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tuba boy edition
prev: https://boards.4chan.org/tv/thread/201818185#top
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Ready for more blackcel seething.
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He comes....
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Just remember who made you kneel, turncloak.
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> he quoted with the whole link
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holy digits
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>and now it begins
>no, now it ends
Because there aren’t many male characters to ship together
The TB fujoshis were salivating over Jace and Creagan but it never happened so the notmie fujoshis didn’t get the hint
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>No Helaena
No point on watching this episode.
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source bros? I need to jerk off
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Black boys keep dying early, but if they do it right not all is lost.
What did the honorable Ned Stark mean by this?
i mean it normally automatically converts it but the #top at the end fucks it up
thanks for grabbing my guitar pick, bro
The blogpost about Helaena in the B&C will remain the greatest backhanded complement of all times but casuals think that GRRM views HOTD!Helaena as superior to the books
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Letting a bastard inherit is not honorable.
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I mean it’s basically “phia did a great job with this shitty moment lol”. And he’s right. Phia did the best she could.
>listen robert your kids are bastards. my proof? they have different colored hair than you!!
he knew bobby would dismiss him as a schizo so he had to falsify his will. its deplorable. muh honor my ass
What episode of Backroom Casting Couch is this?
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I used to laugh at Nedfags who deluded themselves into thinking the Starks were paragons of wisdom and justice.
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my knee is bending on its own
My king...
I really hope episode 7 is good. 5 and 6 have me wanting to drop the series entirely.
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King of Love and Beauty
same with robb
>im the most honorable person that ever existed in westeros, ned 2.0
>btw i'll shit on my oath and promise and i'll marry some random girl from the streets
>btw nuncle you have to marry someone to fix my mistakes, also arya you have to marry someone because i promised it. but i can do whatever i want, im le young wolf
If only Helaena was a man
The mountain on Helaegon fan work that those fujoshis would shit out
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i miss the autism haircut bros
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Actual canon couple
he looked like an incel school shooter
He is so beautiful
jfc you are all so fucking gay
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Fujoshis need to be studied
>fangirls want strong female characters
>some mentally ill fujo out there is transiting because of an Aemond/Luke fanfic
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>a-addam can you please join my crew?
>no nigga
>i-its an order
>whatever then i guess
>baela c-can you please take driftmark im begging you
>nah lol forget it
why is he so pathetic now lol
Robb just needed a voice he'd listen to more than his own impulses. He was doomed the moment Jon took the black.
His mew streak wasn’t very obvious
Back when everyone thought he was Cole's son
He's desperate and running out of time.
I'll miss his hair
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@milkcookiesimp, jerking off to what?
Top kek
Alicent actually looking cute, gonna save this
Because he was a masculine man on HOTD. He had to be buck-broken.
milf not milk
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Why do the writers gotta discard the best lines baka
House Burley of the Vale. They are one of the mountain clans.
A white knife in a blue pile on white.
I didn't know the mountain clans had heraldry?
they are of the north
It kind of made more sense in the book because he'd deflowered a noble lady and felt that marrying her was the only honourable solution. In the show, he could have kept his commoner hoe as a mistress and literally no-one would have cared.
oh yeah wow my bad
>You're out of luck, maybe out of touch
>You only see schmucks
>And you've really had enough
>It's not adding up and you just don't understand
>In the show, he could have kept his commoner hoe as a mistress and literally no-one would have cared.
Except maybe his wife.
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Next time that anon is here we should convince him to say "It looks better on me than it ever did on him.”
Also it was right around the time when bran and Rickon supposedly got burned alive by Theon, Robb was emotionally vulnerable enough where he didn't think through and needed any kind of comfort
Based. Let it be so.
wasnt she a noblewoman or something? just from so far away that she might as well be common. I thought she was from volantis or something.
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I rewatched GoT season 1 today. Boy, you can practically feel the money on the screen. Why does HotD look so bad by comparison? Is it due to all the CGI dragons? I imagine the first season of GoT didn't have a ton of CGI (other than some of the backgrounds).
I wish I had the HDD space to download a blu ray rip. mine is so washed out.
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Another wretched sin done by Theon, but much blame belongs to this shitter for making Theon a turncloak. Fathers are too often a vector for the worst poisons in the minds of their sons.
it was so unrealistic. its like if a prince from the british royal family married a common brown slut from some other contine- oh wait
Not quite apples to apples, Harry isn't the heir.
I wish I was from a noble house from the north, I would sail to the summer islands and bring back a beautiful nubian queen. we would be the talk of the land.
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Balon was so fucking stupid
>she dies frostbitten of exposure
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he should have agreed to aemond's deal, the kid was a pussy
You might be retarded
She could put her big girl pants on and deal with it, she would still have a very advantageous marriage and her family wouldn't have cause for a blood-feud with Robb.
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I've been catching episodes of this with my dad (he's a nerdy gen x guy who doesn't mind all the woke shit) in between playing Armored Core 6 and now I can't stop imagining an AC style game but with dragons instead of robots.
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>big girl pants
Westerlings were Seven slaves, Robb taking a mistress would violate her religion.
shes gigachad walder frey's daughter, shes used to strong male figures telling her to shut up and deal with it. the problem is robb was a coomer and wanted to be "honorable" at the same time
I would keep her warm in my castle though
She'd have cried to Daddy about her shame and set poor persecuted Walder's scheming dial to 11. There was no way Robb was getting his way unscathed.
Walder would not have given two shits about Robb having a mistress so long as he had a little Princeling great grandson on the way.
Our hilts hurt, is that you?
It really doesn't, the Seven is based on Catholicism and it was pretty bog standard for Catholic kings/aristocracy generally and sometimes even the clergy to have mistresses. Bobby B was banging half of Westeros and no-one have a shit.
Is it from E7?
Bobby sat the Iron Throne, Robb was just a pretender king.
talisa or whoever the movie girl was would never accept this deal because shes a delusional "morally right" hoe. and jane westerling was probably too ambitious to just be a mistress
Cool story sis.
And a heathen to boot. It would cost him every ally except the Blackwoods to keep a mistress on religious fuckery alone, much less whatever was inferred from slapping the Freys in the face.
>Bobby sat the Iron Throne
yeah its called being a usurper
I don't see any evidence for the people of fucking Westeros of all places being as puritanical as you are claiming. Noblemen can generally bang who they want so long as it doesn't jeopardise their marriage, and I don't think that lecherous old Walder Frey of all people would give a shit, so long as Robb didn't go full retard and legitimise his bastards, which he has no incentive to do.
targ shits got what they deserved
The rapid rise of the High Sparrow slip your memory?
>david lightbringer
Not gonna watch
give it a chance its super interesting
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Bow you shits
>6'6 gigachad tank vs targ femboys
it was unfair. targs have small twink frames because they evolved to be dragon riders. its not a fair fight without dragons
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Ser Lyonel was the last truly based Baratheon. Fight me.
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>Italian city populated by Englishmen who wear Arabic clothing for some reason

I mean everything about GOT is stupid but this always stood out to me.
Is there a bigger fuckup in Westerosi history than House Harroway?
I have to concede a bit on the realities of this ship since one side of the relationship has been confirmed to be bisexual, But where does the idea that Alicent has any interest in munching carpet come from?
Mass migrations of that magnitude are myth to us.
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They never stood a chance. Poor lil fellas
No way, there never lived a Baratheon that wasnt based except maybe Renly. Even borys was based
>cheap costumes
>stupid looking CGI dragons
>blue screen backgrounds
>boring shitty sets
>bad lighting
>ugly actors
>terrible acting
Darklyns are the biggest losers in history. All they ever did was die and lose and die
The guy who policed female sexual morality, starting some time after the Red Wedding? Probably would have liked noblemen to set a good example to the smallfolk, but would most likely settle for them being discrete.
bratty them needs CORRECTION
>Bobby went from based to chump and got gutted by a boar
>Stannis is a heretic and kinslayer
>Renly was a faggot and a usurper
I'm not seeing anything but a downward spiral here.
Ending an empire kinda outweighs whatever faults Robert had towards the end. And
>Stannis is a heretic and kinslayer
based and macbethian dark lord pilled. Stannis has so much aura
that's so bizarre... it's almost like... it's a fantasy setting or something?
>my queen ill do anything for you ofc ill try your crazy plan
>*burns to death*
>rhaenyra shrugs it off and walks away
>fans laugh at him as a shitty loser white male
just cucklyn things
Would the high sparrow even care about an old gods follower does in his spare time? He is policing the nobles that follow the faith of the seven, he wouldn't he care about what a northman does or doesn't do, the old gods are easier to swallow than Stannis and his red witch.
imagine being renly, being born into a family where every male is basically a super manly gigachad and you just want to suck cock and attent parties. its not fair
Give him time.
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In Renly's defense, guys are hot and parties are fun.
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Best dragon
That's not Vermithor tho
VermBORE more like LOL!!
Is Sunfyre alive in the show?
>Aegon gets up from bed
Aegon the strong
according to the characters in the show hes dead, according to gigacoper ageonbros hes alive and currently on his way back to aegon with some minor injuries
>He's dead
So who will burn Rhaenyra?
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How is Rhaenyra going to die if Sunfyre is dead? And it is not just book thing, it's already show canon.
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>thinks Rhaenyra will be burned at all
And why iare Rhaenyra's remains in sept of Baelor, when it is built few generations after she died?
It's a plot point in the book that the realm believes Sunfyre is either dead or mortally wounded.
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>aemond one-ball lol
Cole said he is alive
>the dragon was long in the dying
>aemond couldn't handle the horns
he didnt fly so good
>Best dragon
Um... Not so more like most beautiful dragon
Sunfyre going from a kind, doggy-like dragon to a murderous, disfigured cannibal is going to be kino
Alicent will be the one who poisons Aegon, just wait
this is the coolest crown idc
im convinced they'll stick to the saint rhaenyra character until the very end. she wont do 1 morally questionable thing in the entire show and then shes killed by evil aegon
I hate to admit you might be right.
>she wont do 1 morally questionable thing in the entire show
theres a good chance she already made out with that asian chick
Yes, still alive
>ywn see those pics of cross dressing Harry on stage
Larys will give Aegon the gift, he will drink it knowingly
That's not how the language works, ESL-kun
>Seven is based on Catholicism
explains that scene where maester pycelle got killed by a mob of orphan kids.
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>bobby listen, i only banged and impregnated your crush to save the realm and fulfill this secret prophecy. you can have her back later
it would have been this simple
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Aegon is one sick bastard
I still can't believe JonCon simped for this manipulative fuck.
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What should I name this giant rape baby? I'm going to give him his own cadet dynasty and make him LP of Dorne in 15 years.
It's not really Robert's rebellion when you think about it. Robert and Ned didn't have a choice, king had marked them as dead men and all they could do is fight back. Jon Arryn had a choice to hand them over or rebel and he chose to rebel. It should be called Jon's rebellion because he started it.
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Our realm as it currently stands:
>Velaryons are Lord Paramount of the Iron Islands
>Driftmark was given to the Correys (minor Valyrian house with Dolphin sigil)
>Quenton Qoherys is LP of the Riverlands, ruling from Harrenhal (which wasn't burned down) (Also, I consoled myself some brindled women to give to him and his two sons as wives and console-command impregnated them a couple times to get them going)
>Orys Baratheon is LP of the Stormlands, ruling from Storm's End. He was NOT married to Argella (she's one of my concubines) and his coat of arms was kept as his starting one
I also plan to install the Drace Valyrians somewhere, though I'm not sure where yet. I might depose the remains of the Gardners and install the Vyrwels because they have a dragon CoA.
I would like that if I kept him as a Targaryen, but he's going to either be a Redwrym or a Fyreblood. Truedrake feels like more of a North or Vale thing.
Qarl, then.
Based retard just posting to waste everyone’s time
>27 years old
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Does it get good? Watched first 3 episodes and there's a lot of boring women in it. Plus the assassination plot with the twins was retarded and may as well not have happened at all. It looks very nice though and the blonde king kid stuff is kino
Ep 4 had good action scene, but eps 5&6 were mostly filler
ep 4 is the best, most are just mediocre
>he stopped watching before the gigataooba episode
Sounds pretty based t b h
I hope it’s Larys. After Boros dies and Aegon realizes it’s over, I want Larys and Aegon to have their final heart to heart before Aegon tells Larys to poison him and not let him fall into the hands of his enemies
Ep 3 gave me my favorite scene of the season thus far, and it keeps paying dividends throughout the later episodes as fallout and ramifications. Basically, if you're a fan of Riverlands gang politics, it's been a decent season. The rest of it has been wondering where the money went and mopey bitches talking.
I'm still watching, the king stuff is good enough and there's nothing else on but there's a major lack of murder and boobs
>bracken femboy died
life is so unfair in westeros bros
>the honorable Ned Stark just lets the torture house do torture house things just down the road from Winterfell
What kind of cope is this? he murdered Aegon
They both died, but you're right it was a huge waste and unfair that they perished for court politics.
He outlawed flaying in the North and the Bolton's rivalry with the Starks go way back to the age of heroes I believe.
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The continued existence of the Boltons is a big reason why I hold to the theory that the Starks didn't drive the Blackwoods south, they sent the Blackwoods south on purpose.
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Daemon will hallucinate
>dude my headcannon about a deliberately ambiguous historical event involving a historically mysterious and unknowable enigma is so much more valid than yours
Stop seething over Aegon and let kino happen
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>nigga quit trippin'
He’s a twink nigga
why didnt ned just tell cate about jon's real parents and asked her not to tell anyone? instead he let jon suffer from the bitchiness of catelyn his entire life
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Still unfair.
She is evil
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>muh oath to dead sister
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So true, also he looks way better with long hair
he went to the kieran culkin school of acting
I can understand him not telling early on when he didn't know if she can be trusted yet. As the years passed by, I guess it was just easier to keep lying
>the kieran culkin school of acting
The others should've study there too
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It's uncanny how hair can completely change someone. Young Aemond is another one that benefitted from the longer hair.
it wasn't a compliment, he sucks
>"You'll bore me"
My reaction on this season
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Also, since Catelyn had always hated Jon, a sudden shift in her attitude would've raised some eyebrows.
hes so bratty...
Because he probably promised Lyana to he’d never tell anyone and Starks are all about oaths
he's one of the only captivating actors in this shit show
What Ned should have done was name Jon after himself. It would have been funny, at the very least.
to you
You are seething black tranny and your opinions are dogshit. Faggot
big mad
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>anon, father told us you're a pussy. provethat you're a real man and not just a little bitch. we are waiting.
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>Starks are all about oaths
When it suits them.
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You bitches really want to go there? Better run a check.
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>Only to you
Get his ass
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>guy in the background with the jace incel rage stance
The late lord Cregan too
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The background mooks were great casting
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Looks like the show is fixing that. The Northmen are already at the Twins and there's two years of fighting to do still.
I imagine it’s just the winter wolves
shitty blue filter
You served him well

When serving was safe
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good night my lords
According to the rumors Cregan is leading them personally.
why don't the creators not simply only cast hot actors?
Words are wind

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