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Old Valyria edition
prev >>201806354
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/\ PEAKE /\
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Cute and canon!
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>Not to make you hand, you TOAD. Go fetch Otto Hightower!
Realistically, how do you respond without sounding BTFO?
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Daemon really wished he was a woman deep down so he could have married Viserys
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>ritual posters everywhere
it'll never end
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He comes....
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>Aegonkino confirmed
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Rewatching GoT Season 1. I'm in love with Cersei
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>wHaT iF rHaEnYrA kIsSeD mYsArIa OuT oF nOwHeRe?!
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How do you feel about the fact that we'll get trans Baela and trans Rhaena next season?
>remove everything bad from book rhaenyra and makes show Rhaenyra into a good peaceful queen who saved her first husband from a miserable life and wants to protect the realm from the nukes the targs have
>audience doesn't give a shit about rhaenyra
>make Aegon "irredeemable" in the first season and make him more pathetic and full of flaws and being portrayed as wrong and bad by the characters on the show
>audience loves aegon and his scenes
great job hotd
She's much more fun in the books imo
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Mario Nahaaris
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I only wish I had a flaying rack and a skinning dungeon to send this bitch to for disassembly.
Reminder the STRONG bloodline lives on because Rhaenyra conceived her younger sons with Jace and Luke
Not like they’ll ever learn, let them keep shooting themselves in the foot.
I fucking hate this show
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>James Spader Daeron is hilarious.
Based amok and his portraits of the targs, nothing beats it
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>Rhaenyra the Groomer
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>In 1396 negotiations started about marrying six-year-old Isabella to the widower Richard II, King of England (1367–1400), who was 22 years her senior, to ensure peace between their countries. The fact that she was a child was discussed, but King Richard said that each day would rectify that problem; that it was an advantage as he would then be able to shape her in accordance with his ideal; and that he was young enough to wait.
Richard II was /tv/ and /GRRM/ pilled
Cancel season 3 already or recast
Would they really put up giant dragon statues everywhere? It sounds dumb but in their time everyone had a dragon except for dumbass slaves. Its not like we have giant dog or cat statues up on our borders, just screams unrealistic. A sign of really lazy world building
Why do men like fat women so much?
Dragons are supposed to have two genders. They'll explain these two turning into men because they have the blood of the dragon. It works.
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I remember...Nothing....
plz help...
She's tastefully pudgy not fat
Cats and dogs arent the reason we btfod mammoths and pumas and emerged as an apex predators and civilization builders.
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>they cut cannibal
Nice, which model you used AutismMix?
That tummy shake is hot, fuck you.
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>fucks her bros
>fucks her sons
Truly the based whore Queen of We/ss/teros
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Shut your mouth, butchers boy
i think it's a fetish.
i dont get it either..
>Retard, when I asked about who should be hand you said you would make it my responsibility. You were then silent for several moments. Evidently this is some prank of some kind, as any man would assume in this conversation that they were being made hand. To employ such wasteful and disrespectful pranks upon your council members merely demonstrates your immaturity as a regent. I will fetch your RATCATCHER obsessed hand, and then I will be resigning from the council.
Why not? The ancients also had statues of their gods and rulers everywhere. Also only the 40 or so top families in Valyria had dragons, so it was still a status thing.
Desperate incel with low standards.
i used faggotfuckyouMix
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god I wish I coulve pillaged and raped with drogon so bad bros ;__;
Stop posting about these two queers, they're not my Baela and Rhaena, I do not accept it.
Probably would, Jaehaerys and Alyssene were a power couple, and even Rhaena, a huge dyke, had a good marriage with her brother, Aegon the uncrowned.
yeah it's fucking annoying this cunt posting these ugly chimps 24/7, must be 100% a nigger self-inserting or a nigger fetishist which is worse
Imagine rejecting a S1 Dany. You’re a faggot.
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>pov: you flee back to Dragonstone (the front door is already opened for some reason)
>Sir Criston...club his other foot...
>Why do men like fat women so much?
there is a difference between morbid obese and a little fat, morbid obese is horrendous and it should be shamed (also encourged to lose weight asap), a little fat in a woman is an acquired taste
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I still love him
Desperate incel with low testosterone
>wispy pedo stache
Jesus Christ I'd forgotten how unflattering that image was.
Damn, I meant what I said though the image is nice or is it not ai and I am mistaken? If so then forget what I said
says who? these women are fucking insane
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Why are you mad bro? They're characters from the show.
>you are le hecking incel for not cooming over dumpy semi pajeetas
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And he was supposedly only 22 in that pic
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Ignore those dumb sluts, I still love him
>pedo groomer
>retarded manchild with a personality disorder
Yeah I'm thinking that Richard II was /ourguy/.
Not my Baela
Not my Rhaena
Stop posting these two troons
Shut up retard
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>trans pride
The absolute state
Still MAD she chickened out of the walk of atonement scene
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He came running at me, this dumb highborn lad.
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I'm trying to coom to Aemond but have a hard time imagining him in bed
Jesus christ Aegon IV looks like he ate the other three Aegons as a snack, how fat was that mf?
>kills joff with a sharp rock and rapes Sansa at swordpoint while grunting like a retarded animal
Imagine you both on the back of Vhagar.
So fat he couldn't get up from his vermin infested bed.
On a second thought, I don't think I like Jace/Baela anymore...
GRRM self insert
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Does that count as a threesome?
>That color
What the fuck happened to TV. Everything's so gloomy and grey now
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its tonemapped from a dolby vision version so its probably completely accurate to the original
Who can blame him though, fuck any noble sluts you want eat anything you feel like and sleep as much as you want, that's living the life.
Sam is the self insert, or so GRRM says.
I love how dopey Sansa looked in the early seasons
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how do you prevent this from happening to you?
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>race-mixing gets punished by death
what did they mean with this?
The Strong boys will remain forever young and illegal
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any leaks from comic con, my liege?
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The Wall has stood for thousands of years and kept mankind save from old, wornout roasties. No woman has ever breached it.
Not buying that cream
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Granny probably likes to watch.
Don't have a multiple brain aneurysms would be a start
Don’t age.

Also the top image is actually from 2010
Too many queer women on this cast...
Write the books fucking cheesemonger fuck
>no rivers
1 job anon
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>no rivers
this is a woman or a tranny?
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>Ulf will do a drunken victory lap over King's Landing after claiming Silverwing
KINO. Imagine basically being a drunken hobo one day and the next day you're flying a dragon and is now one of the most powerful men in the world
but also very sad
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hotd ruined girl on girl action for me, it should be the easiest shit to make sexy yet the last kiss looks like garbage
>has a signet ring
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Florence Pugh level neck lines appeared on my neck last year. Just when I turned 30. It's over.
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I didn't know Joffrey wasn't that far from Jace and Luke age wise in the books
Nothing, just twitter people confirming nothing happens in Episode 7 except the remaining seeds.
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True timeline
Boring spam
In your mouth
I know some hobos who can give conman a run for their money, I think ulf is supposed to be like this, unlucky to be a targ bastard without money but clever enough to get rich using the same reason he is a bastard
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She had some serious problems and was about to die. But in any case, most women when they age, they look much better if they're not simply skelettons. Kinda like Monica Belucci or Peneloppe Crus. Just put a little bit of mean on your bones and fill those wrinkles. Pic related is a good example. She looks anorexic as fuck now
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That, my friend, is Sara Hess, Executive Producer and one of the main writers of HBO’s series House of the Dragon based on the book Fire & Blood by George R.R. Martin. She’s a lesbian, so she’s a self hating woman.
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Yes, yes, nicely taoobad, very well done; HOWEVER!
I am of the night.
It's part of his scam. He was about to milk that dornishman for 20 gold before Aegon interrupted the grift
season 1 Jace is literally illegal because the actor was 16 and season 2 Jace is barely legal because he was 18
Sick, I need to see the Hightower.
>dwarf the battle of black water
this slop show thinks it can beat the best written and directed battle in the franchise?
Probably stole it
Sibel Kekilli really hit the wall.
Battle of the Blackwater or Battle on the Wall?
16 is legal in most countries.
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nta but that's hot
Lena Headey is pure kino. If it was someone else GoT wouldn't be as great.
and? this won't stop anyone here
>the north
>no snow
>old town
>town is actually new (commie blocks) >>201810624
>Rain wood
>it's not raining
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Black water
not in mine though but I don't really care
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Handsome king Jace
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the idea that alicent is gonna be the one to poison aegon is absolutely retarded in the narrative sense. I understand that we are working with retarded writers, but understand the position alicent will be at right then and there.
>father dead
>daughter dead
>second son dead
>youngest son dead
>best friend dead (non-book but whatever)
why would she then turn around and kill her son? Aegon would legitimately be all she has left.
Get this ill-begotten dragonsneed away from me.
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Blackwood fucking shits are paying for their crimes.
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cute strong boy who i want to kiss on the lips

that looks fake af
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Goes insane and blames it all on Aegon for all I know.
I fucking knew it
We fucking won LADgods
semen demon
If Jace doesn't die this season, then they do have to take King's Landing in episode 8. They have to do fucking something.
>GRRM's favorite house gets punked KEK
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how much would you seethe if they included the sara snow plotline, had jace knocking her up, and the offspring from that union somehow became apart. of the proper legitimate stark line?
So how do the dragonseeds in KL get out of the city anyway? Or do the dragons come for them like they did with that black dude?
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Whom should I add to my rehabilitation harem for broken girls?
So far I have
>Jeyne Poole
I hate it when 15-year olds have moustaches or full beards.
Probably why he has acting so pissy in regards to the show.
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>welcome to hell willem
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seems like another set up episode that ends with nyra ‘prepared for war’ and then nothing happens
Total pisswood death.
Watchers on the Wall > Blackwater > Hardhome > Battle of the Bastards > Spoils of War > The Long Night > The Bells > Beyond the Wall > Second of His Name > The Red Dragon and the Gold
Are nips watching this slop? It's so stupid, tropey, and morally black and white I can see it appealing to Japanese tastes, unlike GOT.
NTA but I like this more as long as they'll cast a cute straight actress as Sara, anything is better than trans!Baela, see >>201809703
i'd rather that plump piggy dyana do it than alicent. that would just be yas kween feminist bullshit. alicent doing it would wreck the narrative way more.
Why would I seethe?
Fuck you Blackwoods are great
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>mastered many skills
>aged 1
Valyrians are built different
It sucks that grrm isn't a good enough writer to flesh out the more mysterious aspects of his world.
why would they cast black AND gay actresses
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Godspeed, anon
Maybe if you're literally 14 and think edgesteel the bloodraven is the coolest shit ever.
Because in CK3 if you have the dynasty bloodlines power your heirs are born space marines and can probably defeat dragons 1v1
It's all a set up for episode 8, where we will get a truely epic set up for season 3 in two years.
Brackenchads we fucking won
He wrote Elden ring, he could do it if he wanted to
thandie newton's kid would've made a great baela and would have been closer to jace's actor in age
The only good thing is that Gullet is not happening this season and we'll get more Jace. Hopefully he won't die at the first episode of the third season though.
why did you post a picture of women's vagina whenever they see me?
Fat, lazy, Sibel Kekilli's pussy juices-soaked sausage fingers typed this post.
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>Zanzibart.... forgive me.....
Blessed Bobby B timeline
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reminds me of a friend who once confessed to me he wanted to fuck a big girl, not an overweight girl, a BIG, obese girl and only the thought of it made him crazy, and proceeded to describe flaps, stretch marks, odor…
what a weirdo
How will this influence Benjicot's relationship with Oscar Tully?
Imagine watching this woke DEI trash. You all got the vaccine huh? Cant wait to vote for Kamala?
Yes I do love pale women with very dark hair, how could you tell?
the bed has been made. you either lay in it on your head or on your back
irl plapjak
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Key part is if he wanted to, GRRM always wanted to be a tv writer and now he got that super fame because of HBO, he has no reason to write the books anymore.
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>Daemon executes Willem Blackwood
good fucking riddance
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gullet in ep 8 or i taooba the hbo headquarters
it wont
they will LAD
>and here is the fearsome 11yo warrior lord to lead my favourite self-insert house, hehe
What percentage of the story did he write, and considering there was multiple changes made at the last minute, how much of his contribution was chopped and changed?
Gods I was melanated then.
If George doesn't have a cameo as Aegon the unworthy in the dunk and egg series I will actually riot.
who would be the best dev?

and what style? RPG?
>any era
>born in a house you choose
>can choose whether to be first son, second son, etc or just randomize it
>can choose appearance
>can wage wars and marry women from other houses
would be kino
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Why would anyone get mad about it? It would make Jace more interesting. The only people who are not going to approve will be Jace and Baela shippers.
They didn't have the budget for it. They used all of it for the dragons on episode 7. According to the person who leaked the Rhaenyra and Mysaria kiss, the final episode will include a scene where Rhaena claims her dragon and they described it as the biggest thing that happens on the finale, no battles at all, no Gullet, no KL, nothing special, just Rhaena claiming her dragon.
I'm scared of aging, I'm scared of death.
everything up until the shattering
>how much of his contribution was chopped and changed
a lot was rearranged and changed which we can see from all the cut content. but the big parts of the story is all grrm. they flied out to him during development. they cared about his input. anything with feet is miyazaki lore.
potentially lore breaking for the modern starks with them having valyrian bloos in them
Shortly before his death George will declare all exisiting Asoiaf fanfictions as canon.

I'd love a Mosou game, spanning from Aegon's conquest to the end of GOT
Basically if M&B Warband ASOIAF mod was done by professionals on a decent engine
You should be. Aging is terrible and the unavoidable abyss means your total destruction.
>Renly had no legitimate claim and had no reason to have any supporters

>Robb not allying with Stannis against the people who killed his dad is beyond retarded

>stannis + robb + renly would have steamrolled the lannisters easily

GoT/ASOIAF was contrived bullshit from the starting gun
>nothing special, just Rhaena claiming her dragon.
Please tell me this isn't real...
You can nearly do all of that with ck3 agot mod, even more so with roads of power dlc coming out (you can literally play as a fucking peasant turned knight if you feel like it), only gotta wait the devs to implement the dlc into the mod.
Bait but what I enjoy about this show is everyone puts in effort, event the diversity cast, which is saying a lot because I'm a massive racist.
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>Helaena is now canonically a psychopathic rapist
We won, Helaenamaniacs
>plotwist: Cregan sent his bastard niece to marry lord karstark's heir
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where is Cregan currently? did he leave winterfell?
I think everyone would be happy if he had something to do at all, be it broing it up in the North with Cregan or plowing Snow.

Some black girls would probably rage on twitter but who cares.
would be nice to have more action involved. like a good combat system
>everyone puts in effort,
... except the writers, directors, CGI pajeets, cinematographers, set designers and costume designers.
in winterfell
I believe it because Condal himself said that the only battles that happened this season where on episode 4 and episode 7
That's pretty vague, he came up with the greater will sending the Elden Beast to cut off the world from the other outer gods? Or did he just write >what if an extended family of demigods...... squabbled and plotted?
I genuinely believe that was the bulk of his input
>just read a fic where Cat ends up marrying Robert and going Lysa levels of insane from all his whoring and bastard spawning
>Cersei and Ned are happily living in the north with their wolf lion babbies
>Robb not allying with Stannis against the people who killed his dad is beyond retarded

He would have, but the Greatjon was drunk.
If he didn’t cameo as a future version of his literal self insert Samwell, there’s no way we’re getting him as a fat Targaryen.
>i..remember..no..nothing...*cough* *cough*
It was. Mitsubishi-san just wanted a big name attached to his first directly normgroid-oriented project to garner hype.
Supposedly they'll have him arrive at the Twins with the Winter Wolves in episode 8.
Why is Ned Dornish
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one leak said he marched with the white beards but feels fake
the actors confirmed his scene in season one was his only scene in the season
well that's kind of the point, pride, honor, naivete all leading to disaster.
>the final episode will include a scene where Rhaena claims her dragon and they described it as the biggest thing that happens on the finale
Anyone else think this is ridiculous because Rhaena is basically getting Nettles' storyline out of nowhere?
Ooooooh…Mysaria being her wish fulfillment self insert makes her character make a LOT more sense.
>le winter wolves
>le hour of le woof
>le Wolf of le North
Why are Starks so cringe
He was tanning while at the tower of joy
Prolonged exposure to Ashara Dayne's bad pousse turned him into a dornishman.
Renly is intentionally written as Robert's fault, he gave him Storm's End over Stannis and allowed all of his popularity go to his head to think he's the better brother. I wish the show didn't emasculate him, his book description was basically "If Robert was still fit, but also gay" whereas Stannis is perceived as "stoic and boring" by everyone. If you're gonna rally around a figure, you're more likely to do it with Renly than Stannis even if he is more popular.

The splintering of the seven kingdoms post-dragons was inevitable. The only reason the Targaryens could maintain a kingdom so vast was because dragons can be used to travel quickly across the world. In a world where it takes 2 months to travel from KL to Winterfell, it really doesn't make sense for people to be like "yeah we'll bend the knee to this guy 2 months away from us" without dragons.
Link it
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Place your bets now!
It's also ridiculous because she's a nothing character.
I dont care about Nettles. But the ugly negro getting her dragon being the biggest scene of the finale? Mummer's farce.
All houses are like that with their sigil.
If Cregan had been a Fossoway it would have been called the hour of the apple or the great fruit thining.
lately you only post on weekends I miss you
God I remember my times reading agot fanfics a decade ago, I remember this one where the oc youngest brother of ned (william stark I think) decides to go into exile because he is butthurt about his crush marrying garlan and self-exiling himself into essos, only to find dany and viserys somehow, raising them, then deciding he is a total targ supporter and coming back to the north to convince Robb to support Viserys when comes to westeros (He gets thrown in jail for that KEK), last time I read he also finds Arya in braavos and was going to bring her back to westeros, but then the mf deleted the fic so only I know that this shit fic every existed.

>its bad on purpose

ASOIAF is the metal gear of literature
Targs stuck it out quite long without dragons though, even went through a civil war without dragons. There weren't much seperation tendencies under Robert, though that was probably because he was closely allied with most of the major houses.
>he gave him Storm's End over Stannis
Isn't being the Prince of Dragonstone roughly akin to being Prince of Wales, in the sense that it is the seat of the heir apparent? You'd think giving Stannis Dragonstone would be a greater honor than Storm's End. Storm's End is an ugly castle that was the seat of a bastard who was Aegon's friend. I'd be insulted if I was given Storm's End. I know it's the seat of the Baratheon family, but who gives a shit?
>you're more likely to do it with Renly than Stannis even if he is more popular
I'd follow my King to the edge of the known world. Dying for a doomed but righteous cause just hits different.
It's even crazier when you account into the fact that the targs were able to bring Dorne into the fold, first by conquering them without dragons and then by finally allowing them to marry into the targs and retaining the "prince" title shit they had, did the lack of dragons give them a buff or something?
Storm's End is a nuclear reactor and the seat of the Lord Paramount of the Stormlands. While it's possible to interpret Dragonstone as being the greater honor, Robert did not intend it as such and Stannis knew that.
>the day of the grape
Sure, while Stannis was heir.
But when Joffrey was born and Stannis wasn't told to vaccate the premises to take up ruling the ancestral keep he was essentially robbed of his inheritance in exchange for getting the world's shittiest and least developed fief with none of the prestige that used to be attached to it.

>complete character assassination followed by one of the most
badass moments of the series

fuck dnd
It used to be under the Targs, but Robert quickly fathered heirs (at least supposedly), so that means pretty much nothing. A shitty island that had most of its purpose when the dragons were still alive. Meanwhile Renly gets to be Lord of the Stormlands. Stannis basically got disinherited.
GOT should have ended with the Ironborn, the North and the Vale being given independance, whilst the Andal Kingdoms stay together and issue a magna carta.
Yeah, they got a diplomacy buff apparently.
Yeah, that's cruel to Cat but I'm curious
The vale is Andal except for the clansmen no one cares about.
>Sure, while Stannis was heir.
I mean in general though. Isn't Dragonstone the seat of the heir apparent for most of the Targs post-dance? I don't know. I didn't read Fire & Blood because it's not a real book and I'm not reading the fat man's glorified wookiepedia entries.
It is.
its literally up
That just shows they are capable of delivering cool kino things, but had to be closely tardwrangled by lazy Gurm who should have been more involved.
I mean logically speaking Stannis and Renly weren't entitled to anything after Robert had Joffery and Tommen, they were lucky Robert felt like giving them anything at all and not keeping dragonstone to Joffery and the storm's end to tommen.
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Lukes actor is 18 now,so don't pedo me
Yara and the Dornish dude not demanding for independence after Bran gives it to the north is actually fucking ridiculous. D&D deserve to be mocked forever.
You'd have to be missing brain matter to give independence to the fucking evil vikings
GoT should have ended with Tyrion being stabbed to death for suggesting Bran as king and the starks slaugthered for being a bunch of tree worshipping pagans
>the world's shittiest and least developed fief
Yeah. It's definitely analogous to Wales, then
Could Joffrey have been fixed by being sent to dragonstone or was the boy never right?
That’s not the point though, they would still demand it regardless. And so would Dorne.
Imagine being inferior not only to Bongland, but also Scotland. Grim. Fucking grim.
IIRC GRRM said that Joffery was never evil per say, and that he would have eventually outgrown his more sadistic tendencies, honestly if he had been raised by stannis or Tywin he would have grown out fine.
>eventually outgrown his more sadistic tendencies
This doesn't happen in real life.
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Reminder that this guy became Lord of Highgarden
More like the fucking Hebrides.
A free ironborn kingdom would be a menace to literally everyone especially newly independent kingdoms
He basically gave the "skeleton"/groundwork for the world. Then Fromsoft took that and blew it all up on top of creating the actual aesthetic. GRRM had said when he envisioned a lot of the characters they were far more human than the end result.
The worst part of Shireens burning was the mother somehow being the one who actually cares despite treating her like trash her entire life, while stannis who clearly loved her is shown to be the heartless monster. Absolutely pure kike subversion bullshit. FUCK DND
Renly has the Stormlands (40k troops). All he needs is the support of another major house (Reach = 90k troops) and he can easily push his claim no matter how BS the notion

Biggest plothole ever is the 7 kingdoms holding together for almost 2 centuries past the disappearance of dragons, especially since the crown territory can only raise 10k troops

So you have a King with 10k troops being in charge over a few autonomous vassals who can raise up to 300k troops in total and this arrangement is somehow sustainable
Feels like GRRM read about the lowest point of the Capetian dynasty but made it 10x worse and decided to make a setting out of it
Agreed, but this is the same guy that said Daemon was a "grey" character so I'm not holding much weight on that joffery bit
Stannis will burn Shireen in the books too, GRRM has confirmed it, hopefully he'll write it better but the end will be the same.
That’s your perception and once again not the point.
Also taking into account that Dorne, the Vale and the North are basically impossible to conquer.
Yeah, we can thank Jon Snow for being retarded enough to stab the only woman capable to keep the ironborn under control and allowing the same dragon to fuck off and leave, fuck I wish the white walkers had won.
Was that seriously her reason for that scene?
garden writing means nothing in the show has to happen at all though since George can change his mind at any time and he could just randomly be inspired to write 1000 brand new pages of TWOW in a eight month fever dream as he wrote ASOS.
>asian women
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>2 hours
oh boi
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I see, I really don't care about the Stark fanboys tbqh, it'll be funny to see them seethe if something like this was on the table for season 3 but my bet is that Jace dies in the first episode and nothing happens.
I don't know, I'm just sharing what that person said and according to him, nothing interesting happens in the final episode other than this scene with Rhaena.
I mean yes he said that, he could be lying too but it looks like they didn't have too much budget for other battles.
I kinda lost interest for the show because nothing interesting is happening and it's really bad writing. I've been busy too it's easier for me to post on weekends
Yup, his claim was much better than anyone else in the Reach.
I swear all of the youtubers have gotten way fucking slower this season it's kinda sad. Preston's review isn't even out a day before the next episode releases. We used to get all of this shit by Tuesday or Wednesday at the latest`
I mean I can sorta of buy it as westeros being too traumatised about the targs someday bringing back the dragons someday and burn the rest of westeros if they every deposed them or not wanting to rock the boat least they worry about several kingdoms now being hostile to you and wanting a piece of your land, the problem is that after less than a 100 years all memories of dragons would be gone and at least some vassals would be ambitions enough to realize that the targs literally have nothing to justify their kingship anymore.
even better than the Tyrell cousins that Margaery admits to having in season 3 kek
There is historic precedent for kingdoms with weak royal families, Then the position of king is largely ceremonial and the major lords secure greater autonomy and privileges. They only uphold the system because it secures inner peace at first but it's bound to spiral out of control.
Fuck the ironborn though
The Vale is literally the first Kingdom that the Andals invaded.
>t. got reaved
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Is Roose Bolton the unluckiest guy in Westeros?
His gambles frequently go to shit due to unforseen circumstances. He stabs his liege lord in the back because he knows Robb is going to lose. Things are good, he will have full lannister backing... and then...

>Tywin Lannister gets killed by his own son
>STANNIS fucking invades the North
>Your plan to lure Stannis to the dreadfort fails because Jon Snow convinces him that it's a deathtrap
>He rallies several Northern houses
>Oh, and your lannister support is nowhere to be seen
>Your heir is a complete psychopath who actively turns people away from your cause
>Your son's wife, a fake-stark keeping the Northern houses in line manages to escape.

Must be terrible being Roose.
Yeah but muh Agamemnon reference
I don't blame you, I'm disappointed too especially now that I know how boring the last episode is going to be...
honestly, I’d pay to see a single episode that takes place five years after the end of got, there would be such a shitshow situation in the six kingdoms
Was Roose aware that Arya isn't actually Arya
>he could be lying too
Unironically I believe this. There's no way they won't end this with Rhaenyra sitting on the throne after taking KL.
If one lord makes a move, the other lords would prefer to gang up to uphold the status quo of a de facto weak king that will not meddle with their territories instead of dealing with a strong king that has the power to back up his demands.
sorry I can't choose
I can't recall, unless I'm wrong, I believe he doesn't. The Lannisters don't gain anything by telling the Bolton's that their prize is false.
Would you squeeze Aegons flabby mantits?

I always imagined that westeros after losing the dragons was supposed to resemble the holy roman empire, so houses with shaky claims to rulership (read not being the ruling house for 10000 years like starks and lannisters KEK) the tyrells and tullys had all the reason to support the targs at least.
It's kinda funny because on the reread I realized that he admitted that as great as it is to be married to Fat Walda, her children are all doomed because of Ramsay and that he has no choice BUT to put all of his eggs in the basket that is Ramsay because he expects to die in the coming years. Therefore, killing Ramsay isn't a viable option because there's no point in putting hopes in heirs who will be maximum 2-3 years old when Roose dies. He can't really impart anything on to them or mold them.

And this is where GRRM's worldbuilding falls apart because Roose has no siblings, no cousins, literally no one else in his family besides his bastard he can depend on? The Bolt-on theory is ironically the only thing that can make this setting make sense, since becoming your own heir means having more than one kid isn't really necessary or expected.

That's honestly why I was more interested in seeing the Jon Snow sequel series than any prequel.
I really like the Bolt-on theory. It makes sense why Roose is so obsessed with his heirs having the same colour eye as him.

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