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Shireen and fAegon Edition

prev >>201839136
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/\ PEAKE /\
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I love her so much!
(also have a rare Milly)
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Rhaenyra's head
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post yfw it's a mysaria scene
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King Jacaerys Targaryen First of His Name
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>"Your Grace has forgotten the Lady Sansa," said Pycelle.
>The Queen bristled. "I most certainly have NOT forgotten that little she-wolf." She refused to say the girl's name. "I ought to have shown her to the black cells as the daughter of a traitor, but instead I made her part of mine own household. She shared my hearth and hall, played with my own children. I fed her, dressed her, tried to make her a little less ignorant about the world, and how did she repay me for my kindness? She helped murder my son. When we find the Imp, we will find the Lady Sansa too. She is not dead...but before I am done with her, I promise you, she will be singing to the Stranger, begging for his kiss."
>An awkward silence followed. HAVE THEY ALL SWALLOWED THEIR TONGUES? Cersei thought, with irritation. It was enough to make her wonder why she bothered with a council.
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>On the right side of his face he had a red winestain birthmark, that extended from his throat up to his right cheek
Yuck! Shiera Seastar must have been into some gross shit.
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How can you be team black after this season? Daemon isn't even cool anymore
I just jerked off whilst rereading A Storm of Swords. AMA
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I'm team Otto now, the ratcatcher's king.
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Daemon Souls is kino
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dark fanart
>Daemon isn't even cool anymore
he is still cool TO ME
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>tullys cuck the blackwoods
best timeline
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Imagine being Walder Frey
Imagine just cumming all the time without a thought in the world.
Fucking kek
based gramps coomer
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>Builds a throne out of STEEL swords
>Calls it the IRON Throne
Rhaenys' pussy must've been top tier to turn him into such a retard
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After this show Aegon III being Daemon's and Rhaenyra's grandson makes a lot more sense.
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>mfw the dumb faegon nickname now also matches with show Jon Snow's real name
end me
That yellow one is top cute
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I will never understand why greenfags keep praising Daemon as the only interesting character from Team Black. Do you think all the Blackchads and Blacksisters care about Daemon only? Rhaenyra is the queen and rightful heir, not Daemon.
Blackwoods >>> Brackens
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Viserys seemed such a stoic dutiful man and then his kid is a sociopath degenerate. I guess some genes skip a generation at times.
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>yfw you realise Littlefinger is undermining Westeroi feudalism to create a meritocratic republic along Braavosi lines
theres nothing likeable about rhaenyra, shes just a saint with no faults (maybe shes too nice!)
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An absolutely ludicrous character. It's like something out of an anime. And if they ever adapt him you just know what they are going to make his dragon dreams about.
I did a multiplayer game of the CK2 mod as littlesneede and overthrew the iron throne to do just that lol. Made me feel like that really is his long term goal.
Blackwoods gots no tits, they're as flat as wooden planks.
No great big tits you can bury your face in.
They are probably those Aegonfags who hate Aemond and they're happy that Daemon kills him so they keep saying that Daemon is based even though they are greenfags.
what makes him so anime
It makes sense. He works with middle class merchants and the like, and always promotes the best of them instead of nobles or anything else.

I wonder why House Baelish is so small. He has no uncles or aunts or siblings or cousins at all?
but the lads were bffs and therefore kino
writers just ruining the blackwoods and the lads to subvert le expectations
I feel like Aegon is meant to be 90% legend. I imagine he was just a normal guy just had dragons and some basic awareness with a goal.
average shonen MC with plot armor
He got meme'd in Dorne
The show removed all the interesting parts of Rhaenyra because they were unpalatable to the general audience. They did the same with Dany. Team Black has nothing going for it
Martin is weird about either making massive fucking families or several generations of 1 kid.
There's nothing anime about him. He had nuclear weapons in medieval warfare.
The irony...
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Littlefinger doens't care about any higher goal, he wants Catelyn, Shansha, and maybe Harrenhall.
If he raises up competent middle class people to serve him he does for the same reason any other premodern powerplayer did, because he knows that they will be loyal to him.
Book Rhaenyra constantly fucking up and struggling made her way more human and interesting.
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rhaenyra targaryen is my waifu. I love her. I love her appearance minus the necklaces. These necklaces can be better sold to feed the poor.
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Who was more based, Aegon the third or Viserys the second?
just one more week and jannies will start deleting these threads, i cannot fucking wait
>50 year old man lusting over a 15 year old girl? wow hes such a nice guy!
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>I love her appearance
You only like her for her appearance?
He became a father too young and probably had no idea how to deal with him, then his wife left him and Aegon most likely grew up believing his mum left because of his dad and with a mummy complex which turned into sleeping with everything that moved. After that it became habit and he turned into a spiteful shit.
I'm in love with my queen.
It's a nice switch.

Usually the Blackwoods never lose anything and it's made them boring. The show actually did subvert le expectations in a positive way for once.
now make her fat
women didn't care because he's hot
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Which side would BOBBY B support?
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>tfw dreamed of Olivia again
ive heard this theory but it seems too far fetched. i think hes a bit overrated, his plan is basically creating CHAOSH and then maneuvering into better and better positions. hes never going to be king but so what, he can manipulate the king from the background and he can marry salsa
Sometimes I wish I was also beautiful.
Greens probably

He wouldn't want to listen to a henpecking princess that wants to be queen
I don't care that much about le heckin feud but it feels shitty that Daemon gets the army by making whatshisname do his war crimes for him and then killing him, or that this is the kid who vied for Rhaenyra's hand and killed the asshole Bracken that Rhaenyra sided with when he mocked him. I don't get why they had to change everything about the Riverlands plotline to make everyone look stupid.
>I will never understand why greenfags keep praising Daemon as the only interesting character from Team Black.
Because he fucking is? lmao
Why? Daemon is that kind of guy anyway. He doesn't really care about non-Valyrian people, especially outside of his family.
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Explain the love for Aegon then. Do women think this is hot?
I don't care about what women think
why not cast a hot thicc person instead of an ugly thin person, it makes no fuckign sense. shes just so weird
Because it looks stupid that this works to begin with, and Daemon also looks like a moron for basically everything in the Harrenhal plot.
even the actor is chubby...the absolute state of aegoncels
The king who never was and never will be
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I unironically believe that Aegon IV inherited Lyseni nymphomania from his mother's side of the family.
And her personality! That too. God she is such a beautiful and intelligent woman.
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also we don't like fatties here
would have been the best timeline
#MeToo :)
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Did Daemon actually fuck his niece in the books when he took her to the city or is he a faggot there too
Life imitates art.
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ser friendzone
everyone here is fat
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Manletchads we won
Skinny fat manlet with roblox head. Is that your king, greenkeks?
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I'm putting together a team.
We're going to have sex with other people's wives on a professional level.
>leave being the bbw queen to me
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>tonight's episode is just one long Harrenhal dream where Daemon has a nightmare about Mysaria nagging him
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Ty Tennant was noticeably taller than Tom, what happened with Aegon?
>Mysaria enters
>starts babbling in seamonkey language
>Daemon squints in confusion, he can't understand a word
>"speak it plain"
>she just keeps going
>Daemon starts banging on doors and screaming
Tennant was casted after Tom
Because Tom lied about his height like an insecure lifts wearing manlet.
Even Timmy Chandelier height moggs him.
thats literally my heigh, we are so back its unreal. time to bang some roastie sluts, maybe the gf of some lanklet loser haha
Based conniving manlet tricking lanklets
>*ting ting ting*
We are so fucking back. I just did some backflips under my bed in celebration
George went a little to far with this one.
This thread proves that greenfags are all faggots for Aegon, even those "straight" men who self-insert, they still want to fuck him. The thread also proves that Blackchads want to breed Rhaenyra and that is based.
Tom upon realizing he'd gotten away with it
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>there's people itt who think Aegon is ugly
it's over for normal guys isn't it
in my headcanon hes just a schizo larper with no powers or armor or horn
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so where is this shitshow at
He's average
he is unless you're into lil niggas that look like default sims4 characters
seething BLACKed fags.
was it the final straw? i thought it was Missandei
People say the show ruined the literal oc donnut steel but the game was rigged from the start.
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>*Admits their whore mother was a usurper and the reason why everything went to shit*

They just like every Targ after the dance was Greenpilled and are already bent the knee to us GreenGODs.
it's just uglies seething about getting mogged
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I wish to engage in forceful intercourse with Aegon and Jace
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>choo tink choo are de hero, but... choo are de veelan Daemon
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Never have I ever.
Emma D'Arcy is a beautiful person. Aegon's actor is mid and also shorter than Emma. Maybe it's you who is seething.p probably because you are a woman.
>heightmogged by the child actor playing his younger self
I'm sure he's got very fine facial features for people who are into men but that is brutal.
Emma D'AAAAAAAACK is an ugly dyke and the character she plays is the Whore of Dragonstone, a fitting representation of xir/xer
Don't look up Jace's height
So you admit that you like him because you are a faggot. Ok.
please stop posting his ass
>if your enemies kill you you win
Least reaching greenfag post
Manlets are best. best butts and manhandleable
>Ser Criston Cole, an enemy to Laenor's wife Rhaenyra, proclaimed that boys had not been safe around Laenor
Hmm I wonder why the self-insert homo was not mentioned to be a pederast in the show
No one cares about him, he'll die soon. Emma D'Arcy as Rhaenyra is the protagonist. Aegonfags don't even dare to compare him with Rhaenyra because she mogs him hard.
>if your own son doesn't recognize you as the queen it's a win
She's actually very pretty but I think we are at an impasse because you are a transexual faggot who can't appreciate female beauty, even if it were to kick you right in the axe wound.
>Emma D'Arcy is a beautiful person
Her looks are AVERAGE and she is a woman
they won't because greencunts are all faggots who want to fuck Aegon
>Aegonfags don't even dare to compare him with Rhaenyra because she mogs him hard.
no because obviously the whore of the riverlands has zero quality to make her a legitimate monarch
nta but this is bullshit and there's never anything in the book that would suggest he didn't
>but le heckin list
clearly made or changed afterwards
>manlets carrying a show against all odds (ugly women, black people and shitty writers)
next time you see a manlet, thank him
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>and also shorter than Emma
my based queen, kill all manlets
Because he wasn't
Cole said he was going to kill them for her
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He's hot tho. And hight isn't really an issue if you are a womanlet.
Emma D'Arcy mogs Tom hard and it bothers you, woman.
So you admit that a black claimant won the dance?
Concession accepted, don't @ me with any more of your mental gymnastics.
is grabbing their butt a valid form of thank you?
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Because by default he and Jace are the only interesting characters on the Black side. And Jace will be gone soon so there won't be much left after that. Objectively the Greens have carried this season whether it's their acting, the characters themselves or the situations they find themselves in. All 100x interesting then the Blacks.

I don't understand why they stripped Rhaenyra of everything from the books to make her this perfect angel that would never fight in a war and is wise. She's boring and bland because of that, she's more Cersei with a dragon than that.
>marketing is between Team Alicent and Team Rhaenyra
>actual discussion is between Team Aegon has a nice ass and Team I want to breed Rhaenyra
>So you admit that a black claimant won the dance?
Huh? Aegon III isn't a black claimant, he was a nobody during the war and the only reason he survived is because Aegon didn't want to kill him.
I ship them with each other
>the Greens have carried this season whether it's their acting
stop the cap, they're all bad to mid.
At least Blackchads are normal because Rhaenyra is a woman regardless the stupid shit the actress says. Aegon is a man and greencunts are huge fags who care about his ass.
they should have been desu, grew up together.
Not enough lesbian sex & women complaining about le patriarchy for you?
>changed afterwards
by whom? if he did recognize her, it would've been recorded
aegon 3 never claimed to be a black and neither did he claim his mother sat on the throne as a legitimate ruler
can you come up with anything else?
Nta and the reason he survived was the Black armies were closing in on KL so Aegon II was talked out of killing him because they needed him as a hostage to try and stop said armies, then a mix of Blacks and traitors killed Aegon II, put Aegon III on the throne and let in the Black armies (who had won their battles under Rhaenyra's banners). It's absolutely a Black win.
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*blocks your path*
>a nobody
Look I didn't want to be rude but you're acting like a genuine retard, go read up on some historical sucession conflicts.
no it's just lankcels smokescreening getting mogged by a guy 20cm shorter than them
rhaenyra targaryen Is beautiful.
Actress Emma D'Arcy is hit or miss if I’m being kind und merciful.
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>Bl*cks lying
Many such cases.
All hail king Aegon the Tall
>Actress Emma D'Arcy is hit or miss
She is a 10/10 or a 2/10 in every picture
bro male actors wear lifts and lie about their heights ALL the time you know that right? aegonfags can't be this retarded
I love the fact that Rhaenyra will never stop making Aegonfags seethe. It's not her fault that she mogs that manlet usurper you want to fuck.
Emma D'Arcy just proves that the only thing women have to do to be pretty is not be fat and not cut their hair short and she fails at one of these
hot, cute and perfect
its not the gay side, its the hot side blackoids
this is cope, in the book they all acted like Rhaenyra had been queen, there's zero reason to think Aegon III would not have thought so
yes muh list is a result of George writing the Dance differently than he'd written as backstory so you can justify that however you want that makes sense, like maesters or future kings fucking with the perception of Rhaenyra and the Dance for their own reason
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Your queen can be described as a "it" or a "thing" by her own retarded choice.
Wym Shiera was fucking BitterChad
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Cope harder
He has a huge head bro, he's not really attractive. You just want to fuck him.
How many times are you going to post this twitter screenshot, faggot?
Yeah he did, showfaggot.
Yes, when Sarah Hess and her retarded team of eggless cat dykes do. Maybe the blacked faction can then become interesting enough not to skip their scenes.
post quote wiki skimmer
Tom is shorter than Emma
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>if your enemies kill you you w-ACK!
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>aegon 3 never claimed to be a black
Neither did Rhaenyra, nor for that matter did Aegon waltz into court one day and say, "yeah I'm a green". The fact of the matter is that Aegon was Rhaenyra's heir and that when she died her armies continued to fight for his rights.Your interpretation of dynastic conflicts are fucking woeful.
In the grand scheme of things he is a nobody. The dispute is whether Aegon II is the rightful ruler or Rhaenyra. The war was decided with Aegon II being the rightful ruler. Aegon III inherits over Aegon II because he is the closest in line of succession, not because he is le team black or anything.
>lanklets have a meltdown because they are getting mogged by our king and their muh height egos cant take it
its sad isnt it, no wonder most lanklets are team black
aegon iii gets the throne because the armies fighting for rhaenyra are about to take over so people kill aegon ii and let them in and give rhaenyra's son the throne
>aegonfags can't be this retarded
Aegonfags have the impressive ability to surpass themselves when you think the've reached peak retardation.
holy cope, blackfags are retarded.
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Go back to whence you came, faggot
>the wars of the roses ended after the battle of wakefield
You are actually retarded.
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As many times as you act like a lying cock sucking faggot.
>starts posting reddit screenshots
bruh moment
Greenchad here. Want to breed Rhaenyra as well.

Not mutually exclusive, kiddo
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>reddit statistician
crazy how its only greencels who post reddit/twitter screenshots. really makes you think.
Read the books for yourself, faggot
god shes so ugly, with a wig, makeup and non-ugly clothing they can upgrade her to mid in the show lel
Nobody is fighting for Rhaenyra at that point, Rhaenyra is fucking dead. And later Aegon II is dead. At that point the war basically fizzles out. Cregan just comes to mop up the mess and stop the chaos. The Greens keep most of their position, Aegon III is married to Jahaera (Aegon's daughter) and status quo is achieved. Nobody 'wins' per se. Again, Aegon III inherits over Aegon II because he is the closest one to inherit. If Aegon didn't die and never had a son again, Aegon III would have inherited just the same. The war was never over which cadet branch gets to inherit since they are all pretty much Targaryens
to be fair the lads were always a little cringe
you clearly have not read f&b
I mean it makes sense, the Blacks are the faction of women's rights and PoC characters
>he's not really attractive. You just want to fuck him.
You keep posting twitter screenshots about the actors from team Black because it's the only way for you to cope I guess. Anyway Emma D'Arcy mogs Tom hard.
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Post characters you know better than Martin does
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>be regular Kingslander
>Blacks liberate the capital
>decide to visit local brothel
>see this
what do?
My beautiful manlet king
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>Getting this angry about the truth
Must've hit a nerve with that one. This screenshot only came to be because the side with all the ugly brown people, ugly lesbians, ugly girl boss bullshit and literal faggots accused the Greens of being from Reddit even tho that makes absolutely no sense at all considering how the Greens were written by the biased writers.

Dial 8.
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>god shes so ugly
She's more attractive than picrel for sure
But she got eaten
I'd sleep with both
is this really what these threads have turned into?
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just delete the post atp. its embarrassing.
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You cannot be serious.
The riverlander and northern armies are in the field fighting precisely for Rhaenyra and her son.
Aegon is Rhaenyra's son. When she died he, in the view of black partisans, inherited the throne and became king. This is not a fucking best of one game where the remaining armies have to go home if the original claimant dies.
Why do you think Aegon II was killed? Because his advisors realized that they couldn't defend themselves against the black armies knocking at their door and that if they didn't negotiate king's landing would have been stormed and they killed.
well how would you feel when 4chan tells you to be a gigachad for muh height for years and then you try to hook up with your niece after watching MLP and get beaten the crap out of by your brother
>Nobody is fighting for Rhaenyra at that point, Rhaenyra is fucking dead.
Absolutely wrong.
>Lord Borros led the charge himself, forming his knights into a wedge and thundered down the road at the heart of the foe, where the silver trout of Riverrun floated on its blue and red banner beside the quartered arms of the dead queen. His foot advanced behind them, beneath King Aegon’s golden dragon.

>King Aegon II would soon stand naked before his enemies, all of the king’s men knew. Bloody Ben Blackwood, Kermit Tully, Sabitha Frey, and their brothers-in-victory were preparing to resume their advance upon the city, and only a few days behind them came Lord Cregan Stark and his northmen. The Braavosi fleet carrying the Arryn host had departed Gulltown and was sailing toward the Gullet, where only young Alyn Velaryon stood in its way…and the loyalty of Driftmark could not be relied upon.
>“Your Grace,” the Sea Snake said, when the rump of the once proud green council had assembled, “you must surrender. The city cannot endure another sack. Save your people and save yourself. If you abdicate in favor of Prince Aegon, he will allow you to take the black and live out your life with honor on the Wall.”
>“Will he?” King Aegon said. Munkun tells us he sounded hopeful.
>His mother entertained no such hope. “You fed his mother to your dragon,” she reminded her son. “The boy saw it all.”
>The king turned to her desperately. “What would you have me do?”
>“You have hostages,” the Queen Dowager replied.

>Yet queen’s men had remained, even after the queen herself was dead

> Again, Aegon III inherits over Aegon II because he is the closest one to inherit.
Fucking bullshit, there is no talk of inheriting, they kill Aegon II and make Aegon III king, and the alternative was having the city taken by force and the same thing happening.
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>Its a "the libshit gay black tranny female lead side is accuses the other Chud side of being reddit" episode again

I hate reruns.
its because blackcels cant accept that the true king mogs the whore of dragonstone
Otto mogs everyone
If Aegon II dies that would mean Aegon III would become the next heir of the Green succession so Greens would win.
And considering no Targ tried to put a foid on the throne ever after that would mean Greens won in spirit of agnatic succesion too
Tom whateverhisname is can pull off being short because he looks like Alexander the great, but you, you are just short and ugly.
nta but aegon ii thought rhaenyra's line continuing would be a loss so no
There were two boring episodes, so there is little else to talk about. On top of that, the most recent episode put the show back on the radar of twitter lesbians who dislike men, so naturally the discourse is back on how women are better than men and the pushback to said discourse.
Reminder that Viserys II usurped his own niece (she was kind of a whore but still)
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>he looks like Alexander the great,
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>Only has a problem with Aegon
>Doesn't mention anything about the faggots lusting after Jace and the pedos lusting after Luke in practically every thread
Gee, I wonder whom could be behind this post?
Is this just an excuse to post TGC pics?
Did you enlarge his head?
Blacksissies, our cope?!?
lukeposting is dead, and jaceposting is just the bitter cope until he too perishes
/got/hotd/ quality is tied to the show. Nothing important has happened in the last 2 episodes = we might as well about talk about waifus and call each others homos while waiting for more
Jacefags? Lukepedos?
>Why do you think Aegon II was killed? Because his advisors realized that they couldn't defend themselves against the black armies knocking at their door and that if they didn't negotiate king's landing would have been stormed and they killed.
He was killed because Corlys & Larys found that prolonging the war was bad for business and extending it at that point as pointless. Better to just kill Aegon, marry Jahaera to Aegon III and have him be Aegon II's heir (which is what they always suggested). It's a win-win for everybody, but Aegon II obviously refused that since he didn't want to back down. But let's say Cregan takes KL's. Aegon III, Rhaena and Baela would still be in Aegon's hands. They'll retreat to Oldtown or Storm's End and the war will literally become an attrition match, something the North and the Vale would never be able to match with the wealth of the Lannisters and Oldtown. But at that point everyone was tired of war and everyone wanted it to end, especially given that Aegon II was unlikely to have any additional male heirs. Aegon III would have inherited regardless.Better to just speed it up.
>Fucking bullshit, there is no talk of inheriting, they kill Aegon II and make Aegon III king
There is talk of inheriting, dumbass. Aegon's II advisors constantly pester him to name Aegon III his heir. Aegon II keeps III because he is the only surviving male heir of house Targaryen at that point. But Aegon II doesn't rush and thinks he'll eventually has a child, so Aegon II is just a backup. But since it's highly unlikely given his injuries that he would have ever have another child, Aegon III would have most likely inherited anyway. He was the closest in line.
Things only worked out the way they did because Aegon II's remaing people decided that they had to kill him and negotiate to save their own skins, this is why there was a semi-reconciliation between the two sides of the conflict.
But again, the only reason they did that was that armies loyal to Aegon III was closing in on the capital while they were utterly spent.
>Being in denial this hard
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Final seasons of got at least gave us memes
>not Jack or Jake
I get why Grm did it but it would have still been funny.
Call Emma attractive all you want, I've yet to see Emma look this cute
also why are we comparing a guy to a ehm.. they/them person. its unfair. both helaena and alicent gigamog her and the two "nubian kweens". blackcels literally have to resort to comparing their women to our guys because they are so masculine looking and ugly LOL
Probably or just a run of the mill Blacksissy
>Doesn't mention anything about the faggots lusting after Jace and the pedos lusting after Luke in practically every thread
Bro still thinks this is still the season 1 threads. Those anons are no longer here, just a few wonen who like Jace and most of them ship him with Baela. The only one who posts about Luke is the anon who ships him with Rhaenyra. The only fags here who sometimes post about Jace are mostly Aegonfags who ship them together, they're still greenfags though.
Bunch of faggots arguing over shitty actors

Bring back real /got/ talk
emma darcy is not attractive. in fact she is kind of ugly.
I'm not interested in repeating the same discusion over and over again with you.
Aegon III became the black claimant when his mother died, Cregan and the lads were fighting for his claim to the throne, end of.
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No, it's actually how it is. He has a big head.
>Bro still thinks
Go back
she looks like Hunter Schafer but there's no reason to be rude about it
Weak response but I didn't expect anything less from a greenfag.
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>Aegon II is the rightful king
>no he's ugly
>Rhaenyra is the rightful queen
>no she's ugly
>both helaena and alicent gigamog her
holy cope.
if you're a face blind retard maybe
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>Speaks like how a brain rotted zoomer talks
Go back
hunter looks much better and is an actual tranny instead of a nonbinary larper. i wish she played rhaenyra
>Aegon III became the black claimant when his mother died
No such thing, faggot. The war wasn't fought whether a black would inherit (Or else Corlys would inherit), the war was fought on whether Rhaenyra or Aegon II is the rightful ruler of the Iron Throne. That's it. Everything else is literally inconsequential The Greens win by virtue of Aegon II being the rightful ruler and the only one whose reign is actually counted as such. Rhaenyra is remembered as an usurper. Her son has literally nothing to do with it. He inherits because he is the only male heir closest to Aegon's II line. That's it.
he looks so weird here compared to domina and the king
Hunter's a guy. He can't play women no matter how many twitter tantrums you throw.
>Aegon's II advisors constantly pester him to name Aegon III his heir. Aegon II keeps III because he is the only surviving male heir of house Targaryen at that point.
Wrong. He keeps him as a hostage because of Rhaenyra's armies still fighting.
>Ser Alfred Broome argued for killing Prince Aegon as well, but King Aegon forbade it. Only ten, the boy might yet have value as a hostage, he declared. Though his half-sister was dead, she still had supporters in the field who must needs be dealt with before His Grace could hope to sit the Iron Throne again.

>The old man’s words fell upon deaf ears, however. Queen Alicent had reluctantly agreed to the betrothal of her granddaughter to Rhaenyra’s son, but she had done so without the king’s consent. Aegon II had other ideas. He wished to marry Cassandra Baratheon at once, for “she will give me strong sons, worthy of the Iron Throne.” Nor would he allow Prince Aegon to wed his daughter, and perhaps sire sons who might muddy the succession. “He can take the black and spend his days at the Wall,” His Grace decreed, “or else give up his manhood and serve me as a eunuch. The choice is his, but he shall have no children. My sister’s line must end.”

>“Kill the old snake and we lose the young one,” the Clubfoot said, “and all those fine swift ships of theirs as well.” Instead, he said, they must move at once to make amends with Lord Corlys, so as to keep House Velaryon on their side. “Give him his betrothal, Your Grace,” he urged the king. “A betrothal is not a wedding. Name Young Aegon your heir. A prince is not a king. Look back at the history and count how many heirs never lived to sit the throne. Deal with Driftmark in due course, when your foes are vanquished and your tide is at the full. That day is not yet come. We must bide our time and speak to him gently.”
note the point was not to actually have Aegon III inherit but to lie to Corlys and then have him killed
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I can see it, know that you mention it.
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He dares to summon MEEE

...with haste
Aegon 2 had already lost it at that point. He sounds deranged, understandably so.
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If you ignore the Aegon-accurate pedo stache and the shorter nose there is a bit of a resemblance there.
Nta but why do you think the Black armies were still fighting then? It was about two factions fighting over the throne, it wasn't even about le rightful ruler, whoever won would call themselves the rightful ruler and that would be that. If greens had killed all the black claimants and made Jaehaera queen they would have won. And it's made exceedingly clear that the Lads, Cregan etc would have taken the city and made Rhaenyra's son king, it's what they were on the verge of doing when it happened anyway as a result of their approach.
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I'm Greek and I find this comparison offensive. They look nothing alike. You are delusional.
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why is he so mad? I thought he was a master strategist
>if they burn your queen to death you win
just blackcel things
He was just saying that. He had no real reason to keep him alive.
What does Alexander III of Macedon have to do with you being Greek?
The war was about Rhaenyra, yes, but when she died and lost her claimants switched goals to keep from being labeled as rebels.

It evolved from Rhaenyra vs Aegon II into Black vs Green.
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Anyone has a role for my gf :) for season 3 of HOTD? Any character you have in mind?
He looks like an uglier version of Olivia Cooke, not Alexander the great. You faggots are coping hard.
As blind as your are rude and debt-ridden.
That was the actual reason, as Alicent agrees later
>“You have hostages,” the Queen Dowager replied. “Cut off one of the boy’s ears and send it to Lord Tully. Warn them he will lose another part for every mile they advance.”
>“Yes,” Aegon II said. “Good. It shall be done.” He summoned Ser Alfred Broome, who had served him so well on Dragonstone. “Go and see to it, ser.” As the knight took his leave, the king turned to Corlys Velaryon. “Tell your bastard to fight bravely, my lord. If he fails me, if any of these Braavosi pass the Gullet, your precious Lady Baela shall lose some parts as well.”
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I prefer the term "Blacksissy". Like a hand to a glove.
good catch
You all are faggots debating who can suck off their side better
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>mfw this thread
You are coping hard greencunt. Stop posting twitter screenshots about the actors and literally kys.
Did they remove his ear?
Stop talking about the actors in a thread about their show.
Is it a amusing thread if not good atleast :)
>Getting this angry
Truth hurts.
go get your eyes checked
This was meant for
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>Stop talking about the actors in a thread about their show!
>note the point was not to actually have Aegon III inherit but to lie to Corlys and then have him killed
Go read the book. He keeps him for multitude of reasons. One is as a hostage (albeit that in itself doesn't make much sense since Aegon III has no value as a hostage, he's Aegon's II heir regardless), as I said, the other is because Aegon III is the last living male relative to Aegon II. But as I said Aegon II at that point is delusional and expects to have children, so in his mind it's just a precaution he'll eventually have no need of (the eunuch shit). But until then Aegon III is needed as his heir. He also spares Rhaena and Baela who have no value to him whatsoever.

Because by the time the Blacks win the battle of the Riverlands and Borros is defeated, Aegon II is assassinated. Cregan learns of this later (if I remember correctly). The war was never about factions or anything of that shit. People fought under Aegon's II banner and on the other side - udner Rhaenyra's banner. Nobody fought for Daemon or Aegon III or whoever. If Daemon had survived, he'd have inherited. If Aemond had survived, he'd have ascended the throne automatically and continued the war. Aegon III happens to have Rhaenyra's mother but his mom's name is irrelevant to the discussion. He only inherits because he is the closest living male descendant of Aegon.
No, it does not. The war was never that. The war wasn't about two foreign houses fighting over the throne ala Lannister vs Baratheon, for example, it was a war between two supposed claimants and their supporters. Rhaenyra fought for her claim and her claim only, not for the 'Black' faction. The Black faction as Daemon, Aegon III, Viserys II, etc all were in line to inherit just as Aemond, Daeron, Jaehaerys were capable to inherit. Aegon III inherits, and I don't know how many times I've repeat this shit, because he is simply the oldest male descendant of house Targaryen
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why did he do it?
There are lgbtq TG actors too but none of the Blackchads here bother to mention it. It's always greenfags who are obsessed with Emma and the other two girls
Name them
>noo dont talk about the actors they are irrelevant
>noo dont talk about the book its green propaganda
>noo dont bring up rhaenyra's fate its still a black victory
hoooly cope
he is not going to bend the knee to that deformed deviant. dying is a better alternative.
Team Green accepts no faggotry, faggot.
Never got around to:
>The Sea Snake did not plead, or curse, or threaten. He nodded stiffly, rose, and took his leave. Mushroom says he exchanged a look with the Clubfoot as he went, but Mushroom was not present, and it seems most unlikely that a man as seasoned as Corlys Velaryon would act so clumsily at such a moment.
>For Aegon’s day was done, though he had yet to grasp it. The turncloaks in his midst had put their plans in motion the moment they learned of Lord Baratheon’s defeat upon the kingsroad.
>As Ser Alfred Broome crossed the drawbridge to Maegor’s Holdfast, where Prince Aegon was being held, he found Ser Perkin the Flea and six of his gutter knights barring his way. “Move aside, in the king’s name,” Broome demanded.
>“We have a new king now,” answered Ser Perkin. He put a hand upon Ser Alfred’s shoulder…then shoved him hard, sending him staggering off the drawbridge onto the iron spikes below, where he writhed and twisted for two days as he died.
new thread? new thread!
I'm sure they don't that's why they post nsfw fanarts herewof Aemond fucking Aegon and pictures of Aegon's ass.
oh and the whole argument started because blackoids started talking about an actor's height lol, they are so shameless
>the other two girls
Only one of those is a girl you bigot
that would be cool
Then he was just talking like I said
kys greencunt
>Viserys steals the throne from Aegon III's children by citing Aegon II's succession
with r*verlander genes?

fuck no.

It's weird to think anyone would side with a guy who groomed his own niece for sex...
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No bastards!!!!
>I wonder why House Baelish is so small
It is a very young house, iirc petyr is pretty much the second generation of the baelish actually being a house with a seat, and its a very poor seat at that, its a small tower, and they rule over a small village of like a dozen families.
I think the timeline of the house is something like
>sellsword from braavos (thats why their sygil is the titans head)
>some dude that gets knighted by a vale lord, he then buys some land
>petyrs father, first proper lord baelish, fought in the steptsones and befriended lord tully, so he agrees to foster petyr
>petyr, runs a brothel, climbs up to master of coin, richest baelish by far
Will the real Daemon show up in episode 7 and 8 and fuck some shit up?? I'm tired of Gaemon in Harrenhal and that's coming from a Greenchad.
You reread it because I just quoted it for you. Aegon III has value as a hostage because he's Rhaenyra's son and Rhaenyra's armies are closing in. He doesn't want him as his heir, he wants Rhaenyra's line to end. Rhaena isn't there and he's talked into not killing Baela because they need the Velaryon fleet.
>Because by the time the Blacks win the battle of the Riverlands and Borros is defeated, Aegon II is assassinated. Cregan learns of this later (if I remember correctly). The war was never about factions or anything of that shit.
Aegon II had announced Rhaenyra's death and her armies were still fighting for her and preparing to assault the city so no, it was in fact about Blacks vs Greens.
>Aegon III happens to have Rhaenyra's mother but his mom's name is irrelevant to the discussion. He only inherits because he is the closest living male descendant of Aegon.
>Aegon III inherits, and I don't know how many times I've repeat this shit, because he is simply the oldest male descendant of house Targaryen
Actual fucking bullshit that literally no one ever claims in the book, hell Cregan considers that they might need to fight all the greens left so that they don't keep fighting to make Jaehaera queen, and he outright calls Rhaenyra the queen. Your fanfic is wrong.
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>Or else Corlys would inherit
This is a good post, laughed at this part, and do apologize for taking it at face value if it's a big joke
Also don't want to act like a redditor so I'm not going to go on a tirade insulting your intelligence over and over again in various ways but suffice to say that you are clueless on medieval wars of succession.
The war was thought over who the real monarch of the seven kingdoms was with each side operating under the assumption that their monarch, their claimant, was the lawful ruler.
When Nyra, to her followers the queen, dies her eldest son and heir would naturally become king according to the people who believed that Rhaenyra was queen. This is what is meant by black claimant, the person who's claim to the throne the blacks, by which I mean the faction and their armies, are fighting to see realized.
Needless to say Corlys inheriting isn't on the table because he isn't descended from Rhaenyra, dunno where you got that part from.
Mushrooms says Daemon instructed her how to please other men
he gave the order to, it just wasn't followed because the plotters took over and killed aegon ii's people and aegon ii himself
You meant aegon IV?
And whats interesting is that aegon IV, aemond the dragonknight, and naerys have a closer paralel to the green kids, even down to their father being named viserys
nta but Cregan is a retard that played both sides and acknowledges Aegon post humously as king when he charges the conspirators that killed him.
And? Maegor was king too when he took the throne by force, it doesn't mean he was the rightful heir of Aenys over Aegon the Uncrowned.
Viserys and its not even close
Aegon didnt do too bad considering the shit he saw, but viserys ruled as hand for 3 cocoo kings and prevented the crown from going off the rails, before ruling as king himself, and managed to do a lot as a king too considering he only had one years before is fat fuck son probably poisoned him. If he got to live a little longer he could have rivaled jahaerys I
The one that wants to go to war the most, so greens probably (wich checks out with his ancestor)
Well he is quite literally hot
Rightfully chosen by the Seven
he should have groomed her instead of letting others groom her
it's pragmatic grooming
I actually like the harrenhal acid trips, but if see mysaria in there im actually skipping the episode
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need me a bronze bitch of house Royce in tonight's episode
Bro i swear there are beautiful black/mulatto girls out there, why pick those two to play daemons daughters?
Furthermore, why scrap nettles so we are forced to get more screentime with the ugliest of the two
harwin groomed her if we're being real.
Escaping with her to the free cities so i can ejaculate in all her holes daily

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