She's always whining about something or being passive agressive with an unfounded sense of enlightenment. That ruins any coom value
The therapy scenes are actually interesting and important to the storyline thoughbeitever
youre right there. its pure boomerslop
The family scenes are the best scenes, though. The family drama is where the show is most realistic, relatable and relevant.
it is a soap opera, and it's great.
Only 3 low points in 6 seasons is a damn good result
>CGI Livia
>That one weird scene transition
>Casting Steve Buscemi
There would be no Breaking Bad if Sopranos wasn't good.
little boy retard take
the Tony B arc was great tho. Buscemi did a good job.
No I mean it, try watching it when you're like 25-30, it hits you in another way
Yup. Thats why everyone liked breaking bad so much. Have had sopranos sitting in my drives for decades now and the more little snippets I see of the psychiatrist moments the more cringey and further down the list it goes
im 31. its trash.
It was a good performance for what it is but it still felt so out-of-place and jarring.
Well I feel bad for you
as a matter of fact its worse in your 30s, because you see how pathetic losers try and model their interactions and way of carrying themselves after the characters from that show.
get better friends
I just started Breaking Bad recently and it's not that impressive desu. Only at the start of season 2 and it already feels like it jumped the shark with THIS IS NOT LE METH. Does it get better? The Sopranos is miles better by virtue of dialogue alone.
No it gets worse, actually
Oh boy, do I got news for you....
Seasons 1-2 are the only seasons of Breaking Bad that are even slightly grounded or relatable or believable. Season 3 onwards it's pure trashy pulp disguised as high art. The Sopranos is actually the opposite, in that it started out pretty cheesy and silly but got more serious and mature as it went on.
You're lying. No one in their right mind and in their thirties tries to imitate anyone from this show.
i liked it when i was 15, maybe you're just faggots
Yeah but you probably liked it for the wrong reasons, you just thought they were cool gangsters and all the poignant stuff flew right by you
>shit or annoying.
Filtered retard
Reminder this fag shills for the tusla cuck
it's a simple question. WHO do you like on breaking bad? which characters do you like the most? the malcom in the middle guy? "I'm so cool" try hard jesse? or the latinos? or what?
You were filtered by the sopranos. I don't give a fuck what you think about breaking bad.
2nd hand embarrassment
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soprano is one of the most over rated shows

They will crucify you because you speak the truth
I know I'm right. No 15 year old "gets" a show like Sopranos, you haven't lived long enough and lack a lot of experiances you need in order to relate to most of what is going on in the show.

You liked it for the same reason you liked Scarface.
Buscemi was good. Agree with the other 2
I'm not the anon you were talking to. I was 15 when it came out. I liked it right away. I liked everything about it. I'm sure sure some parts went over my head at the time but I instantly recognised that the show was something special.
I don't hate breaking bad, (although some of it was very annoying), I'm just saying, I think sopranos is better.
I don't care what you think about breaking bad.
You were filtered by major parts of the sopranos.
What part of this aren’t you getting
steve was okay. took some getting used to, but okay. the story arc was pure kino.
This is not meth
Damn he lacks the life experiences to feel what a bunch of leftist woke writers shat in a room out of the blue.
idk if this is bait, if it's not, it's one of the dumbest posts I've seen on /tv/ in a week maybe more. congrats
>This show is dog shit compared to Breaking Bad
No, it isn't, they're equally shit. Both garbage praised by retards.
It's the opposite, adults don't like this trash
Kill yourself
>oy gavagool ravioli
Whoooooaaaaa, it's amazing
Just disgusting wop garbage
You're an idiot
Ebin :D
>t. utterly butthurt and destroyed by facts and logic, never again able to even aspire to refute anyone
post your top 5
You didn't present any facts or logics
are the Mad Men le smoking is evil poster?
That fag is sleeping
don't stopACK
Your brain is poisoned by TikTok and Marvelslop, honestly feel bad for you if you think meth cancer fedora is the height of television.

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