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/\ PEAKE /\
Boring spam.
Were the Valyrians the most powerful magic users in the setting?
Best looking woman in the entire show, white hags and la creaturas are mogged hard
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Are Viserys and Daenerys mentally retarded? Some of their behaviour suggests legit mental issues
If dragons count as magic.
Me on the left.
Probably. Their magic replicated the magic of the children of the forest without any of the gay downsides. They’re the inheritors of something that came before. Valyrian architecture is more artistic, or sophisticated. Their blood mages made literal unbeatable chimeras/dragons.
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Rhaenyra the strong like her sons
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Realm's Delight
Of the "classical" world.
Who knows what the peoples who built Asshai, Stygai, and all those lovecraft references George likes to drop were up to.
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>You want compromise? How's this? 20 years on the Wall. I wanted Dornish Red. I compromised. I drank mulled wine from Mole Town instead. I wanted to fuck a woman. I compromised. I jack offed in a wolf's pelt. You see where I'm going?
Their wizards could liquify stone and raise literal skyscrapers so yes
Yeah I give you that, monke was pretty. But shes no more
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Whoever built pre-Valyrian black stone was a lot less sophisticated than the Valyrians, and this is even brought up. The precursors were eerily simplistic, like the children of the forest. Blocky buildings and they apparently didn’t use steel. The constructions of Valyrian black stone is in contrast a lot more twisted and artistic.
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King Jacaerys Targaryen First of His Name
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my queen
Sarah Hess self-insert
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King Aemond Targaryen
First of his Name
He seems like a very trustworthy person. I would gladly allow him to take my virginity.
That was a pretty cheap way to depict the tacky crown of Aegon IV.
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More like crab feed
basedjak them now!
He's the only of his name.
Vizzy III suffered from being a based retard.
That's true but I don't necesarilly see a difference in architectural sophistication as translating to magical prowess.
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White hags mogged and seething
Jacaerys is actually a very nice name, it's kinda sad.
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>wHaT iF rHaEnYs CaMe ThRoUgH tHe FlOoR oN a DrAgOn?!
Dany had to burn the civiilians! They made her dad and her brother into soi jacks!
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>Confess your sins
You will never be a woman
You will never be Sara Snow
You will never be Baela Targaryen
>People say it's great and all they hoped for and it's everything.
Seriously, did no normal person attend that just says what did or didn't happen?
Didn't they come out weeks ago?
...so far!
Vaghar is senile, slow and retarded. How did she figure out the perfect timing for that flying ambush?
Also, why targs never really seem to train in how to properly ride their dragons?
Based retard should have lived instead of Dany
>That's true but I don't necesarilly see a difference in architectural sophistication as translating to magical prowess.
The Valyrians stole the powers of the precursors, like the Grey King did with the “living fire” he took from Nagga, except they did it on societal/infrastructural scale. The Hightowers probably also stole some secrets. Places like Lorath, the Thousand Isles, Toad Isle, and presumably Leng (it’s right next to Asshai and its natives are similarly tall like the extinct Lorathi) weren’t so lucky. The Valyrians were the most successful.
Shut up, Sara Hess.
I am convinced the reason he's not releasing it is because the show's version of what happens is what he actually is going to put in the books. Of course, the execution is probably going to be very different, but the overall structure and major beats (Jon coming back, the Night King getting cucked by Arya, Dany going mad, etc.) is going to be the same, and because feedback to that story has been overwhelmingly negative, GRRM is worried that even his version isn't going to please fans.
GRRM should have made it a requirement for D&D to not adapt anything beyond the source material.
SDCC screening of ep7
Valyria didn’t exist in the dawn age. They were sheep herders until a couple thousand years ago. All evidence points to a progenitor race that the daynes and the Hightowers decend from, and who taught the Valyrians their magic
Why do dykes completely give up on personal appearance or looking feminine? Is lesbianism even real?
>How did she figure out the perfect timing for that flying ambush?
Aemond commanded her.
Dragons aren’t truly controllable, except without magic, I suppose. It was Vhagar who was carrying Aemond. She’s the big boss in the relationship.
I assume they do train we just don't read about it because it would have been boring to add to a "history book" and the show doesn't have the budget for it.
Jacaerys is a rake and a scoundrel. He'll take your rushes away and leave you in the lurch.
Settle for a nice guy like Larys.
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Generations of inbreeding tends to have that effect.
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Bismillah Al-Rahman Al-Raheem
All evidence points to them being inhuman fish people, anon. The white hair is probably a quality of humans they desired, rape/interbreeding wise.

There was no terrestrial empire of dragon riders before the Valyrians, and they make this clear by having all pre-Valyrian black stone structures be coastal, or formerly coastal. Even the five forts were once coastal.

The question of “why didn’t these people conquer as the Valyrians did?” can be answered with: “They were from the sea”
I'm still baffled he actually told D&D so many details when he must have been aware of the fact that he wouldn't finish the books in time.
That kid was self-aware and would sob every night screaming about how he is ugly and no one cares
The Arya thing was show only but we already know Bran being king, Jon killing Dany, Stannis burning Shireen etc are going to be in the books too. I think it's part that, part that he just lost interest and the way he writes with just kind of letting the story move where it wants is incompatible with dragging it to the intended ending so it's too much of a chore.
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Don't insult the rightful king!
i woke up and i'm seeing a lot of hate for rhaenyra on reddit, what happened?
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I love them so much.
There are numerous birds fitter than that flat plank
No evidence whatsoever points to that.
To assume that a super special magical population present on Westeros before the first men never expanded beyond and remains in the form of two small families is just pure idiocy.
it was that or don't have the show or have them invent a completely new ending
Viserys III and young Dany are very easy to bully because dragon deficiency.
Fuckin hate taoobas.
She qt
Very likely D&D dangled a lot of money in front of him.
Don’t bother with him. He got corrupted by the David Lightbringer brand of cancer.
Do you think this will have any reldvance in the story? The black stone and five forts sure are just window dressing for an empty house.
When you think about it Aemond only lost his cool when they brought in the pig and strongs were laughing at it. Inshallah Aemond is a muslim
But what if he was a delusional Lysene slave
>have them invent a completely new ending
Isn't that much better? People would then be more interested in finding out the real ending from the books (assuming he wrote them).
Shireen may be burned, but there's zero chance Stannis will responsibile for it, she's still at the wall with Jon and Melisandre while Stannis is marching to fight the Boltons in the books
It won’t have any relevance at all. George says he just “gardens” and throws cool stuff in for him to think about later. Their whole point is just to explain where the Valyrians got their magic from, the same way the first men got their magic from the children of the forest.
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I like my woman white
What does Dany do that is retarded
She’s northern, therefore not white
Thats no true Targaryen, its only strong bastard
I mean
>Stannis killing his daughter was one of the most agonizing scenes in Thrones and one of the moments Martin had told the producers he was planning for The Winds of Winter (though the book version of the scene will play out a bit differently).
I think him doing it is the point, it will have to happen somehow
Abdulaemond Ibn Viserys, Amir of the Seven Caliphates and Protector of the Ummah
This is why I believe the original dragons were sea dragons, or wyrms. Imagine if the Valyrians turned the tables on their rapists, and ended up raping their rapists.
That's a Strong statement, anything to back it up?
Nippon queen makes white hags seeth
You’re thinking of the grey king and his armies, an offshoot sea faring splinter faction of the empire of the dawn, and ascribing it to the entire empire. There were others who settled inland, see moat cailin or yeen
She looks like a man in this bro
Built for Rhae Rhae
Unenlightened post
There’s a good possibility that the smoking sea was always there, under the fourteen flames. The Doom wasn’t really a true supervolcanic eruption. It fell in on itself. If it was a true supervolcano, then the world would have been blanketed in an ash winter. The kindly man even tells Arya that there was “boiling water” in the mines. It was probably a subterranean and volcanic sea. A reservoir of sorts.
Valyrians seems to have some sort of bloodline that allows them to lightly warg into dragons, sort of what Starks did with direwolfs?
The weird magic they use seems a separate thing to me, since the dragon control stayed in their blood even after they lost their magic knowledge.
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Fish people are just tales of old wives and drunken ironmen.
>an offshoot sea faring splinter faction of the empire of the dawn
You’re actually insane.
You’re actually hopeless.
Fuck yeah Providence
There was a civilization of underwater fish people, anon. They went around the world invading land and interbreeding with people. They do not come from Yi-Ti, and Asshai was likely just a colony city, and we can’t even assume it was the capital of anything. Stygia could be bigger for all we know.
You are not autistic enough to decipher georges hidden lore. Stay dumb and unenlightened, it’s of no consequence to me
Septaenyra still makes me laugh
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>showrunners hate Daemon
>do everything they can to basically shove him aside in S2

Why are they like this?
imagine cersei waterboarding her with wine
Valyrians had magic that emulated the feats of the green seers. Glass candles could do what the green seers did, and dragon dreams are essentially just green dreams. The Undying of Qarth are also like the green seers, and their blue leafed black barked trees are like the red leafed white bark weirwoods. We also know of skinchangers in the far east, in Asshai, and Melisandre even offered to teach Jon how to embrace his latent abilities.
Her waist in this robe...zamn...
Missed opportunity to never give anyone in HotD dragondreams. They already gave Daemon hallucinations so it's not like they didn't want to go that route.

Meanwhile George:

>“You know, I’m notorious for my love of morally grey characters, and one of the greyest characters in the entire story of Westeros is Daemon Targaryen, the Rogue Prince,” Martin said. “We took one of those separate sidebars and made a story out of it ‘The Rogue Prince’.

>“Daemon’s the younger prince of King Viserys I. For a time, he was the heir to the throne when Viserys had no children,” he continued. “Then Viserys had children, and he stopped being heir to the throne. He’s a notorious bad boy, a rogue in every sense of the word, he was a rival for Viserys’ sister and his niece Rhaenyra, and then later he became [her] husband.”

>“He switches sides several times. You never know what side he’s going to come down on,” Martin finished. “He’s a very colourful and predictable character, and I think he has to rank up there as my favourite.”

No wonder he's been throwing shade against the writers of the show
>Condal doesn't understand the appeal of an antihero
How did this man get to be where he is now?
Muh honor

Nigga passed on being next in line for the North, getting prime Mormont/Umber/Karstark pussy on a daily basis
Helaena is prophetic, although she isn’t dreaming. People of prophecy can do it awake, sometimes.
Helaena is clearly a dragon dreamer
Start doing THIS
unpredictable* he said
Valyrian magic seems a league above all of that tho, as i think they managed to channel the energy of nature (volcanoes or whatever) and use it at their own interest. No one seems to have a similar degree of skill.
Helaena being a dreamer is one of the few changes George truly approves of. Same with Viserys.
Hmm yes good point but everyone that the Valyrians descend form magical cat-elves who came from space riding dragons.
And yet he sugarcoatsdaemon, he made him innocent of blood and cheese and of laenor
Why does he even approve of that? It hasn't done anything and it's become her entire personality. Which is even less than the cliffs notes in F&B.
I thought they descended from lemurs
The daemon George has in his head is not the daemon that is on the page. What the fuck in the fat man even waffling about
> He switches sides several times. You never know what side he’s going to come down on
That one simply is false
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It’s possible. Valyrians just stared into their candles to do what the green seers did, and didn’t need to attach themselves to trees. They controlled their dragons with “whips, horns and sorcery”, like the skinchangers, kind of. The dragon lords also used religion for their own ends, like how the green seers acted the part of the ‘old gods’, and that was likely the true or fullest power of the glass candles.

Their most ridiculous feats are still raising literal skyscrapers, though. The official art of Valyria is like something out of an 80s dark fantasy heavy metal rock album. It was very much an Atlantean culture.
There was a cultural split. The ones who wanted to go to war, torture, enslave people, destroy cultures, cast spells, and smoke fantasy opium became Valyrians and the ones who wanted to chill and eat flowers all day turned themselves into lemurs.
There’s a weirwood in that glass orb by the way
Because it adds an element or essence of innocence and mystique to her? The scene of her holding the millipede, and the words she speaks, signify the nature of magic in this world.

“It is beyond our understanding”
Get asian lesbians with one simple trick!
How can people even live in that place
>Twitter women seething he's in luigi's haunted mansion instead of giving them their Hybristophilia fix causing them to jump to Aemond.
>Man is like "uhhh he doesn't have a good heart!"
>Twitter women are like "yeah that's the point"
>Same women turn around and talk about how he's also somehow 100% baby girl loyal to Rhaenyra in the same breath and call his unwillingness tonpedestalize her as heir "fan fiction"
He has to exist in a state of quantum equilibrium apparently.
What do they eat?
Just cast a fire protection spell, lol. What are you , a slave?
Gullet or are the rumors about Rhaenyra taking Kl before the battle of the gullet true?
kings landing spectacle battle bros we are so fucking back
Apparently the dragon lords considered themselves higher than the gods, and just flew from spire to spire on their dragons, never needing to set foot on the ground like the slaves.
>Condal confirmed the other big sequence he was referring to other than Rook Rest in the entire Season 2 is EP 7, so neither Gullet not KL will be in this season.
So basically we get nothing and they also confirmed that they used all the budget on episode 7 for the dragons.
It was removed because it was fake.
>and then daemon did the right thing in the end by going back to rhaenyra and being a good malewife
It's not, the article just talks about a private selfie of the guy who plays Addam next to the King's Landing weirwood tree set and speculates that it means the Fall of King's Landing is happening.
In the book, Daemon's actions between Vhagar killing Aemond and the Sowing of the Seeds -
>Sends a letter to Rhaenyra and a letter to Mysaria
>Takes Harrenhal
>Takes Stone Hedge

That's literally it! Daemon's role in the story is tiny between Rhaenyra's coronation and The God's Eye. He'll take King's Landing w/ Rhaenyra, be in a couple council scenes, then fly around with Rhaena until he dies. His role as driver of the story ended in season 1.
Westerosi weirwood: white bark + red leaves
Eastern weirwood: black bark + blue leaves
Valyrian weirwood: ??? + ???
A huge disappointment, they're dragging the show to last more seasons.
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The dude that plays Addam posted this too, so he'll be in KL at some point
It's over.
we're back?
they didn't
It's the sheer arrogance that baffles me. They always seem to think they know better than the original writer and tries to "fix" the original ideas.
Probably multicoloured glass like trees, like how the glass candle gives off strange colours, or mess with colours.
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Wipe your mouth george
Maybe this guy was just taking a tour, he takes many pictures in general.
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Why are trees like this in this world
blackwater is not even the most epic battle in GOT
I love how Helaena loves bugs
So pure
Not neccesarily. The Weirwood set is, if I recall correctly, not actually on location in Spain. For all we know the set is right next to the Shipyard or the Dragonstone set and he simply visited it. He doesn't appear to be in costume.
It’s just an actor taking a pic of the set everyone on the cast shares. That actor specifically does set tours for GOTs YouTube channel.
The Weirwoods work like the Erdtree in Elden Ring, they just don’t give you back.
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White with Copper leaves
>fan fiction
Metallic trees are cool tho
I had to argue with Elden Ring fags over how the tree lore in that was to be interpreted. Trees are a the bedrock of any ecosystem, George made them magic in that they eat and recycle souls and are a spiritual pillar of the settings supernatural gobblygook.

Rannisimps said that the erdtree wasn't divine or closely related to the internet setting afterlife.
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Godwyns fish tailed rotting body growing in the roots is foreshadowing something but what? Is that what became of azor ahai? There’s a old god - Drowned god connection there too
Yeah I do believe this guy's leaks because he spoiled Rhaena getting Sheepstealer months ago and he's confident this battle is in.
some leaks say she gets it this episode, some says he doesn't
so confused
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This episode has to save the entire season.
It was written by George’s personal assistant for the show, not canon but I think the cooper leaf thing is interesting, the first men had a tradition of nailing cooper Pennies to their weirwood trees
He dares to summon ME!
"With haste?"
Even before trees, roots hold a ton of symbolical influence, like that old man in the underground, covered in roots.
>tfw you're Aeriohaegonrys Targaryen casting spells on yourself in the chromatic glass chamber on the top of your tower
>fuck yeah, love casting spells
>as you finish your incantation you realize that a slave drew the blood sigil on the floor wrong
>instead of targeting you the spell jumps through space and time and attaches itself to your distant descendant Daenerys Targaryen
>all the slaves present combust into a cloud of rapidly evaporating blood and your eyebrows catch fire
>fucking slaves
Is this scene on youtube?
>It was written by George’s personal assistant for the show
It’s definitely the best written and most enjoyable battle in the show, especially compared to the Michael bay retardation of bastards and long night.
Why wouldn't it?
Me (crying): When are they gonna get to the war crimes ;_;
It was one of the books daemon was reading in pentos, she then released the full text on the internet
Can't find it
You dare to make me find it?

Thank you your grace.
Huh, the fact that George let it happen is telling. Same with the ‘Onogrion’ or whatever that Viserys spoke of—as it is clear that the blood mages / dragon breeders would have very much needed their own building for their horrific crafts, and as such it isn’t an offensive sort of creative interpretation.
This slop show thinks it can even come close to the greatness of S2 GoT and Blackwater?
I cannot fucking believe this. Literally nothing happens this season. The big moment that will happen in the final episode will be Rhaena claiming her dragon. The scene with Rhaena won't be in episode 7 and it's the biggest most important scene in the finale. It's fucking over. We waited two years for this.
It’s all a big nothing
>the character who had very little screentime and who very few people care about gets a controversial big scene in the final that's also basically a retread of scenes in episodes 6 and 7 (and episode 7 of season 1)
Who'd okay such a thing?
What went wrong? Do they keep budget for the Harry Potter HBO series?
why do they think anyone cares about rhaena or baela besides a handful of coomers on /tv/?
Since it was at the very end of the height of the Freehold, which lasted thousands of years, we can probably conclude more of these trees existed on the peninsula, once.

Weirwoods (and those warlock trees) are dying out too.
They used all the budget on episode 7 for the dragons.
Baela at least has the Jace shippers and the girlboss twitter crowd. What does Rhaena have?
Good lord
i don't buy this one
Just read it. Surprisingly in theme with George’s writing. Grunting shrubs giving me phantom tortoise vibes.
>phantom tortoises
Why are the Warlocks so lazy? Why do they send such slow moving creatures to deliver their messages? Why don’t they have windows?
Nettles has been confirmed cut since before S2 started airing. Ep6 had a scene with Rhaena walking around outside finding an area burned by dragonfire. There have been several leaks already saying they're giving her sheepstealer. They're obviously setting her up for it and we only got two episodes left, so it'll be either tomorrow or next week since leakers. I wouldn't put it past the showrunners to leave the final scene being Rhaena (who lost Luke) to be the one claiming a dragon in this triumphant moment to finish the season with.
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King in the North!
They’re cute and that’s all that matters.
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the king who LOST the north
The Undying are all DED. It is likely the end for the warlocks…
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Oh shit. Red Weirwood + blue warlock tree + gold tree from house Rowan lore = Valyrian copper tree
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I will take the time to remind you that the Lyseni whore theory is likely canon due to the subversion of expectation meme and due to the fact that Daenerys has no memories aside from the things Viserys tells her. The theory claims that Viserys was originally a mad slave who believed himself to be the (dead) prince Viserys Targaryen
It's basically like the infamous Franziska Schanzkowska who pretended to be Princess Anastasia after her execution. Also the reason why he made up dragon names in the bathing scene when Doreah asked him about his childhood
Daenerys was his daughter with a client in this scenario and he told people she was his baby sister to cope and to match up with the Princess that was believed to be born to Rhaella and Aerys. "Stormborn" is a reference to "Storm" being used as a bastard name
Was Tywin a fake nobleman?

Couldn't remember The Conqueror's dragons names, made up Orys I...
Disproven by the fact that Viserys is known to have had and is widely mocked for having sold Rhaella's crown.
The theories people come up with for this series never cease to amaze me.
It is possible that it was once a native tree that the Valyrians just didn’t like for some reason. Kind of like how the children of the forest once existed in Essos (the Ifrequevron) before being shat on, like the giants in the bone mountains (who were even more giant and majestic, RIP).
/broome/ sweep!!!
Alternative ways for the slave to have gotten it. Likely it was stolen and found by him or he sold some other whore's paste jewels
>fan theory
Was Tywin ever missing for several years
what's up with the latest schizo theory?

we're pretending there are weirwoods in Essos and Valyria now?

…Did you read the fucking books? No, you didn’t. There are a lot of intentional similarities across the world.

The black barked, blue leafed trees of the warlocks is suspiciously alike weirwoods, and the Undying are very much like the green seers.
If anything the sold crown cuts away any connection or proof of identity.
>Are you Anon Anonymous?
>Where is your birth certificate?
>I auctioned it to a fat brown man
It’s taken from this bit of lore created for the show by ti mikkel. https://gameofthrones.fandom.com/wiki/Shrubbery,_Being_a_History_on_the_Flora_of_the_Valyrian_Freehold

Who would know more about George’s secrets and lore than his own personal assistant? Could be nothing but fan fiction but there’s a slim chance it could be a cheeky little Easter egg, we can only speculate til winds comes
Glass candles can do things green seers can do
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I thought Cat had auburn hair because of her Whent mother
>you must be anon anonymous, internationally renowned for having sold your crown
Skinchangers exist in Asshai.
Baela is so ugly and looks nothing like her "father".
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He's going to save the show

The posters here and the posters on youtube comments are very different people
A crown that was found by anon in the back of a pawn shop
Same but that's apparently the Tully look. I think Gurm only established the redheaded side later.
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It wasn’t the children.
normies will be so confused on who he is
>who is this? Did they recast the king?
>wait the redhair queen has another son?
>show me Rhaenyra and Philip from the Crown
>House with the Red Door
>Red light district
Poor Daenerys
>Did you read the fucking books?
if you'd read them, you'd know weirwoods are only found in Westeros
Yes, they are, and yet there are trees all the way over in Essos that are suspiciously alike. Cope?
He'll be like Oberyn, Introduced in one season, becomes the fan favorite, and dies in the same season.
did the episode itself leak yet?
>like mother's milk and Drogo's seed
Hugh and the guy in the pub meet and look out across the bay as Mysaria approaches Vermithor and Silverwing.
Daemon atop Caraxes at Harrenhall as Alys Rivers looks on and smirks.
Season ends with Rhaenyra, Jace, Baela, Rhaena and Addam all lined up on Dragonstone with their dragons behind them, looking over at King's Landing as Vhagar flies away. As one the Black Dragons raise their wings and breath fire, their collective roars echoing as the screen cuts to black and millions of reaction channels rejoice in unison.
On to season 4...


Reminder that Oberyn learned a few maester links, visited the free cities, and even learned a spell or two, which went into the making of the poison that slowly ate Clegane alive. .
Yeah, unfortunately just the Polish dub. Hopefully the one in English will leak as well.
>On to season 4...
And Bronn apparently spent time chilling norht of the Wall, who fucking cares
So getting his head smashed in was part of his master plan? Or did he not realise he had to kill the Mountain to win the trial
I don’t understand why ANY nobleman wouldn’t want to be educated even a little bit? You don’t NEED to become a maester to learn at the Citadel either, as that’s just an office of station/dedication. Knowing shit like anatomy and basic physics is akin to knowing magic in this world.
S3 will have no dragons to save on budget
Did he fuck red wildling pussy
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Because that shit is for gay nerds
After hundreds of years, why hasn’t anyone made gunpowder or explosives or have some kind of industrial revolution, are they just doomed to be living in the middle ages for all eternity
>Polish dub
Because medieval noblemen has a completely different ideology from modern man in which formal education in those fields is valued differently.
Yi ti probably has gunpowder
The middle ages lasted a long time, post-Dragon era Westeros is a lost civilization and those living there are building society up from scratch after the loss of magic and monsters.
Again, the psychologies of this world are fucked. The planet is probably some sort of abandoned alien project that continues to run. Magic, nature, is alive.
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I believe there is vague mention of some sort of powder that “blooms like burning roses” in Qarth. It is likely Yi-Ti is still in the stage where it’s just an alchemical curiosity. Blackpowder was recorded like seven centuries in China before the “accidental” discovery of it made by later Chinese alchemists. This implies that they had a bit of a brain fart, or that it was kept guarded and secret for a while.
Someone lied and said that Rhaenyra and Jace won't have a fight. It's actually happening. The person who watched the episode confirmed that Rhaenyra implies Jace's bastardy, they talk about Harwin, they also talk about Luke and Jace calls her stupid for trying siding with Alicent instead of seeking for actual revenge. The person who watched the episode said that these two end up with bad terms in the episode, there's a lot of tension and they didn't want to spoil much but apparently that was their last scene together this season. Whatever happens in episode 8, Rhaenyra and Jace won't interact.
Magic isnt real bro. So tired of the dragon fake news.


Magic’s an angle. It’s not supposed to be real, to be real.
Because the citadel makes no sense, thats why.
Jacenyrabros... it's fucking over
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I was around in 2012, when everyone was excited because the first or second episode of season 2 leaked and the massive disappointment when it turned out to be the polish dub version. People were seething forever.
Woah there are trees all over the world? Coincidence? I think not! Cope and seethe.
All they’re saying is that the same or similar magics, or similar magical phenomena, exist abroad in different forms. This is obvious if you’ve read the books. There are links all over. History is also one to repeat.
There needs to be at least a time skip. His age is all fucked now in the show. First the showrunners said he's a kid in oldtown, and he can't even ride his dragon. Then in the show they said his dragon just took flight. So, at most he would be a little bit older than Luke in the show with a small dragon that isn't really that imposing.
Why the fuck would I want to know shit when I can just pay people to know shit for me and spend that potentially wasted time drinking, whoring and throwing niggas through the moon door instead?
What years of waiting for Winds of Winter will do to a motherfucker
The citadel is a miracle as far as unified natural philosophers go, in such a time period. You shouldn’t go shit talking it.
>Rhaenyra implies Jace's bastardy, they talk about Harwin
Interesting, IM not surprised because Jace always knew about Harwin so it was about time to talk about it.
His head is full of water, his seizures worsening every day, the Vale is done for.
>You shouldn’t go shit talking it.
Or what? Will the (((maesters))) take me out?
Dragons are half-reptile, half-worm, cope.
>Dies offscreen
They're doing this on purpose because that will lead him to his death and they want her to be guilty about it.
>the maesters are inbred rootless easterners now
Are you really a bastard if both of your parents are nobility? Greater bastards?
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>move goalposts to dragons
>its another nothing happens episode
they really made this season filler so they can drag the show out for 5 seasons
You’re treated better (because you probably got acknowledged) but are still a bastard
entirely based and moondoorpilled
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His roar is ridicolous. He is an aggressively overcompensating roarlet.
Maesters are actually the ones to cry out (((them)))

— ‘Maester Pol's treatise on Qohorik metalworking, written during several years of residence in the Free City, reveals just how jealously the secrets are guarded: He was thrice publicly whipped and cast out from the city for making too many inquiries. The final time, his hand was also removed following the allegation that he stole a Valyrian steel blade. According to Pol, the true reason for his final exile was his discovery of blood sacrifices—including the killing of slaves as young as infants—which the Qohorik smiths used in their efforts to produce a steel to equal that of the Freehold.‘
>Whatever happens in episode 8, Rhaenyra and Jace won't interact.
This seems really weird, you'd think no matter what happens they'd have to talk at least once. If this person knows that they'd need to know what e8 is too.
The Maesters are the anti-kikes.
They share the same shadowy methods. But instead of being foreigners with the goal of corrupt the host nation from within, the Maesters are natives with the goal of preserve the host nation from within.
Dragons don't roar, they screech. Vhaegar's just a fat old whore
someone finally spoiling ep 7 on twitter

I just want a happy episode where Rhaena, Baela and Jace go for camping with their dragons.
>implying she'd care
she'll get over it and run back to alicent an episode or two later like she did when luke died
Maybe the ending of episode 7 implies that Jace is leading towards another direction, maybe Gullet is in the last episode.
>inbred easterners practice blood magic and kill infants
>maesters reveal this

GRRM needs to be careful
>Maester Pol
Is this real
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Verticals used to be a tradition on /tv/, but I think the last season of GoT that produced any was season 3. Probably not a coincidence that baneposting started being a thing back then, massive vibe and culture shift on /tv/ after that.
Id rather just watch Jace jerk off alone than having this baboons anyway near my sight. Straight btw.
post this shit here plz
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This picture genuinely scares me. Stop sharing it.
Post the one with Ned.
And that's the problem, it's very unbelievable to have such a centralized institution control the higher learning in all of Westeros. Why aren't there more intitutions of higher learning? The only one that would come even close are the Alchemists and they are nowhere near the prominence of the MEasters. Maesters come from all corners of Westeros, but how are they vetted? Even peasants can send their children there to learn, so why doesn't everyone peasant do it and flood oldtown with children? It's a very lucrative place to get your children into as they get free food and board and would be guaranteed a good life?
This shit is Facebook tier
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It's real. Hightowers were the good guys all along.
Antisemitism? In my /HotD/?
Well yes, barring the inbreeding that is quite literally what they are.
They're so cute. I'm talking about Rhaena btw because they are nonbinary.
>Supposed parents are both handsome
>Cast the ugliest half macacos you could find
>hugh hammer
hehe im rooting for this guy
how's that, (((Targcuck)))?
It’s very unbelievable to have such a large landmass controlled by a single medieval power. It’s only justifiable due to dragons, and peer pressure, fear, etc.

Just assume the psychologies are more on the same page than people in real life.
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Holy shit George is based and red pilled??
>Even peasants can send their children there to learn, so why doesn't everyone peasant do it and flood oldtown with children?
Education’s actually expensive. It makes sense that they wouldn’t just accept anyone.
new thread:

Baela's actress in the background is the biggest jumpscare for me
this seems like a proof of survival pic in a kidnaping or something, awful
why would a nobleman bother with doing that fag shit himself, when they can just get a maester to do it for them?
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There’s literally a ‘Don’t tread on me’ house.
House Wyl.
>supraregional insitution
>located in a cosmopolitan multi-faith city
>population invaded westeros from the east
Are you genuinely stupid or something?
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Everthing has its start and everything has its end.
I hate (((Targs)))
Cute and canon
This is a warrior society, books are for cripples and fags
So they just straight up gonna remove nettles and replace her with daemons daughter
Why are you still peddling the leaks that we know are fake now, several people at comicon said nothing of the sort happens in e7

Fuck off retard
Only one stupid guy said that the argument is not happening. Rhaenyra in fact implies that he's a bastard, they talk about harwin. Those are information for at least three people who watched it.

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