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Dany Dany Dany edition

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/\ PEAKE /\
I can't stand the foreign girl
for me, its Luke.....
you think the show will reinforce the thing where dragon riding affects the personality of the bonded rider?
I'll say they do a good job of portraying dragons as incredibly dangerous awe-inspiring beasts
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Even this episode didn't change anything for Rhaenyra
I can see why GRRM turned on the HotD showrunners, they made his Mary Sue house smug, cowardly villains.
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So this proves Helaena is the prettiest girl in the show right?
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this was her best episode this season and she was still lacking personality, we are seeing her first true steps towards tyranny with letting the failed dragonseeds perish but its only the start
Did she lose weight?
So these niggers were just sitting around with thumbs up their asses while the Blacks managed to sneak in, tell all the poors that they were hiring and GTFO? and they only noticed when ulf had a fucking joyride above the city?
So Daeron appearance in ep 8 confirmed?
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>pre Rook's Rest Aegon was pathetic but at least he was proactive and pretty
>post Rook's Rest Aegon is even more pathetic, can't do anything, and is now ugly as sin
it's over
Absolutely BASED Saera shagging her way through life having fun while her cuck father Jaehaerys sat seething
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They are an amazing actor(ess).
Is the tully kid's dialogue dubbed? Something seems off about it
so, did vermithor and silverwing make sex?
Why didn't she wear the contacts?
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I would laterally die for her and I'm not talking about if she was real I mean I'd literally die for the idea of her in this fantasy dragonslop
she's irrelevant
Where did these come from since it's been a few months since the "war" even began.
Who made them, how did they make them, how do they train with them?
So all posters who post after me will acknowledge Hugh Hammer, rider of the 2nd biggest dragon after Vhagar, to be the king, after all he has the biggest dragon right?
Look at how many supporters he has.
she did literally nothing tyrannical in this episode
Friendly reminder you're either team black or you're an idiot
always was <333
she does have that ozempic face going on
Is this new?
Wish she was my mommy :(
When it comes to competence or in-universe logic the Greens don't exist, they just alternate between being bad guy strawmen and a source for drama in which actors can carry the shit script. But logical consistent behavior of the Greens? It doesn't suit the plot so it will never happen.
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Who was in the wrong here?
What would the Conciliator think of one of Saera's bastards getting his dragon?
larys is letting shit happen because he hates aemond, and the blacks have gold cloack connections basically giving free access
This is blogpost so beware
I thought this episode was much better, probably the best one so far. Again the dragons are the most interesting things and I think that is why I really liked it (and they are a surprisingly big part of the episode, I did not expect them to get that much screentime). I really liked hugh getting his dragon, don’t know the other guys name but I liked his too.
Some other stuff I thought was very good:
Alicent in the water, such beatifully shot, but I don’t think the scene is really earned yet
Basically every scene with larys is kino. I am also warming up to the nigger maester.
The dragon-masters/teachers seething that rhanerya is giving them to bastards
I’m not sure if I completly understand why Jace is seething so much, but I liked his involvment
The final scene is a little retarded and does feel like "girlboss" scene.
>helaena next ep because she's having a melty about riding into battle
>D and D intentionally Tun GOT into the ground
>Hess and Condall turn your next show into their personal fan fiction
At least Elden Ring hasn’t betrayed him
Hugh made some
>*laughs* But Jace, I named you my heir

Please do not misgender them.
her smirks are cute. CUTE.
Yes. The Greens are like the Lannisters. They do nothing until they die crying like pathetic babies
greensisters... our response?
My boy dies in the next episode... it's over
>Rhaenyra watches darklyn die
>feels sad

>Rhaenyra watches smallfolk die
>grim look

My boy Aegon will walk... He just needs more time...
That's Alys Rivers
I find those kinds of posts weird, bragging about team black "getting" stuff is like watching a Marvel show and bragging about Iron Man getting cooler scenes than the designated badguy villain lol.
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probably our last vissy t scene ever

Even dornish had scorpions 100 years earlier during Aegon's conquest when they shot down his wife #2 and her dragon. It's not exactly a new invention, especially when dragons have been around for a long time
I don't understand the last scene, why did Vhagar turn back. Aemond has the most powerful dragon and only Vermithor would give trouble.
bro Jace has been the best part of the Blacks this season I'm gonna be really sad if it's actually the Gullet to end the season
>Link green
moron shouldn't have flown the targ banner, you don't see gregor clegane waving the lion around
benjicot will right the ship
I'm so glad that once he recovers he'll be over his misery and never suffer another similar injury again :pray:
also lol she started telling Alicent about the prophecy before she told him
and she trusted Mysaria more than him
I seriously cannot buy that show Rhaenyra cares about her children anymore, at least not Jace/Luke/Joff
The only green with a working brain was Otto, but even he realized that he fucked up by putting aegon on the throne.
I'm going to miss him unironically
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How many seconds of screen time do you think Aemond had in this episode? Will we finally hit the 5 minute mark in the next episode?
Cannot wait for episode 8 to come out. Gullet will not happen and I will ravage your asses for WEEKS because you insisted it would happen so doggedly.
Viseryschads got more than we asked for
Be grateful
Fuck you and her, get on your meds
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only if she tittyfucks
she made the failed dragonseeds burn instead of allowing them to flee because they are targ bastards who threaten jaces claims
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i'm going to miss them
Larys serves the realm. That's why he poisons Aegon.
If I was team green I wouldn't be able to restrain myself from beating the absolute fuck out of Haelana.

Literally a war happening and she has a dragon and she just sits around making mong faces and talking in riddles. Haelana is the only person with a dragon in the entire story who doesn't pull their own weight or do literally anything
>the prophecy
I assume that the whole point of them inventing this prophecy is that it'll be lost with Rhaenyra and Jace
Is it confirmed? It's too soon...
What is this leak from? Honestly they're going to ruin him and make him look bad no matter what they do, they just hate him and Daemon so much it's inevitable. The show was a mistake.
I should dislike him for being dark haired, but I don't. He's legit the only Blackfag I like other than Daemon.
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colebros.. i'm seeing sensing betrayal.

what's going on here?
>Black guy MUST have a trainer to achieve basic competency
>White drunk achieves mastery after one test drive
What was meant by this
What was she supposed to do? Run down there with a fire extinguisher?
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What a snooze fest. The shows obviously ridiculously well made but there were MAYBE three episodes where shit actually happened; 4 if next week doesn’t suck. Also wtf was wrong with Mysaria’s accent this episode? It was season one levels of bad.
Are most people watching the show seriously this stupid? Do you think while you watch?
>Who was in the wrong here?
Objectively speaking, Littlefinger.
Varys is just a double agent that wants to put the previous regimine's heir on the throne.
Littlefinger is a mass murdering sociopath who started a war that would kill tens of thousands of people, so that he could use the chaos from the war to climb up a ladder and become king. He's also a pedophile, an abuser, an adulteer, a thief, a sleazy pervert, and a traitor to literally everyone he's ever sworn allegiance too.
>benjicot will right the ship
Not at age 11, he can't even rule his own House. Daemon has literally destabilized 25% of the Riverlands armed forces by cutting the head off their regent.
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he will never be forgotten
at least you admit the greens are the bad guys
Little finger for being neutral evil instead of chaotic good like Varys
God if gullet happens I will not let you forget it
It's joever.
not have the guards block the exit lol
>Showrunners called rhaenyra a cult leader and the dragonseeds a ritual sacrifice this episode
Girlboss fans are gonna get Danaerys'd again
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Fuck you.
He brought a house with peace, 20 dragons, and infinite money to ruin. What a guy.
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>VISERYS: I never wanted the crown..
What is this garbage HOTD keeps making up about Viserys and Rhaenyra not wanting the crown?
Viserys wanted it. He petitioned in the Great Council. Rhaenyra wants it too, sure she may sugarcoat it with the "the gods have chosen me muh prophecy" shit but it's obvious she wants the throne. I know all this exists in HOTD to feed into that eyeroll worthy "the only good monarchs are those who don't want to rule" thought terminating cliche but it doesn't work here, Viserys and Rhaenyra both wanted to rule.
Ironically the only person who didn't want it was Aegon but I know the writers are too stupid to make that connection.
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>dont tell aemond about seasmokes new rider
>dont do anything when blackoids recruit and sneak people out from the fucking capital city
>refuse to do your job in any capacity, instead focus on grooming aegon
all because aemond called him a toad, how fragile can someone be?
Daeron bros... get hype
THIS is the power of diversity. White supremacist greenchuds will never understand how weak they really are.
Orwyle, Alyn and Vaemond are the only niggas I like
fuck bl-ACK-woods and fuck br-ACK-ens
Nah, the showrunner's know better than to do that.
Shut the fuck up
I actually want to hurt you based on your post
Refrain from speaking about her or I will find you
This is not a threat
It’s a promise
Sounds like Littlefinger is exceedingly based.
I vouch for this anon >>201871335. He's my brother and a good lad.
Pretty big coincidence that the same week Rhaenyra is looking for more dragonriders is also the first time in history a dragon went out looking for someone to ride it, especially since Rhaenyra says the dragons go out flying on their own all the time.
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Don't fuck with the chad vulnerable narcissist
John Aegon Targeryan was the only that didn't want it.
We are so back
god its going to be so satisfying when this retard dies
When I argue for the Greens I do it from the hypothetical scenario of a show that's truly "grey." In the Disneyified good guys vs bad guys show of course I know the Greens are bad guys, the showrunners worked overtime to make it happen.
>Friendly reminder you're either team green or you're an overweight Brazilian women with a twitter account
Robert for giving the throne room that shitty nature-themed redesign.
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Not for the rest of this show, unless they asspull something. Their bad writing has seen to that.
now where's the Pink Dread?
But it was Rhaenyra's best episode...
It's fucking over, this episode had him to end up on bad terms with Rhaenyra on purpose and it will lead him to make careless decisions in the final episode where he dies.
I understand the tranny and female writers absolutely despising Cole and making him a chud but they can't keep diminishing his fighting abilities by having him get slapped by both Daemon and Strong even though he mollywhoops them in the show.

He would absolutely slice gwayne hightower up with ease so he better not get bitched
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My King.
spending all my hard earned gold on saera's full service targ mommy menu
Larys' motive?
team green isn't really into killing women and children and peasants for no reason thats more of a black thing
his rider abandoned him
Vhagar wanted to continue, but Aemond turned it back because he knew he was too close to Dragonstone.
Beautiful face and big titties, what else did you need? She's perfect
It IS interesting how the Greens are all white and sexist and don't care about the poor while the good guys are a womderfully diverse lgbtqia+ feminist and compassionate to the people of king's landing
If I can't breed, the realm shall burn
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Remember when D&D said that they were trying to make a show for soccer moms etc and Reddit and 4chan pissed and shit themselves? Yeah, they were actually right. That's the average show watcher.
He is just doing a little bit of trolling.
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>dies like a bitch
The world twisted him so he shall twist the world.
Cannot wait for her to kill herself
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Even he has no idea
reinstall aegon
As much as I want to hate on Emma for being an Enby, in the interview where they had half the cast play with puppies, one puppy IMMEDIATELY went on her lap and fell asleep, and later on another went there and the did the same
She bore the puppies
simple as
There's no way they're doing the Gullet this season. Last season ended on a bad note for Rhaenyra, so this one will end on a good/hopeful note. They can't have two season finales in a row where the hero is knocked down.
He's a petty guy whose been laughed at because of his retarded foot for all his life. He also serves the realm. He also might have kinda forgotten to tell Aemond anything, you know
Pretty sure he’s just getting temporarily ousted so Gwayne gets killed in a green stack wipe not him
>Caraxes and Daemon took out Vhagar and Aemond in a mutual kill
>the former two are both suicidally reckless to ensure the latter two's demise, at the cost of their own life
>therefore Caraxes is equal to Vhagar
Can't take this argument seriously
>but they can't keep diminishing his fighting abilities by having him get slapped by both Daemon and Strong even though he mollywhoops them in the show.
That ship has sailed. Cole in the show looks nothing like a warrior, doesn't move like a warrior, and at best he's an underhanded crook. I really hope the actor playing Cole isn't a book nerd or ASOIAF nerd because he must be furious at how Condal & co have butchered his character and turned him into the beacon for fandom hatred.
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Hopefully Helaena dies in the next episode, don't want her on season 3
Motives are for eighth grade book reports

alternatively feet
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I don't care what you think, you're beautiful just know that
>one puppy IMMEDIATELY went on her lap and fell asleep, and later on another went there and the did the same
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Can't wait for dragonseed kino
Helaenamaniac your response?
Isn’t he a servant of the Others
I'm a Lannister fanboy and I'm not seething at all unlike you lot. Why does it bother you so?
i want to protect her bros.. shes not really going to fly into battle r-right? what happens if she has one of her autism ear covering meltdown during a dragon battle
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druk bros?
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>Yes. The Greens are like the Lannisters. They do nothing until they die crying like pathetic babies
The same Lannisters who gutted King Aerys and his grandchildren?
The same Lannisters who unlawfully siezed the throne, killed King Robert, and then Lord Paramount and Hand kf the King, Ned Stark?
The same Lannisters who organized the Red Wedding, thus allowing them to BTFO the entire North?
The same Lannisters who BTFO of Stannis and sent him running North?
The same Lannisters who uplifted Houses Baelish and Houses Bolton to Lord Paramounts?
The same Lannisters who uplifted the Faith Militant, so that they could be used as pawns to BTFO the Tyrells?
anon is right she should just die
Dogs see red as black or dark gray. Emma is basically the only with color here so she grabs the puppies' attention.
>mutual kill
there's no proof Daemon died
unirincially though, how are blackwoods going to cope? Hw are they going to be loyal to the side that just ACK'd their lord?
It was a necessary sacrifice
But daemonchads wtf happened to us? We got mogged by some 8-year old
which one is ulf and which one is hugh?
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wait, this thing is the biggest dragon? is she bigger than vhagar?
I'd feel bad for her and Dreamfyre being forced into an obviously suicidal fight
Why not just fly away and go join Daeron?
but Helaena owes me sex
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So he has his eye?
I miss color
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>no budget or time for canon-accurate Sunfyre scenes
>but hey here's a half hour movie about Vermithor eating extras and a montage of Alicent climbing into a hot tub
this show could unironically have been a 10/10 if Condal had someone to beat him to a pulp whenever he came up with such shit ideas and shit screentime distribution
He doesnt
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based speedwatcher
So there's no way they can sugarcoat the atrocity of Rhaenyra forcing the smallfolk to stay in the cave while Vermithor is burning them all right. Like Rhaenys killing hundreds of smallfolk could be swept under her girlboss stance against the greens but there's nothing to hide or sugarcoat Rhaenyra's hard on as she watched the dragonseeds burn.
I think it would be good for the show to kill her off
She’s barely getting any screentime and should be more involved
Dogs care far, far more about smell and factors beyond human comprehension than sight. THey are not toddlers. Again. I am an LGBT folk hater, but she bore the puppies. Simple as.
I refuse to believe this
>Hey Haelana, they got 8 Dragons out there and Daeron isn’t here right now. Are you ready to ride out and fight all of them so I can back Cole up in an obvious trap and let the Lannisters get demolished by the Greyjoys while I commit war crimes on the Riverlands?
i was thinking damn this stupid motherfucker is going to fuck everything up because he wants to go show his boys his dragon
Hugh is not dumb and had a very rational argument

He had the biggest dragon and his best bro had another massive dragon and the only people left who had dragons were some women with tiny shit dragons and a cripple with a cripple dragon

Oh he does anon. He does.
Worst targshit ever. Lead to the death of all dragons and his house because he was a cuck who picked his daughter over his first born chad son *spits*
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I love and hate the Lannisters so fucking much
That's a good question. Since they just got thrown under the bus by the Tully lord, it's going to be interesting seeing how Oscar gets them back onside and fighting for the Targaryen piece of shit that merks his own supporters.
>what is the most efficient way for us to tame our dragons with these two dozen bastards?
>I know, let’s shove all of them in front of the largest dragon all at once and block the doors
lmao what the fuck
show is already 9/10 go rewrite the ending to game of thrones again fag
is there a torrent for the new ep yet
He fell from an unsurvivable height and his body was washed by the current.
Cannibalbros........... we lost...............
Doesn’t he switch to the greens with hugh?
Silverwing looked pretty fucking cool. So did Vermithor actually
Nope its:
after that a bit more hazy. Something like
Grey Ghost
Yes, the puppies definitely went to her because she doesn't identify as a woman
I always knew that Jace is jealous of all those silver haired Targs, this episode confirmed it.
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The drunk one is Ulf, the blacksmith is Hugh.
Should have named Daemon his heir and everything would have been fine.
Why are Brazilians so hateful
No he is the second largest. (if you don't count Cannibal maybe) Anon they say it in the show are you retarded?
Shouldnt he have been given the opportunity to go to the wall?
The same lannisters who stood around doing nothing after committing the worst act of terror the world had ever seen (which was green btw) and then cried and got crushed by bricks
Words can't describe how happy I am that the Blackwoods got shit on by the show. The little brat from season 1 is now dead, and there's no way they're going to have an elementary school-aged child run around annihilating adult soldiers, so Ben is gone, too. We might still get the lesbian bitch that Cregan simps for, but that's it. Blackwoodcucks eternally BTFO.
I'm going to RAPE this bastard slut.
They should had pulled the brothel queen treatment but on that fat whore's kids, let every fat ugly fuck have his way with them
What was your favorite scene from this episode?
Hugh is the tall one with a beard, Ulf is the fat drunkard.
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That's not the point I'm making
The point I'm making is that she has been deemed worthy, despite her internal delusions and struggles
So I can hate on her for them, but again. In the end, she bore the puppies.
Jaehaera bros….
>He had the biggest dragon and his best bro had another massive dragon and the only people left who had dragons were some women with tiny shit dragons and a cripple with a cripple dragon

I kind of wonder if they're going to write him as saying 'fuck it, if I was king I could make life better for the regular folks' instead of declaring himself king out of pure selfishness like book Hugh
>meanwhile alicent goes for a vacation in the woods
She was just filtering them.
Cannival is bigger than vhagar
>bubbles near her hip
Probably, but instead he got sacrificed. There's going to be consequences.
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Tully gods, I kneel...
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so uhh.. what was the significance of the alice swim ? he want to puriffy herself? yeah that on the nose shit an 8 year old could come up with.
Dragons scenes were cool I guess and Daemon & Viserys
Based Brackenchad. Only good thing Condal has done is shit all over those gay authors pets.
that's kinda lame
Uhh what about cole and orwyle? Those 2 faggots not white
>his body was washed by the current.
where's the proof? exactly
I guess they were setting it up to 'trick' people into thinking she was going to kill herself
but given she doesn't, yeah, nothing happens
kind of a lot of these scenes for a show that' condensed into 8 episodes per 2 years
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The Greens are nothing like the Lannisters.

The Lannisters had elegance, dignity, actually smart characters (for a time). They banded together against common enemies and it took them several seasons to start falling apart due to infighting.

The Greens have always been clumsy neurotic weirdos, they're all Cersei tier stupid and their "smart" characters are idiots if you think about the story even for a moment, and they immediately destroyed themselves from within just weeks after coming into power by betraying each other for petty reasons.

The Greens are so comically stupid bad guys in HOTD that it seems a lot of fans try to hallucinate some alternative version where the Greens are cool or competent.
Yes and Hobert Hightower poisons himself and Ulf with wine
the paddy cameo ofc
Sheepstealer is supposedly quite big, should be around 70-80 years old.
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>trying this hard
every scene with hess' self insert is cancer
if it means removing alyssane im going to be livid
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I was expecting Sheepstealer to be around Vermithors size, I can’t wait to see him in the next ep though.
George's pet stay losing
you will rue these words
They have no idea what to do with Alicent
How can Shrykos be in play when Jaehaerys is dead?
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Would Superman be Team Black or Team Green?
rhaenyra's siege is responsible for the death of his daughter
That's some unhinged shit my guy
need to finish my rewatch to judge
instinctually I think Hugh saving the white woman from the dragon. 20 years ago ago it wouldn't have meant much but it was nice to see just basic masculinity
She hasn't even been namedropped. If they debut her next episode, it'll come out of nowhere.
>Following orders
Like the muppet lord said he did it because he wanted to, Daemon simply gave him permission and a flimsy excuse.
My home boy Oscar showing Saul Goodman tier arguing skills.
so why include her in the episode at all ?
is it because girl power ? I cant understand it
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Sheepstealer was born around the same time as the old king so you are right she's big, not Vermithor big though.
>The same lannisters who stood around doing nothing after committing the worst act of terror the world had ever seen (which was green btw) and then cried and got crushed by bricks
HBO's Game of Thrones isn't canon, especially seasons 4-8, which are fanfiction
I'm half joking
but also kind half not
I'm also making memes about boring blackfyre.. it's all pretty clever if you're autistic but explaining it ruins the joke
>Alicent rants at Aemond for telling Helaena to go on her dragon
>Aemond tells her to do it again
>Helaena dies
>Alicent goes mad and abandons kings landing
>my lords im not very experienced and young but let me put it this way
>shitmon is a retard
>shitwoods are scum
>end of
just ate my own cum
That was pretty dumb, as if the guards don't have any sense of self preservation and wouldn't be running away themselves.
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Where Johanna
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They literally said it on the ep
>largest dragon AFTER Vhagar
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whole dragonpit scene
intense af, well directed, great music

we’re back
>so why include her in the episode at all ?
because smith, her and emma are the lead actors
this fucker was great
turning his grief into anger

I think they seemed to imply that Hugh doing what Jaehaerys I would have done while everybody else ran and hid is what made Vermithor want to bond with him. Really great scene out of an otherwise lackluster season.
They know what to do. They just have to wait before they kill her in an epic rhaenyra girlboss moment

>Champion of truth and justice
obviously Rhaenyra
best post in the thread
Speak carefully, anon. Especially when you talk about Queen Helaena.
Daerons dragon tessarion is by far the best looking dragon, blue just looks amazing.

Daerons is definitely going to be absolutely gorgeous and women and minorities will absolutely seethe
Oh really? How are they different from the books that don't exist and will never be written?
good work Ulf
i thought it was funny, anon.
aly and/or robb rivers gonna quickscope cole mid s3, book it
>The Lannisters had elegance, dignity

>dies on the toilet
>daeron bros...

do we have a namedrop for casting yet?
that too but he still saved the white woman by distracting the dragon that was about to burn her
it's been a rough decade for whites give us this W
Everytime I see him on the screen I can't help but get hard because of those DSL next time I'll might jerk off too so I hope he won't die yet
I mean, there was motive, but it was the Blackwoods that responded to Daemon's call first. Being utterly loyal to a cause shouldn't warrant summary execution, otherwise why be loyal at all if that's the payoff? This was poorly conceived and poorly executed, and there had better be fallout over it in-universe, particularly for the Tullys, who just fucked over their banner house right in front of all their other banner houses.
>dies on the toilet
Took 4 full seasons. Meanwhile the Greens were assfucked with bladed dildos by authorial bias and made to look retarded from day 1.
Do you regret it as much as I did?
sadly i think this is true
which is weird because there's stuff she could be doing
>larys and her reaching an understanding
>keep looking for evidence of the dream
>pay attention to helena
you would think that after fucking up her two sons she would be closer to her but i guess old habits die hard
Hunter Schafer
She is not important so don't expect her to be in the show.
>being this arrogant when Daeron is going to be a hightower ginger
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The penultimate episode. Giving Dragons to bastards. The beginning of the end.
you know i had to do it to em
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Yes. The prettiest.
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she deserves love and protection not going into battle. what if she gets scared and falls down. aemond what the fuck are you doing...
>They have no idea what to do with Alicent
Oh they do know, later on. Alicent will be at Dragonstone watching when Aegon kills Rhaenyra, she'll be horrified, and will later poison Aegon. But the writing is not there yet so the script is struggling to keep her relevant.
it's funny how they want to girlboss so hard but have avoided some of the female character that would be easy girlbosses, like Black Ally and a few others. Maybe later but still

I have a fetish for hot sexy female archers who are lesbians but just give me a chance and my dick can win you over and also your hot friends though so I admit my bias.
i hope they show the fish feed and the muddy mess
idk how theyre fucking this show up so bad, its a completed book
What’s the alternative? They’re outnumbered in dragons and old granny Vhagar can’t fight them all at once. Heleana needs to start pulling her weight
Anyone got the picture of haelanas actress biting alicents actress ass?
I thought Aemond would make a good King, but he's too hasty, arrogant and imprudent
Jacebros...how do we respond? We got rape threats and there are also coomers who are harassing our boy
Hugh being the son of Jahaerys slut daughter was really fucking cool
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>been years since she’s ridden her dragon
>edgy brother screams at you to get on it
>fall down on the ground trying to get on
what if she strugles to get up onto the saddle and then feels emabrassed and Aemond has put so much pressure on her to defend all of Kings Landing..
omg im so upset and this is not ok
>Rhaena about to get Cannibal
>Oh yeah and Caraxes exists as well

>Dreamfyre (LOL)

Why don't they just go seize king's landing right now?
Why the fuck did this season take 2 years to make ?
Helaena riding Dreamfyre is just bait for the next episode trailer. It's not gonna happen.
no idea, see you in 2 years
thatll be 60 million per episode
Fuck off with this greens whining in every new episodes, just enjoy the show or kill yourself
It's canon to HOTD
they are pathetic greencunts don't mind them
Realistically speaking how do you beat vhagar ?

Mid-air boarding action from your own dragon to take out Aemond, obviously
Daemon will show you soon enough.
We know.
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Literally all we needed was 5 seconds.
Aly can still exist but Jhoana is not a "girlboss" she closed the door and surrender when Corlys sent ravens.
Helaena and dreamfyre being in the same scene together will cause people to rate the episode as 10/10tjh hn
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I don't watch this shit, but what happened to the girl in season 1 that people said wasn't pretty enough? she was like the main girl front and center of all the advertisments. She ded?
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>edgy brother screams at you to get on it
Is she a Eva character?
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With love.
sunfyre and vermi are my favorite dragons
one for cuteness and looks and the other for power
Based. If anything the greens are more like the Freys but in a fancier cloth
I was "supporting" greens for the memes but i thought about it and I actually unironically support them for real now. Doesnt matter if Rhaenyra was a man or whatever. Their family controlled the throne, Rhaenyra left the city and was doing her own thing. The greens played politics and won the throne. Blacks are just bitter about a "you snooze you lose" situation. The only way for the blacks to get it back would be to make war on their own family. The blacks have dragons, why do they even need the throne? They could go to the free cities and make their own kingdom, instead they make a huge civil war killing thousands of people because their dad said they could get a toy but their brother took it when they werent looking. the blacks are stupid and evil.
She grew up
Sometimes I use girlboss interchangably with "hot chick in armor" and I admit this a bad habbit because that's not how the girlbossers do it
But they make enough changes to the show, they could make her do something useful if they wanted to
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suicide mission
this is the average show watcher folks. the show goes out of its way to have rhaenyra
explicitly call Vermithor the 2nd biggest, and these retards still ask questions like this.
>the cannibal
it's sheepstealer retard

Johanna is badass but since they can't have a badass female green character she wont appear
i cant support our chud anymore if hes rude to autismfu
At least 3-4 dragons and try to use a quick one to bring it into the clouds where you ambush it, ideally from the top to take out the rider and prevent his mouth/fire/claws from responding
Y'know I actually kinda like the last few scenes of this episode despite the fact that it made Team Black into hyper uber retards
I wanna rape him too
tess en route and will sweep
Divine providence
>Fat man likes you
It's been like two months since the greens took the throne and they are already collapsing kek. How is that playing politics
in the book viserys was the one having her stay at dragonstone and not letting her come back so alicent doesn't cry about it
don’t get why everyone loves vermithior
He’s a nothingburger
>Rhaena about to get Cannibal
"None of the dragonseeds were fool enough to disturb the Cannibal."
They've already reached the end point of her story and meaning the writers want to get across:
>She was dumb for supporting the patriarchy
They can't have her do anything because they've made it the point of her story that she can't do anything.
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NEW THREAD: >>201872492
NEW THREAD: >>201872492
NEW THREAD: >>201872492
NEW THREAD: >>201872492
She is in that state of mind where she is realizing pretty much everything in her life has been pointless or resulted in near-evil or outright evil. Her brother telling her how great Daeron is when he has had no real meaningful contact with her was sort of just the straw that broke the camel's back. Remember that her life has amounted to losing her friends, losing her kids, fucking an old guy she wasn't interested in, being a sexual hypocrite which forces her to confront how out of control she is and humans in general are in the face of nature. It's relatable in the sense that a lot of people have an experience where they tried their ass off only to get a result that was worse than if they just never did anything at all. Or despite having all the power she allegedly has ultimately being powerless in the face of things that really seem to matter. That's her whole just trying to disappear from the world routine.
Too right
thats green propaganda chud
>this show
>avoiding a lesbian warrior and proto cersei but competent

subverting expectations indeed
Who would Jon (with Rhaeghal) and Daenerys (with Drogon and Viserys) support? Team Black, or Team Green?
>Never sacrifice sure footing for a killing stroke! - Ra's al Ghul
>who just fucked over their banner house right in front of all their other banner houses.

Except it was all their banner houses that wanted tully to fuck over the backwoods. Were it not for that, there's be greater fallout for it.

But me and all my riverhomies hate blackwood cucks.
I know I just mixed them up.
decent write up but i still feel like an inoridnate amount of limited showtime was burned up on that
Daemon died along with Aemond so I don't know why Blackcucks consider this a victory. Daemon is the elder so he had the advantage even with a smaller dragon.
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sounds about right
Dying on your own terms is absolutely based behavior. Greens wouldn't understand.
It's so weird sometimes.
Aemond died in a legendary battle against his idol and arch enemy. Both died legends but Aemond had more to prove - and did.
The greens were ruling since Aemond lost his eye anon
daemon washed his ass away and took the other eye. more based. but I enjoy em both

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