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COOOOOM edition
previous >>201809525
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/\ PEAKE /\
boobas are ok,

but why are there faces so ugly?
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Will Daeron be a boy toy like Jace and Luke?
They're in porn.
Goes without saying that they'd be awry-looking bogdanoff freaks.
Based fujoanon
cover their faces in shit and fill their tits with plastic
I remember when porn parodies were good, I cant even match any of those sluts to the GOT characters
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It's kinda funny because on the reread I realized that he admitted that as great as it is to be married to Fat Walda, her children are all doomed because of Ramsay and that he has no choice BUT to put all of his eggs in the basket that is Ramsay because he expects to die in the coming years. Therefore, killing Ramsay isn't a viable option because there's no point in putting hopes in heirs who will be maximum 2-3 years old when Roose dies. He can't really impart anything on to them or mold them.

And this is where GRRM's worldbuilding falls apart because Roose has no siblings, no cousins, literally no one else in his family besides his bastard he can depend on? The Bolt-on theory is ironically the only thing that can make this setting make sense, since becoming your own heir means having more than one kid isn't really necessary or expected.

That's honestly why I was more interested in seeing the Jon Snow sequel series than any prequel. Because I'd love to see someone dig their way out of D&D's ending than anything else.
>this kills the fish
Hopefully they'll cast someone attractive like that blonde 22 year old actor someone posted here days ago and claimed that it is him.
Larys getting fucked in the ass
I learned the other day that this was a fucking edit and now it's kind of tainted in my eyes.
I don't care for Jon Snow as a general rule but poor, poor fucking Jon Snow.
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>you know nothing
Is Roose Bolton the unluckiest guy in Westeros?
His gambles frequently go to shit due to unforseen circumstances. He stabs his liege lord in the back because he knows Robb is going to lose. Things are good, he will have full lannister backing... and then...

>Tywin Lannister gets killed by his own son
>STANNIS fucking invades the North
>Your plan to lure Stannis to the dreadfort fails because Jon Snow convinces him that it's a deathtrap
>He rallies several Northern houses
>Oh, and your lannister support is nowhere to be seen
>Your heir is a complete psychopath who actively turns people away from your cause
>Your son's wife, a fake-stark keeping the Northern houses in line manages to escape.
>The same escapees tell Stannis about your Karstark allies going to betray Stannis, thus foiling another of your plans

Must be terrible being Roose.
I don't understand why exactly people are surprised Westeros didn't dissolve or something. Things were going well for them as one kingdom. There are a lot of real life countries who used to be several smaller countries, so it's not impossbile.
Same. For those who don't know that portrait shows an elf, look at the ears.
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My only motivation to learn to use ai is to crap out pornfakes of Jace and Luke
a very bold and strong statement...
I like to think that as obsessed with Rhaegar as Cersei was, she would have studied baby Jon’s face before smothering him with a pillow before realizing it’s Rhaegar’s kid and confronting Ned

I guess I missed that part of the theory- why does eye color matter?
Rather pecculiar.
IMO it's because Roose can only change into the skin of those he claims, but his eyes cannot change.
Couldnt have happened to a nicer guy too
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Would she have made a good Lady Paramount of the Iron Islands?
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Help, I'm buying the Lyseni slave theory
AbosluteWin Peake
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Also, another misconception about Ramsay in the books... he's quite clever. People call Dumber and dumber out for flanderising Ramsay, but in the books he was able to defeat a Stark force THREE times his size through deception. He was also quick on his feet by posing as Reek after being caught by Rodrick Cassel, preventing himself from being executed. He plays Theon like a fiddle and is able to secure Moat Cailin. The only problem with him is that he is utterly deranged and unlikeable, along with a low amount of wisdom.
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Daemon humiliation ritual aura reset
what does this mean?
I'd rather buy a Lyseni slave (female)
Vile anti-Viserys propaganda.
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I think it's part because of how obscenely huge the seven kingdoms are and the cultural diferences between them, dorne is basically's it's own thing with woman being equal to men on inheritance laws, the north with the old gods, and the ironborn literally live and die to raid and their faith is actively meant to warfare not living in peace and coexistence, so the fact that all those three kingdoms sorta of agreed to not seperate without the threat of dragons keeping those three in line brings a few questions on the how
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"Nothing interesting happens on the last two episodes" Edition...

I'm disappointed. We waited two years for nothing.
Daeron will save the show, Inshallah
He won't even appear this season.
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sigh, why are they destroying daemon so hard this season
Thats why I said show and not season. :)
Who is going to be, Aemond??
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>Sheesh grandpa, you ain't got no rizz frfr no cap
Daemon is the most overrated character, just let it go already. He's GRRM's favourite, you don't even have to pity him and his whole arc this season is boring and skippable.
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Cute and canon!
It's all very easy, actually. Only Dorne is culturally distinct, while everyone is else is a generic pop-history medieval kingdom indistinguishable from one another, down to even lack of accents. Religious differences don't matter either because GRRM is a hippie liberal who thinks religion doesn't matter.
lol no, oscar
rhaneyra is cucking aemond
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Was it too hard to pick a decent looking cute lad?!
Kino fr
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Because MEN=BAD, chud
Is this supposed to be Hunter?
Masterful bit of xittery. Thank you for your important contribution.
It'll never happen though, only brit actors allowed in GoT/HOTD.
Hunter would make for a truly beautiful biblically accurate Targ male beauty
Good lord these are some of the ugliest porn stars I've ever seen
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>Makes Aemond piss his pants
Hunter's tits are too big for this dyke-directed show anyway.
>he is actually more feminine than Emma
I love how GRRM was inspired by the war of the roses yet acts like the catholic clergy of westeros (the faith of the seven) aren't supposed to be the major kingmakers that kings need to appease daily, the only moment when the seven are actually based is when they squared off with maegor over the targs brother/sister marriage bullshit and were ready to kick them all out of westeros over it.
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and yet he's still the most entertaining character in the series. the blacks literally fell apart in his absence, everyone is a green atp

they’ll give us a beautiful benji, trust the plan
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Team Black really said TRANS RIGHTS
Trans Rhaenyra
Trans Baela
Trans Rhaena
It's all camera tricks anon
> Hey kid, wanna /s/?
Hunter would fit right in on this show, they should cast her. While I’m discussing this actor and his roles in media and film, fuck thr faggot trannie jannie that gets mad and bans me when I say Hunter is for oral use only. YWNBAW and neither will he.
>stag symbolises a cuckolded man
>GRRM's father was cucked and he is actually a bastard
>GRRM's college gfs cucked him with the jocks
This entire series was just one big therapy session for George put to paper, isn't it
wow they're so fucking based and real for that, greencucks would never
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I've been rewatching the viserys "heir for a day" dream scene a dozen times now
It's really fucking good, highlight of the episode for me. I might rewatch season 1 just for viserys.
>chinstrap beard
State of that awry-wanked porn addict.
Imagine being a blackfag
>oral use
I doubt his cocklet works anymore, anon
>This is ... uuuuh... just her agent asking her to do stuff for PR so she can find work at big tv!!
those are all British porn stars though
Daemon is too ugly to look at, what's with all the queers ITT getting horny for him?
>Valar Dohaerys, sars
>be the legendary rogue prince, the king of the stepstones
>get clowned on by a fearsome 11 year old warlord
Oof, that's got to hurt.
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His is a violent psychopath.
Danny D is bi and did dudes on camera.
>daemon wants to be a woman so she'd marry Viserys
Fem daemon would had been a megaslut and Vissy would be pussy whipped to death
>okeelar dokeehaerys
Cannot wait for all of them to become males next season and show us on screen their huge tranny cocks.
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meant for >>201813601

not everything is looks anon, the man oozes charisma
I NEED cute shota Benji!!
Nyl2chads, we won
Shotadom is based
She should play a Dornish woman or a swamp creature
uhh, that's not quite sort of clowning I had in mind.
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>didn't call their porn parody game of throes
A succulent Myrish swamp?!
Otto, wouldn't it be game of hoes?
what is the lyseni slave theory
Second is red woman.
Now you do anon
If only Oscar was actually cute
could you fic cersei, anon?
That would work too.
>turns traitor in a 5 way Civil War
>a Blackfyre bastard invades Westeros
>another Targaryen with Dragons is right behind him

He kinda fucked regardless. Jon is gonna level the Dreadfort with Rhaegal and there’s not much he can do to counter that
schizo anon ramblings from this general
Not to mention Teon is going to tell everyone the real identity of Ramsays wife.
he deserves it. him and ramsay are horrible people
he hasn't done a single entertaining thing since the middle of season one. rhaenyra metaphorically castrated him.
Yes, I have written fics about Cersei. No, I'm not sharing.
>Not to mention Teon is going to tell everyone the real identity of Ramsays wife.
The fact these retards can't tell Jeyne isn't a stark from the minute they looked at her brown eyes is the worst execuse I have every heard from grrm (if she had blue eyes they could have sorta of argued that she got the tully looks but not even that lmao)
imagine being prime rhaegar with this blonde haired, green eyed, psycho bitch wetting herself at the sight of you.
>takes two fucking episodes to claim one dragon

How are we going to get the other ones claimed then and have them invade Kings Landing? If they want to drag this shit out, they need ten episodes. Eight is just too short. Are we even going to get a Battle of the Red Fork at this point?
What did you write about?
Jon isn't getting any dragons. It will be pure capeshit if he does. No reasons for that.
Roose is cool as fuck, shut up you skincel.
What do you mean secret Targaryen Jon Snow won't get Valyrian steel, an albino direwolf, a resurrection AND a dragon?
Three dragons and only one is with dany right now, Jon getting a dragon too isn't a reach
About my self-insert marrying Cersei and fixing her with tender loving of course.
*excuse, being a third worlder is pain
Even the she wouldn't be loyal, bitch was fucking her twin as a kid depsite her obsession with Rhaegar. Their mother had to put them on opposite sides of the castle and fire the staff who saw them fucking.
he's gonna bond with on of dany's three
>3 dragons
>the 3 heads of the dragon prophecy
now this is cope
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Sara Snow confirmed!!!!!!!
I'd kek if the three heads on the dragon are Tyrion, Dany and Young Griff with Jon getting dick.
jesus christ
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Chuds review bombing again.
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It's bad for Rhaenyra/Jace shippers (me)
The argument is real...
Unfathomably based
why didn't they do this for the faggots kissing in ep4 or 5 of last season?
replies are seething but I think this is accurate. marwyn will ride viserion and euron will corrupt rhaegal and ride him.
Who would you cast her as?
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Roose the Golden Goose
A whore
she's american
barba bolton
>He does mention Harwin
They'll talk about him being a bastard, won't they?
Shiera Seastar, the most beautiful targ should be played by the most beautiful actress.
What’s with Targ daughters all being mega sluts?
So basically he's going to be upset about those who will be able to tame a dragon without noble blood?
what claim does it invalidate? Jace's Targaryen blood comes from his mother's side (at least), it's impossible for him to not have Targaryen blood regardless of who his father is. I don't get it.
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The only actress I recognize is the one in the middle

Personally if I had to do my own casting, I would cast pic related as Alys Rivers
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Alys Rivers but with the book accurate story.
all women are whores
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They already talked about himw being a bastard in season 1 but according to the leaks she won't have the same sweet reaction as picrel this time.
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Any answer other than Rhaenys Targaryen is the wrong answer
who are some americans besides peter dinklage who can do really good british accents?
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I'm pretty sure him and the Lady of Barrowton know, and that's why they fix up Theon so he can be seen to "identify" her and give her away at the wedding.
hugh laurie
Thank the gods for Bessie (and her tits).
Well young Rhaenyra anyway.
She has a mong face. Valyrians are supposed to be ethereally beautiful, not "plappable".
its ok anon she will join them soon enough
No she doesn't.
he's british anon
Probably the ugliest wypipo in existence
They’re literal race superior fascists. Condal and Hess don’t want to show women being evil though, hence why we’re getting this version of Rhaenyra and Alicent. Rhaenyra’s inspiration is Margaret Thatcher, and Alicent is the evil stepmother from Cinderella
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He comes....
The theories about him being a vampire are cool as heck, though. I hope he gets a mysterious death and haunts Deadfort.
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Referencing this with jaehaera.
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imagine her with purple eyes and platinum hair bros... I wish I was better at photoshop
so how old is roose according to bolt-on? did he see dragons before
sad because rhaenyra would be so based if she was a cunt
Why are they trying to ruin this relationship? Is it because he dies and want this to be dramatic?
That one daughter in the tavern getting raped by a pack of summer islanders.
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she comes...
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For me it's Sershe.
This could be one of the reasons.
looks like a potato
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visenya targaryen?
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Are you guys exited to meet the admiral of the Tiarchy in the next episode?
Me neither
Who would she be? Don't say Visenya, she's doesn't look fierce enough.
Black cock in the face does a lot of damage. OP knows.
>this the admiral i was telling you about, your grace
Showrunners heard how boring fans find the blacks and how fun the greens toxic family dynamics are and they are now trying to make Jace interesting in the same way
Can you make one of these for Thomasin?
In your mouth
>Abigail Thorn
>YouTuber and actress
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If you could recast Baela and Rhaena, who would you choose?
how does he prevent cataracts
she looks plenty vierce. like a vicious bitch. look at her eyes
Whoever looks like this
Me as both of them
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Realm's Delight.
This doesn't make any sense because they filmed those episodes two years ago and back then they didn't think team Black was boring.
Literally any white girl
Two white girls.
>shows bush.
She had the eyes of a cute little kitten
Reminder that we're getting trans Baela and trans Rhaena next season.
I didn't make that.
My photoshop skills are shit and my prooompting knowledge is null.
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Fuck you if you cheer for the smug
of Dragonstone.
Hear me out about the episode I'm writing for HBO (they don't know it yet)
nico parker and taylor russell
how exactly would black ass laena velaryon and daemon make two white girls?
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>mutt for a mutt
Which Targ
white velaryons are never coming back, anon, give it up
Nigger valyrians doesn't make any sense so lol whatever might as well put an aztec there
Sweeney and some other attractive white girl.
Tyland bros...
Make Laena white too. And Corlys too (played by Willem Dafoe in a bad wig).
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The same way white ass Daemon Targaryen and Laena Velaryon made two black girls
The one that died in a drunk driving accident
They ain't wrong though, the blacks are boring as fuck without daemon, the greens got Aemond and Aegon doing stupid shit on the regular which makes for great tv.
>no Hispanic fierce cute tomboy to charm Daemon into a redemption arc
This is a crisis. This show is dead. The worst adaptation in the history of adaptations. Everyone's talking about how they missed this. I wouldn't miss it. It would be great if I did it.
The one who became a literal whore in Lys.
Amandla Stenberg
Zazie Beetz but maybe she is to old
The funniest thing is that Daemon is the most boring team Black character this season and his scenes are skippable.
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nettles would have been black, anon
I always imagined Corlys as Thomas Boleyn and Rhaenys as Catherine of Aragon from The Tudors.
post it
Why is her choker black and not a light color to match her clothing?
I hate tomboys. Especially brown ones.
Didn't happen. Under the rug. Nobody cares, not even Corlys. Never brought up again after Vaemond. Only greencel seethe that doesn't matter. Against westeros religion? Doesn't matter, everyone is really progressive during the dance for some reason. SHE TRIED OKAY? Leanor was okay with it, he's forward thinking too. So is Rhaenys. It just didn't happen. Stop being a chud.
No. Also wanna talk about black Velaryons? Fuck that shit.
How did this show go from such an accurate depiction to even worse of an adaption than late-stage GoT?
Bro, rewatching GoT is painful. We got to see Missandei EVEN Cersei titties which are much nicer than I remember.
Their were reshoots until march
We've never seen Cersei titties in GoT.
We do. They're just not Lena's
kek, yeah, she does and I am NTA
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>wHaT iF rHaEnYs cAmE tHrOuGh ThE fLoOr On A dRaGoN?!
It was a double, aye.
no because i don't care
>*ryon grabs the crayons*
reminder that ryan is the one who cut nettles because he didn't want femoids self inserting as rhaenyra to get upset

hess wanted her in there
You should. It's stupid. It deserves to be mocked. What a idiotic thing to do, my God.
Cutting a strong black woman?! Ryan should be in jail
They’re both retards that should never have been allowed anywhere near this IP
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>Have an opportunity to include a canon diverse, dark-skinned character instead of shoe-horning them into the Velaryons
>Retcon her because she cucks Rhaenyra and that won't fly with the romance novel enthusiast wine-moms and we don't want to appeal to men with a cute tomboy.
>Insert lesbo scene
I just can't lmao
What if nettles is in but she's asian?
What if she is a latinx twink?
then we stone sara hess in the streets for making her self insert distort an established story to such an insane and detrimental extent.
Not happening
Baela is stealing Nettle's storyline with Sheepstealer
I did like the scenes with the young rhaenyra again, the one of him hugging Viserys, the one of him eating out his mom lol, but yeah it doesn't make up on how everything about the harrenhal parts felt like filter
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You bore me…. You all bore me.
The same threads, the same shitty episodes. The same days… over and over again.
Fuck it
as it turns out my preferred color is better and the opposite color is stupid and dumb
Then Rhaenyra will fuck her instead of Daemon.
The historians were right about Rhaenyra, she's Maegor with yellow fever.
King Aegon II Targaryen.
Sex with women.
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My beautiful wife Ashara Dayne (too retarded to 'shop silver hair)
Is boring fucking.
The writers completely ruined Daemon out of petty resentment. They know that Rhaenyra doesn't have much going on for her so they react by trying to drag Daemon down to her level. They simply cannot write a compelling Rhaenyra.
I need to see her boobas WITH HASTE
>>201815943 Not dark enough
remember that nice touching moment when Aegon asked Alicent if she loves him and she said
"you imbecile" but thanks to this season that was apparently not a sarcastic statement - great show
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Ryan is like a cuckedcmale feminist. He revises the story to appeal more to women and then he looks at Daemon, and with an open onions mouth says; "Why do people like him so much!?" As if it weren't obvious, then goes on to hamstring and sabotage the Daemon women loved so much from s1, much to their dissatisfaction.
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>Dalton Greyjoy namedrop in the last episode.
Are we finally going to see a based Greyjoy on screen? I'll never forgive d&d for cutting this based retard and ruining Euron.
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They've veered so far into fanfic territory that they can't see the shore anymore, so everything has to be reduced to one-dimensional simplicity in an attempt to reestablish footing. It's a trap bad writers fall into consistently, and a red flag that serves as a warning to any producer paying attention that the writer they've hired is a hack.
You can love someone and yet be emotionally unavailable to that person
Fuckin dimes
It was fanfic tier since the beginning
There was a fucking book there to guide them, they chose not to accept that. No sympathy from me.
The book was just a string of events recounted by historians, it had no fucking dialogue.
she's just plain shitty to him and there's zero justification for it
By his own admission he's not very good at world building. The ASOIAF world feels very primitive, empty and simple compared to the irl Middle Ages in terms of institutions, nations, culture etc. The Witcher and Dragon Age are probably the most "realistic" medieval fantasy worlds I know of.
F&B does have dialogue. The most dialogue heavy part of the book (The Green Council) was completely cut. That section had some kino lines, and of course the writers ignored GRRM'S superior dialogue for their own.
But it granted enough world detail that dialogue and character could just be plugged in. Instead, they rejected the established world in favor of their incomplete "vision" and then scratch their heads wondering why the poor decisions they went with suddenly have unanticipated consequences in the long term.
tl;dr hacks gonna hack
I will never understand why they get so upset over muh homophobia and muh West becoming a theocracy, but then also import these people into the West
Because they hate White people and see Non-Whites as their allies.
You are forgetting about the dragons. No clergy is insane enough to try their wrath. Well, yeah, barring Maegor's time...
they aren't opposed to theocracy they are just opposed to christianity because historically white countries were christian. they would be fine with an islamic theocracy, or, preferably, a new faith based on gay race communism.
That's what the Maesters do
>white countries were christian.
Yeah, like Ethiopia. You amerimutt crusader larpers are pathetic. Christianity only reached the global dominance it did because it's universalistic and accepts everyone. There are no races in Christianity.
>there is no Greek nor Jew, for all are one Christ
>One-eyed Prince Aemond, nineteen, was found in the armory, donning plate and mail for his morning practice in the castle yard. “Is Aegon king,” he asked Ser Willis Fell, “or must we kneel and kiss the old whore’s cunny?”
God I love Aemond KEK
when did I say christianity was exclusive to europe?
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You implied that Christianity is part of a white identity.
no, I didn't? I just said that historically most white countries were christian.
>mfw someone says "mayhaps"
It makes sense why they were insane enough to try, knowing Meraxes died duo to a bolt in the eye (even though it was one in a million shot, literally a miracle), probably reminded the clergy that dragons can die if they are crazy enough to try, but then Maegor happened.
>There are no races in Christianity.
“I've never read a page of the old testament” - the post
once the peasants were sufficiently riled up they made pretty quick work of the dragons in the dragonpit
its always funny to hear amerimutt and other westoid retards like yourself who have no idea how islamic countries operate
Excellent wordplay
Very hard to believe desu, but I guess we will see some rendition of that
It just feels wrong.
Who's gonna tell him
Yeah, there is a mention of one masterrace there. And it's not the white one.
nobody said anything about a master race, are you schizophrenic?
Do I need to repeat myself?
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The witcher books are as pure Polish medieval fiction as it gets unlike GRRM's american idea of feudalism, the first two witcher books were peak
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A segment of the not-master Old Testament race you're referring to seems quite keen to be it.
Thank the gods for Thomasin and her baoobas.
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House Wydman
"5 splintered lances, 3-2, striped blue and white with blue pennons, on yellow, beneath a white chief bearing a red castle, a green viper, a black broken wheel, a purple unicorn and a golden lion"
I still have to play B&W. Been saving it for ages now so I could enjoy in the "right time". It seems to be vampire kino.
I have literally no idea what you are talking about all I said is that historically most white countries were Christian. I do not like Jews. I do not attend church. You are borderline schizophrenic. Go outside, its beautiful today.
That is an obnoxiously busy bit of heraldry.
>But if some of the branches were broken off, and you, although a wild olive shoot, were grafted in among the others and now share in the nourishing root
It's just a fat polish boomer's self-insert fic, arguably even worse than Gurm's one since the Pole has the gall to self-insert as the MC.
>The known Wydmans during the timespan of the events described in A Song of Ice and Fire are:
>no member has appeared yet
More like the Who's of the Valley lmao
You railed against Islam which indicated that you are Christian.
>Very hard to believe desu, but I guess we will see some rendition of that
the dragonpit was meant to keep dragons in and keep them from flying off, not being able to escape and being surrounded by a frenzied mob is enough to kill anything, at this point it was basically doomsday and they thought they had nothing to lose, if it was something like the black dread inside or vhagar then yeah the peasants would probably be dragon snack, but smaller dragons would give them a shot (albeit one with a ton of casualties)
Maybe he's a Zoroastrian, anon, have you thought about that? Not everyone against Islam is a Christian. Think outside the box for a moment.
It indicates that he belongs to the category of “any person with a brain”



You don't have a problem with Islam. You have problems with other races. Religion ephemeral.
>It's just a fat polish boomer's self-insert fic, arguably even worse than Gurm's one since the Pole has the gall to self-insert as the MC.
I was gonna argue against it but then I remember that Geralt literally fucked every single sorceress he saw, and even scored a 16 year old (shani) in the third book I think, so yeah probably a bit of self-insert now that I think about it..
Arabs can just live in Arab countries but Islam has to be eradicated
The best part is that he is supposed to be this ugly creepy outcast no one likes, but somehow all the hottest bitches just HAVE to jump on his the moment he appears. Real curious there, Andjejej.
>losers seething about a religion on the other side of the planet
>let's turn arabs into perfectly homogeneous mass acceoting western values, surely the next step wouldn't be to open borders for them
It’s not fair, dalton should have been green, the blacks don’t deserve his basedness
I just watched this and it wasn't that great of a fap. There were only like 3 scenes and not all the girls get fucked
They have funny names. Like Jon Doe and the Bannisters. It's not very in depth, they try to talk about some of the background shit and I can't even remember because I was just looking at their tits. Half the scenes have lesbian shit. The names did make me audibly chuckle though and Bannister just kills a bunch of people randomly which was funny.
Iron Lady style

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